JV squad becomes varsity in Paris

They do have that in common

the only way to have peace on earth is conservatism. We cant have liberal groups trying to take over govts, to be fake God's, forever. Thomas Jefferson's shot heart around the world was supposed to get the ball rolling, but the liberals drowned him out! There are no Thomas Jefferson's in the ME just 1000 liberal groups fighting for control of govt.
I don't get it . You right wingers really want ANOTHER Mid East war?! Trillions of dollars ? Thousands of dead + wounded troops?

Been there , done that .

Carpet bombing....no dead innocents.

we could surround Raqqa, order the women and children out then level the city. That would be one way to approach our enemy

Yeah....but it would leave the terrorist breeders.
To tell you the truth I dont see the difference between women and children suicide bombers.

sure but if the men knew they would be killed if they lived in a city I think they would stop being terrorists
I don't get it . You right wingers really want ANOTHER Mid East war?! Trillions of dollars ? Thousands of dead + wounded troops?

Been there , done that .

That's exactly what they want.

SepcialEdDear is wrong - we attacked them. But, be that as it may, this is the 21st century. Starting yet another 19th century war would be stupid. That's why RWs want it. It would benefit ONLY the 1%. That's why Repubs want it.
I don't get it . You right wingers really want ANOTHER Mid East war?! Trillions of dollars ? Thousands of dead + wounded troops?

Been there , done that .

Carpet bombing....no dead innocents.

we could surround Raqqa, order the women and children out then level the city. That would be one way to approach our enemy

Yeah....but it would leave the terrorist breeders.
To tell you the truth I dont see the difference between women and children suicide bombers.

sure but if the men knew they would be killed if they lived in a city I think they would stop being terrorists

I highly doubt it.
Wow. The war drums start again.

So what's the plan? Do we end up being occupiers again? Who pays for that ?

Fuck that....carpet bomb.

Sure than. Kill all the innocents while the criminals go free.

That's the rabid RWs for you.

Betcha every single RW asshole on this board and in our congress who says we should "carpet bomb" - betcha not one of them would be among those getting shot at for no good reason.


does anyone really think Drumpf would be saying "bomb the shit out of them" if his useless garbage kids were going? Nope.

With RWs, its always someone else who does their dirty work for them because they're too chicken shit to do it themselves.
Wow. The war drums start again.

So what's the plan? Do we end up being occupiers again? Who pays for that ?

Fuck that....carpet bomb.

Sure than. Kill all the innocents while the criminals go free.

That's the rabid RWs for you.

Betcha every single RW asshole on this board and in our congress who says we should "carpet bomb" - betcha not one of them would be among those getting shot at for no good reason.


does anyone really think Drumpf would be saying "bomb the shit out of them" if his useless garbage kids were going? Nope.

With RWs, its always someone else who does their dirty work for them because they're too chicken shit to do it themselves.

If I had my way we'd carpet bomb every single country that backed terrorism.
It[war in ME] would benefit ONLY the 1%. That's why Repubs want it.

dear stupid liberal most Republicans here are not 1% ers and many seem to want a vigorous defense.


There are only two kinds of people who vote Republican:

The very wealthy or the very stupid.

If you're not sure which you are, check your wallet.

The wealthy are smarter than the rest of the population...
I wonder if this will wake Obama up??

BTW, they're just following President Obama's lead.
Just like the more than 60 other Coalition countries.

There are more 5 million soldiers in the ME and Israel has 200-400 nukes we gave them.

There are about 40Kd ISIL.

Why are we in it at all?d And why does it have to be President Obama who leads it? And why have the Repubs obstructed us? And why are RNJs like the OP lying about it?
There are only two kinds of people who vote Republican:

Dear, our Founders were Republicans who favored very very tiny govt. That freedom created the greatest country in human history by far. Sorry to rock your world!!

And never for get you are morally superior, not a bigot, because you support crippling intergenerational welfare, i.e, what liberals deceitfully call the safety net.
Isis didn't "move in". They are made up of the people who are there . They ain't space invaders .
There are only two kinds of people who vote Republican:

Dear, our Founders were Republicans who favored very very tiny govt. That freedom created the greatest country in human history by far. Sorry to rock your world!!

And never for get you are morally superior, not a bigot, because you support crippling intergenerational welfare, i.e, what liberals deceitfully call the safety net.

Our founding fathers were liberal . If today's republicans were writing the constitution they'd mention "jesus" in every other sentence .
I wonder if this will wake Obama up??

Al Qaeda killed 3000 on 9/11. ISIS, or whoever these terrorists were in France, killed 140.

Almost that many are killed in the US every day.

Why aren't the RWs upset about that? Because they're Americans and the right despises their own country.

Why aren't RWs upset that the Bushes protected the bin Laden's, including Osama? Because they hate the US.
There are only two kinds of people who vote Republican:

Dear, our Founders were Republicans who favored very very tiny govt. That freedom created the greatest country in human history by far. Sorry to rock your world!!

And never for get you are morally superior, not a bigot, because you support crippling intergenerational welfare, i.e, what liberals deceitfully call the safety net.

Lying about me doesn't further your anti-America cause but you missed most of my post. Here it is again and please take note that it describes this board, and YOU, perfectly.


There are only two kinds of people who vote Republican:

The very wealthy or the very stupid.

If you're not sure which you are, check your wallet.
ISIS is not the varsity they have gone pro they brought down the Russian passanger jet and now they pull off the Paris attacks the only question is are we and the rest of the world going to start treating as such.
Isis didn't "move in". They are made up of the people who are there . They ain't space invaders .
There are only two kinds of people who vote Republican:

Dear, our Founders were Republicans who favored very very tiny govt. That freedom created the greatest country in human history by far. Sorry to rock your world!!

And never for get you are morally superior, not a bigot, because you support crippling intergenerational welfare, i.e, what liberals deceitfully call the safety net.

Our founding fathers were liberal . If today's republicans were writing the constitution they'd mention "jesus" in every other sentence .

RWs can't understand the FACT that the parties have changed, evolved. At one time, the Dems were conservative. Now its the pubs.

But, there seems to be a relatively new faction of ultra-radical, rabid RWs who want to see this country go down in flames. The tee potties, Coulter fans, the Trump followers, racist, thoughtless, unthinking, ignorant, against "elitist" education, trailer trash crackers.

Reactionary and gullible and so angry at their own failures, they can't see anything beyond blaming Blacks/Hispanics. Chronic losers who have no use for facts, science, truth.
ISIS is not the varsity they have gone pro they brought down the Russian passanger jet and now they pull off the Paris attacks the only question is are we and the rest of the world going to start treating as such.

I'm old enough to remember when our govt and military said we had to learn from the guerrilla tactics that beat us in Vietnam.

But hey, the liberals beat the English in the Revolution by using guerrilla tactics and we didn't learn it then either.

That's why Obama's drones work better than any "carpet bombing" or Drumpf's "bomb the shit out of them" nonsense. RWs would love to kill innocent people but that would not further our cause.

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