Just your average day of "peaceful Islam"...

Coyote wants us to believe that while Muslims worldwide overwhelmingly support Sharia (including those that are immigrants in non Muslim countries), somehow, it's only the American Muslims that are totally different. Yup, very, very believable. :cuckoo:
Having 4 wives is easy, only marry one legally and just keep the others off the books. I am sure plenty have done this.
We learned how to get away with it from the Mormons. .. :cool:
Sunni, welcome to this thread, now please tell Coyote that you and your friends believe in Shariah law. She seems to think there are NO Muslims that want Shariah law in the US.
We're not talking about fanatics and extremists. We are talking about systems of law. You keep deflecting by trying to bring in Jews and turn this into anti-semitism issue when it's not. What you keep ignoring is that the groups that most support OT/Mosaic law being the law of the land are Christian.

The portions of Mosaic law that Jews use, like the portions of Sharia that used in western countries - involve civil and family law. What you fail to understand is that Sharia is not ONE thing. Kind of like Mosaic law in that sense. The way it's applied in Muslim countries is variable - countries with mixed system of law use Sharia for civil, and secular law for criminal and penal.

In this country there are none calling for the imposition of Sharia. Given that - and given, as you point out there are few calling for the imposition of OT/Mosaic law into our system - I have to ask why?

If the excuse being made for not making all forms of religious law illegal, is that no one in the US is calling for it to be the law of the land, then clearly Sharia and OT/Mosaic law are at the same level. No one is calling for it.

If the excuse for singling out Sharia is that it's abusive and contradictory to American values and freedoms, then so is OT/Mosaic law.

So what is it Roudy?

OT law calls for killing gays you know.
Again the comparison to Mosaic law is false.

How about you ask the Turks, Muslims themselves, why they banned Shariah law, ALL PORTIONS OF IT? Perhaps as Muslims themselves they know what it is? Just saying...

You keep dodging the issue and throwing out red herrings (this time the Turks).

Fact #1: there is no real difference between biblical law and sharia in terms of offenses and punishments.

Fact #2: there IS a minority of Christians calling for the implementation of biblical law (source previously provided)

Fact #3: there appears to be no movement in the American Muslim community to institute Sharia

Fact #4: Despite the fact that biblical law calls for essentially the same crimes and punishments and subordinate status for women....and that there is minority Christian support for it - there is no need to ban it.

Irrational Behavior: We MUST ban Sharia in the US because..because...because....we hate Muslims and they're bad and despite no evidence we know they want to impose Sharia anyway and anyone who wants to apply logic to this is just a Muslim apologist.

If the above were pointed at Jews you would be screaming anti-semite Roudy.:eusa_whistle:

Case closed.

You suckers have really been misled with all this jibberjabber about Korans and Bibles. It's not about words, it's about swords.
Having 4 wives is easy, only marry one legally and just keep the others off the books. I am sure plenty have done this.
We learned how to get away with it from the Mormons. .. :cool:
Sunni, welcome to this thread, now please tell Coyote that you and your friends believe in Shariah law. She seems to think there are NO Muslims that want Shariah law in the US.
Gee I wonder where Sunni went, so quickly? LOL
"...Fact #3: there appears to be no movement in the American Muslim community to institute Sharia..."
That's the way it started in the UK decades ago; waves of immigration, lying-low and keeping a low profile until numbers were on their side in a given district; then the Big Push for Sharia, when the timing was right.

United States law is based upon English law.

If it can happen in the Mother Country, it can happen here.

Muslims in America just haven't built-up their numbers yet, and the time-proximity to 9-11 does not make this stretch of time the most efficacious for their purposes.

But they are, indeed, biding their time, and waiting for an opportunity similar to that exploited by their UK-resident brethren.

The Brits are having mixed results in reversing some of that and stabilizing what remains, and allaying fears and developing safeguards with respect to what remains, but it's an uphill climb and they may have waited too long.

A pattern very similar to what we've seen unfold in France and Germany in recent times.

We're next, if we're not careful.

"...Case closed."

Only if Americans are foolish enough to let down their guard against this medieval throwback called Sharia Law and the belief-system that spawned it.

Au contraire... the case remains wide-open.

Another factor in making the sleeper cells lie low is that Americans have many, many guns itching to be used by patriots. Not that I don't trust our transnational ruling class to protect us, but we really should make the Muzzies die in their sleep. Redemption through pre-emption.
"...Gee I wonder where Sunni went, so quickly?..."
On the phone with the Politburo Office of the Revolutionary Guards in Tehran, seeking input for the next round of snappy comebacks?

Or calling down the hall for more 'domestic input' of a very similar nature?


Sorry... I misread that... I thought you were talking about Sherrimunnerlyn (or whatever-the-hell her name is)...
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We learned how to get away with it from the Mormons. .. :cool:
Sunni, welcome to this thread, now please tell Coyote that you and your friends believe in Shariah law. She seems to think there are NO Muslims that want Shariah law in the US.
Gee I wonder where Sunni went, so quickly? LOL

We ain't no creepyass
Crackers from the boonies,
We be the bros

Don't need no Skittles,
Don't need no hobbies,
As long as I got
The back of the Wahhabis.
I don't use pre-owned professional sources or their clones on the Internet. I analyze things from logic, experience, and knowledge of historical facts rather than accepting the historians' conclusions from what they have mindlessly investigated. This evolutionary challenge has been with us for 30,000 years; it is now in one of its most threatening phases.

In your case citing the crap from WND would be a step up on the credibility ladder.

OK, Young White Neutered 666, you've just proved you can't answer my accusation against these pre-historic subhumans. A typical correlation was that the bloodthirsty psycho Mongols, who made Hitler look like Mother Teresa, converted to Islam after they went on their rampage in the Middle East. Any one with a long view of history could have seen that coming, just as the present Nazislami war against civilization was predictable.

YOU are the one who made the asinine assertion so the burden is on you to prove it and so far I see nothing but accusations from you.
"...we really should make the Muzzies die in their sleep. .."

That's probably a step or two, too far, I'm afraid; but remaining vigilant and facing reality and not deluding ourselves about the belief-system nor its aims does make very good sense.

Assuming for a moment that all Muslims want sharia law, how far do you think they'll get in advancing that agenda? We're always vigilant against constitutional violations, but I don't think American Muslims pose any threat that you need to lose any sleep over.
"...Fact #3: there appears to be no movement in the American Muslim community to institute Sharia..."
That's the way it started in the UK decades ago; waves of immigration, lying-low and keeping a low profile until numbers were on their side in a given district; then the Big Push for Sharia, when the timing was right.

United States law is based upon English law.

If it can happen in the Mother Country, it can happen here.

Muslims in America just haven't built-up their numbers yet, and the time-proximity to 9-11 does not make this stretch of time the most efficacious for their purposes.

But they are, indeed, biding their time, and waiting for an opportunity similar to that exploited by their UK-resident brethren.

The Brits are having mixed results in reversing some of that and stabilizing what remains, and allaying fears and developing safeguards with respect to what remains, but it's an uphill climb and they may have waited too long.

A pattern very similar to what we've seen unfold in France and Germany in recent times.

We're next, if we're not careful.

"...Case closed."

Only if Americans are foolish enough to let down their guard against this medieval throwback called Sharia Law and the belief-system that spawned it.

Au contraire... the case remains wide-open.

Another factor in making the sleeper cells lie low is that Americans have many, many guns itching to be used by patriots. Not that I don't trust our transnational ruling class to protect us, but we really should make the Muzzies die in their sleep. Redemption through pre-emption.

Can you imagine the reaction if someone said the same thing about christians or jews? You've heard of the Constitution, yes?
"...we really should make the Muzzies die in their sleep. .."

That's probably a step or two, too far, I'm afraid; but remaining vigilant and facing reality and not deluding ourselves about the belief-system nor its aims does make very good sense.

Assuming for a moment that all Muslims want sharia law, how far do you think they'll get in advancing that agenda? We're always vigilant against constitutional violations, but I don't think American Muslims pose any threat that you need to lose any sleep over.
Actually, personally, it is my guess that a sizable percentage of Muslims in American want as little to do with Sharia Law as may be practicable; in many cases, I'm sure they emmigrated to America with the express idea of escaping the flavor and extent of Sharia that might have been extant within their countries of origin, as well as the society it fostered in such countries...

It is also my guess that Muslims will continue to 'fort-up' amongst themselves for at least another two or three generations before they lighten-up and mainstream - if, indeed, that is ever possible - and that 9-11 did them no favors, in facilitating their acceptance...

It is also my guess that sizable percentages of those Muslims residing in those 'forted-up' communities either (1) want Sharia implemented here insofar as may be practicable or (2) publicly voice their support for such ambitions, so as not to offend their co-religionists and clerics and neighbors; content to let such plans unfold without opposing them...

I'm not losing sleep over Islam in America nor the propagation of Sharia Law in America...

So long as we keep talking about its propensity for doing just that in several European countries and so long as we do not get overly-arrogant in our misguided belief that it could not happen here and so long as we keep our guard up...

So long as we continue to do those things, I won't lose a wink of sleep over it.
Come on Sunni, tell Coyote how you and all your Muslim friends and Mosque congregation believe in Shariah law, and according to Shariah, Muslim Americans should be allowed to have four wives. And as a bonus, add the fact that you know several Muslims who have secretly married four women. There ya go. Aren't you proud of your religion? :clap:
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That's probably a step or two, too far, I'm afraid; but remaining vigilant and facing reality and not deluding ourselves about the belief-system nor its aims does make very good sense.

Assuming for a moment that all Muslims want sharia law, how far do you think they'll get in advancing that agenda? We're always vigilant against constitutional violations, but I don't think American Muslims pose any threat that you need to lose any sleep over.
Actually, personally, it is my guess that a sizable percentage of Muslims in American want as little to do with Sharia Law as may be practicable; in many cases, I'm sure they emmigrated to America with the express idea of escaping the flavor and extent of Sharia that might have been extant within their countries of origin, as well as the society it fostered in such countries...

It is also my guess that Muslims will continue to 'fort-up' amongst themselves for at least another two or three generations before they lighten-up and mainstream - if, indeed, that is ever possible - and that 9-11 did them no favors, in facilitating their acceptance...

It is also my guess that sizable percentages of those Muslims residing in those 'forted-up' communities either (1) want Sharia implemented here insofar as may be practicable or (2) publicly voice their support for such ambitions, so as not to offend their co-religionists and clerics and neighbors; content to let such plans unfold without opposing them...

I'm not losing sleep over Islam in America nor the propagation of Sharia Law in America...

So long as we keep talking about its propensity for doing just that in several European countries and so long as we do not get overly-arrogant in our misguided belief that it could not happen here and so long as we keep our guard up...

So long as we continue to do those things, I won't lose a wink of sleep over it.
There must be vigilance in this matter. Banning Shariah stops Islamization in it's tracks.
Come on Sunni, tell Coyote how you and all your Muslim friends and Mosque congregation believe in Shariah law, and according to Shariah, Muslim Americans should be allowed to have four wives. And as a bonus, add the fact that you know several Muslims who have secretly married four women. There ya go. Aren't you proud of your religion? :clap:

Having more than one wife is for necessary conditions , not for normal life , but people use this situation for their own benefit , I dont see them as muslims .

But in another perspective , having 4 wife is much more moral than having 3 girlfriend other than your wife :cheeky-smiley-018: or its much more moral than looking at foreign women's hips walking down the street while your wife together with you , but you cant understand islamic moral :cuckoo:
Come on Sunni, tell Coyote how you and all your Muslim friends and Mosque congregation believe in Shariah law, and according to Shariah, Muslim Americans should be allowed to have four wives. And as a bonus, add the fact that you know several Muslims who have secretly married four women. There ya go. Aren't you proud of your religion? :clap:

Having more than one wife is for necessary conditions , not for normal life , but people use this situation for their own benefit , I dont see them as muslims .

But in another perspective , having 4 wife is much more moral than having 3 girlfriend other than your wife :cheeky-smiley-018: or its much more moral than looking at foreign women's hips walking down the street while your wife together with you , but you cant understand islamic moral :cuckoo:

Well, if the Islamic women knew how to keep their husbands happy there would be no need for them to have more than one wife, if you know what I mean. :lol:

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