Justices to pot users: Be careful when you flush


VIP Member
Dec 27, 2010
Justices to pot users: Be careful when you flush - Yahoo! News

e Supreme Court isn't given to offering advice to people who are breaking the law, even in a minor way. But some justices on Wednesday effectively told those who might be sitting at home smoking pot when the police come knocking: Do not flush the toilet.

Because if officers smell the pot from the outside, think the occupants are trying to get rid of it and burst in without a search warrant to prevent evidence from being destroyed, some justices indicated they would approve.

The discussion arose during the court's consideration of a case about when the police can enter a home without a search warrant, which the Constitution normally requires.
Even if its something as ridiculously petty as smoking a joint in the privacy of your own home, the cops will come a'knockin. Well, now it may be a warrentless kaboom at your door. It's really pathetic. Solve some actual crimes, you badged lackwits.

Oh and the supreme court is not in our favor. It's a group of robed men and women who arbitrarily decide what's good for you. Fuck 'em.
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it will take growers in the us...a decade to catch up with what is going on in other countries...why? its the number 3 money crop in nc

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