Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

If political correctness had not blocked scientific progress and pre-determined the "progressive" answers that facts must be mutilated into, anthropologists would realize that the races that were adaptable to Islam are descendants of a prehistoric unevolved and malignant species. The only way these people would have settled in their No Man's Lands was that they were driven there as criminal fugitives from evolving civilizations. Their behavior in historical times, most obvious and undeniable today, confirm this thesis. They must be tamed or exterminated.
And all because they weren't Muslim, and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looking at the pictures again, it appears these animals wanted to bring down the whole structure using explosives, (9-11 style), and managed to partially achieve that. However the press makes it look like it was a shooting rampage.

Crazy Coyote: "this has nothing to do with Islam or Shariah law, there are extremists in every religion" <snicker>

So why aren't we seeing this kind of violence in Muslims communities across America? Are you getting the point yet?
I'll have another dumbed down explanation standing by in case you don't.

Unless your explanation includes that no one knows who has a CW and is armed the best you could say is we haven't seen it yet. Some of the Mall terrorists came from America so it's not out of the realm that it would happen here. Mall of America has already increased its security.

If you think that muslims in the US are just too peaceful to commit that kind of violence, we have already been schooled that they are not.

Have we? After Timothy McVeigh, a christian, bombed Oklahoma City, did you complain about how violent christians are?
If political correctness had not blocked scientific progress and pre-determined the "progressive" answers that facts must be mutilated into, anthropologists would realize that the races that were adaptable to Islam are descendants of a prehistoric unevolved and malignant species. The only way these people would have settled in their No Man's Lands was that they were driven there as criminal fugitives from evolving civilizations. Their behavior in historical times, most obvious and undeniable today, confirm this thesis. They must be tamed or exterminated.

Did you read this in WorldNetDaily?
All said while totally ignoring the fact that it is because of the intolerance and hatred in shariah law that Muslims go around bombing and murdering infidels in their countries.

They are extremists. There are millions of mainstream muslims in this country and yet you don't hear about them bombing or murdering anyone.

Osama bin Laden rests happily at the bottom of the deep blue sea, envisioning the future of an America bathed in the deep red blood that the immigrant invasions by his people will sink us into.
The muslims in Kenya did more than kill their victims, they tortured them.

You won't find this in an American newspaper.

Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed' | Mail Online

Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling.
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged.
Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies,

No doubt a lib will be along to say Christians did worse 1,400 years ago and that justifies what muslims are doing today.
And all because they weren't Muslim, and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looking at the pictures again, it appears these animals wanted to bring down the whole structure using explosives, (9-11 style), and managed to partially achieve that. However the press makes it look like it was a shooting rampage.

Crazy Coyote: "this has nothing to do with Islam or Shariah law, there are extremists in every religion" <snicker>

So why aren't we seeing this kind of violence in Muslims communities across America? Are you getting the point yet?
I'll have another dumbed down explanation standing by in case you don't.
Remove your head from the sand, Ostrich. What do you think the Boston Bombing, Fort Hood shooting, Times Square, Buffalo 7, London Bombings, Spain Bombings, Mumbai, etc were?

Only it's harder to pull off something like Kenya here, because Homeland Security is watching them more closely, and these animals rented a store in the mall for an entire year, and kept loading it up with explosives planning for the attack.
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What the fuck are you talking about now? Have you heard anybody complain about Mosaic or Cannon law being practiced in such a way that runs contrary or American values? OMG... The crazy shit you guys keep pulling out of your rear ends to support your idiotic, delusional, ignorant claims.

I give you an A for creativity and fiction. LOL

It's a very simple question Roudy.

We've already established that Sharia is not a threat in the US, and the purpose (according to you) of proposing anti-Sharia law is because Sharia is contrary to American values.

I gave you an example of Mosaic/OT law that is supported by certain religious groups in America. It is clearly contrary to American values and though support for it is small, it is greater than any support for Sharia in this country.

My question is: why aren't you insisting that leglislation be put forth to ban such unAmerican laws?

I give you an "D" for dodging, let's see if we can improve upon that shall we? :)
Actually we've established that Shariah is definitely a threat and totally against everything America stands for. It also lays the groundwork for the radicalization of Muslims.

Woah...you're getting ahead of yourself oh artful dodger.

Where have we established Shariah is a threat IN AMERICA?

Therefore, it definitely needs to be banned, abolished and outlawed in any civilized, Western nation that desires to remain a free, democratic society with equal rights for all.

Mosaic/OT law is very similar and enjoys a small level of support. Should it not be banned? Another pesky direct question Roudy...;)

If Muslims don't like it, or desire to live in a country ruled by Shariah law, there are plenty of cesspools of hatred, persecution, oppression, and violence under Shariah they can go back to.

There is no evidence showing American Muslims support Sharia in place of the current legal system and constitution, so that is a moot point.

The law of the land is the Constitution, not Shariah. That is part of your oath when you become a citizen.

Indeed it is - I agree.

So, why aren't you for banning Mosaic/OT law?

Again, the master-diverter has managed to change the topic this thread to a discussion about "whether Shariah should be banned in the US or not". What was that phrase again? Oh right..."off topic posts have been removed...." Or how about this one "Moved: Should US ban Shariah law?" That'll certainly change the subject from Islamic terrorism and barbarism, no? Wow, I like this new job! :clap:

You simply can't answer a direct question can you Roudy?
And all because they weren't Muslim, and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looking at the pictures again, it appears these animals wanted to bring down the whole structure using explosives, (9-11 style), and managed to partially achieve that. However the press makes it look like it was a shooting rampage.

Crazy Coyote: "this has nothing to do with Islam or Shariah law, there are extremists in every religion" <snicker>

So why aren't we seeing this kind of violence in Muslims communities across America? Are you getting the point yet?
I'll have another dumbed down explanation standing by in case you don't.
Remove your head from the sand, Ostrich. What do you think the Boston Bombing, Fort Hood shooting, Times Square, Buffalo 7, London Bombings, Spain Bombings, Mumbai, etc were?

Only it's harder to pull off something like Kenya here, because Homeland Security is watching them more closely, and these animals rented a store in the mall for an entire year, and kept loading it up with explosives planning for the attack.

There are at least 7 million Muslims in the US. If your argument held any water, we'd be seeing wholesale slaughter across the country but we're not. What we are seeing are a lot of paranoid rightwingers like yourself using Muslims as their latest scapegoats because it's easier to do that than to THINK.
"...What we are seeing are a lot of paranoid rightwingers like yourself using Muslims as their latest scapegoats because it's easier to do that than to think.
In many respects, and in a very real and operative sense, Islam is a political and cultural system masked as a religion.

Its war-permissions and violence-permissions and deceit-permissions... which absolute saturate their so-called sacred texts and commentaries - and its intolerance and misogynistic philosophy and related behaviors induced in a large percentage of its practitioners renders it dangerous in a Western Democratic setting and all-but-hopelessly and permanently incompatible with Western Culture and Society and Mores and Freedoms...

As the Europeans are finally beginning to realize after playing the Multi-Culti (Multiculturalism, codespeak for making nice with Islam in our midst) simply is not working, in the UK, in France, and Germany...

And, after the barbarity of 9-11, and the loss of nearly 3,000 American lives to the worst of that violence-rationalizing lot, Americans continue to remain on their guard about Islam, and how easily its practitioners warp its so-called holy scriptures in order to cook up the juicy rationalizatoin du jour for the latest Muslim violence...

Islam is fine in its own domain... it is dangerous to The West... an alien spin-off/kock-off of Judeo-Christianity... and entirely incompatible with The West.

Your claims of this being a right-winger paranoid sort of perspective call continue to fall upon deaf ears across much of America...

Thank God.

The flip-side of your accusation is...

It's easier to write-off Islam's western critics as paranoid than it is to come to grips with the dangers that Islam poses to Western Society if left unchecked and to its own devices for overly-long, until it gains more strength in places where it has attacked itself to a foreign host and dug-in like a tic.

The Europeans are finally (!!!) beginning to understand that particular truth.
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"...What we are seeing are a lot of paranoid rightwingers like yourself using Muslims as their latest scapegoats because it's easier to do that than to think.
In many respects, and in a very real and operative sense, Islam is a political and cultural system masked as a religion.

Its war-permissions and violence-permissions and deceit-permissions... which absolute saturate their so-called sacred texts and commentaries - and its intolerance and misogynistic philosophy and related behaviors induced in a large percentage of its practitioners renders it dangerous in a Western Democratic setting and all-but-hopelessly and permanently incompatible with Western Culture and Society and Mores and Freedoms...

As the Europeans are finally beginning to realize after playing the Multi-Culti (Multiculturalism, codespeak for making nice with Islam in our midst) simply is not working, in the UK, in France, and Germany...

And, after the barbarity of 9-11, and the loss of nearly 3,000 American lives to the worst of that violence-rationalizing lot, Americans continue to remain on their guard about Islam, and how easily its practitioners warp its so-called holy scriptures in order to cook up the juicy rationalizatoin du jour for the latest Muslim violence...

Islam is fine in its own domain... it is dangerous to The West... an alien spin-off/kock-off of Judeo-Christianity... and entirely incompatible with The West.

Your claims of this being a right-winger paranoid sort of perspective call continue to fall upon deaf ears across much of America...

Thank God.

The flip-side of your accusation is...

It's easier to write-off Islam's western critics as paranoid than it is to come to grips with the dangers that Islam poses to Western Society if left unchecked and to its own devices for overly-long, until it gains more strength in places where it has attacked itself to a foreign host and dug-in like a tic.

The Europeans are finally (!!!) beginning to understand that particular truth.

Your characterization of the Muslim scriptures is just one of hundreds or thousands of interpretations - that's the key word. Extremists will interpret any religion they choose, whether it be islam or christianity or judaism to legitimize their horrendous behavior. That behavior is a reflection of the individuals, not the entire religion. Just like it is not fair to blame all of christianity for the actions of the Westboro Baptist Church, you are not being fair by blaming the Muslim religion for the actions of the few who use it for their own purposes.
It's a very simple question Roudy.

We've already established that Sharia is not a threat in the US, and the purpose (according to you) of proposing anti-Sharia law is because Sharia is contrary to American values.

I gave you an example of Mosaic/OT law that is supported by certain religious groups in America. It is clearly contrary to American values and though support for it is small, it is greater than any support for Sharia in this country.

My question is: why aren't you insisting that leglislation be put forth to ban such unAmerican laws?

I give you an "D" for dodging, let's see if we can improve upon that shall we? :)
Actually we've established that Shariah is definitely a threat and totally against everything America stands for. It also lays the groundwork for the radicalization of Muslims.

Woah...you're getting ahead of yourself oh artful dodger.

Where have we established Shariah is a threat IN AMERICA?

Mosaic/OT law is very similar and enjoys a small level of support. Should it not be banned? Another pesky direct question Roudy...;)

There is no evidence showing American Muslims support Sharia in place of the current legal system and constitution, so that is a moot point.

The law of the land is the Constitution, not Shariah. That is part of your oath when you become a citizen.

Indeed it is - I agree.

So, why aren't you for banning Mosaic/OT law?

Again, the master-diverter has managed to change the topic this thread to a discussion about "whether Shariah should be banned in the US or not". What was that phrase again? Oh right..."off topic posts have been removed...." Or how about this one "Moved: Should US ban Shariah law?" That'll certainly change the subject from Islamic terrorism and barbarism, no? Wow, I like this new job! :clap:

You simply can't answer a direct question can you Roudy?
Jews do not call Mosaic law "above all laws" and it does not call for oppression and persecution, and is not practiced widely, as it is with Muslims worldwide today. :cuckoo:

Highlights of "Shariah Law":
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.
Actually we've established that Shariah is definitely a threat and totally against everything America stands for. It also lays the groundwork for the radicalization of Muslims.

Woah...you're getting ahead of yourself oh artful dodger.

Where have we established Shariah is a threat IN AMERICA?

Mosaic/OT law is very similar and enjoys a small level of support. Should it not be banned? Another pesky direct question Roudy...;)

There is no evidence showing American Muslims support Sharia in place of the current legal system and constitution, so that is a moot point.

Indeed it is - I agree.

So, why aren't you for banning Mosaic/OT law?

Again, the master-diverter has managed to change the topic this thread to a discussion about "whether Shariah should be banned in the US or not". What was that phrase again? Oh right..."off topic posts have been removed...." Or how about this one "Moved: Should US ban Shariah law?" That'll certainly change the subject from Islamic terrorism and barbarism, no? Wow, I like this new job! :clap:

You simply can't answer a direct question can you Roudy?
Jews do not call Mosaic law "above all laws" and it does not call for oppression and persecution, and is not practiced widely, as it is with Muslims worldwide today. :cuckoo:

Highlights of "Shariah Law":
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.

Still can't answer a direct question can you Roudy?:eusa_eh:
666 mark of the devil <LOL>:
Your characterization of the Muslim scriptures is just one of hundreds or thousands of interpretations - that's the key word. Extremists will interpret any religion they choose, whether it be islam or christianity or judaism to legitimize their horrendous behavior. That behavior is a reflection of the individuals, not the entire religion.

Calm down. You asked me "how come we don't see this happening here?" And I provided you with some examples. Now you jumped to, "well you can't judge all Muslims by the behavior of those who committed these atrocities." And nobody is.

However, when you have an ongoing barrage of these kinds of atrocities occurring in the name of Islam, a big community that approves of such actions, and lack of outrage by the Muslim world over the barbarism committed in the name of their religion, well, are you able to put two and two together?
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Woah...you're getting ahead of yourself oh artful dodger.

Where have we established Shariah is a threat IN AMERICA?

Mosaic/OT law is very similar and enjoys a small level of support. Should it not be banned? Another pesky direct question Roudy...;)

There is no evidence showing American Muslims support Sharia in place of the current legal system and constitution, so that is a moot point.

Indeed it is - I agree.

So, why aren't you for banning Mosaic/OT law?

You simply can't answer a direct question can you Roudy?
Jews do not call Mosaic law "above all laws" and it does not call for oppression and persecution, and is not practiced widely, as it is with Muslims worldwide today. :cuckoo:

Highlights of "Shariah Law":
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.

Still can't answer a direct question can you Roudy?:eusa_eh:
Asked and answered. You think Muslims have a right to openly practice this barbarism wherever they go, including the West and the US, because nobody is proposing to ban Mosaic Law, an ancient 3000 year old description of how to practice a religion.

That's just about the most asinine, ignorant argument in defense of the backwards-ass anti-humanity savagery of Shariah I have ever heard. My advice to you is not to go out in public and declare, "what's wrong with Shariah, if Jews have Mosaic law, and Christians have Cannon law, then why can't Muslims practice Shariah?!" They will think you're out of your freakin' mind. :cuckoo:
Jews do not call Mosaic law "above all laws" and it does not call for oppression and persecution, and is not practiced widely, as it is with Muslims worldwide today. :cuckoo:

Highlights of "Shariah Law":
There is no such thing as separation of the church and state, or between the state and morality, in Islam. The church IS the state IS morality.
Adulterous couples are stoned to death, prostitutes are hanged in public, and women in the company of men who are not blood relatives are executed.
A girl is eligible for marriage as soon as a girl begins her first period, or before.
Homosexuals are executed.
Rape victims are punished.
Conversion from Islam to other religions is punishable by death.
"Zina laws" prohibit adultery, prostitution, and rape. Punishment is execution or amputation of the hands. This is done to the victims as well.
Women cannot vote or get elected.
Husbands can beat up their wives at their heart's content.
Women cannot do anything outside of the house without the father or husband's consent.
Women cannot get custody of their children.
Women are banned from a number of fields of education.
Women must wear the hijab when outside of the house.
In more extremist countries like Iran, a woman arrested for wearing make-up is forced to clean up with cotton balls rolled in broken glass.
In Pakistan, insulting Mohammed is punished by death (Contempt of Prophet's Act)
Women are worth half a Muslim man.
Non Muslims aren't worth anything.

Still can't answer a direct question can you Roudy?:eusa_eh:
Asked and answered. You think Muslims have a right to openly practice this barbarism wherever they go, including the West and the US, because nobody is proposing to ban Mosaic Law an ancient 3000 year old description of how to practice a religion. That's just about the most asinine, ignorant argument in defense of the backwards-ass anti-humanity savagery of Shariah I have ever heard. My advise to you is not to go out in public and declare, "what's wrong with Shariah, if Jews have Mosaic law, and Christians have Cannon law, then why can't Muslims practice Shariah?!" They will think you're out of your freakin' mind. :cuckoo:

You're still casting out red herrings and strawmen like manna from heaven.

Just answer the questions.
I'll refresh your mind Roudy.

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedomes. Should it not be banned?
I'll refresh your mind Roudy.

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedomes. Should it not be banned?
Ha ha ha. You're funny..."small". The entire Muslim world and it's immigrants to the West are practicing Shariah law, and you keep talking about about a three thousand set of descriptions of how to practice a religion (which I've never even heard of, it's so friggin' obscure). Maybe in historical terms, after all this was the way Jews practiced their religion in ancient Israel 3500 years ago, And when they were exiled, they set most of it aside. And that was 2000 years ago. Your argument is truly Pathetic.

No surprises here though, try to point out Muslim barbarity, and they will immediately blame the Jews. Muslims oppress women and minorities, It's the Jews' fault, Muslims kill other Muslims who convert to other religions, Jews fault, gays hanged, Jews fault. Muslims stone adulterers, Jews fault, Muslims kill those who dare insult Islam or Mohammed, Jews fault.

What? You want this banned? Um um um what about Jews and their "Mosaic law"? LOLOLOLOL
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I'll refresh your mind Roudy.

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedomes. Should it not be banned?
Ha ha ha. You're funny..."small". The entire Muslim world and it's immigrants to the West are practicing Shariah law, and you keep talking about about a three thousand set of descriptions of how to practice a religion (which I've never even heard of, it's so friggin' obscure). Maybe in historical terms, after all this was the way Jews practiced their religion in ancient Israel 3500 years ago, And when they were exiled, they set most of it aside. And that was 2000 years ago. Your argument is truly Pathetic.

No surprises here though, try to point out Muslim barbarity, and they will immediately blame the Jews. Muslims oppress women and minorities, It's the Jews' fault, Muslims kill other Muslims who convert to other religions, Jews fault, gays hanged, Jews fault. Muslims stone adulterers, Jews fault, Muslims kill those who dare insult Islam or Mohammed, Jews fault.

What? You want this banned? Um um um what about Jews and their "Mosaic law"? LOLOLOLOL

Still dodging. :eusa_eh:

When are you going to run out of red herrings?

As a note: the laws which I brought up are promoted by Christians, in this particular instance. Try to keep up and refrain from Jew-blame.
I'll refresh your mind Roudy.

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedomes. Should it not be banned?
Ha ha ha. You're funny..."small". The entire Muslim world and it's immigrants to the West are practicing Shariah law, and you keep talking about about a three thousand set of descriptions of how to practice a religion (which I've never even heard of, it's so friggin' obscure). Maybe in historical terms, after all this was the way Jews practiced their religion in ancient Israel 3500 years ago, And when they were exiled, they set most of it aside. And that was 2000 years ago. Your argument is truly Pathetic.

No surprises here though, try to point out Muslim barbarity, and they will immediately blame the Jews. Muslims oppress women and minorities, It's the Jews' fault, Muslims kill other Muslims who convert to other religions, Jews fault, gays hanged, Jews fault. Muslims stone adulterers, Jews fault, Muslims kill those who dare insult Islam or Mohammed, Jews fault.

What? You want this banned? Um um um what about Jews and their "Mosaic law"? LOLOLOLOL

Still dodging. :eusa_eh:

When are you going to run out of red herrings?

As a note: the laws which I brought up are promoted by Christians, in this particular instance. Try to keep up and refrain from Jew-blame.
Dodging what? You're the one who brought up your dislike over banning "shariah law" in a thread about Islamic terrorists massacring non Muslims. And you're the one who brought up Mosaic or Christian Laws in defense of Shariah law, as if there is any comparison whatsover.

When it comes to red herrings, you're the master. :clap:
"...Extremists will interpret any religion they choose..."

Trouble is, some 'religions' and some 'sacred texts' are FAR more prone to being so-interpreted than others...

It doesn't help when the Founder of Religion A says: 'Love thy neighbor' and 'Turn the other cheek'...

While the Founder of Religion B takes up the sword and slaughters in the name of his vision of the godhead and gives his followers permission to do the same under Circumstance 1 or 2 or 3...

Especially when Circumstance 1 or 2 or 3 can be spin-doctored and twisted just enough to squeeze out a juicy rationalization to misbehave in the name of the godhead...

No... some belief-systems have more 'escape hatches' or 'pressure valves' to unleash violence and deceit than others...

One is only as good as one's foundation...

And when the foundation is drenched in blood and conquest under the hallucinatory bullshit guise of doing the godhead's bidding...


It's one thing to invent convoluted logic to nudge the Sheeple into believe that war or violence or deceit is what the Founder would have wanted, regardless of the Founder's teachings...

It's quite another to not even NEED the convoluted logic because the Sheeple can see the Founder's permissions to engage in war and violence and deceit without the intellectual gymnastics...

All religions are NOT equal when it comes to their potential for mischief-making and the oppression of women and such...

Islam, no more dangerous than its peers?

Sorry... No Sale... pull the other one
Ha ha ha. You're funny..."small". The entire Muslim world and it's immigrants to the West are practicing Shariah law, and you keep talking about about a three thousand set of descriptions of how to practice a religion (which I've never even heard of, it's so friggin' obscure). Maybe in historical terms, after all this was the way Jews practiced their religion in ancient Israel 3500 years ago, And when they were exiled, they set most of it aside. And that was 2000 years ago. Your argument is truly Pathetic.

No surprises here though, try to point out Muslim barbarity, and they will immediately blame the Jews. Muslims oppress women and minorities, It's the Jews' fault, Muslims kill other Muslims who convert to other religions, Jews fault, gays hanged, Jews fault. Muslims stone adulterers, Jews fault, Muslims kill those who dare insult Islam or Mohammed, Jews fault.

What? You want this banned? Um um um what about Jews and their "Mosaic law"? LOLOLOLOL

Still dodging. :eusa_eh:

When are you going to run out of red herrings?

As a note: the laws which I brought up are promoted by Christians, in this particular instance. Try to keep up and refrain from Jew-blame.
Dodging what? You're the one who brought up your dislike over banning "shariah law" in a thread about Islamic terrorists massacring non Muslims. And you're the one who brought up Mosaic or Christian Laws in defense of Shariah law, as if there is any comparison whatsover.

When it comes to red herrings, you're the master. :clap:

Again, you still can't or won't answer a straightforward question. How long are you going to keep dodging?

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedoms. Should it not be banned?

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