Justice Ginsburg.84 Years Old.Refuses To Retire.We All Know Why,But Isn't She Pushing It A Bit?

Justice Ginsburg will dance on Fat Donnie’s grave
There needs to be a retirement age for SCOTUS.

85 is IMO way too old but something has to be set for that.

Some people are washed up at 70, others at 80, 90, or 100. It's an individual thing, and as long as Ginsburg things she can continue to function at her age, she can. Thurgood Marshall didn't retire because he couldn't do the job mentally, but because of physical ailments.

Oliver Wendell Holmes served until he was 90, he would call Ginsburg a young chick.
:aargh: :cow: :no_text11: And remember when Ruthy brought up her claim that if Hillary had won, she would of retired? Does that mean that if Trump had won, Justice Ruthy would never retire? Just stay on the job until she drops?, But she's 84?, how much longer can a brain function after 84?

George Burns was still performing standup when he was 99 years old.
.So the SOTUS is a comedy show to you ?
:aargh: :cow: :no_text11: And remember when Ruthy brought up her claim that if Hillary had won, she would of retired? Does that mean that if Trump had won, Justice Ruthy would never retire? Just stay on the job until she drops?, But she's 84?, how much longer can a brain function after 84?

George Burns was still performing standup when he was 99 years old.
.So the SOTUS is a comedy show to you ?

It is when Democrats are in charge. :21:
They are appointed to stay until they drop, or go mad.

I believe Trump will replace both Kennedy and Ginsberg before his terms are up, and possibly one other.
THIS is the number one issue behind the DEMs closed door meetings. "How the fuck can we get rid of Trump before he puts another two or three SC justices on the bench?!!!!!!"
The DEMs don't give a shit about Russia or Stormy or the Trump tax breaks. They care only about stopping President Trump from having decades of strict Constitutionalist judges on the bench.
Too fucking bad LIBs!
As BONOBO famously spewed: "Elections have consequences".
:aargh: :cow: :no_text11: And remember when Ruthy brought up her claim that if Hillary had won, she would of retired? Does that mean that if Trump had won, Justice Ruthy would never retire? Just stay on the job until she drops?, But she's 84?, how much longer can a brain function after 84?
:smoke:,,,Wouldn't you think that by even 80, most normal Americans would retire, take it easy for a while?
What do you think about her decision, and any predictions on how her career will finally come to an end? Hmm? Maybe her brain will someday show sign of any of those "Mentally Aging Ailments" ???

Leftists are very spiteful people. Just look at McCain (yes, I consider him a leftist) who is on his death bed and doing everything he can to stay alive just to get even with Trump.

Our founders probably never figured that one day people would be living this long, so they never had an age restriction on serving in the SC.
should be 10 year terms....and then WHOEVER is President when a term is up replaces that one...
:aargh: :cow: :no_text11: And remember when Ruthy brought up her claim that if Hillary had won, she would of retired? Does that mean that if Trump had won, Justice Ruthy would never retire? Just stay on the job until she drops?, But she's 84?, how much longer can a brain function after 84?
:smoke:,,,Wouldn't you think that by even 80, most normal Americans would retire, take it easy for a while?
What do you think about her decision, and any predictions on how her career will finally come to an end? Hmm? Maybe her brain will someday show sign of any of those "Mentally Aging Ailments" ???

Leftists are very spiteful people. Just look at McCain (yes, I consider him a leftist) who is on his death bed and doing everything he can to stay alive just to get even with Trump.

Our founders probably never figured that one day people would be living this long, so they never had an age restriction on serving in the SC.
should be 10 year terms....and then WHOEVER is President when a term is up replaces that one...

I always said that the two biggest threats to our liberty are life long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are ever held accountable for their actions.
Who is it that the Left Wingers "don't want to may of" ?
Daaaaayuum the White Liberals are real genocidal racist.

Time for age limits...I suggest 70. I mean, seriously, some people are quite functional at 85, but no one is as intellectually capable at that age as they were at 60. This is immoral on her part.

You may have a good point there. The demographics of the country are changing to a decidedly Liberal and minority majority non white.

The court should not be allowed to be run by white conservative males in a country with a majority of the population that does not share their ideology, or majority or makeup. When the majority of the population decides womens reproductive rights are absolute, guns must be restricted, religion has no place in government, and corporations are not people, then no court should be allowed to decide otherwise, and a President that appointed them 40 years ago is irrellevant. I also am for justices being impeached by a majority vote of the citizens, if their decisions are not shared by a large enough majority. No justice gets to decide whats best for 300 million people based upon their traditionalist views. In the year 2020, 327 million people do not have to be forced to live by 1950 cultural norms.
Time for age limits...I suggest 70. I mean, seriously, some people are quite functional at 85, but no one is as intellectually capable at that age as they were at 60. This is immoral on her part.

You may have a good point there. The demographics of the country are changing to a decidedly Liberal and minority majority non white.

The court should not be allowed to be run by white conservative males in a country with a majority of the population that does not share their ideology, or majority or makeup. When the majority of the population decides womens reproductive rights are absolute, guns must be restricted, religion has no place in government, and corporations are not people, then no court should be allowed to decide otherwise, and a President that appointed them 40 years ago is irrellevant. I also am for justices being impeached by a majority vote of the citizens, if their decisions are not shared by a large enough majority. No justice gets to decide whats best for 300 million people based upon their traditionalist views. In the year 2020, 327 million people do not have to be forced to live by 1950 cultural norms.

:aargh: :cow: :no_text11: And remember when Ruthy brought up her claim that if Hillary had won, she would of retired? Does that mean that if Trump had won, Justice Ruthy would never retire? Just stay on the job until she drops?, But she's 84?, how much longer can a brain function after 84?
:smoke:,,,Wouldn't you think that by even 80, most normal Americans would retire, take it easy for a while?
What do you think about her decision, and any predictions on how her career will finally come to an end? Hmm? Maybe her brain will someday show sign of any of those "Mentally Aging Ailments" ???

At 84 she is much much smarter than a stupid asshole like you! Who or what made you into the asshole you are? I won't ask about your IQ, that is clearly not up to par - likely a double bogey (about 84), dull and below normal.

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