Justice Department sues Texas over restrictive abortion law

You know you have no capacity to make a sound counterpoint.
Then proceed.
Reasonable people do not respond to nonsense. I am done with you. Enough is enough already you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Hope you can live with yourself, I am not adversely affecting other people's lives I am proud of who I am. Wish you could say the same. Try to have a nice day I plan on it goodbye. The biggest problem with abortion is people like you thinking it's any of your business when it isn't. It is and should always be the decision made by the woman involved her husband if there is one and her doctor no one else.
Reasonable people do not respond to nonsense. I am done with you. Enough is enough already you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. Hope you can live with yourself, I am not adversely affecting other people's lives I am proud of who I am. Wish you could say the same. Try to have a nice day I plan on it goodbye. The biggest problem with abortion is people like you thinking it's any of your business when it isn't. It is and should always be the decision made by the woman involved her husband if there is one and her doctor no one else.
A bunch of politicians, a bunch of lawyers; neither group should be dictating what doctor should or shouldn't be doing.
Reasonable people do not respond to nonsense.
Just one question, before you tuck tail and run:
Do you agree that so long as a person can still buy/own/posses a gun, his right right to keep and bear arms is not impeded?
Just one question, before you tuck tail and run:
Do you agree that so long as a person can still buy/own/posses a gun, his right right to keep and bear arms is not impeded?
I understand where this idiotic argument is going. As I already said, throughout pregnancy there can be complications, since this was not addressed at all by the Texas law it makes the whole point moot. Can you at least comprehend that ? If not I feel sorry for you. Your capacity for reason is very limited.
I understand where this idiotic argument is going.
I don't see your answer to my question.
Do you agree that so long as a person can still buy/own/posses a gun, his right right to keep and bear arms is not impeded?
As I already said, throughout pregnancy there can be complications, since this was not addressed at all by the Texas law
As I already pointed out, your statement, above, is false.
"There is an exception for medical emergencies.:
I don't see your answer to my question.
Do you agree that so long as a person can still buy/own/posses a gun, his right right to keep and bear arms is not impeded?
You are truly some kind of idiot. I gave you your answer, you do have comprehension problems. When a person goes to buy a gun they know they want a gun. 6 weeks into her pregnancy the fetus is 0.13 in Long and Weighs 0.04 Oz, it develops a primitive heart because the teachers have now become differentiated. It looks more like a tadpole or a salamander it's c-shaped and as to club shaped objects where the arms will form. The tale is 1/3 the length of the body. This is why most women don't even know they're pregnant at that point. Plus as I've already said it again and again the complications of pregnancy occur throughout the pregnancy. The law made no exceptions for this, blatantly disregarded women who are raped or victims of incest. and I pity any man married woman who finds out in the third trimester of their pregnancy that they need an abortion or they risked their lives to carry that fetus to maturity. I'm tired of trying to explain the facts to you, try to have a nice day. I'm not answering any more of your asinine questions.
No, the law is not legal. It does not allow for exceptions. Reproductive cycle in humans has complications built in throughout the entire pregnancy.

Correct. Also the law itself will not up judicial review coming at it from the DOJ. Women in Texas still have the right to an Abortion. My idea would be pass a law requiring men to wear a rubber, thus endeth the problem.
How ignorant can you be, are you able to tie your shoes. Women are victimized all the time especially by people like you I'm sure I'm certain of that show no respect for women. And you seem to know nothing about them.
So you’re a “man” who identifies as a woman so you know all about them right? Seems you view women as objects to dump your load in, then if she gets pregnant, just kill the child, rinse and repeat. Here’s the thing. Women don’t all walk in lockstep with you loons.
Correct. Also the law itself will not up judicial review coming at it from the DOJ. Women in Texas still have the right to an Abortion. My idea would be pass a law requiring men to wear a rubber, thus endeth the problem.
That would be too complicated for republicans. If the governor was serious about getting rid of all the rapists in the state ( before they rape - exactly how he thinks ? that's even possible is beyond me ), he should make rape punishable by the death penalty. He would probably be the first one put to death. But at least he'd be keeping in line with his Draconian thinking.
That would be too complicated for republicans. If the governor was serious about getting rid of all the rapists in the state ( before they rape - exactly how he thinks ? that's even possible is beyond me ), he should make rape punishable by the death penalty. He would probably be the first one put to death. But at least he'd be keeping in line with his Draconian thinking.

Texas will have it's own version of "The Department of Pre-Crime."
they're not 'misguided', they're sick little mentally defective gimps, almost always sexual deviants of some disgusting flavor or others, who glory in anti-social psychotic behavior, incapable of human empathy , so they band together with the other freaks and outliers nobody else likes, even their own families don't like most of them, and they run supporting any ridiculous sick thing they know the sane people find repulsive, including homicidal mass murders of babies, as revenge for not being 'accepted' except in prisons and street gangs and other bands of filthy feral animals.
Good gravy.
Texas will have it's own version of "The Department of Pre-Crime."
They better start hiring a whole bunch of lawyers to defend their stupid law from the from the multimillion-dollar cases that are coming which will probably bankrupt the state. And since the State assumed the responsibility of all these unwanted new lives, many of which will be on unadoptable because they have such a low chance of survival and multiple problems. They will require very expensive long-term care by the state. Better start building more state-run facilities for babies and children. Conversely, they will need to build a lot more prisons for the would-be rapists, the doctors who performed abortions because they were necessary, the nursing staff involved, and of course the women. Texas could change the prison makeup entirely, mostly female and mostly professionals. Isn't that just great.
The SC has already refused to even hear the snivelings and whinings of the baby butcher cults.

The SC has already refused to even hear the snivelings and whinings of the baby butcher cults.
I have no doubt that those " so-called " conservative judges appointed by Trump I really fanatics of the far right and as being such will be subject to review for their actions in this case. No one is above the law, especially Supreme Court Judges. Their actions were despicable.

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