Zone1 JWs and Shunning.

That group was sending a black woman and white guy into our neighborhood about 20 years ago, and I had a few conversations with the white guy and a black woman, very attractive, both of them, could have been models. Very intelligent, and well spoken. I was impressed with both of them and listened to their message and read their brochures. No matter their outward appearance, you could tell it was some crazy shit, rejecting holidays and celebrations, no blood transfusions, and all but rejecting Jesus as the son of God, if I recall.

I also worked with a black guy who was a JW for many years,(and still is) and I've never worked with a nicer person in my life, everyone loved him, even though he made no secret of his visits to the shrink. Not sure if any of that is connected.
Confused hurting people are prime targets for JWs. They're vulnerable, especially if they're Biblically illiterate.
Confused hurting people are prime targets for JWs. They're vulnerable, especially if they're Biblically illiterate.

There is some good in all religions however. I salute the Jehovahs for their opposition to Gay Marriage and abortion.
Of all the organized religions in America, JW's are the closest to a cult as there is, not including those crazy offshoots of the Mormons. Mormons seem like otherwise normal people, I got no problem with them, beautiful state of Utah.
Of all the organized religions in America, JW's are the closest to a cult as there is, not including those crazy offshoots of the Mormons. Mormons seem like otherwise normal people, I got no problem with them, beautiful state of Utah.

You seem to have forgotten the crazy Quakers and Radical Episcopalianists. Both of those organized groups are out to lunch. I think when Almighty God was passing out religions, they were out of the room taking a whiz.
Of all the organized religions in America, JW's are the closest to a cult as there is, not including those crazy offshoots of the Mormons. Mormons seem like otherwise normal people, I got no problem with them, beautiful state of Utah.
I believe both are cults. However, JWs in my experience and opinion are the most destructive. Mormon doctrine is just as unbiblical and crazy, but Mormons help a lot of people and do many good works. JWs don't help anyone and are very destructive.
You seem to have forgotten the crazy Quakers and Radical Episcopalianists
You're wrong, especially with the Quakers, who have always been helping the poor and STILL are doing so. Yes, they are a throwback to what the religion is actually teaching, i.e., they are acting like Christ. The other group I don't know about.

The problem with this evil practice is it twists God's Word. The Watchtower has replaced God. Just because a person leaves the organization doesn't mean they have turned away from God. When an organization thinks of themselves higher than God, that's a dangerous cult. The cult should be shunned, not people.
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Do you think shunning shows God's love? Did Jesus shun sinners?
The "sinners" Jesus dealt with were REPENTANT SINNERS who were tired of their sins. They were ready to change.

The practice of disfellowshipment is for those who have a knowledge of the truth and have turned from it and usually lead others in the congregation into sin.

Like I said, Biden and Pelosi CLAIM to be Catholic but legislate agsinst the moral teachings of the church. The fact that they aret "put out" of the church is a blemish on the church.

So you know:
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The "sinners" Jesus dealt with were REPENTANT SINNERS who were tired of their sins. They were ready to change.

The practice of disfellowshipment is for those who have a knowledge of the truth and have turned from it and usually lead others in the congregation into sin.

Like I said, Biden and Pelosi CLAIM to be Catholic but legislate agsinst the moral teachings of the church. The fact that they aret "put out" of the church is a blemish on the church.
The Watchtower will disfellowship someone who disagrees with their doctrine. Do you believe someone should be disfellowshipped and shunned for getting a blood transfusion to save their life?
The "sinners" Jesus dealt with were REPENTANT SINNERS who were tired of their sins. They were ready to change.

The practice of disfellowshipment is for those who have a knowledge of the truth and have turned from it and usually lead others in the congregation into sin.

Like I said, Biden and Pelosi CLAIM to be Catholic but legislate agsinst the moral teachings of the church. The fact that they aret "put out" of the church is a blemish on the church.

So you know:
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