Justice Scalia Thinks Black Students Belong In 'Slower-Track' Schools


So are you going to call this guy an Uncle Tom for saying that Scalia has a point?

Affirmative action: Scalia had a point (Opinion) - CNN.com

However, Scalia's comment stemmed not from random intuition but from research showing that a substantial number of black students would do better -- and be happier -- at schools less selective than the ones they are often admitted to via racial preferences.
I'll bet Neil deGrasse Tyson understands the meaning of the word "most". Probably why he's a scientist, and you're not.
It takes more than understanding the meaning of the word "most" to be a scientist. Scalia even referred to black scientists as slow. What an ignorant twit.

There are no slow scientists. To be a scientists first takes an incredible amount of learning. And that's just the beginning.

How many times on the USMB have Republicans said scientists have no common sense or no integrity? The most ignorant and close minded people in the world criticizing the most productive and most brilliant. I could never understand how they have the nerve.


Just the fact that right wingers constantly use the phrase "settled science" demonstrates a total lack of understanding.
Do you or do you not believe what the 'scientists' have determined visa vi the general IQ levels of various races?
I know I'll never get an honest answer from you and that proves the point.
Oh, there's an honest answer all right. One racist stupid fucks never want to hear.

Genetically Speaking, Race Doesn't Exist In Humans

Humans are one of the most genetically homogenous species we know of. There's lots of genetic variation in humanity, but it's basically at the individual level. The between-population variation is very, very minor."

Among Templeton's conclusions: there is more genetic similarity between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans and between Europeans and Melanesians, inhabitants of islands northeast of Australia, than there is between Africans and Melanesians. Yet, sub-Saharan Africans and Melanesians share dark skin, hair texture and cranial-facial features, traits commonly used to classify people into races. According to Templeton, this example shows that "racial traits" are grossly incompatible with overall genetic differences between human populations.
Why didn't you address the scientific fact that the negro race generally has lower IQs than the White and Asian races?
Because YOU would have to fucking claim your precious 'scientists' are wrong.
Facts are facts asshole. Negroes generally have IQs in the low eighties. Whites generally have IQs around 120.

Wikipedia reports the gap to be 15 to 18 points.

Significant, but not as extreme as you are claiming.

And yes, still enough to serious impact representation is college, including which colleges.
There are many scientific studies which put the gap higher than 18 points.
But 18 points is still enough of a difference to explain the disparities between the white and negro races.
School curriculums have been designed so the average person with an average IQ can be taught successfully.
Take a race of people with generally IQs 18 points lower than the curriculum was designed for and people wonder why negroes have such a difficult time learning in school.
It's not rocket science and it's not 'racist' to point out the obvious which is exactly what the judge has done.
Take a race of people with generally IQs 18 points lower than the curriculum was designed for and people wonder why negroes have such a difficult time learning in school.

Hey you all here is a guy who heard the Justice Scalia argument clearly how come you all are not clear on this like this dude
....hahahahahahahahahahah he is not pretending like you all LOL
It takes more than understanding the meaning of the word "most" to be a scientist. Scalia even referred to black scientists as slow. What an ignorant twit.

There are no slow scientists. To be a scientists first takes an incredible amount of learning. And that's just the beginning.

How many times on the USMB have Republicans said scientists have no common sense or no integrity? The most ignorant and close minded people in the world criticizing the most productive and most brilliant. I could never understand how they have the nerve.


Just the fact that right wingers constantly use the phrase "settled science" demonstrates a total lack of understanding.
Do you or do you not believe what the 'scientists' have determined visa vi the general IQ levels of various races?
I know I'll never get an honest answer from you and that proves the point.
Oh, there's an honest answer all right. One racist stupid fucks never want to hear.

Genetically Speaking, Race Doesn't Exist In Humans

Humans are one of the most genetically homogenous species we know of. There's lots of genetic variation in humanity, but it's basically at the individual level. The between-population variation is very, very minor."

Among Templeton's conclusions: there is more genetic similarity between Europeans and sub-Saharan Africans and between Europeans and Melanesians, inhabitants of islands northeast of Australia, than there is between Africans and Melanesians. Yet, sub-Saharan Africans and Melanesians share dark skin, hair texture and cranial-facial features, traits commonly used to classify people into races. According to Templeton, this example shows that "racial traits" are grossly incompatible with overall genetic differences between human populations.
Why didn't you address the scientific fact that the negro race generally has lower IQs than the White and Asian races?
Because YOU would have to fucking claim your precious 'scientists' are wrong.
Facts are facts asshole. Negroes generally have IQs in the low eighties. Whites generally have IQs around 120.

Wikipedia reports the gap to be 15 to 18 points.

Significant, but not as extreme as you are claiming.

And yes, still enough to serious impact representation is college, including which colleges.
There are many scientific studies which put the gap higher than 18 points.
But 18 points is still enough of a difference to explain the disparities between the white and negro races.
School curriculums have been designed so the average person with an average IQ can be taught successfully.
Take a race of people with generally IQs 18 points lower than the curriculum was designed for and people wonder why negroes have such a difficult time learning in school.
It's not rocket science and it's not 'racist' to point out the obvious which is exactly what the judge has done.

Race blind admissions will let in those that are qualified and those will do well.

As Marty posted a very interesting example of.

Better to have a smaller, but qualified and successful college educated population than a larger group that fails at a high rate.

YOu know something else that has not been mentioned?

How many of these people end up with no degree and high student loans?
Do you even understand what he said?

Here is someone who does understand what Scalia said.........

Take a race of people with generally IQs 18 points lower than the curriculum was designed for and people wonder why negroes have such a difficult time learning in school.

Mismatch does not just occur with minorities.

People like to talk about how "challenging" or "elite" a certain program might be.

It's mostly bullshit. There is almost never a real reason for rushing though a subject.

Maybe for certain fields like Medicine where there is just a ton of material and even then I find it doubtful.

Let those with IQs of 130 and above go to MIT and zip though their course material in record time. Whoopee Freaking Doo.

Millions more can take a extra semester or two and end up with the same knowledge/skills and still have productive careers in the same fields.

There might be a couple of dozens of jobs in the world where you need that cutting edge brilliance to complete.

For everyone else, it's bullshit.
McWhorter blames two social workers who trumpeted welfare for the demise of the black family and -- get this -- Malcolm X for giving us a rage that leads us nowhere.
John McWhorter, Party of One

So yes, indirectly you are calling him an Uncle Tom.

Lol asshole I did no such thing ...go fuck yourself shit breath....you are the coward you believe Blacks are inferior but you deny believing that...why are you not courageous in your views like this guy
Take a race of people with generally IQs 18 points lower than the curriculum was designed for and people wonder why negroes have such a difficult time learning in school.
McWhorter blames two social workers who trumpeted welfare for the demise of the black family and -- get this -- Malcolm X for giving us a rage that leads us nowhere.
John McWhorter, Party of One

So yes, indirectly you are calling him an Uncle Tom.

Lol asshole I did no such thing ...go fuck yourself shit breath....you are the coward you believe Blacks are inferior but you deny believing that...why are you not courageous in your views like this guy
Take a race of people with generally IQs 18 points lower than the curriculum was designed for and people wonder why negroes have such a difficult time learning in school.

So, you deny the existence of the IQ gap despite decades of scientific studies?
So, you deny the existence of the IQ gap despite decades of scientific studies?

I think there is a big gap in IQ between you and me because you have an inferior intellect chump
Race and IQ: A sorry tale of shoddy science
they began looking for ways to quantify the intellectual performance of different national and ethnic groups: and came up with bizarre results, which ought to have eliminated discrimination purely on the grounds of colour or race but somehow did not. In the early 20th century HH Goddard tried out his intelligence tests on new migrants and found, says Gould, that "83% of the Jews, 80% of the Hungarians, 79% of the Italians and 87% of the Russians were feeble-minded."

Robert Yerkes, another scientist still honoured among US researchers, tested military recruits and produced data that seemed to show that the mental age of the average white American was "about 13 years". Yerkes' tests suggested that the group whose intellects were below this average of 13 years included "37% of whites and 89% of negroes". This extra-low mental age did not disqualify black people from the Army because, said Yerkes, all officers seemed to agree "that the negro is a cheerful willing soldier, naturally subservient".
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McWhorter blames two social workers who trumpeted welfare for the demise of the black family and -- get this -- Malcolm X for giving us a rage that leads us nowhere.
John McWhorter, Party of One

So yes, indirectly you are calling him an Uncle Tom.

Lol asshole I did no such thing ...go fuck yourself shit breath....you are the coward you believe Blacks are inferior but you deny believing that...why are you not courageous in your views like this guy
Take a race of people with generally IQs 18 points lower than the curriculum was designed for and people wonder why negroes have such a difficult time learning in school.
My views are based on empirical scientific studies which have been going on for decades.
NOT ONE peer reviewed scientific study has EVER concluded the races are equal in terms of IQ.
I'm very sorry for you. Having to 'pretend' the races are equal must be wearing you out.
The judge only said what the rest of the sane world already knows.
Put people in an environment where they can not compete on a level playing field with others and the result is always failure.
So, you deny the existence of the IQ gap despite decades of scientific studies?

I think there is a big gap in IQ between you and me because you have an inferior intellect chump
Race and IQ: A sorry tale of shoddy science
they began looking for ways to quantify the intellectual performance of different national and ethnic groups: and came up with bizarre results, which ought to have eliminated discrimination purely on the grounds of colour or race but somehow did not. In the early 20th century HH Goddard tried out his intelligence tests on new migrants and found, says Gould, that "83% of the Jews, 80% of the Hungarians, 79% of the Italians and 87% of the Russians were feeble-minded."

Robert Yerkes, another scientist still honoured among US researchers, tested military recruits and produced data that seemed to show that the mental age of the average white American was "about 13 years". Yerkes' tests suggested that the group whose intellects were below this average of 13 years included "37% of whites and 89% of negroes". This extra-low mental age did not disqualify black people from the Army because, said Yerkes, all officers seemed to agree "that the negro is a cheerful willing soldier, naturally subservient".

Wow. I didn't know the Guardian did peer review.


So much for the Right being the Party of Anti-science.
So, you deny the existence of the IQ gap despite decades of scientific studies?

I think there is a big gap in IQ between you and me because you have an inferior intellect chump
Race and IQ: A sorry tale of shoddy science
they began looking for ways to quantify the intellectual performance of different national and ethnic groups: and came up with bizarre results, which ought to have eliminated discrimination purely on the grounds of colour or race but somehow did not. In the early 20th century HH Goddard tried out his intelligence tests on new migrants and found, says Gould, that "83% of the Jews, 80% of the Hungarians, 79% of the Italians and 87% of the Russians were feeble-minded."

Robert Yerkes, another scientist still honoured among US researchers, tested military recruits and produced data that seemed to show that the mental age of the average white American was "about 13 years". Yerkes' tests suggested that the group whose intellects were below this average of 13 years included "37% of whites and 89% of negroes". This extra-low mental age did not disqualify black people from the Army because, said Yerkes, all officers seemed to agree "that the negro is a cheerful willing soldier, naturally subservient".
I see. So Yerkes determined according to his test that 37% of white americans had intellects below 13 years of age and 89% of negroes had intellects below 13 years of age.
Ummmmm. Looks to me like Terkes just proved my point. Negroes generally have lower intellects than whites.
Got any more 'studies' you want to put up proving my point?
So, you deny the existence of the IQ gap despite decades of scientific studies?

I think there is a big gap in IQ between you and me because you have an inferior intellect chump
Race and IQ: A sorry tale of shoddy science
they began looking for ways to quantify the intellectual performance of different national and ethnic groups: and came up with bizarre results, which ought to have eliminated discrimination purely on the grounds of colour or race but somehow did not. In the early 20th century HH Goddard tried out his intelligence tests on new migrants and found, says Gould, that "83% of the Jews, 80% of the Hungarians, 79% of the Italians and 87% of the Russians were feeble-minded."

Robert Yerkes, another scientist still honoured among US researchers, tested military recruits and produced data that seemed to show that the mental age of the average white American was "about 13 years". Yerkes' tests suggested that the group whose intellects were below this average of 13 years included "37% of whites and 89% of negroes". This extra-low mental age did not disqualify black people from the Army because, said Yerkes, all officers seemed to agree "that the negro is a cheerful willing soldier, naturally subservient".
I see. So Yerkes determined according to his test that 37% of white americans had intellects below 13 years of age and 89% of negroes had intellects below 13 years of age.
Ummmmm. Looks to me like Terkes just proved my point. Negroes generally have lower intellects than whites.
Got any more 'studies' you want to put up proving my point?

My Father In law was a Marine in the pre-Vietnam Era.

His was put in charge of some small unit, because he could read.
Affirmative Action gets the horse to water, but making it drink is something else altogether.

Blacks in general cannot compete with whites and Asians scholastically, and everyone knows it.
Affirmative Action gets the horse to water, but making it drink is something else altogether.

Blacks in general cannot compete with whites and Asians scholastically, and everyone knows it.

I don't know that I would put it so strongly.

There are plenty of people in ALL ETHNIC groups who should not go to college. The percentage in the black population is significantly higher.

There are plenty that can compete and succeed and contribute.
So, you deny the existence of the IQ gap despite decades of scientific studies?

I think there is a big gap in IQ between you and me because you have an inferior intellect chump
Race and IQ: A sorry tale of shoddy science
they began looking for ways to quantify the intellectual performance of different national and ethnic groups: and came up with bizarre results, which ought to have eliminated discrimination purely on the grounds of colour or race but somehow did not. In the early 20th century HH Goddard tried out his intelligence tests on new migrants and found, says Gould, that "83% of the Jews, 80% of the Hungarians, 79% of the Italians and 87% of the Russians were feeble-minded."

Robert Yerkes, another scientist still honoured among US researchers, tested military recruits and produced data that seemed to show that the mental age of the average white American was "about 13 years". Yerkes' tests suggested that the group whose intellects were below this average of 13 years included "37% of whites and 89% of negroes". This extra-low mental age did not disqualify black people from the Army because, said Yerkes, all officers seemed to agree "that the negro is a cheerful willing soldier, naturally subservient".
I see. So Yerkes determined according to his test that 37% of white americans had intellects below 13 years of age and 89% of negroes had intellects below 13 years of age.
Ummmmm. Looks to me like Terkes just proved my point. Negroes generally have lower intellects than whites.
Got any more 'studies' you want to put up proving my point?

My Father In law was a Marine in the pre-Vietnam Era.

His was put in charge of some small unit, because he could read.
That's how many officers were chosen back then. Reading and writing were pretty good indicators the person is capable of learning and following orders.
My grandfather was a made a tank commander in WW11 because he excelled in math.
Please thank your FIL for his service if you can.

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