Justice Scalia Thinks Black Students Belong In 'Slower-Track' Schools

Sadly, this is the imagine Affirmative action has made of blacks. A merit based system where everyone competes equally would erase this.
Not really. 400 years of AA for white males has created a situation where the concept of a merit based system would be disproportionately beneficial to whites. Similar to how AA today is more beneficial to white women. Thats like having a merit based system for joining the NBA and expecting american white guys to be equally represented.

Actually, the whole point of a merit-based system is to NOT expect any group to be "equally represented". You're actually not supposed to be looking at group representation at all. That's the point.
Well you know what people mean when they say that. Basically theyre saying its a fair shot and everyone will be equally represented if we go to that. Only someone brain dead would think it means that magically whites would stop discriminating.

No, they don't. Only a complete dumbass thinks that merit-based systems produce any sort of "equal representation" based on arbitrary, superficial group classifications.

I don't think it would make people stop discriminating. I think it would be the result of them doing so. All Affirmative Action is is people rationalizing their own bigotry and trying to make themselves feel noble about it.
Yes they do. I know merit based systems wont work to provide equal representations. However thats the implied bullshit proponents of the merit based system will try to sell you.
Sadly, this is the imagine Affirmative action has made of blacks. A merit based system where everyone competes equally would erase this.
Not really. 400 years of AA for white males has created a situation where the concept of a merit based system would be disproportionately beneficial to whites. Similar to how AA today is more beneficial to white women. Thats like having a merit based system for joining the NBA and expecting american white guys to be equally represented.

Actually, the whole point of a merit-based system is to NOT expect any group to be "equally represented". You're actually not supposed to be looking at group representation at all. That's the point.
Well you know what people mean when they say that. Basically theyre saying its a fair shot and everyone will be equally represented if we go to that. Only someone brain dead would think it means that magically whites would stop discriminating.

No, they don't. Only a complete dumbass thinks that merit-based systems produce any sort of "equal representation" based on arbitrary, superficial group classifications.

I don't think it would make people stop discriminating. I think it would be the result of them doing so. All Affirmative Action is is people rationalizing their own bigotry and trying to make themselves feel noble about it.
Yes they do. I know merit based systems wont work to provide equal representations. However thats the implied bullshit proponents of the merit based system will try to sell you.

Nope. We'll just tell you straight-out that everyone who has the job will DESERVE it, and be able to do it well.

If people are trying to sell you blatantly ridiculous lines, maybe it's because they think you're dumb enough to buy them. Couldn't say.
Not really. 400 years of AA for white males has created a situation where the concept of a merit based system would be disproportionately beneficial to whites. Similar to how AA today is more beneficial to white women. Thats like having a merit based system for joining the NBA and expecting american white guys to be equally represented.

Actually, the whole point of a merit-based system is to NOT expect any group to be "equally represented". You're actually not supposed to be looking at group representation at all. That's the point.
Well you know what people mean when they say that. Basically theyre saying its a fair shot and everyone will be equally represented if we go to that. Only someone brain dead would think it means that magically whites would stop discriminating.

No, they don't. Only a complete dumbass thinks that merit-based systems produce any sort of "equal representation" based on arbitrary, superficial group classifications.

I don't think it would make people stop discriminating. I think it would be the result of them doing so. All Affirmative Action is is people rationalizing their own bigotry and trying to make themselves feel noble about it.
Yes they do. I know merit based systems wont work to provide equal representations. However thats the implied bullshit proponents of the merit based system will try to sell you.

Nope. We'll just tell you straight-out that everyone who has the job will DESERVE it, and be able to do it well.

If people are trying to sell you blatantly ridiculous lines, maybe it's because they think you're dumb enough to buy them. Couldn't say.
Yep. Youre trying to sell some of the same bullshit. Thats never been how its worked even among whites and its retarded to believe thats going to change. Basically youre saying. "well this time we promise not to discriminate and hire our friends and family if you agree to do away with AA". Get the fuck outta here. :laugh:
Actually, the whole point of a merit-based system is to NOT expect any group to be "equally represented". You're actually not supposed to be looking at group representation at all. That's the point.
Well you know what people mean when they say that. Basically theyre saying its a fair shot and everyone will be equally represented if we go to that. Only someone brain dead would think it means that magically whites would stop discriminating.

No, they don't. Only a complete dumbass thinks that merit-based systems produce any sort of "equal representation" based on arbitrary, superficial group classifications.

I don't think it would make people stop discriminating. I think it would be the result of them doing so. All Affirmative Action is is people rationalizing their own bigotry and trying to make themselves feel noble about it.
Yes they do. I know merit based systems wont work to provide equal representations. However thats the implied bullshit proponents of the merit based system will try to sell you.

Nope. We'll just tell you straight-out that everyone who has the job will DESERVE it, and be able to do it well.

If people are trying to sell you blatantly ridiculous lines, maybe it's because they think you're dumb enough to buy them. Couldn't say.
Yep. Youre trying to sell some of the same bullshit. Thats never been how its worked even among whites and its retarded to believe thats going to change. Basically youre saying. "well this time we promise not to discriminate and hire our friends and family if you agree to do away with AA". Get the fuck outta here. :laugh:

No one said that's "how it used to work, and we need to return". It's a so-far-unachieved ideal to strive for. What HAS been tried and DIDN'T work is the idea that past bigotry can be cured by more bigotry.

By the way, hiring friends and family is nepotism, not prejudice. Get a clue.
Well you know what people mean when they say that. Basically theyre saying its a fair shot and everyone will be equally represented if we go to that. Only someone brain dead would think it means that magically whites would stop discriminating.

No, they don't. Only a complete dumbass thinks that merit-based systems produce any sort of "equal representation" based on arbitrary, superficial group classifications.

I don't think it would make people stop discriminating. I think it would be the result of them doing so. All Affirmative Action is is people rationalizing their own bigotry and trying to make themselves feel noble about it.
Yes they do. I know merit based systems wont work to provide equal representations. However thats the implied bullshit proponents of the merit based system will try to sell you.

Nope. We'll just tell you straight-out that everyone who has the job will DESERVE it, and be able to do it well.

If people are trying to sell you blatantly ridiculous lines, maybe it's because they think you're dumb enough to buy them. Couldn't say.
Yep. Youre trying to sell some of the same bullshit. Thats never been how its worked even among whites and its retarded to believe thats going to change. Basically youre saying. "well this time we promise not to discriminate and hire our friends and family if you agree to do away with AA". Get the fuck outta here. :laugh:

No one said that's "how it used to work, and we need to return". It's a so-far-unachieved ideal to strive for. What HAS been tried and DIDN'T work is the idea that past bigotry can be cured by more bigotry.

By the way, hiring friends and family is nepotism, not prejudice. Get a clue.
Where did I claim thats how it used to work? As a matter of fact i specifically said its never worked like that. I'm not advocating bigotry. You do know what bigotry means dont you? I'm advocating equaling up the playing field before letting everyone start the race.

Were did I claim nepotism is prejudice?
No, they don't. Only a complete dumbass thinks that merit-based systems produce any sort of "equal representation" based on arbitrary, superficial group classifications.

I don't think it would make people stop discriminating. I think it would be the result of them doing so. All Affirmative Action is is people rationalizing their own bigotry and trying to make themselves feel noble about it.
Yes they do. I know merit based systems wont work to provide equal representations. However thats the implied bullshit proponents of the merit based system will try to sell you.

Nope. We'll just tell you straight-out that everyone who has the job will DESERVE it, and be able to do it well.

If people are trying to sell you blatantly ridiculous lines, maybe it's because they think you're dumb enough to buy them. Couldn't say.
Yep. Youre trying to sell some of the same bullshit. Thats never been how its worked even among whites and its retarded to believe thats going to change. Basically youre saying. "well this time we promise not to discriminate and hire our friends and family if you agree to do away with AA". Get the fuck outta here. :laugh:

No one said that's "how it used to work, and we need to return". It's a so-far-unachieved ideal to strive for. What HAS been tried and DIDN'T work is the idea that past bigotry can be cured by more bigotry.

By the way, hiring friends and family is nepotism, not prejudice. Get a clue.
Where did I claim thats how it used to work? As a matter of fact i specifically said its never worked like that. I'm not advocating bigotry. You do know what bigotry means dont you? I'm advocating equaling up the playing field before letting everyone start the race.

Were did I claim nepotism is prejudice?

Dear God, it's frustrating when leftists can't even read and understand their own fucking words.

"Thats never been how its worked" basically means you're refuting that I said it WAS how it worked, which I didn't.

"Basically youre saying. "well this time we promise not to discriminate" means a referrent to a previous time.

And no, you're advocating bigotry. You can call it "evening the playing field" or "redressing past injustices" or "casual Friday" for all I care. It's still giving one group of people advantages that another group doesn't have based on a superficial characteristic. The difference is that you think your motives are so pure and noble that the end justifies the means. "You gave whites advantages over blacks because you were a bad person, but I'm doing it because blacks have been so mistreated in the past."

If you want an even playing field, then you build one where everyone competes with just their own ability and hard work . . . you know, merit-based.

Besides, do you really think you're doing anyone a favor by giving them admission into college that they can't earn on the strength of their own academic achievement? All that does is set them up for failure, which is cruel.
Yes they do. I know merit based systems wont work to provide equal representations. However thats the implied bullshit proponents of the merit based system will try to sell you.

Nope. We'll just tell you straight-out that everyone who has the job will DESERVE it, and be able to do it well.

If people are trying to sell you blatantly ridiculous lines, maybe it's because they think you're dumb enough to buy them. Couldn't say.
Yep. Youre trying to sell some of the same bullshit. Thats never been how its worked even among whites and its retarded to believe thats going to change. Basically youre saying. "well this time we promise not to discriminate and hire our friends and family if you agree to do away with AA". Get the fuck outta here. :laugh:

No one said that's "how it used to work, and we need to return". It's a so-far-unachieved ideal to strive for. What HAS been tried and DIDN'T work is the idea that past bigotry can be cured by more bigotry.

By the way, hiring friends and family is nepotism, not prejudice. Get a clue.
Where did I claim thats how it used to work? As a matter of fact i specifically said its never worked like that. I'm not advocating bigotry. You do know what bigotry means dont you? I'm advocating equaling up the playing field before letting everyone start the race.

Were did I claim nepotism is prejudice?

Dear God, it's frustrating when leftists can't even read and understand their own fucking words.

"Thats never been how its worked" basically means you're refuting that I said it WAS how it worked, which I didn't.

"Basically youre saying. "well this time we promise not to discriminate" means a referrent to a previous time.

And no, you're advocating bigotry. You can call it "evening the playing field" or "redressing past injustices" or "casual Friday" for all I care. It's still giving one group of people advantages that another group doesn't have based on a superficial characteristic. The difference is that you think your motives are so pure and noble that the end justifies the means. "You gave whites advantages over blacks because you were a bad person, but I'm doing it because blacks have been so mistreated in the past."

If you want an even playing field, then you build one where everyone competes with just their own ability and hard work . . . you know, merit-based.

Besides, do you really think you're doing anyone a favor by giving them admission into college that they can't earn on the strength of their own academic achievement? All that does is set them up for failure, which is cruel.
Dont be frustrated. Instead focus on explain why you took the liberty of telling me something I said "basically" means such and such without asking for clarification?

You said this.....

"Nope. We'll just tell you straight-out that everyone who has the job will DESERVE it, and be able to do it well."

If you werent saying it was going to work like that why did you make that statement?

No its not giving one group advantages the other group doesnt have. Its giving one group the same advantage that already exists for the other group.
Scalia's Fascist Roots Run Deep

How did Antonin become the curmudgeon he has evolved into? Perhaps we need simply to look at his dad, Eugene Scalia. He had enormous influence on Justice Scalia. He sent his son to military school where they had to pledge allegiance to Mussolini, Alan Dershowitz has asserted. Scalia Sr. founded the American Fascist Party in 1934 only two years before Antonin was born. Apparently a 60 Minutes interview included extensive biographical information on Justice Scalia and his family, where they identify his father as “a professor of romance languages at Brooklyn College” and failed to disclose that he was a member of the American-Italian Fascist Party during Mussolini’s regime in the 1930s. He’s a man who is well in the tradition of Franco and Mussolini. He’s not an anti-Semite – there’s no bigotry or racism in him at all. But he is somebody who has these views which would have been very comfortable in fascist Italy or fascist Spain.
One does wonder why Obama's academic records and work are all sealed.
Because its none of your business probably.
I think there is a bigger reason that that.
Like what?
He would not have been going to Harvard, Columbia or Yale if it hadn't been for AA.
And being head of the Harvard Law Review.
First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
One does wonder why Obama's academic records and work are all sealed.
Because its none of your business probably.
I think there is a bigger reason that that.
Like what?
He would not have been going to Harvard, Columbia or Yale if it hadn't been for AA.
And being head of the Harvard Law Review.
First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review

From the article:

"Until the 1970's the editors were picked on the basis of grades, and the president of the Law Review was the student with the highest academic rank. Among these were Elliot L. Richardson, the former Attorney General, and Irwin Griswold, a dean of the Harvard Law School and Solicitor General under Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard M. Nixon.

"That system came under attack in the 1970's and was replaced by a program in which about half the editors are chosen for their grades and the other half are chosen by fellow students after a special writing competition. The new system, disputed when it began, was meant to help insure that minority students became editors of The Law Review."

In other words, lowering standards to accommodate political correctness.

I wonder why Obama had all his grades and work, such as the "special writing competition", sealed? Were they really inferior work, or merely self-condemning?
One does wonder why Obama's academic records and work are all sealed.
Because its none of your business probably.
I think there is a bigger reason that that.
Like what?
He would not have been going to Harvard, Columbia or Yale if it hadn't been for AA.
And being head of the Harvard Law Review.
First Black Elected to Head Harvard's Law Review
Obama attended Harvard at a time when the university was 100% radical Liberal. Obama was elected as Head for 100% racially motivated reasons.
Obama didn't write one single fucking article for the Review. Not ONE! No one has ever been able to find one.
He was a fucking 'AA' poser, phoney back then who knew how to 'game' the system cashing in on 'White Quilter privileged hippy girls and boys with lots of daddy's money but lacking in fucking brains. That's how he got where he is today. Not by any talent.
The bottom line, as I have pointed out many times negroes generally have an average IQ in the low eighties. Whites generally have an IQ around 120.
That is why 'AA' exists.
The judge was only speaking the truth. Admitting a bunch of negroes into highly competitive schools where even the smartest Whites and Asians can barely keep up is stupid. If anything it highlights the IQ gap between races.
How does that help the negro race?
If there's any 'blame' for what exists as scientific fact visa vi the IQ disparity between the races there's only one person responsible: GOD. Blame him/her. Looks like God was being a 'racist' when he/she made the races.
The Black-White Test Score Gap
In fact, this has helped the entire system.

There is no reason, no excuse to deny any student the education they want. Other countries, with much smaller tax bases, pay for their people to be educated. Why doesn't the US?

Interesting that, back in the day, "wops" were often kept from getting an education.

The other countries also make you pass a test, not just take a scaling test and be sorted, to get into higher education. Look up the abitur.
He made the comments during a major case about affirmative action at public universities.

WASHINGTON -- Do black students matter to Justice Antonin Scalia?

During oral arguments on Wednesday in Fisher v. University of Texas, a contentious affirmative action case, the conservative justice seemed to call their abilities into question.

"There are those who contend that it does not benefit African-Americans to get them into the University of Texas, where they do not do well," Scalia said, "as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school ... a slower-track school where they do well."

Scalia was engaging former U.S. Solicitor General Gregory Garre, who is now representing the University of Texas at Austin as the school defends its ongoing consideration of race as one of many factors in its admissions program.

Pointing to a brief the court received before oral arguments, Scalia noted "most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas."

Garre tried to interject, but the justice continued. "They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that ... they're being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them," Scalia said.

More: Justice Scalia Thinks Black Students Belong In 'Slower-Track' Schools

This is really sad coming from a Supreme Court Justice - even from a NaziCon neanderthal like Scalia.
Just goes to prove you can be taught anything and still be an ignorant cave chimp.
Yep, which is why you chimps shouldnt go to advanced schools.
MAybe everyone should be allowed to sink or swim

All we have to do is stop grading on a curve and let the numbers speak for themselves
To get into the elite universities like Harvard and Institutes like MIT you basically have to had to achieved (note the word 'achieved') 100% perfect test scores your entire academic life.
Dumping people into these places by way of AA is ludicrous.........unless the student, whatever their race, has achieved academic excellence AKA they have high enough IQs to understand the curriculum being taught.
MAybe everyone should be allowed to sink or swim

All we have to do is stop grading on a curve and let the numbers speak for themselves
The 'curve' used in LIB/union/negro run inner city shithole schools in no way remotely resembles the 'curve' used in mainstream American schools.
The inner city 'curve' looks more like a flat line. LOL
You have your name on the school list of students attending the shit-hole school means you are 'streamed' through whether you've ever actually attended any classes or not.
I personally have been told by teachers who had the hair raising/life threatening experience of subbing in these schools there were kids who didn't even know where the washrooms were.
Thank you, Justice Scalia, for setting us back 60 years as a nation. Your comments rank right up there with Trump's.

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