Justice Stevens to Retire After 34 Years

I heard the giant toad Napoli"ton"no being mentioned. That would be a short term pick due to projected future health reasons.

I know it's wrong, but hell, she aint here, and it's good to have some fun. Lighten up. ;)
Justice Stevens to Retire After 34 Years


Chief Justice John Roberts, right, with Justice John Paul Stevens in Washington in 2006.

Leader of Liberals on Supreme Court to Leave This Summer

The retirement of Associate Justice John Paul Stevens, 89, was widely expected, and sets up a confirmation battle over his replacement that could dominate the political scene this summer.

Associate Justice John Paul Stevens to Retire From Supreme Court After 34 Years - NYTimes.com

Let The Up or Down Hypocrisy Begin. How many leaders will stick by their own words?

Post their words here.
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Let The Up or Down Hypocrisy Begin. How many leaders will stick by their own words?

Post their words here.

Didn't Obama vote against Roberts and Alito? Let's see how often the "The president can name anyone he wants" canard comes out this time.
Let The Up or Down Hypocrisy Begin. How many leaders will stick by their own words?

Post their words here.

Didn't Obama vote against Roberts and Alito? Let's see how often the "The president can name anyone he wants" canard comes out this time.

Is isn't about whether anyone voted for or against a nominee, it's about whether anyone demanded an up or down vote. Principles.

Who ever said a President could not name anyone they want?

Let the red herrings run.
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Judicial nominees deserve 'respect,' says GOP leader

Frist, speaking at an event organized by Christian groups trying to rally churchgoers to support an end to judicial filibusters, also said judges deserve respect, not retaliation, no matter how they rule.

Frist seemed intent on steering clear of the views expressed by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, and other conservatives in and out of Congress who have urged investigations and even possible impeachment of judges they describe as activists.

Judicial nominees deserve 'respect,' says GOP leader

What would Jesus do? What will the good Christians do?

Will conservative Christians flip flop? Will they be shown to be unfaithful to godly principle?
Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

the health care plan was romney's, einstein.

do try to keep up.
Yes, it was Romney's big mistake which will probably cost him the White House.

That said, Glenn Beck just outed today Duval Patrick's machinations of price controls on Masscare has made it the most expensive, and least available health insurance in the nation. They've actually gone out of their way to prevent citizens from buying private health insurance.

And this is the model we copied. Get ready for it, it's gonna suck all over quite soon.

Who gives a a fuck what Glenda Beck says about a Governor in Massachusetts?

Obama's next Supreme Court nominee: 5 frontrunners - The Week

Elena Kagan
Who? Solicitor General of the US, former Dean of Harvard Law School. Interviewed by Obama before he appointed Sonia Sotomayor to the court, Kagan is "widely considered the front-runner" to replace Stevens, says the Huffington Post.
Why she's a favorite: The first female solicitor general, Kagan has experience of arguing in front of the court. She has a reputation for "bridging disagreements between liberal and conservative" thinkers, says Mark Sherman at Real Clear Politics, which makes her a good moderate choice.
What the GOP will say: Republicans are reportedly concerned about her lack of courtroom experience, and the fact she opposed on-campus military recruiting at Harvard. Her appointment to solicitor general was opposed by 31 Republican senators.

Diane Wood
Who? A judge on the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, and former deputy assistant attorney general under Bill Clinton. Also interviewed by Obama before the Sotomayor appointment.
Why she's a favorite: Wood has a reputation as an "intellectual jurist willing to take on her more conservative colleagues" on the Chicago appeals court, says Greg Stohr at Bloomberg.
What the GOP will say: Her record on issues such as abortion - pro-choice, she once clerked for Roe vs Wade author Justice Blackmun - "could potentially be used against her," says the Huffington Post.

Merrick Garland
Who? A judge on the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. circuit, and former employee of the Justice Department during Clinton administration
Why he's a favorite: As the Dems' "leading moderate jurist," Garland would be an "easy pick" for the Obama administration, says Gabriel Winant at Salon, if it is seeking to avoid a fight over the nomination.
What the GOP will say: Garland is a "well-respected moderate," says Dahlia Lithwick in Slate, whom the right thinks of as the "best alternative" to Stevens.

Cass Sunstein
Who? The Felix Frankfurter professor of law at Harvard Law School
Why he's a favorite: Academics like Sunstein would bring a "deeply worked-out constitutional vision to the court," says Dahlia Lithwick in Slate.
What the GOP will say: As "one of the most reliable Democrat cheerleaders for Bush/Cheney radicalism," Sunstein's appointment would likely please the GOP, says Glenn Greenwald in Salon.com. Not necessarily, counters Huff Po. His "vast body of work" would likely unearth something leaving him "vulnerable to criticism."

Pamela Karlan
Who? Professor of law at Stanford Law School
Why she's a favorite: A pro-choice liberal, Karlan could "move the court's center significantly leftward," says Dylan Matthews in the Washington Post, if Obama decides to make his mark on the court.
What the GOP will say: That "decidely liberal disposition would likely generate stiff opposition in the Senate," says Huff Po. Karlan is also openly gay, which could "provide an extra hurdle" to jump, says Ashby Jones in the Wall Street Journal.
Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

I think Obama will have to go to COMMUNIST CHINA to get a supreme court justice liberal enough to satisfy him.:lol::lol:
Here we have what I cionsider a moderate member @ USMb posting about Obama's potential nominees ...

Obama's next Supreme Court nominee: 5 frontrunners - The Week

Elena Kagan
Who? Solicitor General of the US, former Dean of Harvard Law School. Interviewed by Obama before he appointed Sonia Sotomayor to the court, Kagan is "widely considered the front-runner" to replace Stevens, says the Huffington Post.
Why she's a favorite: The first female solicitor general, Kagan has experience of arguing in front of the court. She has a reputation for "bridging disagreements between liberal and conservative" thinkers, says Mark Sherman at Real Clear Politics, which makes her a good moderate choice.
What the GOP will say: Republicans are reportedly concerned about her lack of courtroom experience, and the fact she opposed on-campus military recruiting at Harvard. Her appointment to solicitor general was opposed by 31 Republican senators.

Diane Wood
Who? A judge on the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, and former deputy assistant attorney general under Bill Clinton. Also interviewed by Obama before the Sotomayor appointment.
Why she's a favorite: Wood has a reputation as an "intellectual jurist willing to take on her more conservative colleagues" on the Chicago appeals court, says Greg Stohr at Bloomberg.
What the GOP will say: Her record on issues such as abortion - pro-choice, she once clerked for Roe vs Wade author Justice Blackmun - "could potentially be used against her," says the Huffington Post.

Merrick Garland
Who? A judge on the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. circuit, and former employee of the Justice Department during Clinton administration
Why he's a favorite: As the Dems' "leading moderate jurist," Garland would be an "easy pick" for the Obama administration, says Gabriel Winant at Salon, if it is seeking to avoid a fight over the nomination.
What the GOP will say: Garland is a "well-respected moderate," says Dahlia Lithwick in Slate, whom the right thinks of as the "best alternative" to Stevens.

Cass Sunstein
Who? The Felix Frankfurter professor of law at Harvard Law School
Why he's a favorite: Academics like Sunstein would bring a "deeply worked-out constitutional vision to the court," says Dahlia Lithwick in Slate.
What the GOP will say: As "one of the most reliable Democrat cheerleaders for Bush/Cheney radicalism," Sunstein's appointment would likely please the GOP, says Glenn Greenwald in Salon.com. Not necessarily, counters Huff Po. His "vast body of work" would likely unearth something leaving him "vulnerable to criticism."

Pamela Karlan
Who? Professor of law at Stanford Law School
Why she's a favorite: A pro-choice liberal, Karlan could "move the court's center significantly leftward," says Dylan Matthews in the Washington Post, if Obama decides to make his mark on the court.
What the GOP will say: That "decidely liberal disposition would likely generate stiff opposition in the Senate," says Huff Po. Karlan is also openly gay, which could "provide an extra hurdle" to jump, says Ashby Jones in the Wall Street Journal.

...sane, reasonable, rational.

now let us look at the post of a certified Right Wing Lunatic @ USMB...

Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

what's wrong here?


or here...

I think Obama will have to go to COMMUNIST CHINA to get a supreme court justice liberal enough...

Last edited:
Here we have what I cionsider a moderate member @ USMb posting about Obama's potential nominees ...

Obama's next Supreme Court nominee: 5 frontrunners - The Week

Elena Kagan
Who? Solicitor General of the US, former Dean of Harvard Law School. Interviewed by Obama before he appointed Sonia Sotomayor to the court, Kagan is "widely considered the front-runner" to replace Stevens, says the Huffington Post.
Why she's a favorite: The first female solicitor general, Kagan has experience of arguing in front of the court. She has a reputation for "bridging disagreements between liberal and conservative" thinkers, says Mark Sherman at Real Clear Politics, which makes her a good moderate choice.
What the GOP will say: Republicans are reportedly concerned about her lack of courtroom experience, and the fact she opposed on-campus military recruiting at Harvard. Her appointment to solicitor general was opposed by 31 Republican senators.

Diane Wood
Who? A judge on the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago, and former deputy assistant attorney general under Bill Clinton. Also interviewed by Obama before the Sotomayor appointment.
Why she's a favorite: Wood has a reputation as an "intellectual jurist willing to take on her more conservative colleagues" on the Chicago appeals court, says Greg Stohr at Bloomberg.
What the GOP will say: Her record on issues such as abortion - pro-choice, she once clerked for Roe vs Wade author Justice Blackmun - "could potentially be used against her," says the Huffington Post.

Merrick Garland
Who? A judge on the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. circuit, and former employee of the Justice Department during Clinton administration
Why he's a favorite: As the Dems' "leading moderate jurist," Garland would be an "easy pick" for the Obama administration, says Gabriel Winant at Salon, if it is seeking to avoid a fight over the nomination.
What the GOP will say: Garland is a "well-respected moderate," says Dahlia Lithwick in Slate, whom the right thinks of as the "best alternative" to Stevens.

Cass Sunstein
Who? The Felix Frankfurter professor of law at Harvard Law School
Why he's a favorite: Academics like Sunstein would bring a "deeply worked-out constitutional vision to the court," says Dahlia Lithwick in Slate.
What the GOP will say: As "one of the most reliable Democrat cheerleaders for Bush/Cheney radicalism," Sunstein's appointment would likely please the GOP, says Glenn Greenwald in Salon.com. Not necessarily, counters Huff Po. His "vast body of work" would likely unearth something leaving him "vulnerable to criticism."

Pamela Karlan
Who? Professor of law at Stanford Law School
Why she's a favorite: A pro-choice liberal, Karlan could "move the court's center significantly leftward," says Dylan Matthews in the Washington Post, if Obama decides to make his mark on the court.
What the GOP will say: That "decidely liberal disposition would likely generate stiff opposition in the Senate," says Huff Po. Karlan is also openly gay, which could "provide an extra hurdle" to jump, says Ashby Jones in the Wall Street Journal.

...sane, reasonable, rational.

now let us look at the post of a certified Right Wing Lunatic @ USMB...

Let the games begin.

I think Deval Patrick will be the next nominee, based on his outstanding left wing service under Clinton and his deft mishandling of health care in MA.
But I could be wrong here.

what's wrong here?


or here...

I think Obama will have to go to COMMUNIST CHINA to get a supreme court justice liberal enough...


What's wrong?
I post original thoughts. Rightwinger posts recycled junk. And you have your head up your ass.
I think even Barry realizes he has to submit a moderate at this point. Two reasons:

Control of Congress is not guaranteed any more.

And most importantly, the hard decisions will include reform/cut backs in government in order to reduce spending and he will need SJC support to get it through. If the working class government workers thought they could count on Obama forever, they are going to get sold out soon like the people have been. Welcome to the future, the little guy is under attack.

My prediction.

Why would that be?

The Democrats could easily speed the confirmation through using reconciliation. Just like the Republicans did.

that would be using a conservative Christian principle. :eusa_whistle:
Dante, aka Thread Killer.

In all honesty, Obama is too socialist for the Europeans now, so perhaps communist China is a valid option. ;)
What's wrong?
I post original thoughts. Rightwinger posts recycled junk. And you have your head up your ass.

original thoughts of an lunatic with a political agenda.

why do you want to sabotage the Black Man in office?

Why does it bother you so much that a black man with a name like Barack Hussein Obama II, is President of the United States?
I think even Barry realizes he has to submit a moderate at this point. Two reasons:

Control of Congress is not guaranteed any more.

And most importantly, the hard decisions will include reform/cut backs in government in order to reduce spending and he will need SJC support to get it through. If the working class government workers thought they could count on Obama forever, they are going to get sold out soon like the people have been. Welcome to the future, the little guy is under attack.

My prediction.

Who is Barry?
Maybe, but I think the elitist Democrats have forced their own hand into a moderate.

hmmm, some people think Obama was always a moderate.

facts vs right wing lunatic opinion:

In late 1988, Obama entered Harvard Law School. He was selected as an editor of the Harvard Law Review at the end of his first year,[36] and president of the journal in his second year.

In 1991, Obama accepted a two-year position as Visiting Law and Government Fellow at the University of Chicago Law School to work on his first book.[41] He then served as a professor at the University of Chicago Law School for twelve years; as a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996, and as a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004 teaching constitutional law.[42]

Once elected, Obama gained bipartisan support for legislation reforming ethics and health care laws.[46

In January 2003, Obama became chairman of the Illinois Senate's Health and Human Services Committee when Democrats, after a decade in the minority, regained a majority.[51] He sponsored and led unanimous, bipartisan passage of legislation to monitor racial profiling by requiring police to record the race of drivers they detained, and legislation making Illinois the first state to mandate videotaping of homicide interrogations.[47][52] During his 2004 general election campaign for U.S. Senate, police representatives credited Obama for his active engagement with police organizations in enacting death penalty reforms.[53]

Obama cosponsored the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act.[69] He introduced two initiatives bearing his name: Lugar–Obama, which expanded the Nunn–Lugar cooperative threat reduction concept to conventional weapons,[70] and the Coburn–Obama Transparency Act, which authorized the establishment of USAspending.gov, a web search engine on federal spending.[71] On June 3, 2008, Senator Obama, along with Senators Thomas R. Carper, Tom Coburn, and John McCain, introduced follow-up legislation: Strengthening Transparency and Accountability in Federal Spending Act of 2008.[72]

there is more... Barack Obama - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I think Obama will have to go to COMMUNIST CHINA to get a supreme court justice liberal enough to satisfy him.:lol::lol:

You raise a good point...

After the extremists Bush stuck in there, he may need to go to Communist China just to balance the scales.

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