Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Girls being married and having children at 12 yrs. old was somewhat common over 100+ years ago in both America and Europe.

But nowadays the Muslim girls are married and give birth at 12 or younger. We are talking about now, not 100 or more years ago.
Then this is their family's mistake , not islam . There is no such a thing in islam as child marriage , this is another hadith nonsense . Quran say when your children are old enough to marry (puberty) if you see they're mature enough (emotionally and physical) then allow them .

4:6 Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then ye find sound judgment in them, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste against their growing up. If the guardian is well-off, let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When ye release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: But all-sufficient is Allah in taking account.
Then this is their family's mistake , not islam . There is no such a thing in islam as child marriage , this is another hadith nonsense . Quran say when your children are old enough to marry (puberty) if you see they're mature enough (emotionally and physical) then allow them .

4:6 Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then ye find sound judgment in them, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste against their growing up. If the guardian is well-off, let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When ye release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: But all-sufficient is Allah in taking account.

If puberty is not a child, then you are very ignorant.

Permitted in the Qur'an

Main Article: Pedophilia in the Qur'an

Muslims justify pedophilic marriages with tender aged girls using verses from the Qur'an, that clearly advocates this abominable practice.

The Qur'an cannot be questioned by Muslims since it's not simply considered to be 'inspired' but the very words of Allah, uttered by his final messenger Muhammad.

In Islam, moral relativism cannot be applied, as the Qur'an is Allah's eternal message to mankind and is as relevant today as it were when the revelations first escaped Muhammad lips.

And (as for) those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, if you have a doubt, their prescribed time shall be three months, and of those too who have not had their courses; and (as for) the pregnant women, their prescribed time is that they lay down their burden; and whoever is careful of (his duty to) Allah He will make easy for him his affair.
Qur'an 65:4

The term "courses" mentioned above (indicated in bold italic text) is most accurately translated as "menstruation", which is the exact meaning of the Arabic word used in that context (i.e. 'Yaĥiđna يَحِضْنَ).

Lots more interesting facts about the subject here
Contemporary Pedophilic Islamic Marriages - WikiIslam
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Girls being married and having children at 12 yrs. old was somewhat common over 100+ years ago in both America and Europe.

But nowadays the Muslim girls are married and give birth at 12 or younger. We are talking about now, not 100 or more years ago.
My point was that only in the last century has the legal marriage age risen.

In the state that I grew up in 13 was the legal age that girls could marry.

Do you remember Jerry Lee Lewis........ :cool:
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If puberty is not a child, then you are very ignorant.

Permitted in the Qur'an

Main Article: Pedophilia in the Qur'an

Muslims ...............


As long as you continue to use wikiislam as a islamic source , you will continue to be ignorant .

Verse 65:4 talks about women with menstruation problem , or in another words infertile women or hormonal disorders , not children , but sick minds translate it as children .

Read the article , I didnt read all of them but it will help ,

Verse 65:4
The article was about women in developing countries dying during childbirth. (which includes all religions and all poor 3rd world countries)

It said NOTHING about 8 year old girls or muslims.

Try again.......... :cool:

I think they're trying to say children who give birth .But I dont know how a child can get pregnant :cuckoo:

The same way any female human can. Girls sometimes have an egg pass down the fallopian tubes into the uterus before they actually have their first period. There is a clump of cells blocking the cervix, as I recall, until such time as ovulation occurs - but every now & then things aren't completely in synchronization. It isn't all that common, but it unfortunately possible for girls as young as 9 to become pregnant when raped (it's always rape at such an age because they aren't adults and cannot give 'informed consent')

snopes.com: Youngest Mother
Girls being married and having children at 12 yrs. old was somewhat common over 100+ years ago in both America and Europe.

But nowadays the Muslim girls are married and give birth at 12 or younger. We are talking about now, not 100 or more years ago.
My point was that only in the last century has the legal marriage age risen.

In the state that I grew up in 13 was the legal age that girls could marry.

Do you remember Jerry Lee Lewis........ :cool:

In one of these threads I remember reading a source saying "adolescence" was really a 20th century construct. Prior you went from child to adult in terms of marriage and responsibility.
Then this is their family's mistake , not islam . There is no such a thing in islam as child marriage , this is another hadith nonsense . Quran say when your children are old enough to marry (puberty) if you see they're mature enough (emotionally and physical) then allow them .

4:6 Make trial of orphans until they reach the age of marriage; if then ye find sound judgment in them, release their property to them; but consume it not wastefully, nor in haste against their growing up. If the guardian is well-off, let him claim no remuneration, but if he is poor, let him have for himself what is just and reasonable. When ye release their property to them, take witnesses in their presence: But all-sufficient is Allah in taking account.

If puberty is not a child, then you are very ignorant.

Permitted in the Qur'an

Main Article: Pedophilia in the Qur'an

Muslims justify pedophilic marriages with tender aged girls using verses from the Qur'an, that clearly advocates this abominable practice.

The Qur'an cannot be questioned by Muslims since it's not simply considered to be 'inspired' but the very words of Allah, uttered by his final messenger Muhammad.

In Islam, moral relativism cannot be applied, as the Qur'an is Allah's eternal message to mankind and is as relevant today as it were when the revelations first escaped Muhammad lips.

And (as for) those of your women who have despaired of menstruation, if you have a doubt, their prescribed time shall be three months, and of those too who have not had their courses; and (as for) the pregnant women, their prescribed time is that they lay down their burden; and whoever is careful of (his duty to) Allah He will make easy for him his affair.
Qur'an 65:4

The term "courses" mentioned above (indicated in bold italic text) is most accurately translated as "menstruation", which is the exact meaning of the Arabic word used in that context (i.e. 'Yaĥiđna يَحِضْنَ).

Lots more interesting facts about the subject here
Contemporary Pedophilic Islamic Marriages - WikiIslam

I think many Muslims would disagree with the claim: In Islam, moral relativism cannot be applied, as the Qur'an is Allah's eternal message to mankind and is as relevant today as it were when the revelations first escaped Muhammad lips. Many of the rules surrounding Islam come from the Hadith's not the Quran.

Here's a counter to WikiIslam's claim: What is the minimum age for marriage in the Holy Quran?
But nowadays the Muslim girls are married and give birth at 12 or younger. We are talking about now, not 100 or more years ago.
My point was that only in the last century has the legal marriage age risen.

In the state that I grew up in 13 was the legal age that girls could marry.

Do you remember Jerry Lee Lewis........ :cool:

In one of these threads I remember reading a source saying "adolescence" was really a 20th century construct. Prior you went from child to adult in terms of marriage and responsibility.
Very true.

I have spoken to people from African countries who said that by 8 or 9 years of age.

Kids are expected to assume adult responsibilities and are treated as adults.

Whereas, western countries have invented "adolescence" which is an artificial time period wedged in between childhood and adulthood; and named it being a 'teenager'.

Basically, a time period in which very little is expected or demanded form the young person.

And quite easily lends its self to delinquency and drug use in order to mark this time of uselessness. .. :cool:
Come on Sunni, tell Coyote how you and all your Muslim friends and Mosque congregation believe in Shariah law, and according to Shariah, Muslim Americans should be allowed to have four wives. And as a bonus, add the fact that you know several Muslims who have secretly married four women. There ya go. Aren't you proud of your religion? :clap:

Having more than one wife is for necessary conditions , not for normal life , but people use this situation for their own benefit , I dont see them as muslims .

But in another perspective , having 4 wife is much more moral than having 3 girlfriend other than your wife :cheeky-smiley-018: or its much more moral than looking at foreign women's hips walking down the street while your wife together with you , but you cant understand islamic moral :cuckoo:
Oh look, they're coming out of the woodwork, another Muslim who believes Muslim men having four wives is for "necessary conditions" and should be allowed. :clap:
Well, if the Islamic women knew how to keep their husbands happy there would be no need for them to have more than one wife, if you know what I mean.
Having more than 1 wife in Islam isn't about having more sex.

It's about helping widows and other unmarried women during difficult times.

And creating stability within the muslim community. .. :cool:
Wow please forgive me, I didn't realize that. So all these Muslims are marrying multiple women out of the goodness of their hearts! They're all either widows or need some type of help, which these chivalrous Muslim men obliging.

Gimme some what you're smoking there. Ha ha ha!
When Hugh Hefner the owner of Playboy magazine had 3 live-in girl friends on the TV reality series it was a #1 top rated show and people loved it..

Yet, if a muslim man wants to marry 3 muslim woman and raise children with them in a stable home.

That is seen as bad. . :doubt:
So what is someone wants to marry plural wives? If it's consenting adults, I don't see the issue in plural marriages.
When Hugh Hefner the owner of Playboy magazine had 3 live-in girl friends on the TV reality series it was a #1 top rated show and people loved it..

Yet, if a muslim man wants to marry 3 muslim woman and raise children with them in a stable home.

That is seen as bad. . :doubt:

as far as I know , the rate of adultery is about %90 in Usa , this explain a lot :dance:
My point was that only in the last century has the legal marriage age risen.

In the state that I grew up in 13 was the legal age that girls could marry.

Do you remember Jerry Lee Lewis........ :cool:

In one of these threads I remember reading a source saying "adolescence" was really a 20th century construct. Prior you went from child to adult in terms of marriage and responsibility.
Very true.

I have spoken to people from African countries who said that by 8 or 9 years of age.

Kids are expected to assume adult responsibilities and are treated as adults.

Whereas, western countries have invented "adolescence" which is an artificial time period wedged in between childhood and adulthood; and named it being a 'teenager'.

Basically, a time period in which very little is expected or demanded form the young person.

And quite easily lends its self to delinquency and drug use in order to mark this time of uselessness. .. :cool:
There ya go, now you're justifying pedophilia by claiming that's the way it was in the old days. Try telling that to the judge "but your honor, adolescence is a 20th century construct, we Muslims still live in the 7the century, when kids as little as 8 or 9 married and had kids. Heck, even our prophet did that. And people in Africa and in Muslim countries still do just that." And the grand finale "most of the women in USA are WHORES, look at the way they dress and the porn industry. We should be allowed to live by our own 'laws'".

Well at least we found two Muslims on the USMB that want to live by Shariah law. And here you were claiming that NO MUSLIMS in USA want Shariah. Ha ha ha.
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When Hugh Hefner the owner of Playboy magazine had 3 live-in girl friends on the TV reality series it was a #1 top rated show and people loved it..

Yet, if a muslim man wants to marry 3 muslim woman and raise children with them in a stable home.

That is seen as bad. . :doubt:

as far as I know , the rate of adultery is about %90 in Usa , this explain a lot :dance:
Yeah, if weren't for some good old fashioned Shariah Law, Western women wouldn't be such whores and learn to dress properly, right? LOL
In one of these threads I remember reading a source saying "adolescence" was really a 20th century construct. Prior you went from child to adult in terms of marriage and responsibility.
Very true.

I have spoken to people from African countries who said that by 8 or 9 years of age.

Kids are expected to assume adult responsibilities and are treated as adults.

Whereas, western countries have invented "adolescence" which is an artificial time period wedged in between childhood and adulthood; and named it being a 'teenager'.

Basically, a time period in which very little is expected or demanded form the young person.

And quite easily lends its self to delinquency and drug use in order to mark this time of uselessness. .. :cool:
There ya go, now you're justifying pedophilia by claiming that's the way it was in the old days. Try telling that to the judge "but your honor, adolescence is a 20th century construct,mew Muslims still live in the 7the century, when kids as little as 8 or 9 married and had kids. Heck, even our prophet did that. And people in Africa and in Muslims countries do just that." And the grand finale "most of the women in USA are WHORES, look at the way they dress and the porn industry. We should be allowed to live by our own 'laws'".

Well at least we found two Muslims on the USMB that want to live by Shariah law. And here you were claiming that NO MUSLIMS in USA want Shariah. Ha ha ha.

Which two?

You claim no one wants Biblical Law, but that is clearly not true. Yet you refuse to support legislation condemning biblical law and that is supported by far more than two. .:eusa_eh:
So what is someone wants to marry plural wives? If it's consenting adults, I don't see the issue in plural marriages.
It's called polygamy and it's against the law, in civilized societies. And it's hardly consenting. It's part of Shariah law, and just another way to persecute women, that happened in medieval times when chauvinism ruled.

Now you're justifying polygamy? Just how far will go do defend Islam? Funny funny funny.
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Very true.

I have spoken to people from African countries who said that by 8 or 9 years of age.

Kids are expected to assume adult responsibilities and are treated as adults.

Whereas, western countries have invented "adolescence" which is an artificial time period wedged in between childhood and adulthood; and named it being a 'teenager'.

Basically, a time period in which very little is expected or demanded form the young person.

And quite easily lends its self to delinquency and drug use in order to mark this time of uselessness. .. :cool:
There ya go, now you're justifying pedophilia by claiming that's the way it was in the old days. Try telling that to the judge "but your honor, adolescence is a 20th century construct,mew Muslims still live in the 7the century, when kids as little as 8 or 9 married and had kids. Heck, even our prophet did that. And people in Africa and in Muslims countries do just that." And the grand finale "most of the women in USA are WHORES, look at the way they dress and the porn industry. We should be allowed to live by our own 'laws'".

Well at least we found two Muslims on the USMB that want to live by Shariah law. And here you were claiming that NO MUSLIMS in USA want Shariah. Ha ha ha.

Which two?

You claim no one wants Biblical Law, but that is clearly not true. Yet you refuse to support legislation condemning biblical law and that is supported by far more than two. .:eusa_eh:
Sunni believes in Shariah law, ask him. He's said so many times. So does this Nix creature. Pay attention.

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