Kabbalah - the worship of Lucifer

Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎, literally "receiving/tradition" is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubbal (Hebrew: מְקוּבָּל‎).

Kabbalah's definition varies according to the tradition and aims of those following it, from its religious origin as an integral part of Judaism, . Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal, and mysterious Ein Sof (infinity) and the mortal and finite universe . it is not a religious denomination in itself. It forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of the concepts and thereby attain spiritual realisation.

Kabbalah originally developed entirely within the realm of Jewish thought, and kabbalists often use classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. These teachings are held by followers in Judaism to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional Rabbinic literature and their formerly concealed transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances.
Gee I wondered when you were going to start attacking the Jews


Who are you speaking to? I'm exposing that Kabbalah is the worship of Lucifer. The only two Jews I've ever met in my life who are into this cult - the math of Kabbalah & the other nonsense of Talmud hate towards Jesus Christ are Shimon and HaShev. The Scriptures are clear - not every Jew is a Jew but some are of the synagogue of Satan. What has that got to with the Jews who are not into Kaballah? Nothing, Stat. Absolutely nothing.

Those who are in Kaballah are into the worship of Lucifer. Were there Jews that went off into Baal worship in the past history of Israel? Yes. See my thread on Elijah - there were 450 prophets of baal and 400 more prophets of Asherah. That is what is known as idolatry and God forbids it in His Word.
Kabbalah (Hebrew: קַבָּלָה‎, literally "receiving/tradition" is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of thought that originated in Judaism. A traditional Kabbalist in Judaism is called a Mekubbal (Hebrew: מְקוּבָּל‎).

Kabbalah's definition varies according to the tradition and aims of those following it, from its religious origin as an integral part of Judaism, . Kabbalah is a set of esoteric teachings meant to explain the relationship between an unchanging, eternal, and mysterious Ein Sof (infinity) and the mortal and finite universe . it is not a religious denomination in itself. It forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation. Kabbalah seeks to define the nature of the universe and the human being, the nature and purpose of existence, and various other ontological questions. It also presents methods to aid understanding of the concepts and thereby attain spiritual realisation.

Kabbalah originally developed entirely within the realm of Jewish thought, and kabbalists often use classical Jewish sources to explain and demonstrate its esoteric teachings. These teachings are held by followers in Judaism to define the inner meaning of both the Hebrew Bible and traditional Rabbinic literature and their formerly concealed transmitted dimension, as well as to explain the significance of Jewish religious observances.

Kabbalah is based on and founded in the Occult - it is the worship of Lucifer. Have nothing to do with it and stay away from those two who are trying to draw you into this nonsense.
This is a presentation of facts that expose the roots of the Kabbalah religion and it's authors who were all part of the Occult. As you can see from the facts given below. Kabbalah is the worship of Lucifer. As the authors below point out no one willingly goes into the worship of Lucifer - they must be "tricked into it" and this is precisely how Kabbalah deceives those who are introduced to it.
A clip from article below -

Kaballah is Satanic

The Authors of the Kabbalah are themselves Occult Authors. The Kabbalah was Not translated for English Speaking audiences until the late 1800s. And who translated it ? Were they Godly men who had a passion to save others, and show them that the real way to Eternal Life is by the shed blood, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who truly came to Earth to save those who accept to believe in Him? No, Not at all. Those who translated the Kabbalah were Occult authors who were steeped in Demonic Worship and Demonic books - They were writing them !

It is NOT hard to learn who the authors of the Kabbalah were. We know. They are mainly:

1. Eliphas Levi

2. MacGregor Mathers

3. H.P. Blavatsky

4. A.E. Waite

These are the main authors of books about the Kabbalah.

Eliphas Levi is the author who led the Occult Revival of the 1800s, that revived Satanism and Luciferianism. He wrote many books about Ritual Black Magic and how to have contact with Demonic Spirits...because he was seeking them.

MacGregor Mathers goes by several names. He is one of the Three founders of the Occult Society - known as the society of the Golden Dawn. This is a demonic society, not because we say so, but because THEY say so. This is one of the occult societies that covets demonic possession. Christians would consider their teachings to be Satanic. MacGregor Mathers is also one of the mentors of the Great Satanist Aleister Crowley. The first Translation of the Kabbalah into English was by MacGregor Mathers. (He lived in the U.K. for most of his life, where he recruited a lot of the elites into his occult Golden Dawn society).

In this video you will learn more truth about Kabbalah:

Kaballah is Satanic

What is the relationship between the Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah?
The Torah is our beloved Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. These are the first five Book of the Old Testament in the Bible.This is all God gave to Moses.​

Supposedly, during Moses 40-days on Mount Sinai, God gave him more than the Law, explaining what everything meant to Moses. These explanations are what we call “the oral tradition” or “Mishna.” Nothing was written down until after the destruction of the second temple in 586 B.C. by Babylon.

Soon thereafter Jewish scholars allegedly wrote a more comprehensive explanation of the Mishna, called the Talmud. This claim is an obvious intellectual fraud. Have you ever read the Talmud? The Talmud is evil, teaching that Jesus was a bastard, the son of a Roman soldier. The Talmud also claims that Jesus was boiled in urine and dung, sent to Hell forever. This is from God? Oral tradition from God? The Talmud is Satanic! Jewish Rabbis today are ministers of unrighteousness! The Talmud spews hatred and blasphemy against God. How dare anyone claim that God gave this crap to Moses! God gave the Law to Moses, and that's it! God did NOT give any oral tradition to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Talmud is of the Devil.

God did not give Moses an oral tradition subjective to man's opinions and error over the centuries. If you want to trace The Talmud and the philosophies of Kaballa back to the point of origin, then you will find Satan, for God did not author anything other than the Bible. NO oral tradition came from Moses. Anyone who claims that God gave oral traditions to Moses are lying!!! We know this to be true because the Bible shuns the oral traditions of men. Mark 7:9 and 13, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. ... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” I feel sorry for people who only view the Bible as someone's opinion. The Bible does not contain the Words of God; it is the Word of God! Every Word of the King James Bible is inspired. We have God's Word today!

So a semi literate goyim is going to explain Kabbalah?

You have outed your self Jeri, repeating something you know nothing about from someone who knows nothing about, wonder why we Jews are wary of you people and rightly so
This is a presentation of facts that expose the roots of the Kabbalah religion and it's authors who were all part of the Occult. As you can see from the facts given below. Kabbalah is the worship of Lucifer. As the authors below point out no one willingly goes into the worship of Lucifer - they must be "tricked into it" and this is precisely how Kabbalah deceives those who are introduced to it.
A clip from article below -

Kaballah is Satanic

The Authors of the Kabbalah are themselves Occult Authors. The Kabbalah was Not translated for English Speaking audiences until the late 1800s. And who translated it ? Were they Godly men who had a passion to save others, and show them that the real way to Eternal Life is by the shed blood, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who truly came to Earth to save those who accept to believe in Him? No, Not at all. Those who translated the Kabbalah were Occult authors who were steeped in Demonic Worship and Demonic books - They were writing them !

It is NOT hard to learn who the authors of the Kabbalah were. We know. They are mainly:

1. Eliphas Levi

2. MacGregor Mathers

3. H.P. Blavatsky

4. A.E. Waite

These are the main authors of books about the Kabbalah.

Eliphas Levi is the author who led the Occult Revival of the 1800s, that revived Satanism and Luciferianism. He wrote many books about Ritual Black Magic and how to have contact with Demonic Spirits...because he was seeking them.

MacGregor Mathers goes by several names. He is one of the Three founders of the Occult Society - known as the society of the Golden Dawn. This is a demonic society, not because we say so, but because THEY say so. This is one of the occult societies that covets demonic possession. Christians would consider their teachings to be Satanic. MacGregor Mathers is also one of the mentors of the Great Satanist Aleister Crowley. The first Translation of the Kabbalah into English was by MacGregor Mathers. (He lived in the U.K. for most of his life, where he recruited a lot of the elites into his occult Golden Dawn society).

In this video you will learn more truth about Kabbalah:

Kaballah is Satanic

What is the relationship between the Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah?
The Torah is our beloved Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. These are the first five Book of the Old Testament in the Bible.This is all God gave to Moses.​

Supposedly, during Moses 40-days on Mount Sinai, God gave him more than the Law, explaining what everything meant to Moses. These explanations are what we call “the oral tradition” or “Mishna.” Nothing was written down until after the destruction of the second temple in 586 B.C. by Babylon.

Soon thereafter Jewish scholars allegedly wrote a more comprehensive explanation of the Mishna, called the Talmud. This claim is an obvious intellectual fraud. Have you ever read the Talmud? The Talmud is evil, teaching that Jesus was a bastard, the son of a Roman soldier. The Talmud also claims that Jesus was boiled in urine and dung, sent to Hell forever. This is from God? Oral tradition from God? The Talmud is Satanic! Jewish Rabbis today are ministers of unrighteousness! The Talmud spews hatred and blasphemy against God. How dare anyone claim that God gave this crap to Moses! God gave the Law to Moses, and that's it! God did NOT give any oral tradition to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Talmud is of the Devil.

God did not give Moses an oral tradition subjective to man's opinions and error over the centuries. If you want to trace The Talmud and the philosophies of Kaballa back to the point of origin, then you will find Satan, for God did not author anything other than the Bible. NO oral tradition came from Moses. Anyone who claims that God gave oral traditions to Moses are lying!!! We know this to be true because the Bible shuns the oral traditions of men. Mark 7:9 and 13, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. ... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” I feel sorry for people who only view the Bible as someone's opinion. The Bible does not contain the Words of God; it is the Word of God! Every Word of the King James Bible is inspired. We have God's Word today!

So a semi literate goyim is going to explain Kabbalah?

You have outed your self Jeri, repeating something you know nothing about from someone who knows nothing about, wonder why we Jews are wary of you people and rightly so

Most Jews are not into Kabbalah. You had better leave it alone. It's satanic. You are in over your head. Stop thinking you are wiser than all the people who have researched and uncovered the truth about this cult and stay away from it, Guno!
This is a presentation of facts that expose the roots of the Kabbalah religion and it's authors who were all part of the Occult. As you can see from the facts given below. Kabbalah is the worship of Lucifer. As the authors below point out no one willingly goes into the worship of Lucifer - they must be "tricked into it" and this is precisely how Kabbalah deceives those who are introduced to it.
A clip from article below -

Kaballah is Satanic

The Authors of the Kabbalah are themselves Occult Authors. The Kabbalah was Not translated for English Speaking audiences until the late 1800s. And who translated it ? Were they Godly men who had a passion to save others, and show them that the real way to Eternal Life is by the shed blood, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who truly came to Earth to save those who accept to believe in Him? No, Not at all. Those who translated the Kabbalah were Occult authors who were steeped in Demonic Worship and Demonic books - They were writing them !

It is NOT hard to learn who the authors of the Kabbalah were. We know. They are mainly:

1. Eliphas Levi

2. MacGregor Mathers

3. H.P. Blavatsky

4. A.E. Waite

These are the main authors of books about the Kabbalah.

Eliphas Levi is the author who led the Occult Revival of the 1800s, that revived Satanism and Luciferianism. He wrote many books about Ritual Black Magic and how to have contact with Demonic Spirits...because he was seeking them.

MacGregor Mathers goes by several names. He is one of the Three founders of the Occult Society - known as the society of the Golden Dawn. This is a demonic society, not because we say so, but because THEY say so. This is one of the occult societies that covets demonic possession. Christians would consider their teachings to be Satanic. MacGregor Mathers is also one of the mentors of the Great Satanist Aleister Crowley. The first Translation of the Kabbalah into English was by MacGregor Mathers. (He lived in the U.K. for most of his life, where he recruited a lot of the elites into his occult Golden Dawn society).

In this video you will learn more truth about Kabbalah:

Kaballah is Satanic

What is the relationship between the Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah?
The Torah is our beloved Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. These are the first five Book of the Old Testament in the Bible.This is all God gave to Moses.​

Supposedly, during Moses 40-days on Mount Sinai, God gave him more than the Law, explaining what everything meant to Moses. These explanations are what we call “the oral tradition” or “Mishna.” Nothing was written down until after the destruction of the second temple in 586 B.C. by Babylon.

Soon thereafter Jewish scholars allegedly wrote a more comprehensive explanation of the Mishna, called the Talmud. This claim is an obvious intellectual fraud. Have you ever read the Talmud? The Talmud is evil, teaching that Jesus was a bastard, the son of a Roman soldier. The Talmud also claims that Jesus was boiled in urine and dung, sent to Hell forever. This is from God? Oral tradition from God? The Talmud is Satanic! Jewish Rabbis today are ministers of unrighteousness! The Talmud spews hatred and blasphemy against God. How dare anyone claim that God gave this crap to Moses! God gave the Law to Moses, and that's it! God did NOT give any oral tradition to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Talmud is of the Devil.

God did not give Moses an oral tradition subjective to man's opinions and error over the centuries. If you want to trace The Talmud and the philosophies of Kaballa back to the point of origin, then you will find Satan, for God did not author anything other than the Bible. NO oral tradition came from Moses. Anyone who claims that God gave oral traditions to Moses are lying!!! We know this to be true because the Bible shuns the oral traditions of men. Mark 7:9 and 13, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. ... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” I feel sorry for people who only view the Bible as someone's opinion. The Bible does not contain the Words of God; it is the Word of God! Every Word of the King James Bible is inspired. We have God's Word today!

So a semi literate goyim is going to explain Kabbalah?

You have outed your self Jeri, repeating something you know nothing about from someone who knows nothing about, wonder why we Jews are wary of you people and rightly so

The only Jews that have ever been wary of me are those two Kabbalah guys who have been shmoozing you lately to study their nonsense... stay away from those people and anyone else who is attempting to draw you away from God and into Lucifer worship.
This is a presentation of facts that expose the roots of the Kabbalah religion and it's authors who were all part of the Occult. As you can see from the facts given below. Kabbalah is the worship of Lucifer. As the authors below point out no one willingly goes into the worship of Lucifer - they must be "tricked into it" and this is precisely how Kabbalah deceives those who are introduced to it.
A clip from article below -

Kaballah is Satanic

The Authors of the Kabbalah are themselves Occult Authors. The Kabbalah was Not translated for English Speaking audiences until the late 1800s. And who translated it ? Were they Godly men who had a passion to save others, and show them that the real way to Eternal Life is by the shed blood, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who truly came to Earth to save those who accept to believe in Him? No, Not at all. Those who translated the Kabbalah were Occult authors who were steeped in Demonic Worship and Demonic books - They were writing them !

It is NOT hard to learn who the authors of the Kabbalah were. We know. They are mainly:

1. Eliphas Levi

2. MacGregor Mathers

3. H.P. Blavatsky

4. A.E. Waite

These are the main authors of books about the Kabbalah.

Eliphas Levi is the author who led the Occult Revival of the 1800s, that revived Satanism and Luciferianism. He wrote many books about Ritual Black Magic and how to have contact with Demonic Spirits...because he was seeking them.

MacGregor Mathers goes by several names. He is one of the Three founders of the Occult Society - known as the society of the Golden Dawn. This is a demonic society, not because we say so, but because THEY say so. This is one of the occult societies that covets demonic possession. Christians would consider their teachings to be Satanic. MacGregor Mathers is also one of the mentors of the Great Satanist Aleister Crowley. The first Translation of the Kabbalah into English was by MacGregor Mathers. (He lived in the U.K. for most of his life, where he recruited a lot of the elites into his occult Golden Dawn society).

In this video you will learn more truth about Kabbalah:

Kaballah is Satanic

What is the relationship between the Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah?
The Torah is our beloved Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. These are the first five Book of the Old Testament in the Bible.This is all God gave to Moses.​

Supposedly, during Moses 40-days on Mount Sinai, God gave him more than the Law, explaining what everything meant to Moses. These explanations are what we call “the oral tradition” or “Mishna.” Nothing was written down until after the destruction of the second temple in 586 B.C. by Babylon.

Soon thereafter Jewish scholars allegedly wrote a more comprehensive explanation of the Mishna, called the Talmud. This claim is an obvious intellectual fraud. Have you ever read the Talmud? The Talmud is evil, teaching that Jesus was a bastard, the son of a Roman soldier. The Talmud also claims that Jesus was boiled in urine and dung, sent to Hell forever. This is from God? Oral tradition from God? The Talmud is Satanic! Jewish Rabbis today are ministers of unrighteousness! The Talmud spews hatred and blasphemy against God. How dare anyone claim that God gave this crap to Moses! God gave the Law to Moses, and that's it! God did NOT give any oral tradition to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Talmud is of the Devil.

God did not give Moses an oral tradition subjective to man's opinions and error over the centuries. If you want to trace The Talmud and the philosophies of Kaballa back to the point of origin, then you will find Satan, for God did not author anything other than the Bible. NO oral tradition came from Moses. Anyone who claims that God gave oral traditions to Moses are lying!!! We know this to be true because the Bible shuns the oral traditions of men. Mark 7:9 and 13, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. ... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” I feel sorry for people who only view the Bible as someone's opinion. The Bible does not contain the Words of God; it is the Word of God! Every Word of the King James Bible is inspired. We have God's Word today!

So a semi literate goyim is going to explain Kabbalah?

You have outed your self Jeri, repeating something you know nothing about from someone who knows nothing about, wonder why we Jews are wary of you people and rightly so

The only Jews that have ever been wary of me are those two Kabbalah guys who have been shmoozing you lately to study their nonsense... stay away from those people and anyone else who is attempting to draw you away from God and into Lucifer worship.

You know No Jews Jeri , were you live. There are only people who call themselves "messianic" (spit) jews, but have no connection ancestrally or educationally to the Jewish community, That's why your cult uses symbols of Judaism are in the backwater country where no actual Jews Live , your ilk wouldn't last two day in a real Jewish community. I have seen what happens to the christians cultist that try
This is a presentation of facts that expose the roots of the Kabbalah religion and it's authors who were all part of the Occult. As you can see from the facts given below. Kabbalah is the worship of Lucifer. As the authors below point out no one willingly goes into the worship of Lucifer - they must be "tricked into it" and this is precisely how Kabbalah deceives those who are introduced to it.
A clip from article below -

Kaballah is Satanic

The Authors of the Kabbalah are themselves Occult Authors. The Kabbalah was Not translated for English Speaking audiences until the late 1800s. And who translated it ? Were they Godly men who had a passion to save others, and show them that the real way to Eternal Life is by the shed blood, sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who truly came to Earth to save those who accept to believe in Him? No, Not at all. Those who translated the Kabbalah were Occult authors who were steeped in Demonic Worship and Demonic books - They were writing them !

It is NOT hard to learn who the authors of the Kabbalah were. We know. They are mainly:

1. Eliphas Levi

2. MacGregor Mathers

3. H.P. Blavatsky

4. A.E. Waite

These are the main authors of books about the Kabbalah.

Eliphas Levi is the author who led the Occult Revival of the 1800s, that revived Satanism and Luciferianism. He wrote many books about Ritual Black Magic and how to have contact with Demonic Spirits...because he was seeking them.

MacGregor Mathers goes by several names. He is one of the Three founders of the Occult Society - known as the society of the Golden Dawn. This is a demonic society, not because we say so, but because THEY say so. This is one of the occult societies that covets demonic possession. Christians would consider their teachings to be Satanic. MacGregor Mathers is also one of the mentors of the Great Satanist Aleister Crowley. The first Translation of the Kabbalah into English was by MacGregor Mathers. (He lived in the U.K. for most of his life, where he recruited a lot of the elites into his occult Golden Dawn society).

In this video you will learn more truth about Kabbalah:

Kaballah is Satanic

What is the relationship between the Torah, the Talmud, and the Kabbalah?
The Torah is our beloved Pentateuch, the five books of Moses. These are the first five Book of the Old Testament in the Bible.This is all God gave to Moses.​

Supposedly, during Moses 40-days on Mount Sinai, God gave him more than the Law, explaining what everything meant to Moses. These explanations are what we call “the oral tradition” or “Mishna.” Nothing was written down until after the destruction of the second temple in 586 B.C. by Babylon.

Soon thereafter Jewish scholars allegedly wrote a more comprehensive explanation of the Mishna, called the Talmud. This claim is an obvious intellectual fraud. Have you ever read the Talmud? The Talmud is evil, teaching that Jesus was a bastard, the son of a Roman soldier. The Talmud also claims that Jesus was boiled in urine and dung, sent to Hell forever. This is from God? Oral tradition from God? The Talmud is Satanic! Jewish Rabbis today are ministers of unrighteousness! The Talmud spews hatred and blasphemy against God. How dare anyone claim that God gave this crap to Moses! God gave the Law to Moses, and that's it! God did NOT give any oral tradition to Moses on Mount Sinai. The Talmud is of the Devil.

God did not give Moses an oral tradition subjective to man's opinions and error over the centuries. If you want to trace The Talmud and the philosophies of Kaballa back to the point of origin, then you will find Satan, for God did not author anything other than the Bible. NO oral tradition came from Moses. Anyone who claims that God gave oral traditions to Moses are lying!!! We know this to be true because the Bible shuns the oral traditions of men. Mark 7:9 and 13, “Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition. ... Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” I feel sorry for people who only view the Bible as someone's opinion. The Bible does not contain the Words of God; it is the Word of God! Every Word of the King James Bible is inspired. We have God's Word today!

So a semi literate goyim is going to explain Kabbalah?

You have outed your self Jeri, repeating something you know nothing about from someone who knows nothing about, wonder why we Jews are wary of you people and rightly so

The only Jews that have ever been wary of me are those two Kabbalah guys who have been shmoozing you lately to study their nonsense... stay away from those people and anyone else who is attempting to draw you away from God and into Lucifer worship.

You know No Jews Jeri , were you live. There are only people who call themselves "messianic" (spit) jews, but have no connection ancestrally or educationally to the Jewish community, That's why your cult uses symbols of Judaism are in the backwater country where no actual Jews Live , your ilk wouldn't last two day in a real Jewish community. I have seen what happens to the christians cultist that try

I know many Jews. You'd be surprised. (now that you have read this I am deleting the information that was for you to read - not necessarily the world). I have a meeting in a few minutes. I have to go. Stay away from Kaballah -it's Lucifer Worship.
Last edited:
Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism

Mysticism and mystical experiences have been a part of Judaism since the earliest days. The Torah contains many stories of mystical experiences, from visitations by angels to prophetic dreams and visions. The Talmud considers the existence of the soul and when it becomes attached to the body. Jewish tradition tells that the souls of all Jews were in existence at the time of the Giving of the Torah and were present at the time and agreed to the Covenant.
Judaism 101 Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism
Not in the Written Torah it doesn't. Did you read the thread, Guno? The oral Torah is not the word of God - the Talmud is not the Word of God - you are seriously confused here. Moses never taught anything about mysticism. You've gone off the reservation with this one. Earth to Guno. Get out of the Kabbalah cult. It's Lucifer worship!
Kabbala #1: What Is Kabbala?
Kabbala is the Torah's expression of the way the world works. Removed from its source, it's a lot of rubbish. ( the goyim's "understanding")

Most people have heard something or other about Kabbalah. But it is highly unlikely that what is going around in the general marketplace posing as Kabbalah is anywhere close to the real thing.

What most people have been exposed to is a smorgasbord of pop psychology and self-help that pretends to have some connection to Jewish mysticism, but it rarely, if ever, does.

It is easy to see how people are fooled. In most disciplines, you expect to know and understand something after studying it.

Kabbala 1 What Is Kabbala

I know many Jews. You'd be surprised. (now that you have read this I am deleting the information that was for you to read - not necessarily the world). I have a meeting in a few minutes. I have to go. Stay away from Kaballah -it's Lucifer Worship.
Seek help please!!! Religion was not meant for obsessive-types like yourself :eusa_hand:
The only difference between magic and miracles are the purposes that they are used for.

Jesus performed miracles, and some who practice Kabbalah might be able to do magic.

What's the difference between the two? Nothing other than the purpose that they are used for. Do it for good? It's a miracle. Do it to benefit only yourself? It's magic. Do it to harm others? It's black magic.

But.............it's basically all the same stuff.
Best you stick to comic book Christianity Jeremiah, it suits your level of spiritual understanding.

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