Justice Stevens to Retire After 34 Years

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.
This may be a blessing in disguise. A very very GOOD disguise.

Now we get to delay all sorts of other BS that they want to pass to take away the rights of Americans and give them to citizens of the world in which to pillage our nation.

They also have to get it done before they lose the 60 vote majority. Fillibuster baby. Fillibuster like crazy.
Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

I think it's pretty safe to say you are ... :lol: ... :eusa_think: ... ; God , I hope so!
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Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

the health care plan was romney's, einstein.

do try to keep up.
Stevens has certainly given all kinds of hints before now that he was leaving. He'll be 90 soon.
My guess is that Obama will appoint another woman.
Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

the health care plan was romney's, einstein.

do try to keep up.
Yes, it was Romney's big mistake which will probably cost him the White House.

That said, Glenn Beck just outed today Duval Patrick's machinations of price controls on Masscare has made it the most expensive, and least available health insurance in the nation. They've actually gone out of their way to prevent citizens from buying private health insurance.

And this is the model we copied. Get ready for it, it's gonna suck all over quite soon.
The guys a liberal and Barry will appoint another liberal.

No big change in the SC.
I think even Barry realizes he has to submit a moderate at this point. Two reasons:

Control of Congress is not guaranteed any more.

And most importantly, the hard decisions will include reform/cut backs in government in order to reduce spending and he will need SJC support to get it through. If the working class government workers thought they could count on Obama forever, they are going to get sold out soon like the people have been. Welcome to the future, the little guy is under attack.

My prediction.
I think even Barry realizes he has to submit a moderate at this point. Two reasons:

Control of Congress is not guaranteed any more.

And most importantly, the hard decisions will include reform/cut backs in government in order to reduce spending and he will need SJC support to get it through. If the working class government workers thought they could count on Obama forever, they are going to get sold out soon like the people have been. Welcome to the future, the little guy is under attack.

My prediction.

Why would that be?

The Democrats could easily speed the confirmation through using reconciliation. Just like the Republicans did.
I look for a moderate/liberal and most probably a woman. Part of the reason Stephens is retiring now is because of the uncertainty of the 2010 elections. You will not get a more favorable Congress than you have right now
Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

the health care plan was romney's, einstein.

do try to keep up.

Sucks to be wrong, dumbshit. try remedial reading first.

Anyway, the Dems no longer have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. So I suppose this will be a test to see how well Obama can function with a GOP he must negotiate with to get what he wants passed.
He could nominate someone who is mildly Left, another Souter maybe, or someone who spent time in the Senate. It would be a safe choice and an easy confirmation.
But I have confidence in the Big O. He has proven himself tone deaf on politics and intent on antagonizing everyone who disagrees with him. He will set it up for a long drawn out fight with the GOP, nominating someone even more disgusting than Sotomaior. It might be the supreme court justice in GA, first black woman justice or somesuch who just wrote a totally graceless piece on her experiences with social discrimination. Or some big name like Patrick or Rose Bird.
Would Obama dare to nominate Cass Sunstien? I know he was never a Judge but I doubt that would bother Obama:

Sunstein's 2006 book, Infotopia: How Many Minds Produce Knowledge, explores methods for aggregating information; it contains discussions of prediction markets, open-source software, and wikis. Sunstein's 2004 book, The Second Bill of Rights: FDR's Unfinished Revolution and Why We Need It More than Ever, advocates the Second Bill of Rights proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Among these rights are a right to an education, a right to a home, a right to health care, and a right to protection against monopolies; Sunstein argues that the Second Bill of Rights has had a large international impact and should be revived in the United States. His 2001 book, Republic.com, argued that the Internet may weaken democracy because it allows citizens to isolate themselves within groups that share their own views and experiences, and thus cut themselves off from any information that might challenge their beliefs, a phenomenon known as cyber balkanization.
Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

the health care plan was romney's, einstein.

do try to keep up.

Sucks to be wrong, dumbshit. try remedial reading first.

Anyway, the Dems no longer have a filibuster proof majority in the Senate. So I suppose this will be a test to see how well Obama can function with a GOP he must negotiate with to get what he wants passed.
He could nominate someone who is mildly Left, another Souter maybe, or someone who spent time in the Senate. It would be a safe choice and an easy confirmation.
But I have confidence in the Big O. He has proven himself tone deaf on politics and intent on antagonizing everyone who disagrees with him. He will set it up for a long drawn out fight with the GOP, nominating someone even more disgusting than Sotomaior. It might be the supreme court justice in GA, first black woman justice or somesuch who just wrote a totally graceless piece on her experiences with social discrimination. Or some big name like Patrick or Rose Bird.

i'm sure it did the first time, but surely you've become inured to it with practice, no?
Gee, wonder why Obama/Democrats won't have a more favorable Congress after November.....................

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