Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

So what is someone wants to marry plural wives? If it's consenting adults, I don't see the issue in plural marriages.
It's called polygamy and it's agains the law, in civilized societies. And it's hardly consenting. It's part of Shariah law, and just another way to persecute women. Now you're justifying polygamy? Just how far will go do defend Islam? Funny funny funny.

I know exactly what's called. In the US, it's mostly practiced underground by a fundamentalist sects of Christianity and Mormons.

There is nothing in the Quran that states "no consent" so presumably if it were practiced here it would be by consent since forced marriages of any type are clearly illegal and should remain so. I believe we are in agreement that forced marriage is wrong.

My point is - and you evade it totally - what's wrong with polygamy? So what if consenting adults want a plural marriage?

I'm not defending anything - polygamy is not unique to Islam - get over it :)
When Hugh Hefner the owner of Playboy magazine had 3 live-in girl friends on the TV reality series it was a #1 top rated show and people loved it..

Yet, if a muslim man wants to marry 3 muslim woman and raise children with them in a stable home.

That is seen as bad. . :doubt:
Yes, all men in the USA run around doing what Hugh Hefner does.

It's just a totally corrupt society and the women need to be put in their places. Men need to be able to marry four women and treat them like property.
There ya go, now you're justifying pedophilia by claiming that's the way it was in the old days. Try telling that to the judge "but your honor, adolescence is a 20th century construct,mew Muslims still live in the 7the century, when kids as little as 8 or 9 married and had kids. Heck, even our prophet did that. And people in Africa and in Muslims countries do just that." And the grand finale "most of the women in USA are WHORES, look at the way they dress and the porn industry. We should be allowed to live by our own 'laws'".

Well at least we found two Muslims on the USMB that want to live by Shariah law. And here you were claiming that NO MUSLIMS in USA want Shariah. Ha ha ha.

Which two?

You claim no one wants Biblical Law, but that is clearly not true. Yet you refuse to support legislation condemning biblical law and that is supported by far more than two. .:eusa_eh:
Sunni believes in Shariah law, ask him. He's said so many times. So does this Nix creature. Pay attention.

Link then? :)

Since more people in the US support imposing biblical law then sharia - why aren't you supporting legislation?
When Hugh Hefner the owner of Playboy magazine had 3 live-in girl friends on the TV reality series it was a #1 top rated show and people loved it..

Yet, if a muslim man wants to marry 3 muslim woman and raise children with them in a stable home.

That is seen as bad. . :doubt:
Yes, all men in the USA run around doing what Hugh Hefner does.

It's just a totally corrupt society and the women need to be put in their places. Men need to be able to marry four women and treat them like property.

Marriage doesn't equal treating women like property. Pay attention.
So what is someone wants to marry plural wives? If it's consenting adults, I don't see the issue in plural marriages.
It's called polygamy and it's agains the law, in civilized societies. And it's hardly consenting. It's part of Shariah law, and just another way to persecute women. Now you're justifying polygamy? Just how far will go do defend Islam? Funny funny funny.

I know exactly what's called. In the US, it's mostly practiced underground by a fundamentalist sects of Christianity and Mormons.

There is nothing in the Quran that states "no consent" so presumably if it were practiced here it would be by consent since forced marriages of any type are clearly illegal and should remain so. I believe we are in agreement that forced marriage is wrong.

My point is - and you evade it totally - what's wrong with polygamy? So what if consenting adults want a plural marriage?

I'm not defending anything - polygamy is not unique to Islam - get over it :)
What's wrong with polygamy? Ha ha ha. Now you are trying to justify polygamy as a way of life. Have you totally flipped your lid? You actually want to now engage in defending polygamy?
Which two?

You claim no one wants Biblical Law, but that is clearly not true. Yet you refuse to support legislation condemning biblical law and that is supported by far more than two. .:eusa_eh:
Sunni believes in Shariah law, ask him. He's said so many times. So does this Nix creature. Pay attention.

Link then? :)

Since more people in the US support imposing biblical law then sharia - why aren't you supporting legislation?
Link what, he's said it many times himself. Ask him he's right here.

You are a convenient idiot, and he doesn't want to undermine your defense of Islamic barbarism and Shariah law.
When Hugh Hefner the owner of Playboy magazine had 3 live-in girl friends on the TV reality series it was a #1 top rated show and people loved it..

Yet, if a muslim man wants to marry 3 muslim woman and raise children with them in a stable home.

That is seen as bad. . :doubt:
Yes, all men in the USA run around doing what Hugh Hefner does.

It's just a totally corrupt society and the women need to be put in their places. Men need to be able to marry four women and treat them like property.

Marriage doesn't equal treating women like property. Pay attention.
When a man gets to have multiple wives it does. Duh.

Sad thing is you are a woman yourself. You are totally brainwashed.
Sunni believes in Shariah law, ask him. He's said so many times. So does this Nix creature. Pay attention.

Link then? :)

Since more people in the US support imposing biblical law then sharia - why aren't you supporting legislation?
Link what, he's said it many times himself. Ask him he's right here.

You are a convenient idiot, and he doesn't want to undermine your defense of Islamic barbarism and Shariah law.

I like your imaginary claim to defense of barbarism and sharia.

Now, beyond that - since more people in the US support imposing biblical law then sharia - why aren't you supporting legislation?
It's called polygamy and it's agains the law, in civilized societies. And it's hardly consenting. It's part of Shariah law, and just another way to persecute women. Now you're justifying polygamy? Just how far will go do defend Islam? Funny funny funny.

I know exactly what's called. In the US, it's mostly practiced underground by a fundamentalist sects of Christianity and Mormons.

There is nothing in the Quran that states "no consent" so presumably if it were practiced here it would be by consent since forced marriages of any type are clearly illegal and should remain so. I believe we are in agreement that forced marriage is wrong.

My point is - and you evade it totally - what's wrong with polygamy? So what if consenting adults want a plural marriage?

I'm not defending anything - polygamy is not unique to Islam - get over it :)
What's wrong with polygamy? Ha ha ha. Now you are trying to justify polygamy as a way of life. Have you totally flipped your lid? You actually want to now engage in defending polygamy?

No Roudy. Calm down and read.

What is actually wrong with polygamy (or polyandry)? Seriously. I could give a hoot what consenting adults want in the way of marriage. Why should you?

I'm not "justifying" anything. You keep insisting that asking questions or confirming an historical or irrational basis for something is "justifying" - it's not. Try to focus on the actual words, not your desperate interpretations.
Well, if the Islamic women knew how to keep their husbands happy there would be no need for them to have more than one wife, if you know what I mean. :lol:

Yah I can see the whore soul ruling your body :clap:
Wow, that was a very Islamist thing to say. They say the most disgusting, filthy things, don't they?
Well, if the Islamic women knew how to keep their husbands happy there would be no need for them to have more than one wife, if you know what I mean. :lol:

Yah I can see the whore soul ruling your body :clap:
Wow, that was a very Islamist thing to say. They say the most disgusting, filthy things, don't they?

They are losing every debate and argument so it is not surprising. I think Nox is two people actually, one with good English and the other poor English. Poor thing needs a partner in crime.
Yes, all men in the USA run around doing what Hugh Hefner does.

It's just a totally corrupt society and the women need to be put in their places. Men need to be able to marry four women and treat them like property.

Marriage doesn't equal treating women like property. Pay attention.
When a man gets to have multiple wives it does. Duh.

Sad thing is you are a woman yourself. You are totally brainwashed.

Marriage to one woman can also often end up with men treating the women like property.

That is a weak excuse to oppose plural marriage unless you can somehow make the case that it always ends up that way and divorce were also illegal.
I know exactly what's called. In the US, it's mostly practiced underground by a fundamentalist sects of Christianity and Mormons.

There is nothing in the Quran that states "no consent" so presumably if it were practiced here it would be by consent since forced marriages of any type are clearly illegal and should remain so. I believe we are in agreement that forced marriage is wrong.

My point is - and you evade it totally - what's wrong with polygamy? So what if consenting adults want a plural marriage?

I'm not defending anything - polygamy is not unique to Islam - get over it :)
What's wrong with polygamy? Ha ha ha. Now you are trying to justify polygamy as a way of life. Have you totally flipped your lid? You actually want to now engage in defending polygamy?

No Roudy. Calm down and read.

What is actually wrong with polygamy (or polyandry)? Seriously. I could give a hoot what consenting adults want in the way of marriage. Why should you?

I'm not "justifying" anything. You keep insisting that asking questions or confirming an historical or irrational basis for something is "justifying" - it's not. Try to focus on the actual words, not your desperate interpretations.
If there wasn't anything wrong with it, it wouldn't have been made illegal a long time ago. Stop asking stupid questions. Polygamy has been a major contributor to abuse of women, especially younger ones. All societies that practice polygamy the women are treated like dirt.

I noticed that Islam defenders do a good job of "acting" like they are for women's rights. But in reality they are actually promoting the exact opposite.

You should be ashamed of yourself for even asking that question. Especially as a woman. "What's wrong with polygamy". Yes, you've officially gone over the cliff, mentally.
Marriage doesn't equal treating women like property. Pay attention.
When a man gets to have multiple wives it does. Duh.

Sad thing is you are a woman yourself. You are totally brainwashed.

Marriage to one woman can also often end up with men treating the women like property.

That is a weak excuse to oppose plural marriage unless you can somehow make the case that it always ends up that way and divorce were also illegal.
Oh okay so since marriage to one woman has problems let's go ahead and legalize polygamy. Anything to keep Muslims happy. Ha ha ha. You are insane.
I would imagine if a Muslim woman has to share her husband with three other wives they would get rather jealous of Western women who are able to have a long and happy relationship or marriage with just one man. I feel sorry for Muslim women in that respect. Must be terrible having such jealousy. It must churn them up no end.
The divorce rate in America is over 50% and adultery is rampant and almost considered normal.

Whereas in Islam the rate of divorce is very low and adultery is a serious issue. .. :cool:

You obviously know very little of Islam. Accurate crime statistics are notoriously difficult to come by in islamist nations.

Secondly, in many islamist nations, punishment for adultery meted out to women can include being attacked with acid or being murdered to preserve the family "honor" all at the hands of male family members.

How really sick and perverted.

.... True story.

..... :cool:
The article was about women in developing countries dying during childbirth. (which includes all religions and all poor 3rd world countries)

It said NOTHING about 8 year old girls or muslims.

Try again.......... :cool:

Aren't nearly all Muslim countries third world? Even nations with obscene wealth, like Saudi Arabia and Iran?

Allahu Akbar...
Having more than 1 wife in Islam isn't about having more sex.

It's about helping widows and other unmarried women during difficult times.

And creating stability within the muslim community. .. :cool:


Yeah, and having slaves is about keeping the poor fed and housed....
Funny thing is polygamists are the most notorious a abusers of women, often marrying adolescents. But hey, they are "consenting" aren't they?

This thread just demonstrates how insane you have to be, and the outrageous behavior you have to justify, to be an Islam defender. I truly feel sorry for them.
Yah I can see the whore soul ruling your body :clap:
Wow, that was a very Islamist thing to say. They say the most disgusting, filthy things, don't they?

They are losing every debate and argument so it is not surprising. I think Nox is two people actually, one with good English and the other poor English. Poor thing needs a partner in crime.
It's funny and enjoyable how they twist and contort themselves into unrecognizable shapes to defend obvious barbarism and savagery. I especially like it when they stick their hoofs in their mouths in the process.

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