Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

The divorce rate in America is over 50% and adultery is rampant and almost considered normal.

Whereas in Islam the rate of divorce is very low and adultery is a serious issue. .. :cool:

Yeah, adultery is serious. If you get caught cheating on one of your wives, you'll have to stone her to death....

No, no, no! If you are caught heating it will be on all 4 of your wives. So you will have to stone all of them to death. Which could be incredibly tiring and take hours, especially if you use the small stones recommended by all good Muslim women stoning advisors.
Convert wannabes such as you have never known the hardship, disappointment and despair that Islam imposes on women.
........................................^^^ :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo: :eusa_boohoo:

Typical pointless response from the convert wannabe. It speaks volumes, (negatively), about a politico-religious ideology that still clings to such misogynistic practices as stripping rights from women and treating them like chattel. There's just no justification for treating half the population as inferior.

Fortunately, your attitudes and especially your actions are throttled by laws in the Great Satan that protect women from people like you.

.... True story

No Roudy. Calm down and read.

What is actually wrong with polygamy (or polyandry)? Seriously. I could give a hoot what consenting adults want in the way of marriage. Why should you?

I'm not "justifying" anything. You keep insisting that asking questions or confirming an historical or irrational basis for something is "justifying" - it's not. Try to focus on the actual words, not your desperate interpretations.
If there wasn't anything wrong with it, it wouldn't have been made illegal a long time ago. Stop asking stupid questions.

It was made iillegal because of that era's puritan Christian culture that determined marriage was one man and one woman. It had NOTHING to do with women's rights or well being - in fact women were still regarded as possessions, not allowed to vote and subject to forceable measures if they weren't biddable.

I noticed that Islam defenders do a good job of "acting" like they are for women's rights. But in reality they are actually promoting the exact opposite.

I notice bigots do a good job pretending they are concerned about women when it's really just all about promoting their bigotry.

You should be ashamed of yourself for even asking that question. Especially as a woman. "What's wrong with polygamy". Yes, you've officially gone over the cliff, mentally.

I should? Really now?

Why should it matter to you what the marriage arrangements are between consenting adults who can choose for themselves what they want? Seriously? It's a matter of individual rights and choices unless coercion occurs and forced marriages are illegal no matter how many husbands and wives there are. We're talking modern societies and free choice here. What business is it of yours or mine?
So delusional claim number 2 is now...that polygamists only engage in "consenting" marriages. That's like saying "consenting slaves" or "consenting child laborers". Wow, I never thought you would stoop that low.
The divorce rate in America is over 50% and adultery is rampant and almost considered normal.

Whereas in Islam the rate of divorce is very low and adultery is a serious issue. .. :cool:

Yeah, adultery is serious. If you get caught cheating on one of your wives, you'll have to stone her to death....

No, no, no! If you are caught heating it will be on all 4 of your wives. So you will have to stone all of them to death. Which could be incredibly tiring and take hours, especially if you use the small stones recommended by all good Muslim women stoning advisors.
Let's also not forget that Shariah allows you to beat the crap out of any of your wives to your hearts desire.

Of course these are "consenting" women, so if they decide to divorce at any time, they get kicked around like a used rag, according to Islamic law. That's if, their case is even heard. LOL
The divorce rate in America is over 50% and adultery is rampant and almost considered normal.

Whereas in Islam the rate of divorce is very low and adultery is a serious issue. .. :cool:

Yeah, adultery is serious. If you get caught cheating on one of your wives, you'll have to stone her to death....

No, no, no! If you are caught heating it will be on all 4 of your wives. So you will have to stone all of them to death. Which could be incredibly tiring and take hours, especially if you use the small stones recommended by all good Muslim women stoning advisors.
Everybody Must Get Stoned!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASQ-yHWKSQk]Everybody Must Get Stoned (Bob Dylan) - YouTube[/ame]
Let's also not forget that Shariah allows you to beat the crap out of any of your wives to your hearts desire.

Of course these are "consenting" women, so if they decide to divorce at any time, they get kicked around like a used rag, according to Islamic law. That's if, their case is even heard. LOL
You sound jealous............ :lol:
No Roudy. Calm down and read.

What is actually wrong with polygamy (or polyandry)? Seriously. I could give a hoot what consenting adults want in the way of marriage. Why should you?

I'm not "justifying" anything. You keep insisting that asking questions or confirming an historical or irrational basis for something is "justifying" - it's not. Try to focus on the actual words, not your desperate interpretations.
If there wasn't anything wrong with it, it wouldn't have been made illegal a long time ago. Stop asking stupid questions.

It was made iillegal because of that era's puritan Christian culture that determined marriage was one man and one woman. It had NOTHING to do with women's rights or well being - in fact women were still regarded as possessions, not allowed to vote and subject to forceable measures if they weren't biddable.

I noticed that Islam defenders do a good job of "acting" like they are for women's rights. But in reality they are actually promoting the exact opposite.

I notice bigots do a good job pretending they are concerned about women when it's really just all about promoting their bigotry.

You should be ashamed of yourself for even asking that question. Especially as a woman. "What's wrong with polygamy". Yes, you've officially gone over the cliff, mentally.

I should? Really now?

Why should it matter to you what the marriage arrangements are between consenting adults who can choose for themselves what they want? Seriously? It's a matter of individual rights and choices unless coercion occurs and forced marriages are illegal no matter how many husbands and wives there are. We're talking modern societies and free choice here. What business is it of yours or mine?
Crazy Coyote:
It had NOTHING to do with women's rights or well being

Seriously, where do you come up with this bullshit? Polygamy is not a woman's right issue? Good thing you're saying these outlandish things on the internet. Out in the real world they'd lock you up in an asylum or at least recommend a local psychologist. LOL

Legal status of polygamy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many of the countries where the practice yet exists are underdeveloped, and their populations mostly illiterate, as well as having cultures oppressive of women. The only form in which polygamy is permitted in all places where it is permitted is that of a man taking multiple wives.

The vast majority of the world's countries, on the other hand, and virtually all of the world's developed nations, do not permit polygamy, and there have been growing calls for the abolition of polygyny in many developing countries. In the many countries which do not permit polygamy, a person who marries in one of those countries a person while still being lawfully married to another commits the crime of bigamy. In all cases, the second marriage is considered legally null and void. Besides the second and subsequent marriages being void, the bigamist is also liable to other penalties, which also vary between jurisdictions.
Polygyny, the practice of one husband taking multiple wives, has been condemned as being a form of human rights abuse and many international human rights organisations as well as Women's rights groups in many countries have called for its abolition where it still lingers. The practice has also been explicitly ruled to be a violation of the internationally binding ICCPR, for polygyny violates human dignity and equality, and the United Nations has thusly recommended that the practice be abolished everywhere by sovereign states

But hey, :cuckoo:Coyote:cuckoo: knows better, right? :lmao:
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Let's also not forget that Shariah allows you to beat the crap out of any of your wives to your hearts desire.

Of course these are "consenting" women, so if they decide to divorce at any time, they get kicked around like a used rag, according to Islamic law. That's if, their case is even heard. LOL
You sound jealous............ :lol:
Very. Instead of having two deal with one you have to deal with four. On the bright side you get to beat the crap out of them whenever you feel like. Shariah is like Vegas, it's a man's law.
You sound jealous............ :lol:

If I wanted Polygamy, I'd definitely go Mormon... The women are WAY better looking. Not that this isn't pretty, mind you...

I wonder what Shariah related Islamic behavior Coyote will defend next? I can't wait. Ha ha ha.

Probably say that the Burqua and cutting clits off is the definition of women's rights.
You keep pointing to all these "consenting" situations.

Don't you realize that woman WANT to wear burkas and have a butcher go at their private parts with a dull knife? Exactly what is wrong with that? NOTHING. LOL.
We ain't no creepyass
Crackers from the boonies,
We be the bros

Don't need no Skittles,
Don't need no hobbies,
As long as I got
The back of the Wahhabis.
Don't quit your day job nitwit....... :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Go back to your desert and fuck your camel. The only good Muzzie is a dead Muzzie. All those who think that anyone from your cretins' creed is worth saving are just giving into cowardice. An appeaser's wish is a Death Wish.
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Come on Sunni, tell Coyote how you and all your Muslim friends and Mosque congregation believe in Shariah law, and according to Shariah, Muslim Americans should be allowed to have four wives. And as a bonus, add the fact that you know several Muslims who have secretly married four women. There ya go. Aren't you proud of your religion? :clap:

Having more than one wife is for necessary conditions , not for normal life , but people use this situation for their own benefit , I dont see them as muslims .

But in another perspective , having 4 wife is much more moral than having 3 girlfriend other than your wife :cheeky-smiley-018: or its much more moral than looking at foreign women's hips walking down the street while your wife together with you , but you cant understand islamic moral :cuckoo:

Well, if the Islamic women knew how to keep their husbands happy there would be no need for them to have more than one wife, if you know what I mean. :lol:

If they're anything like this chattering Chechen chick, it'll mean Nag Nag Nag Nag. No wonder Nox's men want to become suicide bombers!
I am married thank you and very happily so. I don't need anyone else. You are the jealous catty one which is blatantly obvious from your comments to me. Never mind. I am sure you will find happiness one day, but it might be best to lose the attitude you have that you are superior to anyone else. It is not endearing to people to think you muslims are better than others.

She thinks she's Caucasian just because her Mongoloid tribe settled in the Caucasus when no one else wanted to live there.
Then this is their family's mistake , not islam . There is no such a thing in islam as child marriage , this is another hadith nonsense . Quran say when your children are old enough to marry (puberty) if you see they're mature enough (emotionally and physical) then allow them .

4:6 Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then ye find sound judgment in them, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste against their growing up. If the guardian is well-off, let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When ye release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: But all-sufficient is Allah in taking account.

Those Satanic verses are not about marriage; they refer to what age a little girl should become a suicide bomber.
The divorce rate in America is over 50% and adultery is rampant and almost considered normal.

Whereas in Islam the rate of divorce is very low and adultery is a serious issue. .. :cool:

Yeah, adultery is serious. If you get caught cheating on one of your wives, you'll have to stone her to death....

No, no, no! If you are caught heating it will be on all 4 of your wives. So you will have to stone all of them to death. Which could be incredibly tiring and take hours, especially if you use the small stones recommended by all good Muslim women stoning advisors.

Of all the horrendous islamist Dark Ages punishments, stoning has to be the most barbaric. A woman (more often than not is the victim), and is buried up to her breast and pummeled with stones of a prescribed size (not so small as to not cause pain, not so large as to kill with one blow—maximum suffering), as a gathered crowd yells Allahu akbar!, until she perishes in a bloody, mangled heap. And all because she had the audacity to treat her body as if it were her own. Women are punished in Islam simply for being women.
Yeah, adultery is serious. If you get caught cheating on one of your wives, you'll have to stone her to death....

No, no, no! If you are caught heating it will be on all 4 of your wives. So you will have to stone all of them to death. Which could be incredibly tiring and take hours, especially if you use the small stones recommended by all good Muslim women stoning advisors.

Of all the horrendous islamist Dark Ages punishments, stoning has to be the most barbaric. A woman (more often than not is the victim), and is buried up to her breast and pummeled with stones of a prescribed size (not so small as to not cause pain, not so large as to kill with one blow—maximum suffering), as a gathered crowd yells Allahu akbar!, until she perishes in a bloody, mangled heap. And all because she had the audacity to treat her body as if it were her own. Women are punished in Islam simply for being women.
................^^^ No doubt about it Poindexter. .. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:
If Islam is all about the Equality of Women, then...

Women can have four (4) husbands...


Any woman who dies a Martyr to the Faith gets seventy-two (72) well-endowed young virgin stud-muffins to play with for eternity...

Fair is fair, right?

"I love 'quick-time harch'." - Madeline Kahn as Empress Nympho - Mel Brooks' History of the World Part 1


Maybe I missed something about all that in my own more cursory reading of the Q'uran some years ago?
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