Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

The muslims in Kenya did more than kill their victims, they tortured them.

You won't find this in an American newspaper.

Kenya mall attack torture claims emerge from soldiers: 'Eyes gouged out, bodies on hooks, fingers removed' | Mail Online

Soldiers told of the horrific torture meted out by terrorists in the Nairobi mall massacre yesterday with claims hostages were dismembered, had their eyes gouged out and were left hanging from hooks in the ceiling.
Men were said to have been castrated and had fingers removed with pliers before being blinded and hanged.
Children were found dead in the food court fridges with knives still embedded in their bodies,

No doubt a lib will be along to say Christians did worse 1,400 years ago and that justifies what muslims are doing today.
And all because they weren't Muslim, and happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looking at the pictures again, it appears these animals wanted to bring down the whole structure using explosives, (9-11 style), and managed to partially achieve that. However the press makes it look like it was a shooting rampage.

Crazy Coyote: "this has nothing to do with Islam or Shariah law, there are extremists in every religion" <snicker>

So why aren't we seeing this kind of violence in Muslims communities across America? Are you getting the point yet?
I'll have another dumbed down explanation standing by in case you don't.

Because Americans have too many guns. In America, the Nazislamis have to bleed us slowly through oil price-gouging, immigration, and gun confiscation. Different targets require different tactics.
If political correctness had not blocked scientific progress and pre-determined the "progressive" answers that facts must be mutilated into, anthropologists would realize that the races that were adaptable to Islam are descendants of a prehistoric unevolved and malignant species. The only way these people would have settled in their No Man's Lands was that they were driven there as criminal fugitives from evolving civilizations. Their behavior in historical times, most obvious and undeniable today, confirm this thesis. They must be tamed or exterminated.

Did you read this in WorldNetDaily?

I don't use pre-owned professional sources or their clones on the Internet. I analyze things from logic, experience, and knowledge of historical facts rather than accepting the historians' conclusions from what they have mindlessly investigated. This evolutionary challenge has been with us for 30,000 years; it is now in one of its most threatening phases.
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?

[ wetting your pants for no reason. That's the point you people keep missing .[/B]

Instead of wetting our pants, you want us patriots to use Chamberlain's Chamberpot.
hmm...here's another one for Roudy

American Muslims Don't Want Shariah, According To Study By University Of Windsor

(RNS) North American Muslims are more than satisfied with the secular legal system and do not want a set of parallel courts for Islamic law, according to a new study of U.S. and Canadian Muslims by a Washington-based think tank.

The study, by University of Windsor law professor Judy Macfarlane for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, would seem to refute critics' claims that American Muslims want to impose Shariah, or Islamic law.

In fact, the study indicates that Muslims are just as unwilling to accept Islamic law as non-Muslims.

What do you expect these Shariah sleeper cells to say to these gullible weaklings from appeasement multicultie institutes? Their imams tell them what answers to give to the Dhimmis.
Sure, but it doesn't mean anything under Shariah law, that's why it's unconstitutional and should be banned. But, anything for Islam, eh?

LGBT rights[edit]

Main article: LGBT in Islam

Homosexual sex is illegal under sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, only few Muslim-majority countries may impose the death penalty for acts perceived as sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[144] Nigeria,[145] Saudi Arabia,[146] and Somalia.[147] In contrast, in Muslim-majority countries such as Indonesia (outside of Aceh province),[148] Egypt, and Iraq, same-sex sexual acts are illegal but there is no specific penalty.[149][original research?] In Turkey, Bahrain and Jordan, homosexual acts between consenting individuals are legal.[150] There is a new movement of LGBT Muslims, particularly in Jordan, the UK with Imaan[151] and Al-Fatiha in America. Books such as Islam and Homosexuality by Siraj Scott has also contributed to playing a proactive role in LGBT- and Islam-related ideas.


Main articles: Women in Islam and Islam and domestic violence
Domestic violence
Many scholars[23][152] claim Shari'a law encourages domestic violence against women, when a husband suspects nushuz (disobedience, disloyalty, rebellion, ill conduct) in his wife.[153] Other scholars claim wife beating, for nashizah, is not consistent with modern perspectives of Qur'an.[154]

One of the verses of Qur'an relating to permissibility of domestic violence is Surah 4:34.[155][156] In deference to Surah 4:34, many nations with Shari'a law have refused to consider or prosecute cases of domestic abuse.[157][158][159][160] Shari'a has been criticized for ignoring women's right in domestic abuse cases.[161][162][163][164] Musawah/CEDAW, KAFA and other organizations have proposed ways to modify Shari'a-inspired laws to improve women's rights in Islamic nations, including women's rights in domestic abuse cases.[165][

We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More lies. When was the last time you heard Jews calling for the execution of a Jew that converted to another religion, or hanging of gays? Why do you feel it necessary to lie like this for Islam?

We're not talking about fanatics and extremists. We are talking about systems of law. You keep deflecting by trying to bring in Jews and turn this into anti-semitism issue when it's not. What you keep ignoring is that the groups that most support OT/Mosaic law being the law of the land are Christian.

The portions of Mosaic law that Jews use, like the portions of Sharia that used in western countries - involve civil and family law. What you fail to understand is that Sharia is not ONE thing. Kind of like Mosaic law in that sense. The way it's applied in Muslim countries is variable - countries with mixed system of law use Sharia for civil, and secular law for criminal and penal.

In this country there are none calling for the imposition of Sharia. Given that - and given, as you point out there are few calling for the imposition of OT/Mosaic law into our system - I have to ask why?

If the excuse being made for not making all forms of religious law illegal, is that no one in the US is calling for it to be the law of the land, then clearly Sharia and OT/Mosaic law are at the same level. No one is calling for it.

If the excuse for singling out Sharia is that it's abusive and contradictory to American values and freedoms, then so is OT/Mosaic law.

So what is it Roudy?

OT law calls for killing gays you know.
Sure, but it doesn't mean anything under Shariah law, that's why it's unconstitutional and should be banned. But, anything for Islam, eh?

LGBT rights[edit]

Main article: LGBT in Islam

Homosexual sex is illegal under sharia law, though the prescribed penalties differ from one school of jurisprudence to another. For example, only few Muslim-majority countries may impose the death penalty for acts perceived as sodomy and homosexual activities: Iran,[144] Nigeria,[145] Saudi Arabia,[146] and Somalia.[147] In contrast, in Muslim-majority countries such as Indonesia (outside of Aceh province),[148] Egypt, and Iraq, same-sex sexual acts are illegal but there is no specific penalty.[149][original research?] In Turkey, Bahrain and Jordan, homosexual acts between consenting individuals are legal.[150] There is a new movement of LGBT Muslims, particularly in Jordan, the UK with Imaan[151] and Al-Fatiha in America. Books such as Islam and Homosexuality by Siraj Scott has also contributed to playing a proactive role in LGBT- and Islam-related ideas.


Main articles: Women in Islam and Islam and domestic violence
Domestic violence
Many scholars[23][152] claim Shari'a law encourages domestic violence against women, when a husband suspects nushuz (disobedience, disloyalty, rebellion, ill conduct) in his wife.[153] Other scholars claim wife beating, for nashizah, is not consistent with modern perspectives of Qur'an.[154]

One of the verses of Qur'an relating to permissibility of domestic violence is Surah 4:34.[155][156] In deference to Surah 4:34, many nations with Shari'a law have refused to consider or prosecute cases of domestic abuse.[157][158][159][160] Shari'a has been criticized for ignoring women's right in domestic abuse cases.[161][162][163][164] Musawah/CEDAW, KAFA and other organizations have proposed ways to modify Shari'a-inspired laws to improve women's rights in Islamic nations, including women's rights in domestic abuse cases.[165][

We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More delusional thinking :cuckoo: If Shariah law is approved of by about 85% of Muslims abroad, and Muslims in the West come from those same countries, therefore you can assume that a good percentage of them approve of Shariah law as well. It's not like they step on American soil and POOF they suddenly and magically disapprove of Shariah. More wishful thinking.

Did it occur to you that many immigrants come to the US to escape those type of laws? That they value the American way of life?

However, that aside - I'm sure if that is true you can find polls and studies indicating that many Muslims in the US want Shariah law imposed.
We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More lies. When was the last time you heard Jews calling for the execution of a Jew that converted to another religion, or hanging of gays? Why do you feel it necessary to lie like this for Islam?

We're not talking about fanatics and extremists. We are talking about systems of law. You keep deflecting by trying to bring in Jews and turn this into anti-semitism issue when it's not. What you keep ignoring is that the groups that most support OT/Mosaic law being the law of the land are Christian.

The portions of Mosaic law that Jews use, like the portions of Sharia that used in western countries - involve civil and family law. What you fail to understand is that Sharia is not ONE thing. Kind of like Mosaic law in that sense. The way it's applied in Muslim countries is variable - countries with mixed system of law use Sharia for civil, and secular law for criminal and penal.

In this country there are none calling for the imposition of Sharia. Given that - and given, as you point out there are few calling for the imposition of OT/Mosaic law into our system - I have to ask why?

If the excuse being made for not making all forms of religious law illegal, is that no one in the US is calling for it to be the law of the land, then clearly Sharia and OT/Mosaic law are at the same level. No one is calling for it.

If the excuse for singling out Sharia is that it's abusive and contradictory to American values and freedoms, then so is OT/Mosaic law.

So what is it Roudy?

OT law calls for killing gays you know.
Again the comparison to Mosaic law is false.

How about you ask the Turks, Muslims themselves, why they banned Shariah law, ALL PORTIONS OF IT? Perhaps as Muslims themselves they know what it is? Just saying...
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We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More delusional thinking :cuckoo: If Shariah law is approved of by about 85% of Muslims abroad, and Muslims in the West come from those same countries, therefore you can assume that a good percentage of them approve of Shariah law as well. It's not like they step on American soil and POOF they suddenly and magically disapprove of Shariah. More wishful thinking.

Did it occur to you that many immigrants come to the US to escape those type of laws? That they value the American way of life?

However, that aside - I'm sure if that is true you can find polls and studies indicating that many Muslims in the US want Shariah law imposed.
Did it occur to you that most Muslims practice their religion, and as practicing Muslims, you cannot separate Shariah law from Islam?

There is so much that you don't know, or naively assume to be true, I just don't know where to start. It appears you have been fed these false ideas and you are afraid to open your mind to the contrary.
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We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More delusional thinking :cuckoo: If Shariah law is approved of by about 85% of Muslims abroad, and Muslims in the West come from those same countries, therefore you can assume that a good percentage of them approve of Shariah law as well. It's not like they step on American soil and POOF they suddenly and magically disapprove of Shariah. More wishful thinking.

Did it occur to you that many immigrants come to the US to escape those type of laws? That they value the American way of life?

However, that aside - I'm sure if that is true you can find polls and studies indicating that many Muslims in the US want Shariah law imposed.
Has it occurred to you that many Islamic immigrants come to the U.S. and Europe with the intention of implementing sharia?
Because it's not quite a completely hellish nightmare yet for women in the KSA.

Saudi Sheikh Has This ‘Scientific’ Warning: Driving Affects Women’s Pelvises and Ovaries

Saudi Sheikh Has This ?Scientific? Warning: Driving Affects Women?s Pelvises and Ovaries | TheBlaze.com

As women in Saudi Arabia prepare to challenge the kingdom’s ban on female driving next month, a leading Saudi cleric is warning women that driving could damage their ovaries and pelvises and could result in babies born with medical problems.

Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan, decribed by Reuters as “one of Saudi Arabia’s top conservative clerics” warns that driving “rolls up the pelvis.”
Because it's not quite a completely hellish nightmare yet for women in the KSA.

Saudi Sheikh Has This ‘Scientific’ Warning: Driving Affects Women’s Pelvises and Ovaries

Saudi Sheikh Has This ?Scientific? Warning: Driving Affects Women?s Pelvises and Ovaries | TheBlaze.com

As women in Saudi Arabia prepare to challenge the kingdom’s ban on female driving next month, a leading Saudi cleric is warning women that driving could damage their ovaries and pelvises and could result in babies born with medical problems.

Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan, decribed by Reuters as “one of Saudi Arabia’s top conservative clerics” warns that driving “rolls up the pelvis.”
:lmao: there ya go, it's always about things from the waste down with them.
Well if shariah is such wonderful law, I'm wondering why the Turks, Muslims themselves, and people who historically were responsible for spreading Islam and Shariah all over the world, WOULD BAN IT? Wouldn't they, as holders of the torch of Islam, know how "great" it truly is?

Anybody, anybody? LOL

Muslim-majority countries[edit]

Ban on sharia law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Although Turkey is a Muslim-majority country, since Kemal Atatürk's years in office, sharia law has been banned.[12]
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We know that Sharia, just like OT/Mosaic law is highly intolerant of the above.

But since it's not a factor in the US...what is your point?
More delusional thinking :cuckoo: If Shariah law is approved of by about 85% of Muslims abroad, and Muslims in the West come from those same countries, therefore you can assume that a good percentage of them approve of Shariah law as well. It's not like they step on American soil and POOF they suddenly and magically disapprove of Shariah. More wishful thinking.

Did it occur to you that many immigrants come to the US to escape those type of laws? That they value the American way of life?

However, that aside - I'm sure if that is true you can find polls and studies indicating that many Muslims in the US want Shariah law imposed.

If the majority of Americans oppose having these undesirables here, we must force the ruling-class appeasers and traitors to hand over the power to force these misfits to go back to the hellholes they belong in. Your feeling of superiority in believing that democracy is "mob rule" will cost you the lives of your children.
Instead of doing the quote, which I find boring, here's this truly ignorant misstatement:

You did not because American Muslims are not committing such atrocities.

Well, you dolt, what about the Americans involved in the Kenyan mall attack? They don't count?

At least one of the Tsarnaev brothers was an American citizen too. Was he one of the forgotten ones.

Then there is Ramsay Yousef the man who bombed the WTC the first time. Now he was a solid American family man. Then there was the Times Square Bomber, Faisal Shahzad. Don't forget Nidal Hassan the Ft. Hood shooter. He was an American Military man.

If you are saying that American muslims are not committing such atrocities, you are either not thinking, or outright lying.

I was speaking of American Muslims as a whole, not a handful of isolated cases as I already explained. If you're going to blame all Muslims for the atrocities committed, then you better be prepared to demonstrate that such violence is a regular occurrence among them and you can't. That's the point.
At least one of the Tsarnaev brothers was an American citizen too. Was he one of the forgotten ones.

Then there is Ramsay Yousef the man who bombed the WTC the first time. Now he was a solid American family man. Then there was the Times Square Bomber, Faisal Shahzad. Don't forget Nidal Hassan the Ft. Hood shooter. He was an American Military man.

If you are saying that American muslims are not committing such atrocities, you are either not thinking, or outright lying.

The deniers have a very poor long term memory. Much easier to bury their head in the sand then believe there are truly evil people and archaic belief systems that have no place in the modern world. It doesn't fit their skewed politically correct view of the world.

It is only a matter of time until another attack on a public place happens again in America. Our enemies have more patience and will than most average Americans, and that will be our undoing.

Most American Muslims are average AMERICANS.

Most American Christians are not Tim McVeigh.

Exactly. They want so badly to hate Muslims that they ignore the cold hard facts.
Well if shariah is such wonderful law, I'm wondering why the Turks, Muslims themselves, and people who historically were responsible for spreading Islam and Shariah all over the world, WOULD BAN IT? Wouldn't they, as holders of the torch of Islam, know how "great" it truly is?

Anybody, anybody? LOL

Although Turkey is a Muslim-majority country, since Kemal Atatürk's years in office, sharia law has been banned.[12]

Sharia laws must be based on Quran , not hadiths . Today sharia laws includes many nonsense , because its changed . This is why some islamic countries dont apply it . Also sharia laws are not so different your original state laws . Ottoman Empire was ruled under sharia laws and they were so brutal , and also Ottoman Empire always saw itself as superior (today's usa) But finally disintegrated . Inevitable!
If political correctness had not blocked scientific progress and pre-determined the "progressive" answers that facts must be mutilated into, anthropologists would realize that the races that were adaptable to Islam are descendants of a prehistoric unevolved and malignant species. The only way these people would have settled in their No Man's Lands was that they were driven there as criminal fugitives from evolving civilizations. Their behavior in historical times, most obvious and undeniable today, confirm this thesis. They must be tamed or exterminated.

Did you read this in WorldNetDaily?

I don't use pre-owned professional sources or their clones on the Internet. I analyze things from logic, experience, and knowledge of historical facts rather than accepting the historians' conclusions from what they have mindlessly investigated. This evolutionary challenge has been with us for 30,000 years; it is now in one of its most threatening phases.

In your case citing the crap from WND would be a step up on the credibility ladder.
More delusional thinking :cuckoo: If Shariah law is approved of by about 85% of Muslims abroad, and Muslims in the West come from those same countries, therefore you can assume that a good percentage of them approve of Shariah law as well. It's not like they step on American soil and POOF they suddenly and magically disapprove of Shariah. More wishful thinking.

Did it occur to you that many immigrants come to the US to escape those type of laws? That they value the American way of life?

However, that aside - I'm sure if that is true you can find polls and studies indicating that many Muslims in the US want Shariah law imposed.
Has it occurred to you that many Islamic immigrants come to the U.S. and Europe with the intention of implementing sharia?

Even if that were true, how far do you think they'll get with that? As someone already pointed, look at the rabid christians in our government who can't get laws passed to benefit the majority religion. How do you think Muslims could do any better?
Because it's not quite a completely hellish nightmare yet for women in the KSA.

Saudi Sheikh Has This ‘Scientific’ Warning: Driving Affects Women’s Pelvises and Ovaries

Saudi Sheikh Has This ?Scientific? Warning: Driving Affects Women?s Pelvises and Ovaries | TheBlaze.com

As women in Saudi Arabia prepare to challenge the kingdom’s ban on female driving next month, a leading Saudi cleric is warning women that driving could damage their ovaries and pelvises and could result in babies born with medical problems.

Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan, decribed by Reuters as “one of Saudi Arabia’s top conservative clerics” warns that driving “rolls up the pelvis.”

And Pat Robertson claims that women's rights and homosexuals are the cause of tornadoes. Every religion has its wack jobs
Again, you still can't or won't answer a straightforward question. How long are you going to keep dodging?

Mosaic/OT law is very similar to Sharia and enjoys a small level of support in this country. It's clearly in opposition to American values and freedoms. Should it not be banned?

The term is "Levitical Law."

The number of nations employing Levitical Law as criminal or civil law is zero - this includes Israel. The number of people advocating the adoption of Levitical law is zero.

Again you employ a logical fallacy of a false equivalence in your defense and promotion of radical Islam.

You're a one trick pony in your internet Jihad.

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