Justic Department Expands 'Civil Asset Forfeiture'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended a newly announced Justice Department decision to expand what’s known as civil asset forfeitureallowing police to seize property of suspects without proving guilt. The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

“In order to seize property, police need probable cause, the same standards that police need to make an arrest,” Rosenstein said. “And when a decision is made to forfeit property federally, we conduct an independent review of the facts and circumstances.”

Holy crap...what could go wrong, right?

Fox News Exclusive: Rosenstein chides Comey over Trump memo leak
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended a newly announced Justice Department decision to expand what’s known as civil asset forfeitureallowing police to seize property of suspects without proving guilt. The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

“In order to seize property, police need probable cause, the same standards that police need to make an arrest,” Rosenstein said. “And when a decision is made to forfeit property federally, we conduct an independent review of the facts and circumstances.”

Holy crap...what could go wrong, right?

Fox News Exclusive: Rosenstein chides Comey over Trump memo leak
Just one more good reason why the GOP needs to be permanently removed from power. Hell, the party needs to be dissolved and the members that are left can be absorbed in with their brethren in the Democrat party.
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended a newly announced Justice Department decision to expand what’s known as civil asset forfeitureallowing police to seize property of suspects without proving guilt. The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

“In order to seize property, police need probable cause, the same standards that police need to make an arrest,” Rosenstein said. “And when a decision is made to forfeit property federally, we conduct an independent review of the facts and circumstances.”

Holy crap...what could go wrong, right?

Fox News Exclusive: Rosenstein chides Comey over Trump memo leak
I think Sorros, the Clintons, Obama, and some other pay to play politicians just gulped.
Just one more good reason why the GOP needs to be permanently removed from power. Hell, the party needs to be dissolved and the members that are left can be absorbed in with their brethren in the Democrat party.
I am laughing at your extremely limited partisan view of this. Yes, the GOP MAY be responsible for passing this, but it is no worse than the Govt stepping and seizing your land because someone else could make more money with it if THEY owned it.

This is not just a blight on the GOP, snowflake - expand your mind. This is a statement about the entire big, bad, ever-growing government.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, 'Any govt big enough to GIVE you everything you want is big enough to TAKE everything you have!'
Just one more good reason why the GOP needs to be permanently removed from power. Hell, the party needs to be dissolved and the members that are left can be absorbed in with their brethren in the Democrat party.
I am laughing at your extremely limited partisan view of this. Yes, the GOP MAY be responsible for passing this, but it is no worse than the Govt stepping and seizing your land because someone else could make more money with it if THEY owned it.

This is not just a blight on the GOP, snowflake - expand your mind. This is a statement about the entire big, bad, ever-growing government.

As Thomas Jefferson stated, 'Any govt big enough to GIVE you everything you want is big enough to TAKE everything you have!'
Fuck your snowflake bullshit. I'm twice as conservative as you are. I simply will not support the Cowards in the GOP who refuse to do what is right out of fear of losing their jobs.

I'm laughing at you, moron, for continuing to support a party that has proven, time and again, that they have no convictions, no answers, and no interest in doing what is right for America.
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended a newly announced Justice Department decision to expand what’s known as civil asset forfeitureallowing police to seize property of suspects without proving guilt. The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

“In order to seize property, police need probable cause, the same standards that police need to make an arrest,” Rosenstein said. “And when a decision is made to forfeit property federally, we conduct an independent review of the facts and circumstances.”

Holy crap...what could go wrong, right?

Fox News Exclusive: Rosenstein chides Comey over Trump memo leak
Just one more good reason why the GOP needs to be permanently removed from power. Hell, the party needs to be dissolved and the members that are left can be absorbed in with their brethren in the Democrat party.
Loretta Lynch praised this when it came up in her time as AG.
You have nothing to worry about, nobody wants your Farrah Fawcett poster or
your Talking Alf doll.
What very few of those who will read about this enhanced asset forfeiture policy will understand is that any cop who stops them can invent some vaguely plausible bullshit cause to charge them with an offense, which some cops are very good at doing, and seize any property in their possession, from cash money to their personal jewelry and their car, just as simple as that. And they will have an incredibly difficult, and costly, time getting any of it back -- if they ever do.

I read about a young fellow who was traveling from one state to another with $2,500 cash on his person which his father had given him to get started when he left to go to a job in another state. He was stopped on a highway, his car was searched, a marijuana pipe was found (but no marijuana) and both his money and his car were seized. He was forced to return home and couldn't afford the back-and-forth expense involved in fighting the seizure in the court system of another state. At one point he was told that even if he managed to prevail in civil court the criminal court would probably fine him $2,500, plus costs, for possession of drug paraphernalia (the pipe).

This Nation is moving in the wrong direction and if it isn't stopped we all are going to have some serious problems. Government should not be able to do this kind of thing to citizens. It is literal highway robbery.

Keep one thing in mind -- if they can do it to him they can do it to you.
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"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended a newly announced Justice Department decision to expand what’s known as civil asset forfeitureallowing police to seize property of suspects without proving guilt. The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

“In order to seize property, police need probable cause, the same standards that police need to make an arrest,” Rosenstein said. “And when a decision is made to forfeit property federally, we conduct an independent review of the facts and circumstances.”

Holy crap...what could go wrong, right?

Fox News Exclusive: Rosenstein chides Comey over Trump memo leak

Thanks Trump!
Just one more good reason why the GOP needs to be permanently removed from power. Hell, the party needs to be dissolved and the members that are left can be absorbed in with their brethren in the Democrat party.
I am laughing at your extremely limited partisan view of this. Y

Considering that almost all your posts, threads, everything are extremely partisan- pointing out that this is being initiated by Trump's DOJ should hardly be shocking to you.

The Justice Department announced their plans to reinstate the use of asset forfeiture, especially for drug suspects -- making it easier for local law enforcement to seize cash and property from crime suspects and reap the proceeds.

The practice has been criticized because it allows law enforcement to take possessions -- such as cars and money -- without indictments or evidence a crime has been committed.

"Civil asset forfeiture is a key tool that helps law enforcement help defund organized crime, prevents new crime from committed and weakens the criminals and cartels," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said on Wednesday announcing the revived DOJ policy.

Sessions said these seizures help weaken criminal organizations by taking away their funding, returning property back to victims of crime, as well as give funds back to law enforcement officials by allocating the assets toward new vehicles, vests and police training.
Sessions was appointed AG for one reason, the upper echelons of the System are desperate to reinforce the diminishing effects of marijuana prohibition and big payoffs are being made to advance this purpose. It should be more widely understood that if marijuana is legalized it will have a seriously negative impact on a large number of powerful interests, some of which are; the pharmaceutical industry, the liquor industry, the legal profession, the DEA, the consolidated police and other law-enforcement unions, the drug-testing industry, the prison industrial complex, and more. Powerful political pressure is being applied to this effort.

This is why the anti-pot lobby reached out for the most fanatical representative of its interests available and has probably poured a collective billion in bribe money into its coffer. Whatever the amount it obviously was enough to get Sessions appointed, which is something I cannot forgive Trump for.
What very few of those who will read about this enhanced asset forfeiture policy will understand is that any cop who stops them can invent some vaguely plausible bullshit cause to charge them with an offense, which some cops are very good at doing, and seize any property in their possession, from cash money to their personal jewelry and their car, just as simple as that. And they will have an incredibly difficult, and costly, time getting any of it back -- if they ever do.

I read about a young fellow who was traveling from one state to another with $2,500 cash on his person which his father had given him to get started when he left to go to a job in another state. He was stopped on a highway, his car was searched, a marijuana pipe was found (but no marijuana) and both his money and his car were seized. He was forced to return home and couldn't afford the back-and-forth expense involved in fighting the seizure in the court system of another state. At one point he was told that even if he managed to prevail in civil court the criminal court would probably fine him $2,500, plus costs, for possession of drug paraphernalia (the pipe).

This Nation is moving in the wrong direction and if it isn't stopped we all are going to have some serious problems. Government should not be able to do this kind of thing to citizens. It is literal highway robbery.

Keep one thing in mind -- if they can do it to him they can do it to you.

The Civil Forfeiture Laws were wrong under Obama.

They are wrong under Trump.

Frankly they are un-American- they run contrary to our values of 'innocent until proven guilty'

And they provide an insidious incentive for police departments to look for large seizures since often the money gets funneled back to the police departments responsible for the seizures.
"Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein defended a newly announced Justice Department decision to expand what’s known as civil asset forfeitureallowing police to seize property of suspects without proving guilt. The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

The move has spurred some criticism from Republican lawmakers.

“In order to seize property, police need probable cause, the same standards that police need to make an arrest,” Rosenstein said. “And when a decision is made to forfeit property federally, we conduct an independent review of the facts and circumstances.”

Holy crap...what could go wrong, right?

Fox News Exclusive: Rosenstein chides Comey over Trump memo leak
Gee, who would have ever guessed Trump would expand the police state? Color me so surprised! :lol:
Trump has embraced the surveillance police state. So you schizos will go back to loving it again, just as you did under Bush.

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