Zone1 JWs and Shunning.

This is something finally getting noticed. It's certainly not showing God's love. This happens because according to JWs they are the only true Christians. If you leave the Watchtower, you leave God. What a crock of shit.
The unrepentant get disfellowshipped. At 1 Cor 5:9-13 says--dont even eat a meal with one who becomes unrepentant, and was a brother( baptized) this includes family-Jesus taught--members of ones own household would become enemies Matt 10:36)--God views them as apart of the world if they become unrepentant--Jesus said--be no part of this world. The bible says-Friendship with the world is enmity with God, means you become Gods enemy. Even if they are family.
In the OT one was to be stoned to death if becoming unrepentent. Is that your choice for your family member or disfellowshipping? One way one can come to their senses, the other way they die. I for one am glad God changed that.
One sided stories out of hate filled hearts are true about 0 times. I have seen it all my life, the disfellowshipped point the finger everywhere but where it should be pointed-at self. Rare cases of error occur with imperfect men.
The unrepentant get disfellowshipped. At 1 Cor 5:9-13 says--dont even eat a meal with one who becomes unrepentant, and was a brother( baptized) this includes family-Jesus taught--members of ones own household would become enemies Matt 10:36)--God views them as apart of the world if they become unrepentant--Jesus said--be no part of this world. The bible says-Friendship with the world is enmity with God, means you become Gods enemy. Even if they are family.
In the OT one was to be stoned to death if becoming unrepentent. Is that your choice for your family member or disfellowshipping? One way one can come to their senses, the other way they die. I for one am glad God changed that.
One sided stories out of hate filled hearts are true about 0 times. I have seen it all my life, the disfellowshipped point the finger everywhere but where it should be pointed-at self. Rare cases of error occur with imperfect men.
The problem is you believe that if someone doesn't believe your false teaching then they should be disfellowshipped. That isn't what that Scripture is referring to. There are many ex-JWs who woke up and learned the truth. Then you tell their families to shun them. You're sick.
This is something finally getting noticed. It's certainly not showing God's love. This happens because according to JWs they are the only true Christians. If you leave the Watchtower, you leave God. What a crock of shit.
It splits families apart. It is wrong and cultlike.
The problem is you believe that if someone doesn't believe your false teaching then they should be disfellowshipped. That isn't what that Scripture is referring to. There are many ex-JWs who woke up and learned the truth. Then you tell their families to shun them. You're sick.
The teachings of Jesus and the facts of true God worship history back the JW teachers. Where does that leave the rest?
The teachings of Jesus and the facts of true God worship history back the JW teachers. Where does that leave the rest?
Your cult isn't mentioned in Scripture. The Scriptures don't belong to the Watchtower.
Your cult isn't mentioned in Scripture. The Scriptures don't belong to the Watchtower.
But Gods name belongs in his bible over 7000 spots. You should be asking-Why does my religion refuse to put Gods name back where he willed it because he wants it there? Satans will had it removed=100% fact--So guess whose will is being supported by translation choice?
King David sent Bathsheba's husband to be killed so he could steal her--Did it make the religion wrong=No. Judas a hand picked apostle by Jesus, sold Gods son for 30 pieces of silver. Did it make the religion wrong? =No. Etc.
King David sent Bathsheba's husband to be killed so he could steal her--Did it make the religion wrong=No. Judas a hand picked apostle by Jesus, sold Gods son for 30 pieces of silver. Did it make the religion wrong? =No. Etc.
Your religion was started by Charles Taze Russell. Cult.
Your religion was started by Charles Taze Russell. Cult.

Your religion was started by Charles Taze Russell. Cult.
Jesus started the JW religion. He is the #1 Jehovah witness-Rev 1:5-- And the followers are Jehovah witnesses as well-Isaiah 43:10-- Isaiah 44:8
The real cult = a house divided( trinity religionsssssssssss) will not stand--You see they cant even understand simple bible milk-1 Cor 1:10= a true mark-Unity of thought(all of Gods 1 truth, no division.
Jesus started the JW religion. He is the #1 Jehovah witness-Rev 1:5-- And the followers are Jehovah witnesses as well-Isaiah 43:10-- Isaiah 44:8
The real cult = a house divided( trinity religionsssssssssss) will not stand--You see they cant even understand simple bible milk-1 Cor 1:10= a true mark-Unity of thought(all of Gods 1 truth, no division.
Lie. Charles Taze Russell.
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Lie. Charles Taze Russell.
Mr Russell was correct. There is no literal place of eternal suffering. those teachings are symbolic. This single teaching proves that--The place where the worm dieth not( talking about eternal suffering)--Fact--no worm in existence could live for 1 hour in a hot firey place let alone dieth not. (Mark 9:48)
6 feet under the worm dieth not.
Mr Russell was correct. There is no literal place of eternal suffering. those teachings are symbolic. This single teaching proves that--The place where the worm dieth not( talking about eternal suffering)--Fact--no worm in existence could live for 1 hour in a hot firey place let alone dieth not. (Mark 9:48)
6 feet under the worm dieth not.
I guess you'll find out.
I guess you'll find out.
I already know.
The symbolism = As each new day dawns in Gods kingdom, those not allowed in miss each day, miss each day of Gods love, it never ends--likened to be an eternal suffering. Jesus was 100% clear--Those who walk the broad and spacious path to destruction= many)---not eternal life of suffering--Only a sadist would create a place of eternal suffering--God is Love, not the sadist you teach.

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