Justices Indicate Shadow-Bias: Gay Marriage Question Erodes Last Bastion of Impariality?

Should the laws of the separate states be preserved before the question is Heard?

  • Yes, shadow "Decisions" by refusing stays erodes my faith in the justice system & state sovereignty.

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • No, it's inevitable; the Court is just letting the public know what it has in mind. No biggie.

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I've already given up on the justice system in America.

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
So on the eve of a SCOTUS hearing on the Canadian oil pipeline you would think there was no expressed bias if Justices Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Kennedy posed on an oil derrick standing next to the Haliburton president waving cowboy hats in the air for a photo op eh?

What do cowboy hats have to do with gay marriage?
So on the eve of a SCOTUS hearing on the Canadian oil pipeline you would think there was no expressed bias if Justices Thomas, Alito, Roberts, Scalia and Kennedy posed on an oil derrick standing next to the Haliburton president waving cowboy hats in the air for a photo op eh?

What do cowboy hats have to do with gay marriage?

About the same as the Prince's Trust Study as to do with gay marriage...which is nada.

Let's play pretend after we spam another page into oblivion.

1. The danger of the Justices showing bias on the gay marriage issue, as they have done IN SPADES and to the erosion of state law without a Hearing on the merits (denying stays to preserve interim law), showing up on MSNBC (cue rainbow logo) on the eve of the actual Hearing on the merits, and having done a can-can dance on the tails of Miley Cyrus' act New Year's Eve in Times Square...all indicate a public display of a political bias on the issue in quesiton: that is the antithesis of their job description.

2. The cowboy hats mentioned, as you already know but are referencing just to spam and dominate another page, are the ones I said would be received in horror by your crowd if you saw them in a photo op of Justices Roberts & Kennedy etc. posing by an oil derrick with the CEO of Haliburton on the eve of a potential pipeline Hearing. You know....a "fair hearing on the merits of that question"...

3. The Prince's Trust survey is about kids growing up without an adult role model of their gender; a thing that will statistically happen to 50% of kids caught up in so-called "gay marriage".

Enjoy the bias for now folks, because it may not always be working in your favor:


5 Reasons to Be Optimistic for Marriage Equality at SCOTUS
"It's difficult to interpret the signals from the Supreme Court as anything other than good news....Earlier this week, the court denied a request for a stay in Alabama, and Justice Clarence Thomas's dissent telegraphed a few key signals about the court's momentum toward equality. In addition, several recent court decisions all seem to indicate that the court already has a consensus that state bans on same-sex marriage are unconstitutional..." 5 Reasons to Be Optimistic for Marriage Equality at SCOTUS Advocate.com

From that same link:

"The Supreme Court didn't explain its reasoning for allowing marriage to begin in Alabama while the case is still pending..."

Of course...how could you explain "we are actively eroding state's rights as avered in Windsor 2013 without a hearing on the Merits". That would be like walking up to your boss and flipping him the middle finger....better to just piss in his coffee while he isn't able to see you.. That way you get to express your tyranny and keep your job..
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Let's play pretend after we spam another page into oblivion.

1. The danger of the Justices showing bias on the gay marriage issue, as they have done IN SPADES and to the erosion of state law without a Hearing on the merits (denying stays to preserve interim law), showing up on MSNBC (cue rainbow logo) on the eve of the actual Hearing on the merits, and having done a can-can dance on the tails of Miley Cyrus' act New Year's Eve in Times Square...all indicate a public display of a political bias on the issue in quesiton: that is the antithesis of their job description.

2. The cowboy hats mentione, as you already know but are referencing just to spam and dominate another page, are the ones I said would be received in horror by your crowd if you saw them in a photo op of Justices Roberts & Kennedy etc. posing by an oil derrick with the CEO of Haliburton on the eve of a potential pipeline Hearing. You know....a "fair hearing on the merits of that question"...

3. The Prince's Trust survey is about kids growing up without an adult role model of their gender; a thing that will statistically happen to 50% of kids caught up in so-called "gay marriage".

Enjoy the bias for now folks, because it may not always be working in your favor:

Almost every thing you present is pretend, so why should this post be any different?

Care to show us in the Prince's Trust that mentions or even studies gay parents? Or that role models can only be found in a parent?
Almost every thing you present is pretend, so why should this post be any different?

Care to show us in the Prince's Trust that mentions or even studies gay parents? Or that role models can only be found in a parent?

50% of children in so-called "gay marriage" would be growing up without their own gender as an adult role model. So, yes, the study does have an impact on weighing the gay marriage question since it is about the negative effects of children growing up without their own gender as an adult role model.
Almost every thing you present is pretend, so why should this post be any different?

Care to show us in the Prince's Trust that mentions or even studies gay parents? Or that role models can only be found in a parent?

50% of children in so-called "gay marriage" would be growing up without their own gender as an adult role model. So, yes, the study does have an impact on weighing the gay marriage question since it is about the negative effects of children growing up without their own gender as an adult role model.

No, it really isn't relevant to gay marriage. The Prince's Trust in no way mentions or even studies gay parents as well as it also doesn't state that role models can only be found in a parent. You can't even show the portions of the study where they specifically state they are studying gay parents. The only place it exists is in your head b/c if it did exist you would be spamming it at every chance. You reek of desperation.
Other pressures..

..Justice Roberts has his own pressures. Back in 2013 he had to choose his words and actions very carefully. Isn't it a crime to pressure a judge in a certain direction?
Chief justice's lesbian cousin will attend Prop. 8 hearing SAN FRANCISCO--Jean Podrasky, 48, a lesbian who wants to marry her partner, will be at Tuesday’s U.S. Supreme Court hearing on Proposition 8 in seating reserved for family members and guests of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr....
I believe he sees where the tide is going. I do trust him. I absolutely trust that he will go in a good direction.”...Podrasky obtained the highly coveted courtroom seats by emailing Roberts’ sister, Peggy Roberts, and then going through his secretary. Roberts knows she is attending, she said...The San Francisco-based National Center for Lesbian Rights, which has fought for marriage rights, invited Podrasky to do a guest column about being related to the chief justice. The column will be emailed to members Monday.
http://articles.latimes.com/2013/mar/24/local/la-me-ln-prop.8-chief-justices-cousin-a-lesbian-will-attend-prop-8-hearing-20130324 [/quote]
And after all, Kennedy has been alluded to/ dubbed "The First Gay Justice" by CNN:

Is Anthony Kennedy 'the first gay justice'?.. ..
it was his majority opinion in the DOMA case that could have ripple effects for years to come...."Although Justice Kennedy's opinion explicitly states that it is confined to same-sex marriages that have been recognized by states, it contains reasoning and language that will certainly be used, in later cases, to argue that legal recognition of same-sex marriage by all states is constitutionally required,"..clearly he is the man in the middle, and the man that in many ways shapes the direction of a divided court.. Is Anthony Kennedy the first gay justice - CNN.com

Did Kennedy craft language in DOMA to open up the floodgates for all these refused stays/attrition... and finally federally-mandated new lifestyle experiment "as sanctioned parents to kids" to be forced on the states to incentivize with marriage perks?

Has he not read the Prince's Trust study that applies to 50% of kids caught up in so-called "gay marriage"? You'd think at least he'd let the majority of each state decide whether or not to subject these kids to these harrowing statistics.. Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Hey another non sequitur. Do you need a warning from the moderators again?

Talking to yourself again Silly?
Do you think Justice Roberts' extreme-activist lesbian cousin will be looming over..er..I mean "watching on" the proceedings of this next Hearing in April?

Why would I- or anyone care about who is in the audience in the Supreme Court- its open to the public- I have attended Supreme Court hearings myself.
And after all, Kennedy has been alluded to/ dubbed "The First Gay Justice" by CNN:

Is Anthony Kennedy 'the first gay justice'?.. ..
it was his majority opinion in the DOMA case that could have ripple effects for years to come...."Although Justice Kennedy's opinion explicitly states that it is confined to same-sex marriages that have been recognized by states, it contains reasoning and language that will certainly be used, in later cases, to argue that legal recognition of same-sex marriage by all states is constitutionally required,"..clearly he is the man in the middle, and the man that in many ways shapes the direction of a divided court.. Is Anthony Kennedy the first gay justice - CNN.com

Did Kennedy craft language in DOMA to open up the floodgates for all these refused stays/attrition... and finally federally-mandated new lifestyle experiment "as sanctioned parents to kids" to be forced on the states to incentivize with marriage perks?
Kennedy didn't 'craft language in DOMA'.

You're hallucinating.
Has he not read the Prince's Trust study that applies to 50% of kids caught up in so-called "gay marriage"? You'd think at least he'd let the majority of each state decide whether or not to subject these kids to these harrowing statistics.. Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
The Prince Trust study never even mentions gay marriage. Let alone measure the effects of any kind of parenting.

You're hallucinating.
Other pressures..

..Justice Roberts has his own pressures. Back in 2013 he had to choose his words and actions very carefully. Isn't it a crime to pressure a judge in a certain direction?
Chief justice's lesbian cousin will attend Prop. 8 hearing SAN FRANCISCO--Jean Podrasky, 48, a lesbian who wants to marry her partner, will be at Tuesday’s U.S. Supreme Court hearing on Proposition 8 in seating reserved for family members and guests of Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr....
I believe he sees where the tide is going. I do trust him. I absolutely trust that he will go in a good direction.”...Podrasky obtained the highly coveted courtroom seats by emailing Roberts’ sister, Peggy Roberts, and then going through his secretary. Roberts knows she is attending, she said...The San Francisco-based National Center for Lesbian Rights, which has fought for marriage rights, invited Podrasky to do a guest column about being related to the chief justice. The column will be emailed to members Monday.
http://articles.latimes.com/2013/mar/24/local/la-me-ln-prop.8-chief-justices-cousin-a-lesbian-will-attend-prop-8-hearing-20130324 [/quote]

Who says Roberts had to 'choose his words very carefully'?

You know you're literally just making this shit up as you go along, right?
Let's play pretend after we spam another page into oblivion.

You spammed the Prince Trust study 117 times in 2 weeks. Don't start complaining about spam when you're the topic's number 1 spammer.

1. The danger of the Justices showing bias on the gay marriage issue, as they have done IN SPADES and to the erosion of state law without a Hearing on the merits (denying stays to preserve interim law), showing up on MSNBC (cue rainbow logo) on the eve of the actual Hearing on the merits, and having done a can-can dance on the tails of Miley Cyrus' act New Year's Eve in Times Square...all indicate a public display of a political bias on the issue in quesiton: that is the antithesis of their job description.

The judges are required to assess the likelihood of a given legal argument's success when deciding to grant a stay. What you call a 'bias', is actually the job of the court. And they found no credible indication that the State of Alabama's legal argument would prevail.

You simply don't like outcome of this required assessment because you oppose gay marriage. And your opposition to gay marriage doesn't have a thing to do with the integrity of the courts.

You're simply building your mythology, coming up with excuses why you lost in June.
3. The Prince's Trust survey is about kids growing up without an adult role model of their gender; a thing that will statistically happen to 50% of kids caught up in so-called "gay marriage".

The Prince Trust study never even mentions gay marriage. Or measures anything about any kind of parenting.

You hallucinated all of that.
And after all, Kennedy has been alluded to/ dubbed "The First Gay Justice" by CNN:

Is Anthony Kennedy 'the first gay justice'?.. ..
it was his majority opinion in the DOMA case that could have ripple effects for years to come...."Although Justice Kennedy's opinion explicitly states that it is confined to same-sex marriages that have been recognized by states, it contains reasoning and language that will certainly be used, in later cases, to argue that legal recognition of same-sex marriage by all states is constitutionally required,"..clearly he is the man in the middle, and the man that in many ways shapes the direction of a divided court.. Is Anthony Kennedy the first gay justice - CNN.com

Did Kennedy craft language in DOMA to open up the floodgates for all these refused stays/attrition... and finally federally-mandated new lifestyle experiment "as sanctioned parents to kids" to be forced on the states to incentivize with marriage perks?

Has he not read the Prince's Trust study that applies to 50% of kids caught up in so-called "gay marriage"? You'd think at least he'd let the majority of each state decide whether or not to subject these kids to these harrowing statistics.. Prince s Trust Survey The Voices of the Voteless Children in Gay Marriage Debate US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You may as well send him a copy of Twilight b/c the Prince's Trust has about just as much relevance to this case...which is none.
60% of voters here think the Supreme Court is out of line..

That is quite rich considering you were gassing on in another thread about the sample sizes concerning support gay marriage but somehow your poll with a massive 11 participates is important. lol.

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