Justice denied: The shameful Wall of Pedophiles and their enablers


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
Around the globe children are abused and there are people who have known of it, enabled it and assisted in covering it up.

This thread is dedicated to the list that will continue to grow of those willing to cover over crimes against children. Feel free to add any you have found documented.

Eighty one children identified on a CD with photos of hundreds of children in France that had been sexually abused. Officials covered it up and even had the gall to tell the parents that recognized their children in the photos that it could not be their children. Even a doctor that recognized two children in the photos that complained to him they had been abused was scoffed at and told it could not be the children that he treated.

Subtitles in English
Zandvoort fichier de la honte Karl Zero marcel Vervloesem File of Shame 2/5 sous titre anglais

2,992 Petitioners at change.org "Insist that the new Margaret Thatcher museum has a pedophile section...... If we are going to be forced to remember Thatcher, we should remember her warts and all, So any museum to her work MUST include a large section of remembering all the Peophiles that she consorted worked and helped thru her long career in politics. (This will also help the waxwork industry who must by now have a large amount of public figures that they can no longer show)"

Citizens of Russia ask chief of police in Toronto Bill Blair to help stop this pedo.... We are the Russian initiative group of active people (named PEDOSTOP) who combat pedophilia and child pornography. We inform you that your county is home for a sexual pervert and lover of child pornography. That is Vladimir (Ilyich) Tarlo, born September 9, 1946. He is an immigrant from Ukraine, and many years ago he was known as "Lolitas’ Lover" in Eastern Europe. When Russian policemen have begun to prosecute amateurs of child pornography, Vladimir and his wife Bella Tarlo emigrated to Canada and now reside at 176403 Canada, M2R 3A3 ONT, Toronto, North York, Rockford Rd, Apt 1006..........................more at link

If you live in Arkansas you may want to consider the petition for this guy rep. Justin Harris and his wife...giving away two adopted daughters to Eric Francis

People in a village in Islamabad, Pakistan requesting justice be served against a pedo gang

Flight Logs Put Clinton, Dershowitz on Pedophile Billionaire Epstein’s Sex Jet

Investigation dropped; Royals and parliament implicated in pedo rings

The evil history of Jimmy Savile

Jimmy Savilles Paedophile Friends Exposed. Watch from 36 minutes in to the video .flv

The French have always been a weird bunch, but this is completely depraved! This just now coming to light fifteen years later is inexcusable. The sheer number of those little lives being tragically impact is deplorable. It's long past due that justice be done to these animalistic perps.
This is a very graphic and sad story. Some are still free that abused children. Some of the children escaped but not emotionally undamaged.


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