Justice Sam Alito Evacuated with His Family to an Undisclosed Location as Death Threats Intensify and Wisconsin Pro-Life Office is Firebombed

Your constitution is flawed and out of date. Written by slave owners at a time women were treated as property. it needs rewriting to reflect modern requirements. By women.
You are NUTS! Completely insane.

You're saying we should trash the greatest political document of modern times BAR NONE, because it was written by slave owners?

That's insane. You're crazy.
Protesting is protected by the 1st Amendment. RIoting and vandalism is not.
Reading comprehension = ZERO.

It says "picketing and parading". Those are simple words, right? Even you should be able to understand them.
And if anyone protesting the decision when/if it is handed down storms the Supreme Court...deadly force SHOULD be used to stop it. At least that is what I think.
Yes. Agreed. I was in favor of using deadly force when the Right stormed the Capitol on Jan 6 2021. Ditto for the Left here if it ever comes to that. Fair is fair.
Where lol. Jan 6th. Your party are a pack of Liars.

Show me how overturning Roe bans abortion in blue states that have no ban laws already.

This is your Lie to cause riot season for election season.
It's election season, what did you expect if not a whole new round of lies by the democrats as it gets closer and closer?
You are NUTS! Completely insane.

You're saying we should trash the greatest political document of modern times BAR NONE, because it was written by slave owners?

That's insane. You're crazy.
what Tommy doesn't tell you, is his Constitution was based on ours.
Unbelievable. Capitol punishment is for people who have taken an innocent life.
No. It is for people you assume have taken a life. You aren’t pro life so you don’t care about that. Innocent people have been put on death row and executed.
Taking life in defense of others or self is not antithetical with a pro life (anti abortion) position.
You know that's horseshit. Go peddle that nonsense to someone else. You would execute a woman for aborting a 6 week clump of cells. Your morality is hot garbage, and you are not pro life.
Your constitution is flawed and out of date. Written by slave owners at a time women were treated as property. it needs rewriting to reflect modern requirements. By women.
No….don’t agree…it is a good document because it can’t be overwritten at a whim for political power ( like that of other nations), it is broad enough in it’s principles that it can be interpreted to take into account the way society has changed and it can be amended. It isn’t perfect but it has lasted 250 years, quite a feat really.

The problem is that we have a politicized higher court that is using flawed legal reasoning to strike down a ruling, supported by 50 years of subsequent case law, for blatantly political reasoning as seen in the leaked opinion where Alito rants about abortion.
Your constitution is flawed and out of date. Written by slave owners at a time women were treated as property. it needs rewriting to reflect modern requirements. By women.
You have a fucking ROYAL FAMILY, Dumbass.

STFU about America until you get out of the Dark Ages.

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