Justice Department sues Texas over restrictive abortion law

Women need to keep men out of their vaginas if they don't like getting pregnant. The stupid claim making abortions illegal volates their 'freedom of choice' is silly and ridiculous, and patently false. The way to avoid 'unwanted pregnancies' is well known and 100% effective, and entirely a personal decision. If its a case of rape or a medical issue for the mother, then yes, she gets another choice. Otherwise, the baby has rights to life.
When one reduces themselves to having an animal mentality, then just as animals do, they do also.
they're not 'misguided', they're sick little mentally defective gimps, almost always sexual deviants of some disgusting flavor or others, who glory in anti-social psychotic behavior, incapable of human empathy , so they band together with the other freaks and outliers nobody else likes, even their own families don't like most of them, and they run supporting any ridiculous sick thing they know the sane people find repulsive, including homicidal mass murders of babies, as revenge for not being 'accepted' except in prisons and street gangs and other bands of filthy feral animals.
Talk about sick, you two sound like you're beyond help. What judgmental bastards you two are. Will sound like morons, with a sick of moral code. Read what you wrote and then ask yourself why anyone pay any attention to you, other than be repulsed by what you said here. You are the sick ones
Pfft. One minute y'all can't get enough government, then the next minute y'all hate government... Make up your minds already.
You idiots want the government to keep out of your guns ( which murder ) but you see nothing wrong with the government taking over women's bodies. That's just sick.
Talk about sick, you two sound like you're beyond help. What judgmental bastards you two are. Will sound like morons, with a sick of moral code. Read what you wrote and then ask yourself why anyone pay any attention to you, other than be repulsed by what you said here. You are the sick ones.

So fuck off; I don't take anything you sick fucks say seriously. Everything I said has been verified over and over and over for the last 60 years or more, gimp.
On a different thread I indicated that I had always been taught that in order to sue someone in civil court you have to show how you were harmed as well as show that the defendant was the proximate cause of said harm and then ask for money damages to make one whole again.

i then asked unless you're not the father of the child how have one, as a plaintiff been harmed?

The only reply I got back was that if the law provides for statutory damages then you can sue, apparently without having to show how you've been harmed (because you haven't been according to standard case law). My next thought was that the law is clearly unconstitutional however until something is done to rescind it, a lot of harm to women in Texas and elsewhere can occur as it is the law for the present.
At 6 weeks is a human embryo looks more like a tadpole or a salamander it is 0.13 in Long and Weighs .04 Oz. This is why many women don't even know they're pregnant yet, it's nothing, only a " potential " human being. Definitely not viable on its own. It has a tail and see shaped doesn't even have arms or legs yet he has pads forming where the arms will be. This is what we're fighting over, it's ridiculous. The reason why heart has begun working is because the tissues have become differentiated.
At 6 weeks is a human embryo looks more like a tadpole or a salamander it is 0.13 in Long and Weighs .04 Oz. This is why many women don't even know they're pregnant yet, it's nothing, only a " potential " human being. Definitely not viable on its own. It has a tail and see shaped doesn't even have arms or legs yet he has pads forming where the arms will be. This is what we're fighting over, it's ridiculous. The reason why heart has begun working is because the tissues have become differentiated.

lol a sociopath tries to claim it's about 'science n stuff'.
At 6 weeks is a human embryo looks more like a tadpole or a salamander it is 0.13 in Long and Weighs .04 Oz. This is why many women don't even know they're pregnant yet, it's nothing, only a " potential " human being. Definitely not viable on its own. It has a tail and see shaped doesn't even have arms or legs yet he has pads forming where the arms will be. This is what we're fighting over, it's ridiculous. The reason why heart has begun working is because the tissues have become differentiated.
So you agree that when the child can live outside the womb it is alive? so 20 weeks and no more abortions?
You are real sick one. Why would anyone listen to someone like you ? You obviously have no respect for women at all.

Women who get knocked up 'by accident' aren't 'victims', tard. You obviously never heard about heterosexual sex.
How ignorant can you be, are you able to tie your shoes. Women are victimized all the time especially by people like you I'm sure I'm certain of that show no respect for women. And you seem to know nothing about them.

lol another tard trying to be 'speshul'; too bad you're pretty lame as a troll. You really think you're some kind of 'intellect'??? lol that's rich. You're a pathetic puppet shill. Next you freak sickos will demand Biden start televising abortions on PBS channels so you can wank off to them. You're already stumping for post natal abortions up to two years old.
I don't sound like a sociopath but you sure do. The process of debate can only occur with civilized people you are definitely not civilized.

True, you loons and gimps never think you're scum, and in fact Democrats encourage you to think you're 'normal', so it's not like you would ever voluntarily seek help, which is why I endorse going back to our Founding Fathers' policy of deporting crazies and freak shows like yourself.
lol another tard trying to be 'speshul'; too bad you're pretty lame as a troll. You really think you're some kind of 'intellect'??? lol that's rich. You're a pathetic puppet shill. Next you freak sickos will demand Biden start televising abortions on pay channels so you can wank off to them.
like I said there's no talking to you I'm not going to respond to your idiotic posts anymore try to have a great day I plan on it. I can't believe you can stand to be ignorant fool you are. I mean you have to live with this everyday. I pity you.
True, you loons and gimps never think you're scum, and in fact Democrats encourage you to think you're 'normal', so it's not like you would ever voluntarily seek help, which is why I endorse going back to our Founding Fathers' policy of deporting crazies and freak shows like yourself.
You are really sick, but that's your problem, not mine. Try to have a good day, I plan on it. Done trying to talk with you, there's obviously no one home.
like I said there's no talking to you I'm not going to respond to your idiotic posts anymore try to have a great day I plan on it. I can't believe you can stand to be ignorant fool you are. I mean you have to live with this everyday. I pity you.

So you're just now taking the hint, dumbass sicko gimp? lol good riddance; the fewer sicko vermin who trip my alerts notifications the better.
I never said that, you're trying to say that. Viability means it has a chance of survival, there are no guarantees that early on.
Abortion needs to remain the decision the woman has to make. No one no person no entity government Court can decide that for her. Who'd want to make that decision. But sometimes it's necessary to make the hard decisions. I work with a forty-three-year-old woman she's married and has four children she recently found out she was pregnant to her disbelief. The CVS testing at 12 weeks proved the fetus she was carrying was positive for Down's Syndrome. Her and her husband and their doctor all agreed abortion was best in this case. It wasn't just the Downs there were other complications but I'm not going to get into all that. I agreed with her decision.

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