Justice Ginsburg Must Disqualify Herself in the Trump Travel Ban Case


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Clear bias.

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg Must Disqualify Herself in the Trump Travel Ban Case
Clear bias.

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg Must Disqualify Herself in the Trump Travel Ban Case

BTW...it will be fun to watch the so-called administration's lawyers argue that it isn't a travel ban when trump himself keeps calling it a travel ban. :lol:
She isn't supposed to act like she has. She has a fucking job to do.
Activist supreme court does nothing good for us.
Good luck with that.
yea, they wont care. Neither will congress. Hell, has congress ever challenged the SC? Its bullshit. They have been shitting on our COTUS for generations.
Clear bias.

In interviews with the Associated Press and the New York Times she remarked, “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president. For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be –I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Then she added that her husband would have declared, “Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand.”

Days later, in a CNN interview, she said of candidate Trump, “He is a faker. He has no consistency about him. He says whatever comes into his head at the moment. He really has an ego. How has he gotten away with not turning over his tax returns?”

Gregg Jarrett: Justice Ginsburg Must Disqualify Herself in the Trump Travel Ban Case

BTW...it will be fun to watch the so-called administration's lawyers argue that it isn't a travel ban when trump himself keeps calling it a travel ban. :lol:
So if a Justice told the press to f%k Islam, you would have no issue with them deciding this case?

Your hypocrisy is astounding.
Good luck with that.
yea, they wont care. Neither will congress. Hell, has congress ever challenged the SC? Its bullshit. They have been shitting on our COTUS for generations.

What this really boils down to is that the some supporters of Trump's ban are worried about the way the court will rule and are looking for any reason to get a Justice off the case that they believe will not rule in their favor. Some supporters of the ACA tried the same thing to with Justice Thomas to no avail.
Good luck with that.
yea, they wont care. Neither will congress. Hell, has congress ever challenged the SC? Its bullshit. They have been shitting on our COTUS for generations.

What this really boils down to is that the some supporters of Trump's ban are worried about the way the court will rule and are looking for any reason to get a Justice off the case that they believe will not rule in their favor. Some supporters of the ACA tried the same thing to with Justice Thomas to no avail.
Wow, they want an openly biased judge to not rule on a case, outlandish!
Good luck with that.
yea, they wont care. Neither will congress. Hell, has congress ever challenged the SC? Its bullshit. They have been shitting on our COTUS for generations.

What this really boils down to is that the some supporters of Trump's ban are worried about the way the court will rule and are looking for any reason to get a Justice off the case that they believe will not rule in their favor. Some supporters of the ACA tried the same thing to with Justice Thomas to no avail.
Wow, they want an openly biased judge to not rule on a case, outlandish!

I think what she said was foolish and unbecoming in those interviews. Congress has the power to remove her from the bench if they believe their is a clear bias, but I wouldn't hold my breath on this or her recusing herself.
Good luck with that.
yea, they wont care. Neither will congress. Hell, has congress ever challenged the SC? Its bullshit. They have been shitting on our COTUS for generations.

What this really boils down to is that the some supporters of Trump's ban are worried about the way the court will rule and are looking for any reason to get a Justice off the case that they believe will not rule in their favor. Some supporters of the ACA tried the same thing to with Justice Thomas to no avail.
Wow, they want an openly biased judge to not rule on a case, outlandish!

I think what she said was foolish and unbecoming in those interviews. Congress has the power to remove her from the bench if they believe their is a clear bias, but I wouldn't hold my breath on this or her recusing herself.
I will not argue, because we do truly live in the Age of Stupidity.
So the politically correct right wing doesn't like it when stupid is called stupid? Especially if it comes from a women. Pres Trump is stupid that has to be clear to all except his trumpettes who care nothing for truth, reality, or the American way.

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

"On Day One, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful southern border wall. We will use the best technology, including above - and below -ground sensors. That’s the tunnels. Remember that. Above and below. Above - and below -ground sensors, towers, aerial surveillance and manpower to supplement the wall, find and dislocate tunnels and keep out criminal cartels and Mexico, you know that, will work with us." Trump speech, 8/31/16
Trump is not stupid, just look at his empire and yours by comparison. That settled, Trump comes from a world of sycophants and has no real experience in government, so it will take him a while to figure out how stupidly everything is. Years ago there was the "Grace Commission" that tried to get the Feds more efficient, now its the Donald. As for documented stupidity, try failing Obamacare, the disastrous Obamacare rollout, giving Iran $billions, calling ISIS a JV team, killing the US economy with regulations, treating jihadists like normal people, etc.

Ginsberg needs to retire and let Trump fill her tiny little seat.
Ginsburg should be disqualified on the basis of early onset senility.

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