Justice Roberts second guesses policy making decision on census, violates separation of powers

Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State," not the the whole number of constituents in each State.

That you're incapable of comprehending basic English is your problem to deal with, not mine.

Fucking lying fawn, spewing bullshit again.

{Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.}

That's from something called "The United States Constitution."

You've never been exposed to it.

This just goes to prove how senile you are. :cuckoo:

Dumbfuck, you quoted that from Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution; that was replaced by the 14th Amendment which I quoted...

"counting the whole number of persons in each State"

You'll note it says to count the whole number of "persons," not, "constituents," as you idiotically asserted.

Now everyone here sees how crazy you are.

Now that is the DUMBEST SHIT I've ever heard, even from you. :lmao:

Amendment XIV
Section 1.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Section 2.
Representatives shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state.

Section 3.
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Section 4.
The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

Section 5.
The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.}

Aren't you EVER embarrassed by how stupid you are? Ever?

You dumbfucking shit. Now you're posting what I posted earlier.

Now try reading what you just posted....

whole number of persons in each state

... see that, rightard? It say "persons," not "constituents." :eusa_doh:

Do you see now why everyone here laughs at you?
Citizens and legal residents. Indians non-taxed and slaves may not have been considered citizens but they were legal residents. Illegal aliens are just that. Illegal aliens. They are foreigners. They should not be in the country, let alone determine representation in the Congress. Faun lives with his head up his ass.

You poor thing, you're truly fucking demented. I never said illegals should be entitled to representation.

Unfortunately, you're not the only slobbering idiot in the Democrat party. There are way too many who believe exactly that.
Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.

You poor thing, you're truly fucking demented. I never said illegals should be entitled to representation.

Unfortunately, you're not the only slobbering idiot in the Democrat party. There are way too many who believe exactly that.
Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.
Unfortunately, you're not the only slobbering idiot in the Democrat party. There are way too many who believe exactly that.
Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.

Why should we care? If these illegal underground bastards want to ignore our laws, why should we have any sympathy for them? Just a matter of time until they are rightfully deported.
Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?

Why should we care? If these illegal underground bastards want to ignore our laws, why should we have any sympathy for them? Just a matter of time until they are rightfully deported.


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.
Try posting with words next time. It's not like you have a mind I can read. :badgrin:
Unfortunately, you're not the only slobbering idiot in the Democrat party. There are way too many who believe exactly that.
Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.

Well, seems the self-proclaimed fountain-of-all knowledge has realized the error of his ways and deflects from documented facts.


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership are communist and socialist, who delude our nation's people with free government cheese.
Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?

Why should we care? If these illegal underground bastards want to ignore our laws, why should we have any sympathy for them? Just a matter of time until they are rightfully deported.


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.
Try posting with words next time. It's not like you have a mind I can read. :badgrin:

Try pulling your head outta your ass. Your reading success should improve.
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?

Why should we care? If these illegal underground bastards want to ignore our laws, why should we have any sympathy for them? Just a matter of time until they are rightfully deported.


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.
Try posting with words next time. It's not like you have a mind I can read. :badgrin:

Try pulling your head outta your ass. Your reading success should improve.

You dumbshit, you're supposed to type before you tap on [post reply]. :eusa_doh:

You dumbshit, you're supposed to type before you tap on [post reply]. :eusa_doh:

With all your foul mouth comments, I noticed you still have not refuted the fact that Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision about asking "Is this persona a Citizen of the United States" on our census form, and doing so violates our system's separation of powers doctrine.

Do you have a problem that our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and has set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves. ___ Author unknown

You dumbshit, you're supposed to type before you tap on [post reply]. :eusa_doh:

With all your foul mouth comments, I noticed you still have not refuted the fact that Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision about asking "Is this persona a Citizen of the United States" on our census form, and doing so violates our system's separation of powers doctrine.

Do you have a problem that our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and has set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves. ___ Author unknown
Oh? How does it violate the separation of powers? The Supreme Court is the Constitutionally mandated body to resolve conflicts. Which is what they did. And they protected the Voting Rights Act by not allowing trump from adding a question even his administration admits will lower respondents, thereby making the census less reliable and counterproductive towards its purpose of counting all people to determine apportioning representation.
Unfortunately, you're not the only slobbering idiot in the Democrat party. There are way too many who believe exactly that.
Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.

You're dumb as a cat turd fawn - everyone knows it. Oh, and you Stalinists are trying to disenfranchise voters in 46 states by destroying the Constitutional provision of an electoral college. You scum want power, and you'll do anything to get it.
Good, then bitch to those who express the bullshit you post and leave me out of your demented rants.

Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.

You're dumb as a cat turd fawn - everyone knows it. Oh, and you Stalinists are trying to disenfranchise voters in 46 states by destroying the Constitutional provision of an electoral college. You scum want power, and you'll do anything to get it.
Aww, you poor, senile tranny. I accept your inability to refute anything I said as a coy concession on your part. :mm:
Fucking lying fawn, psychopath Stalinist making an utter fool of himself again. It's not your faultg, you have the brains of a house plant and just spew shit fed to you by the leftist hate sites.

{First off, it is important to know that the House of Representatives are numbered based on the number of constituents in their state. The same goes for the Electoral College. Since these two very important groups of people are based on the number of constituents in each state, a count must be taken every ten years to determine how many people there actually are in each state, and in the United States in total. This is what the purpose of the U.S. Census is for. On every year that ends with a 0, an official count is taken of the number of people in each state. For all of the years in between, trends are used to make estimations and projections about the number of people there are.}


Fucking lying fawn, such a complete clown.... :lmao:
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.

You're dumb as a cat turd fawn - everyone knows it. Oh, and you Stalinists are trying to disenfranchise voters in 46 states by destroying the Constitutional provision of an electoral college. You scum want power, and you'll do anything to get it.
Aww, you poor, senile tranny. I accept your inability to refute anything I said as a coy concession on your part. :mm:


Stupid fucking psychopath. The lobotomy failed on you.
Sadly, you're beyond senile with no hope of ever returning to reality. :cuckoo:

The Constitution actually says "counting the whole number of persons in each State,"

It also states, " . . . the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State."

So, tell us, self-proclaimed fountain-of-all-knowledge, how can that formula be satisfied without having an accurate count of "citizens" as distinguished from non-citizens?


The Democrat Leadership is correct! The border crisis has been manufactured. It has been manufactured by the Democrat Leadership in Congress refusing to protect our borders against an ongoing invasion.
Sorry, I'm done trying to educate you ineducable rubes. I've already explained that asking people if they're citizens in no way counts the number of disenfranchised voters, yet you're still to thick to understand. At some point, your ignorance is your problem, not others; and this is that point.

You're dumb as a cat turd fawn - everyone knows it. Oh, and you Stalinists are trying to disenfranchise voters in 46 states by destroying the Constitutional provision of an electoral college. You scum want power, and you'll do anything to get it.
Aww, you poor, senile tranny. I accept your inability to refute anything I said as a coy concession on your part. :mm:


Stupid fucking psychopath. The lobotomy failed on you.

Once again again, your concession is duly noted. :mm:

You dumbshit, you're supposed to type before you tap on [post reply]. :eusa_doh:

With all your foul mouth comments, I noticed you still have not refuted the fact that Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision about asking "Is this persona a Citizen of the United States" on our census form, and doing so violates our system's separation of powers doctrine.

Do you have a problem that our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and has set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves. ___ Author unknown

Oh? How does it violate the separation of powers? The Supreme Court is the Constitutionally mandated body to resolve conflicts..

The Supreme Court's job is only to determine if a legislative act or policy violates the terms of the Constitution. In the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE v. NEW YORK June 27, 2019 Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision rightfully exercised by our President ___ a decision to ask "Is this person a United States Citizen". The court did not rule the question was unconstitutional. Justice Roberts merely asserted the question could not be asked because the reason for asking the question was contrived. But this is not the Courts Job! The Court's job is not to second guess the wisdom, necessity, reasonableness, justice or fairness of policy making decisions or legislation.

For example see:

……we are not at liberty to second-guess congressional determinations and policy judgments of this order, however debatable or arguably unwise they may be…The wisdom of Congress’ action, however, is not within our province to second guess." ___ Justice Ginsburg delivering the opinion of the Court in ELDRED et al. v. ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY GENERAL (2003)

"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black (U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

”Just because we [the courts] do not think the legislators have acted wisely or responsibly does not give us the right to assume their duties or to substitute our judgment for theirs.” Hillis v. Department of Ecology, 131 Wash. 2d 373, 932 P.2d 139 (1997)

"For the removal of unwise laws from the statute books appeal lies, not to the courts, but to the ballot and to the processes of democratic government.” U.S. v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1, 78-79 (1936)

Justice Roberts usurped a policy make decision power entrusted to our Legislature and President, and in this respect he violated our system's separation of powers doctrine, and, in so doing, undermined our democratic system.

Our Constitution does not delegate a power to unelected judges and Justices to exercise legislative, executive and judicial power. In fact with regard to this exercise of power Madison stated ”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47


Our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution.

You dumbshit, you're supposed to type before you tap on [post reply]. :eusa_doh:

With all your foul mouth comments, I noticed you still have not refuted the fact that Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision about asking "Is this persona a Citizen of the United States" on our census form, and doing so violates our system's separation of powers doctrine.

Do you have a problem that our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and has set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves. ___ Author unknown

Oh? How does it violate the separation of powers? The Supreme Court is the Constitutionally mandated body to resolve conflicts..

The Supreme Court's job is only to determine if a legislative act or policy violates the terms of the Constitution. In the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE v. NEW YORK June 27, 2019 Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision rightfully exercised by our President ___ a decision to ask "Is this person a United States Citizen". The court did not rule the question was unconstitutional. Justice Roberts merely asserted the question could not be asked because the reason for asking the question was contrived. But this is not the Courts Job! The Court's job is not to second guess the wisdom, necessity, reasonableness, justice or fairness of policy making decisions or legislation.

For example see:

……we are not at liberty to second-guess congressional determinations and policy judgments of this order, however debatable or arguably unwise they may be…The wisdom of Congress’ action, however, is not within our province to second guess." ___ Justice Ginsburg delivering the opinion of the Court in ELDRED et al. v. ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY GENERAL (2003)

"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black (U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

”Just because we [the courts] do not think the legislators have acted wisely or responsibly does not give us the right to assume their duties or to substitute our judgment for theirs.” Hillis v. Department of Ecology, 131 Wash. 2d 373, 932 P.2d 139 (1997)

"For the removal of unwise laws from the statute books appeal lies, not to the courts, but to the ballot and to the processes of democratic government.” U.S. v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1, 78-79 (1936)

Justice Roberts usurped a policy make decision power entrusted to our Legislature and President, and in this respect he violated our system's separation of powers doctrine, and, in so doing, undermined our democratic system.

Our Constitution does not delegate a power to unelected judges and Justices to exercise legislative, executive and judicial power. In fact with regard to this exercise of power Madison stated ”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47


Our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution.
The Judicial branch's job is also to settle disputes between certain parties. In this case, it was a lawsuit challenging the trump administration's attempt to add that question. That completely legitimate and within the confines of the Constitution.

You dumbshit, you're supposed to type before you tap on [post reply]. :eusa_doh:

With all your foul mouth comments, I noticed you still have not refuted the fact that Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision about asking "Is this persona a Citizen of the United States" on our census form, and doing so violates our system's separation of powers doctrine.

Do you have a problem that our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and has set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves. ___ Author unknown

Oh? How does it violate the separation of powers? The Supreme Court is the Constitutionally mandated body to resolve conflicts..

The Supreme Court's job is only to determine if a legislative act or policy violates the terms of the Constitution. In the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE v. NEW YORK June 27, 2019 Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision rightfully exercised by our President ___ a decision to ask "Is this person a United States Citizen". The court did not rule the question was unconstitutional. Justice Roberts merely asserted the question could not be asked because the reason for asking the question was contrived. But this is not the Courts Job! The Court's job is not to second guess the wisdom, necessity, reasonableness, justice or fairness of policy making decisions or legislation.

For example see:

……we are not at liberty to second-guess congressional determinations and policy judgments of this order, however debatable or arguably unwise they may be…The wisdom of Congress’ action, however, is not within our province to second guess." ___ Justice Ginsburg delivering the opinion of the Court in ELDRED et al. v. ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY GENERAL (2003)

"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black (U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

”Just because we [the courts] do not think the legislators have acted wisely or responsibly does not give us the right to assume their duties or to substitute our judgment for theirs.” Hillis v. Department of Ecology, 131 Wash. 2d 373, 932 P.2d 139 (1997)

"For the removal of unwise laws from the statute books appeal lies, not to the courts, but to the ballot and to the processes of democratic government.” U.S. v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1, 78-79 (1936)

Justice Roberts usurped a policy make decision power entrusted to our Legislature and President, and in this respect he violated our system's separation of powers doctrine, and, in so doing, undermined our democratic system.

Our Constitution does not delegate a power to unelected judges and Justices to exercise legislative, executive and judicial power. In fact with regard to this exercise of power Madison stated ”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47


Our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution.

The Judicial branch's job is also to settle disputes between certain parties. In this case, it was a lawsuit challenging the trump administration's attempt to add that question. That completely legitimate and within the confines of the Constitution.

So, you have no good response to the Supreme Court exercising legislative and policy making decision power, which, as noted by Madison, is the "very definition of tyranny".


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with communists and socialists who delude and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.
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You dumbshit, you're supposed to type before you tap on [post reply]. :eusa_doh:

With all your foul mouth comments, I noticed you still have not refuted the fact that Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision about asking "Is this persona a Citizen of the United States" on our census form, and doing so violates our system's separation of powers doctrine.

Do you have a problem that our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and has set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution?


The Democrat Party Leadership has been angry, stupid and obnoxious ever since the Republican Party Leadership freed democrat owned slaves. ___ Author unknown

Oh? How does it violate the separation of powers? The Supreme Court is the Constitutionally mandated body to resolve conflicts..

The Supreme Court's job is only to determine if a legislative act or policy violates the terms of the Constitution. In the DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE v. NEW YORK June 27, 2019 Justice Roberts second guessed a policy making decision rightfully exercised by our President ___ a decision to ask "Is this person a United States Citizen". The court did not rule the question was unconstitutional. Justice Roberts merely asserted the question could not be asked because the reason for asking the question was contrived. But this is not the Courts Job! The Court's job is not to second guess the wisdom, necessity, reasonableness, justice or fairness of policy making decisions or legislation.

For example see:

……we are not at liberty to second-guess congressional determinations and policy judgments of this order, however debatable or arguably unwise they may be…The wisdom of Congress’ action, however, is not within our province to second guess." ___ Justice Ginsburg delivering the opinion of the Court in ELDRED et al. v. ASHCROFT, ATTORNEY GENERAL (2003)

"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black (U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

”Just because we [the courts] do not think the legislators have acted wisely or responsibly does not give us the right to assume their duties or to substitute our judgment for theirs.” Hillis v. Department of Ecology, 131 Wash. 2d 373, 932 P.2d 139 (1997)

"For the removal of unwise laws from the statute books appeal lies, not to the courts, but to the ballot and to the processes of democratic government.” U.S. v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1, 78-79 (1936)

Justice Roberts usurped a policy make decision power entrusted to our Legislature and President, and in this respect he violated our system's separation of powers doctrine, and, in so doing, undermined our democratic system.

Our Constitution does not delegate a power to unelected judges and Justices to exercise legislative, executive and judicial power. In fact with regard to this exercise of power Madison stated ”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” ___ Madison, Federalist Paper No. 47


Our Supreme Court has usurped legislative functions and set itself up as an unelected, omnipotent and unreviewable, policy making branch of government not authorized by our written Constitution.

The Judicial branch's job is also to settle disputes between certain parties. In this case, it was a lawsuit challenging the trump administration's attempt to add that question. That completely legitimate and within the confines of the Constitution.

So, you have no good response to the Supreme Court exercising legislative and policy making decision power, which, as noted by Madison, is the "very definition of tyranny".


They are not "liberals" or "progressives". The Democrat Party Leadership is infested with ]bcommubvnists and socialists who delude and addict our nations needy with free government cheese.
Thd Supreme Court did no such thing. There was no valid reason for adding that question. Your position is a strawman.

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