Justice Ginsburg Attends Show About Her Life; Pseudocons Devastated

Ruth might as well retire....Trump is going to win Re election and there is no way she hangs on for another term...
So Ginsberg hasn't been seen in public on months, yet not one mention by anybody on any media platform of seeing her and no photos? Without photographic proof, most people call this bullshit.
According to the OP the WP reported it, so your initial statement is bullshit. As for no pictures, I'm sure the theater made sure she had privacy. DC isn't LA. There isn't a paparazzo every 5 feet.
LMAO!! The Washington Post?
The poster said "not one mention by anybody on any media platform of seeing her". A lie regardless of what you think of the source.

So where's the proof? Intelligent people realize that no mention means no mention by anybody ACTUALLY THERE. Does anybody honestly believe that not one person would even mention seeing Ginsberg? The Washington Compost as a legitimate source? That's laughable.
That's right, kids. Ruthie is still kicking, contrary to what your propagandists told you.


Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Monday night made her first public appearance since undergoing cancer surgery in December, attending a celebration of her life presented in song.

The 85-year-old justice attended a production of “Notorious RBG in Song” at the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington. The program about Ginsburg’s life in the law was created and performed by Ginsburg’s daughter-in-law, the soprano Patrice Michaels, and presented for high school students by the National Constitution Center.



Was she alive?

"Half-Human, Half-Robot Justice Enters Supreme Court, Introduces Self As Ruth Bader Gins-Borg
February 12th, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Yesterday after the United States Supreme Court opened and justices began filing in, a half-robot, half-human with the face of Ruth Bader Ginsburg entered wielding an arm cannon, body armor, enhanced retinal targeting, and an integrated jetpack. “I AM RUTH BADER GINS-BORG. PLEASE PROCEED,” the cybernetic justice said to her colleagues, then reclined in her provided Windsor chair which was instantly crushed under the weight of her new cybernetic body.

Overall, Gins-Borg performed well, never falling asleep or showing any signs of fatigue. “She didn’t even blink,” said Judge Sonya Sotomayor who claims the cyborg justice stared at her for a large portion of the proceedings with one empty, soulless eye. At one point Sonya quietly whispered into the vacant robot woman’s ear, “is that you in there Ruth? What have they done to you?”

Some concerns were raised when an abortion bill was brought before the court and Ginsborg began repeatedly shouting, “TERMINATE. TERMINATE. TERMINATE!” Technicians were brought in and, after a brief reboot, court resumed as usual.

“Any concern that Ruth will be resigning her chair can be put to rest at this point,” said lead technician Robert Cornell. “She’s now running on the most powerful lithium-ion battery in the world, is plated with titanium body armor, runs on an Intel Xeon processor, and can get a strong wifi signal practically anywhere.” Ginsborg’s technicians believe she will remain on the court centuries after everyone on this Earth is dead and gone.

Ginsburg made history as the second female appointed to the court by Bill Clinton in 1993. Now, as Ruth Bader Gins-Borg, she has made history again as the first United States Supreme Court cyborg justice."
Half-Human, Half-Robot Justice Enters Supreme Court, Introduces Self As Ruth Bader Gins-Borg
Ruth might as well retire....Trump is going to win Re election and there is no way she hangs on for another term...
I bet she retires right after the election, no matter the outcome.

I am not confident at all that Trump will win re-election though. As said many times before, the only poll that matters is the one on election day and the last 'poll' done does not bode well.

It is Trump though and he breaks all convention and prior patterns.
Ruth might as well retire....Trump is going to win Re election and there is no way she hangs on for another term...
I bet she retires right after the election, no matter the outcome.

I am not confident at all that Trump will win re-election though. As said many times before, the only poll that matters is the one on election day and the last 'poll' done does not bode well.

It is Trump though and he breaks all convention and prior patterns.
Trump's numbers are rising...very unusual for a president at this stage of his presidency...he will win...who can beat him?...
Ruth might as well retire....Trump is going to win Re election and there is no way she hangs on for another term...
I bet she retires right after the election, no matter the outcome.

I am not confident at all that Trump will win re-election though. As said many times before, the only poll that matters is the one on election day and the last 'poll' done does not bode well.

It is Trump though and he breaks all convention and prior patterns.
Trump's numbers are rising...very unusual for a president at this stage of his presidency...he will win...who can beat him?...
I don't know. At this stage, it is anyone's guess who he will even be running. Last round, Trump was nothing more than a passing joke. Then he took the election by storm.

Discounting the dems with 2 years left, full control of the house and it's investigatory powers and an economy that is WAY overdue for a correction no matter who is in office is just a bad idea. That is a significant reason Trump won - everyone discounted him. I would caution against making the same mistakes your opposition did.
Ruth might as well retire....Trump is going to win Re election and there is no way she hangs on for another term...
I bet she retires right after the election, no matter the outcome.

I am not confident at all that Trump will win re-election though. As said many times before, the only poll that matters is the one on election day and the last 'poll' done does not bode well.

It is Trump though and he breaks all convention and prior patterns.
Trump's numbers are rising...very unusual for a president at this stage of his presidency...he will win...who can beat him?...
I don't know. At this stage, it is anyone's guess who he will even be running. Last round, Trump was nothing more than a passing joke. Then he took the election by storm.

Discounting the dems with 2 years left, full control of the house and it's investigatory powers and an economy that is WAY overdue for a correction no matter who is in office is just a bad idea. That is a significant reason Trump won - everyone discounted him. I would caution against making the same mistakes your opposition did.
Do not believe what the media and the elites say about Trump...he is not a polished politician but he has this nations best interest at heart...I look across the field of dems that have any interest in running and the ones on the sidelines and I can't see anyone that will be able to beat Trump...look at his rally the other night...75,000 people requested tickets and 8000 got in with 12,000 outside watching on big screens...when have you ever seen that in America?....I'm 48 and I've never seen it before....for anyone....
Ruth might as well retire....Trump is going to win Re election and there is no way she hangs on for another term...
I bet she retires right after the election, no matter the outcome.

I am not confident at all that Trump will win re-election though. As said many times before, the only poll that matters is the one on election day and the last 'poll' done does not bode well.

It is Trump though and he breaks all convention and prior patterns.
Trump's numbers are rising...very unusual for a president at this stage of his presidency...he will win...who can beat him?...
I don't know. At this stage, it is anyone's guess who he will even be running. Last round, Trump was nothing more than a passing joke. Then he took the election by storm.

Discounting the dems with 2 years left, full control of the house and it's investigatory powers and an economy that is WAY overdue for a correction no matter who is in office is just a bad idea. That is a significant reason Trump won - everyone discounted him. I would caution against making the same mistakes your opposition did.
Do not believe what the media and the elites say about Trump...he is not a polished politician but he has this nations best interest at heart...I look across the field of dems that have any interest in running and the ones on the sidelines and I can't see anyone that will be able to beat Trump...look at his rally the other night...75,000 people requested tickets and 8000 got in with 12,000 outside watching on big screens...when have you ever seen that in America?....I'm 48 and I've never seen it before....for anyone....
Possibly. I wont count him out either - that would be crazy considering what he pulled off last time.

I don't think that Trump has the best for the nation at heart though. His actions tell me he has one thing at heart - his own interests. That does not come from the 'media.' Reporting these days has become a joke.
Ruth might as well retire....Trump is going to win Re election and there is no way she hangs on for another term...
I bet she retires right after the election, no matter the outcome.

I am not confident at all that Trump will win re-election though. As said many times before, the only poll that matters is the one on election day and the last 'poll' done does not bode well.

It is Trump though and he breaks all convention and prior patterns.
Trump's numbers are rising...very unusual for a president at this stage of his presidency...he will win...who can beat him?...
I don't know. At this stage, it is anyone's guess who he will even be running. Last round, Trump was nothing more than a passing joke. Then he took the election by storm.

Discounting the dems with 2 years left, full control of the house and it's investigatory powers and an economy that is WAY overdue for a correction no matter who is in office is just a bad idea. That is a significant reason Trump won - everyone discounted him. I would caution against making the same mistakes your opposition did.
Do not believe what the media and the elites say about Trump...he is not a polished politician but he has this nations best interest at heart...I look across the field of dems that have any interest in running and the ones on the sidelines and I can't see anyone that will be able to beat Trump...look at his rally the other night...75,000 people requested tickets and 8000 got in with 12,000 outside watching on big screens...when have you ever seen that in America?....I'm 48 and I've never seen it before....for anyone....
Possibly. I wont count him out either - that would be crazy considering what he pulled off last time.

I don't think that Trump has the best for the nation at heart though. His actions tell me he has one thing at heart - his own interests. That does not come from the 'media.' Reporting these days has become a joke.
Well of course I see it differently...I look at what all of the popular with the media presidents have done for us and its not good....trillions in debt throughout government and society and a lack luster American dream....Trump is different...he doesn't need the money and he has his own jet and has homes twice as nice as the white house and he had security and power...he has run for president to fix what others from both major parties have broken....look at the cost of all of the wars that we seem to not be able to win for whatever reason....that money could be used for schools housing for the needy...social security a so called retirement program that is failing the very people that have paid into it....Trump wants to show you and me that there is a better way than what the dems and the GOP has brought us....anyone that thinks our nation has been governed well by the last 4 or 5 administrations is kidding themselves...
I said to myself...its time to try someone else...an outsider...so I voted for Trump and he has not made me sorry I did so.....he has also for me...exposed just how corrupt our leaders have been allowed to become...by a media that wants to be invited to all of the parties and dinners...so they roll with the corruption and say nothing...but allow someone from the outside to win and look what they do....sickening....

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