Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Really? The Huff Post is what you chose? Yeah, they are huffing something. That article offered no real data and makes the assumption that all responded truthfully. So 100% of Muslims in America don't want Shariah? I really doubt that. However, that's the stretch they seem to make. Anything called the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, sounds like an example of the politically correct crap that is spewed out far too much in America. Not buying it here.

Well, if you doubt that feel free to show some statistics to counter it :)

You have some right?

Like you did? You are the one who posted an article that said nothing, but made a blanket statement from a biased media outlet. Sorry, not doing your homework for you. I don't require the misinformation on the internet to form my opinions.

I've posted numerous links throughout this thead.

Feel free to post something to support YOUR contention.

Or not.

Opinions have something in common with assholes.

Everyone has one :)
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.
Well, you see that's the great thing about the internet. If you want, you can always find something that will match you're warped ideology. Which of course has no basis in reality.

Reality is, most Muslims in and out of America, come from conservative, religious families, which means, they follow Shariah law. If they are recent immigrants, they come from a country who laws are based on Shariah. So for anybody to say "Muslims don't want Shariah", is kind of like saying "Muslims don't want to be Muslims any longer". And we know there's no way that can be true.

The Invasion of Sharia Law

Nowhere is Sharia law being imposed upon the American people with greater vehemence than in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn resident, eighteen year old Negeen Mayel, whose parents escaped from Afghanistan after the Russian invasion, couldn’t escape the Sharia law-enforcement arm of the Dearborn Police Department. Mayel, a Christian, was filming her four fellow Christian missionaries while they were discussing the Gospel with Muslims at the annual 2010 Dearborn Arab Festival. A Dearborn police officer ordered Mayel to turn off her camera and when she didn’t turn it off quickly enough; she was arrested and charged in the Dearborn District Court for failing to obey a police officer’s order. Amazingly, in his court testimony, the arresting officer admitted that the filming by Mayel was indeed not a crime.

A growing number of Americans are slowly becoming cognizant of the threat being posed by the imposition of Sharia law upon an unwilling and often unaware non-Muslim American public. In the 2000 census, Dearborn consisted of 30,000 Arabs in a city of 100,000 people. This fact alone is not alarming. But what is alarming is when the mayor of Dearborn, John B. O’Reilly, Jr., an attorney who should know better, is catering to this growing minority as the city of Dearborn is offering preferential treatment which favors Sharia law advocates over Christians and other non-Muslim Americans. In the case of Mayel, the Dearborn police, with the approval of the mayor, replaced the Constitutional protections offered by the First Amendment with the creation of free speech zones which are inherently free speech inhibitors. As such, Dearborn’s mayor officially endorsed the Sharia law prohibition against proselytizing Muslims in stark violation of the First Amendment to the American Constitution which protects free speech. Subsequently, the Dearborn police, acting as Sharia law enforcement agents, handcuffed and jailed all four Christian missionaries and formally charged the group with Breach of Peace despite the fact that none of the Muslim attendees claimed any level of harassment by the Christian missionaries.

Sharia Law in Dearborn

What kind of justice is this? Muslims stone Christians, and the Christians are threatened by police while the Muslims get off scot free. Something is wrong here. This is America, not the Middle East!

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That article offered no real data
Sure it did.

Macfarlane interviewed 212 Muslim Americans, including 41 imams and 70 community leaders who used aspects of Shariah in their daily lives. The other 101 interviewees were divorced Muslim men and women. About a quarter of the interviewees were from Canada, and the rest from the United States.
Just three of the 41 imams said
Some 95 percent of the interviewees

I believe that is far too small a sample set to make any judgement on the beliefs of such a broad population, but surely that is hard data on who they sampled, especially given the media format.
Nowhere did it say what percentage of those responding didn't want Sharia law, it just leaped to the conclusion that ALL were against Sharia law. The article and study were also under the assumption that all responded to a charged issue in a truthful matter. The figures you pasted only says what types of groups responded. This is why most shit on the internet is just that...shit.
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.
Well, you see that's the great thing about the internet. If you want, you can always find something that will match you're warped ideology. Which of course has no basis in reality.

Reality is, most Muslims in and out of America, come from conservative, religious families, which means, they follow Shariah law. If they are recent immigrants, they come from a country who laws are based on Shariah. So for anybody to say "Muslims don't want Shariah", is kind of like saying "Muslims don't want to be Muslims any longer". And we know there's no way that can be true.

Well Roudy, since it's so easy for someone to find something to match their own "warped ideology"....I'm sure you can find something to indicate that American Muslims overwelmingly support the imposition of Sharia law...right:eusa_whistle:

I mean you got something more concrete then rhetoric and warped ideology?

You do right?:eusa_eh:
That article offered no real data
Sure it did.

Some 95 percent of the interviewees

I believe that is far too small a sample set to make any judgement on the beliefs of such a broad population, but surely that is hard data on who they sampled, especially given the media format.
Nowhere did it say what percentage of those responding didn't want Sharia law, it just leaped to the conclusion that ALL were against Sharia law. The article and study were also under the assumption that all responded to a charged issue in a truthful matter. The figures you pasted only says what types of groups responded. This is why most shit on the internet is just that...shit.

Again Petro...how about YOU showing us that Muslims WANT Sharia law in the US? Should be easy :)
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.
Well, you see that's the great thing about the internet. If you want, you can always find something that will match you're warped ideology. Which of course has no basis in reality.

Reality is, most Muslims in and out of America, come from conservative, religious families, which means, they follow Shariah law. If they are recent immigrants, they come from a country who laws are based on Shariah. So for anybody to say "Muslims don't want Shariah", is kind of like saying "Muslims don't want to be Muslims any longer". And we know there's no way that can be true.

Well, if you doubt that feel free to show some statistics to counter it :)

You have some right?

Like you did? You are the one who posted an article that said nothing, but made a blanket statement from a biased media outlet. Sorry, not doing your homework for you. I don't require the misinformation on the internet to form my opinions.

I've posted numerous links throughout this thead.

Feel free to post something to support YOUR contention.

Or not.

Opinions have something in common with assholes.

Everyone has one :)
Then we have something in common. I just don't need biased links and poor statistical "studies" to form my views. In other words your opinion is about as valid as mine. Posting flawed numbers does not make you the final word of truth.
Well, you see that's the great thing about the internet. If you want, you can always find something that will match you're warped ideology. Which of course has no basis in reality.

Reality is, most Muslims in and out of America, come from conservative, religious families, which means, they follow Shariah law. If they are recent immigrants, they come from a country who laws are based on Shariah. So for anybody to say "Muslims don't want Shariah", is kind of like saying "Muslims don't want to be Muslims any longer". And we know there's no way that can be true.

Like you did? You are the one who posted an article that said nothing, but made a blanket statement from a biased media outlet. Sorry, not doing your homework for you. I don't require the misinformation on the internet to form my opinions.

I've posted numerous links throughout this thead.

Feel free to post something to support YOUR contention.

Or not.

Opinions have something in common with assholes.

Everyone has one :)
Then we have something in common. I just don't need biased links and poor statistical "studies" to form my views. In other words your opinion is about as valid as mine. Posting flawed numbers does not make you the final word of truth.

Feel free to provide your own biased links.

Or...keep complaining ;)
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.
Well, you see that's the great thing about the internet. If you want, you can always find something that will match you're warped ideology. Which of course has no basis in reality.

Reality is, most Muslims in and out of America, come from conservative, religious families, which means, they follow Shariah law. If they are recent immigrants, they come from a country who laws are based on Shariah. So for anybody to say "Muslims don't want Shariah", is kind of like saying "Muslims don't want to be Muslims any longer". And we know there's no way that can be true.

The Invasion of Sharia Law

Nowhere is Sharia law being imposed upon the American people with greater vehemence than in the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, Michigan. Dearborn resident, eighteen year old Negeen Mayel, whose parents escaped from Afghanistan after the Russian invasion, couldn’t escape the Sharia law-enforcement arm of the Dearborn Police Department. Mayel, a Christian, was filming her four fellow Christian missionaries while they were discussing the Gospel with Muslims at the annual 2010 Dearborn Arab Festival. A Dearborn police officer ordered Mayel to turn off her camera and when she didn’t turn it off quickly enough; she was arrested and charged in the Dearborn District Court for failing to obey a police officer’s order. Amazingly, in his court testimony, the arresting officer admitted that the filming by Mayel was indeed not a crime.

A growing number of Americans are slowly becoming cognizant of the threat being posed by the imposition of Sharia law upon an unwilling and often unaware non-Muslim American public. In the 2000 census, Dearborn consisted of 30,000 Arabs in a city of 100,000 people. This fact alone is not alarming. But what is alarming is when the mayor of Dearborn, John B. O’Reilly, Jr., an attorney who should know better, is catering to this growing minority as the city of Dearborn is offering preferential treatment which favors Sharia law advocates over Christians and other non-Muslim Americans. In the case of Mayel, the Dearborn police, with the approval of the mayor, replaced the Constitutional protections offered by the First Amendment with the creation of free speech zones which are inherently free speech inhibitors. As such, Dearborn’s mayor officially endorsed the Sharia law prohibition against proselytizing Muslims in stark violation of the First Amendment to the American Constitution which protects free speech. Subsequently, the Dearborn police, acting as Sharia law enforcement agents, handcuffed and jailed all four Christian missionaries and formally charged the group with Breach of Peace despite the fact that none of the Muslim attendees claimed any level of harassment by the Christian missionaries.

Sharia Law in Dearborn

What kind of justice is this? Muslims stone Christians, and the Christians are threatened by police while the Muslims get off scot free. Something is wrong here. This is America, not the Middle East!


Did you read that article?

Do you realize it does not give a single example of Sharia law being legislated?

I challange you to find one incidence of Sharia law in Dearborne.

Please Roudy. I'd like to see a real life example of Sharia law in Dearborne (and I don't mean Halal).
Does the American value of freedom of religion mean freedom of religion for all?

Just wondering :)
Well, you see that's the great thing about the internet. If you want, you can always find something that will match you're warped ideology. Which of course has no basis in reality.

Reality is, most Muslims in and out of America, come from conservative, religious families, which means, they follow Shariah law. If they are recent immigrants, they come from a country who laws are based on Shariah. So for anybody to say "Muslims don't want Shariah", is kind of like saying "Muslims don't want to be Muslims any longer". And we know there's no way that can be true.

Well Roudy, since it's so easy for someone to find something to match their own "warped ideology"....I'm sure you can find something to indicate that American Muslims overwelmingly support the imposition of Sharia law...right:eusa_whistle:

I mean you got something more concrete then rhetoric and warped ideology?

You do right?:eusa_eh:
No doubt that Americans and Europeans are vehemently against Shariah law, and justifiably so.

Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion[edit]

According to the United Nations' universal declaration of human rights,[125] every human has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief. Sharia has been criticized for not recognizing this human right. According to scholars[22][126][127] of traditional Islamic law, the applicable rules for religious conversion under Sharia are as follows:
If a person converts to Islam, or is born and raised as a Muslim, then he or she will have full rights of citizenship in an Islamic state.
Leaving Islam is a sin and a religious crime. Once any man or woman is officially classified as Muslim, because of birth or religious conversion, he or she will be subject to the death penalty if he or she becomes an apostate, that is, abandons his or her faith in Islam in order to become an atheist, agnostic or to convert to another religion. Before executing the death penalty, Sharia demands that the individual be offered one chance to return to Islam.
If a person has never been a Muslim, and is not a kafir (infidel, unbeliever), he or she can live in an Islamic state by accepting to be a dhimmi, or under a special permission called aman. As a dhimmi or under aman, he or she will suffer certain limitations of rights as a subject of an Islamic state, and will not enjoy complete legal equality with Muslims.
If a person has never been a Muslim, and is a kafir (infidel, unbeliever), Sharia demands that he or she should be offered the choice to convert to Islam and become a Muslim; if they reject the offer, he or she may either be killed, enslaved, or ransomed if captured.

...and the list goes on....
Well, you see that's the great thing about the internet. If you want, you can always find something that will match you're warped ideology. Which of course has no basis in reality.

Reality is, most Muslims in and out of America, come from conservative, religious families, which means, they follow Shariah law. If they are recent immigrants, they come from a country who laws are based on Shariah. So for anybody to say "Muslims don't want Shariah", is kind of like saying "Muslims don't want to be Muslims any longer". And we know there's no way that can be true.

Well Roudy, since it's so easy for someone to find something to match their own "warped ideology"....I'm sure you can find something to indicate that American Muslims overwelmingly support the imposition of Sharia law...right:eusa_whistle:

I mean you got something more concrete then rhetoric and warped ideology?

You do right?:eusa_eh:
No doubt that Americans and Europeans are vehemently against Shariah law, and justifiably so.

Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion[edit]

According to the United Nations' universal declaration of human rights,[125] every human has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief. Sharia has been criticized for not recognizing this human right. According to scholars[22][126][127] of traditional Islamic law, the applicable rules for religious conversion under Sharia are as follows:
If a person converts to Islam, or is born and raised as a Muslim, then he or she will have full rights of citizenship in an Islamic state.
Leaving Islam is a sin and a religious crime. Once any man or woman is officially classified as Muslim, because of birth or religious conversion, he or she will be subject to the death penalty if he or she becomes an apostate, that is, abandons his or her faith in Islam in order to become an atheist, agnostic or to convert to another religion. Before executing the death penalty, Sharia demands that the individual be offered one chance to return to Islam.
If a person has never been a Muslim, and is not a kafir (infidel, unbeliever), he or she can live in an Islamic state by accepting to be a dhimmi, or under a special permission called aman. As a dhimmi or under aman, he or she will suffer certain limitations of rights as a subject of an Islamic state, and will not enjoy complete legal equality with Muslims.
If a person has never been a Muslim, and is a kafir (infidel, unbeliever), Sharia demands that he or she should be offered the choice to convert to Islam and become a Muslim; if they reject the offer, he or she may either be killed, enslaved, or ransomed if captured.

...and the list goes on....

I'm not sure what your point is Roudy...after all, OT/Mosaic law is just as brutal and you seem to support that.

On the other hand, have found something to indicate that American Muslims overwelmingly support the imposition of Sharia law...? (I mean something besides a hysterical opinion piece trying to say Dearborne is rife with Sharia).
Does the American value of freedom of religion mean freedom of religion for all?

Just wondering :)
Sure, but it doesn't mean anything under Shariah law, that's why it's unconstitutional and should be banned. But, anything for Islam, eh?

LGBT rights[edit]

Main article: LGBT in Islam

Homosexual sex is illegal under sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, only few Muslim-majority countries may impose the death penalty for acts perceived as sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[144] Nigeria,[145] Saudi Arabia,[146] and Somalia.[147] In contrast, in Muslim-majority countries such as Indonesia (outside of Aceh province),[148] Egypt, and Iraq, same-sex sexual acts are illegal but there is no specific penalty.[149][original research?] In Turkey, Bahrain and Jordan, homosexual acts between consenting individuals are legal.[150] There is a new movement of LGBT Muslims, particularly in Jordan, the UK with Imaan[151] and Al-Fatiha in America. Books such as Islam and Homosexuality by Siraj Scott has also contributed to playing a proactive role in LGBT- and Islam-related ideas.


Main articles: Women in Islam and Islam and domestic violence
Domestic violence
Many scholars[23][152] claim Shari'a law encourages domestic violence against women, when a husband suspects nushuz (disobedience, disloyalty, rebellion, ill conduct) in his wife.[153] Other scholars claim wife beating, for nashizah, is not consistent with modern perspectives of Qur'an.[154]

One of the verses of Qur'an relating to permissibility of domestic violence is Surah 4:34.[155][156] In deference to Surah 4:34, many nations with Shari'a law have refused to consider or prosecute cases of domestic abuse.[157][158][159][160] Shari'a has been criticized for ignoring women's right in domestic abuse cases.[161][162][163][164] Musawah/CEDAW, KAFA and other organizations have proposed ways to modify Shari'a-inspired laws to improve women's rights in Islamic nations, including women's rights in domestic abuse cases.[165][
Well Roudy, since it's so easy for someone to find something to match their own "warped ideology"....I'm sure you can find something to indicate that American Muslims overwelmingly support the imposition of Sharia law...right:eusa_whistle:

I mean you got something more concrete then rhetoric and warped ideology?

You do right?:eusa_eh:
No doubt that Americans and Europeans are vehemently against Shariah law, and justifiably so.

Sharia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion[edit]

According to the United Nations' universal declaration of human rights,[125] every human has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief. Sharia has been criticized for not recognizing this human right. According to scholars[22][126][127] of traditional Islamic law, the applicable rules for religious conversion under Sharia are as follows:
If a person converts to Islam, or is born and raised as a Muslim, then he or she will have full rights of citizenship in an Islamic state.
Leaving Islam is a sin and a religious crime. Once any man or woman is officially classified as Muslim, because of birth or religious conversion, he or she will be subject to the death penalty if he or she becomes an apostate, that is, abandons his or her faith in Islam in order to become an atheist, agnostic or to convert to another religion. Before executing the death penalty, Sharia demands that the individual be offered one chance to return to Islam.
If a person has never been a Muslim, and is not a kafir (infidel, unbeliever), he or she can live in an Islamic state by accepting to be a dhimmi, or under a special permission called aman. As a dhimmi or under aman, he or she will suffer certain limitations of rights as a subject of an Islamic state, and will not enjoy complete legal equality with Muslims.
If a person has never been a Muslim, and is a kafir (infidel, unbeliever), Sharia demands that he or she should be offered the choice to convert to Islam and become a Muslim; if they reject the offer, he or she may either be killed, enslaved, or ransomed if captured.

...and the list goes on....

I'm not sure what your point is Roudy...after all, OT/Mosaic law is just as brutal and you seem to support that.

On the other hand, have found something to indicate that American Muslims overwelmingly support the imposition of Sharia law...? (I mean something besides a hysterical opinion piece trying to say Dearborne is rife with Sharia).
...back to Mosaic law again, which is not practiced at all. LOL
Well...OT/Mosaic law is actually supported by some of the more extreme Christian movements....

Sharia isn't practiced either in the US ...

So...what's your point Roudy :)
Does the American value of freedom of religion mean freedom of religion for all?

Just wondering :)
Sure, but it doesn't mean anything under Shariah law, that's why it's unconstitutional and should be banned. But, anything for Islam, eh?

LGBT rights[edit]

Main article: LGBT in Islam

Homosexual sex is illegal under sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, only few Muslim-majority countries may impose the death penalty for acts perceived as sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[144] Nigeria,[145] Saudi Arabia,[146] and Somalia.[147] In contrast, in Muslim-majority countries such as Indonesia (outside of Aceh province),[148] Egypt, and Iraq, same-sex sexual acts are illegal but there is no specific penalty.[149][original research?] In Turkey, Bahrain and Jordan, homosexual acts between consenting individuals are legal.[150] There is a new movement of LGBT Muslims, particularly in Jordan, the UK with Imaan[151] and Al-Fatiha in America. Books such as Islam and Homosexuality by Siraj Scott has also contributed to playing a proactive role in LGBT- and Islam-related ideas.


Main articles: Women in Islam and Islam and domestic violence
Domestic violence
Many scholars[23][152] claim Shari'a law encourages domestic violence against women, when a husband suspects nushuz (disobedience, disloyalty, rebellion, ill conduct) in his wife.[153] Other scholars claim wife beating, for nashizah, is not consistent with modern perspectives of Qur'an.[154]

One of the verses of Qur'an relating to permissibility of domestic violence is Surah 4:34.[155][156] In deference to Surah 4:34, many nations with Shari'a law have refused to consider or prosecute cases of domestic abuse.[157][158][159][160] Shari'a has been criticized for ignoring women's right in domestic abuse cases.[161][162][163][164] Musawah/CEDAW, KAFA and other organizations have proposed ways to modify Shari'a-inspired laws to improve women's rights in Islamic nations, including women's rights in domestic abuse cases.[165][

We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
Does the American value of freedom of religion mean freedom of religion for all?

Just wondering :)
Sure, but it doesn't mean anything under Shariah law, that's why it's unconstitutional and should be banned. But, anything for Islam, eh?

LGBT rights[edit]

Main article: LGBT in Islam

Homosexual sex is illegal under sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, only few Muslim-majority countries may impose the death penalty for acts perceived as sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[144] Nigeria,[145] Saudi Arabia,[146] and Somalia.[147] In contrast, in Muslim-majority countries such as Indonesia (outside of Aceh province),[148] Egypt, and Iraq, same-sex sexual acts are illegal but there is no specific penalty.[149][original research?] In Turkey, Bahrain and Jordan, homosexual acts between consenting individuals are legal.[150] There is a new movement of LGBT Muslims, particularly in Jordan, the UK with Imaan[151] and Al-Fatiha in America. Books such as Islam and Homosexuality by Siraj Scott has also contributed to playing a proactive role in LGBT- and Islam-related ideas.


Main articles: Women in Islam and Islam and domestic violence
Domestic violence
Many scholars[23][152] claim Shari'a law encourages domestic violence against women, when a husband suspects nushuz (disobedience, disloyalty, rebellion, ill conduct) in his wife.[153] Other scholars claim wife beating, for nashizah, is not consistent with modern perspectives of Qur'an.[154]

One of the verses of Qur'an relating to permissibility of domestic violence is Surah 4:34.[155][156] In deference to Surah 4:34, many nations with Shari'a law have refused to consider or prosecute cases of domestic abuse.[157][158][159][160] Shari'a has been criticized for ignoring women's right in domestic abuse cases.[161][162][163][164] Musawah/CEDAW, KAFA and other organizations have proposed ways to modify Shari'a-inspired laws to improve women's rights in Islamic nations, including women's rights in domestic abuse cases.[165][

We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More delusional thinking :cuckoo: If Shariah law is approved of by about 85% of Muslims abroad, and Muslims in the West come from those same countries, therefore you can assume that a good percentage of them approve of Shariah law as well. It's not like they step on American soil and POOF they suddenly and magically disapprove of Shariah. More wishful thinking.
Does the American value of freedom of religion mean freedom of religion for all?

Just wondering :)
Sure, but it doesn't mean anything under Shariah law, that's why it's unconstitutional and should be banned. But, anything for Islam, eh?

LGBT rights[edit]

Main article: LGBT in Islam

Homosexual sex is illegal under sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, only few Muslim-majority countries may impose the death penalty for acts perceived as sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[144] Nigeria,[145] Saudi Arabia,[146] and Somalia.[147] In contrast, in Muslim-majority countries such as Indonesia (outside of Aceh province),[148] Egypt, and Iraq, same-sex sexual acts are illegal but there is no specific penalty.[149][original research?] In Turkey, Bahrain and Jordan, homosexual acts between consenting individuals are legal.[150] There is a new movement of LGBT Muslims, particularly in Jordan, the UK with Imaan[151] and Al-Fatiha in America. Books such as Islam and Homosexuality by Siraj Scott has also contributed to playing a proactive role in LGBT- and Islam-related ideas.


Main articles: Women in Islam and Islam and domestic violence
Domestic violence
Many scholars[23][152] claim Shari'a law encourages domestic violence against women, when a husband suspects nushuz (disobedience, disloyalty, rebellion, ill conduct) in his wife.[153] Other scholars claim wife beating, for nashizah, is not consistent with modern perspectives of Qur'an.[154]

One of the verses of Qur'an relating to permissibility of domestic violence is Surah 4:34.[155][156] In deference to Surah 4:34, many nations with Shari'a law have refused to consider or prosecute cases of domestic abuse.[157][158][159][160] Shari'a has been criticized for ignoring women's right in domestic abuse cases.[161][162][163][164] Musawah/CEDAW, KAFA and other organizations have proposed ways to modify Shari'a-inspired laws to improve women's rights in Islamic nations, including women's rights in domestic abuse cases.[165][

We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More lies. When was the last time you heard Jews calling for the execution of a Jew that converted to another religion, or hanging of gays? Why do you feel it necessary to lie like this for Islam?
Last edited:
Somehow American Muslims are different that Muslims all over the world. And if you believe THAT I have a used car to sell you. LOL

83% of Pakistanis support stoning adulterers
78% of Pakistanis support killing apostates
Pakistan: New Poll Shows 78 Percent of Pakistanis Support Death Penalty for Leaving Islam :: Responsible for Equality And Liberty (R.E.A.L.)

Center for Social Cohesion: 40% of British Muslim students want Sharia
WikiLeaks: 1 in 3 British Muslim students back killing for Islam, 40% want Sharia law | Mail Online

ICM Poll: 40% of British Muslims want Sharia in the UK
Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK - Telegraph

GfK NOP: 28% of British Muslims want Britain to be an Islamic state

NOP Research: 68% of British Muslims support the arrest and prosecution of anyone who insults Islam;
Many British Muslims Put Islam First - CBS News
WebCite query result

MacDonald Laurier Institute: 62% of Muslims want Sharia in Canada (15% say make it mandatory)
Strong support for Shariah in Canada | Canada | News | Toronto Sun
Much good news and some worrying results in new study of Muslim public opinion in Canada « Macdonald Laurier Institute

World Public Opinion: 81% of Egyptians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Pakistanis want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
49% (plurality) of Indonesians want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country
76% of Moroccans want strict Sharia imposed in every Islamic country

World Public Opinion: 64% of Egyptians said it was “very important for the government” to “apply traditional punishments for crimes such as stoning adulterers.”

Pew Research (2010): 77% of Egyptian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
58% of Jordanian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
36% of Indonesian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
82% of Pakistanis favor floggings and amputation
65% of Nigerian Muslims favor floggings and amputation
Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Pew Research (2010): 82% of Egyptian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
70% of Jordanian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
42% of Indonesian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
82% of Pakistanis favor stoning adulterers
56% of Nigerian Muslims favor stoning adulterers
Muslim Publics Divided on Hamas and Hezbollah | Pew Global Attitudes Project

Pew Research (2013): 72% of Indonesians want Sharia to be law of the land
Seventy-Two Percent of Indonesian Muslims Favor Shariah Law: Pew Forum - The Jakarta Globe

Pew Research (2013): 81% of South Asian Muslims and 57% of Egyptians suport amputating limbs for theft.

Pew Research (2013): According to an interpretation of this study, approximately 45% of Sharia supporters surveyed disagreed with the idea that Islamic law should apply only to Muslims..
So Sharia isn't practiced in the US, eh?

The Center for Security Policy’s report, Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases evaluates 50 Appellate Court cases from 23 states that involve conflicts between Shariah (Islamic law) and American state law.

These cases are the stories of Muslim American families, mostly Muslim women and children, who were asking American courts to preserve their rights to equal protection and due process. These families came to America for freedom from the discriminatory and cruel laws of Shariah. When our courts then apply Shariah law in the lives of these families, and deny them equal protection, they are betraying the principles on which America was founded.

The study’s findings suggest that Shariah law has entered into state court decisions, in conflict with the Constitution and state public policy. Some commentators have said there are no more than one or two cases of Shariah law in U.S. state court cases; yet we found 50 significant cases just from the small sample of appellate published cases.

Others have asserted with certainty that state court judges will always reject any foreign law, including Shariah law, when it conflicts with the Constitution or state public policy; yet we found 15 Trial Court cases, and 12 Appellate Court cases, where Shariah was found to be applicable in these particular cases. The facts are the facts: some judges are making decisions deferring to Shariah law even when those decisions conflict with Constitutional protections.

Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases includes summaries of several cases in which the court’s application of Shariah law appears to be in direct conflict with Constitutional liberties and the public policies of the state.

Although Turkey is a Muslim-majority country, since Kemal Atatürk's years in office, sharia law has been banned. :clap: :clap: Now there's some Muslims who know what Shariah is all about.
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A rather impressive comeback in these last few posts Roudy...

Some good-looking data, from a variety of sources...

You're making a good argument, in the matter of Muslim encroachment and incompatibility...

It's real enough, alright...

Despite wishful thinking on the part of Islam-apologists and those who insist upon complete Religious Egalitarianism for Islam despite its political and cultural and legal elements and despite the voluminous evidence of its aggression and militancy...

I understand the mindset of those who desperately try to cling to the idea of treating all Religions equally, however, unfortunately...

We cannot ignore the fact that Islam is also a political and cultural and legal system, as well as a belief system, and that, unlike Judaism or Christianity - whose practitioner-countries have long-since abandoned canon law as dominant...

The religious laws of Islam are still (unfortunately, for Muslims and Infidels alike) extant, and a living, breathing part of a great many polities in the Islam-dominated part of the world...

We cannot ignore the fact that Islam is by its very founding and its very nature - militant and political and aggressive and intolerant and misogynistic - a knock-off of those that came before it - easily subject to do-it-yourself-spin-doctoring of its precepts...

Drenched in blood, never Reformed on a broad basis, anachronistic and medieval, and alien and incompatible with The West.

There is no place for Islam in The West.

It is foreign, extremely vulnerable and susceptible to misuse in order to disturb the peace or cause mischief - and largely unwelcome by people who understand its encroaching and demanding effects, when measured over long periods of time...

As we've seen unfold in Europe, to the chagrin and (now, finally!!!) alarm of our distant European cousins.
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