Kaepernick and the GI: THIS is how it's DONE, kids.

Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.
stop now
he is protesting police ''''MURDERS''' !!!!!!!!!!! bullshit
also--police brutality against minorities
how come he doesn't care about whites???because he's racist
there is not a major problem of police brutality against minorities
he is protesting for lies/myths/bullshit
I wonder why millions agree with him...it must be a myth.

Millions disagree with him also
Who cares he has the right to kneel and protest its protected by theconstitution. Anthems are lane in sports events anyway.

Captain Obvious chimes in. Did you mean lame?

I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.
stop now
he is protesting police ''''MURDERS''' !!!!!!!!!!! bullshit
also--police brutality against minorities
how come he doesn't care about whites???because he's racist
there is not a major problem of police brutality against minorities
he is protesting for lies/myths/bullshit
I wonder why millions agree with him...it must be a myth.

Millions disagree with him also
Who cares he has the right to kneel and protest its protected by theconstitution. Anthems are lane in sports events anyway.

Captain Obvious chimes in. Did you mean lame?

Yes. If u guys cared about the flag you wouldnt vote in a traitor who not only insulted a war veteran, dodged the draft but also praises Americas enemies.
That one soldier. Personally I don't give a shit how Kaepernick chooses to protest against make believe oppression its his right but the people who care about his actions have the right to voice their displeasure.
Yep. No one is forced to honestly & humbly consider the other perspective, for even a moment. We're all free to obediently stick to our tribes and attack any person or thought or idea that doesn't fit in that little world. None of us is forced to put forth a little effort to understand the perspective of anyone who dares to disagree with us on anything, ever.

I'm just glad to see that there are still a few people who can rise above that, that's all.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.
stop now
he is protesting police ''''MURDERS''' !!!!!!!!!!! bullshit
also--police brutality against minorities
how come he doesn't care about whites???because he's racist
there is not a major problem of police brutality against minorities
he is protesting for lies/myths/bullshit
I wonder why millions agree with him...it must be a myth.

Millions disagree with him also
Who cares he has the right to kneel and protest its protected by theconstitution. Anthems are lane in sports events anyway.
no-the constitution does not protect free speech/protesting/etc
I've put out in other threads the long list of people fired/etc for free speech
Over 200 protesters arrested during Kavanaugh hearings
More than 500 arrested as women rally in D.C. to protest Trump's immigration policy
Tamir waving what looks like a pistol in public--YES--a threat

He wasn't waiving it when he was shot. And, oh, yeah, even the person who called it in said it was a toy.

3. most thieves get in and out quick/cover their faces
--MB takes his time/doesn't care who sees him steal--CRAZY/warped/etc

Yes, because the people in the store knew him, he knew them. He had sold them pot in the past. He didn't yank stuff off the shelf, he took product he had already traded pot for (the cops edited that part of the video out.)

8. the shooting was ruled justified--justified--self defense
at best--best--MB and Tamir are very questionable!!!
this does NOT show police brutality/shootings for no reason

The shooting was ruled justified after the DA rigged the proceding... and he got voted out of office.

So did the DA who swept the Tamir thing under the rug. So did everyone involved in the LaQuan McDonald fiasco, including the Mayor.

McDonald--not a threat?? with a knife???
jackasses not complying with a knife are IMMEDIATELY a threat/dangerous
you live in TV world/hate whites/cops world/fairy tale world

But here was the thing. The other cops at that scene didn't even have their guns drawn. The officer who shot him jumped out of his car and started firing away and kept firing after he was on the ground.

The police then destroyed most of the tapes of the incident and filed completely false police reports as to what happened. The City then paid the family a multi-million dollar settlement.
Yep. No one is forced to honestly & humbly consider the other perspective, for even a moment. We're all free to obediently stick to our tribes and attack any person or thought or idea that doesn't fit in that little world. None of us is forced to put forth a little effort to understand the perspective of anyone who dares to disagree with us on anything, ever.

I'm just glad to see that there are still a few people who can rise above that, that's all.

Well, Stormy, when you start respecting other people's beliefs, let us know.
Tamir waving what looks like a pistol in public--YES--a threat

He wasn't waiving it when he was shot. And, oh, yeah, even the person who called it in said it was a toy.

3. most thieves get in and out quick/cover their faces
--MB takes his time/doesn't care who sees him steal--CRAZY/warped/etc

Yes, because the people in the store knew him, he knew them. He had sold them pot in the past. He didn't yank stuff off the shelf, he took product he had already traded pot for (the cops edited that part of the video out.)

8. the shooting was ruled justified--justified--self defense
at best--best--MB and Tamir are very questionable!!!
this does NOT show police brutality/shootings for no reason

The shooting was ruled justified after the DA rigged the proceding... and he got voted out of office.

So did the DA who swept the Tamir thing under the rug. So did everyone involved in the LaQuan McDonald fiasco, including the Mayor.

McDonald--not a threat?? with a knife???
jackasses not complying with a knife are IMMEDIATELY a threat/dangerous
you live in TV world/hate whites/cops world/fairy tale world

But here was the thing. The other cops at that scene didn't even have their guns drawn. The officer who shot him jumped out of his car and started firing away and kept firing after he was on the ground.

The police then destroyed most of the tapes of the incident and filed completely false police reports as to what happened. The City then paid the family a multi-million dollar settlement.
so the cops were just sitting in the donut shop and said:
''let's go shoot a black man''??????!!!!!!!!!!
they all INITIATED the problem
MBrown ATTACKED the cop--sorry--you have NO argument there
....they maybe could've done something different with Tamir
..but after Columbine, police are taught to attack the shooter/threat immediately--and rightly so
...that's not the cops fault!!!!!!!!! but the parents and Tamir's
--one..a whole big ONE....and it's not even murder...just like I said, there is not a major , chronic problem of police shooting blacks

AND---they were not shot for being black!!
so the cops were just sitting in the donut shop and said:
''let's go shoot a black man''??????!!!!!!!!!!

No, I don't think they said that at all.

But until now, it's generally known that if you DO shoot a black man, there is a blue wall of silence that will protect you.

What's changed is 1) We have video catching these guys in the act now, 2) The community isn't putting up with this anymore.

So here's a crazy idea. Instead of whining about the people pointing these awful things out, how about training the cops so this sort of thing doesn't happen.

For instance, after the McDonald thing, they did a survey of the CPD and found that 1% of the cops (143 officers out of 14,000) were responsible for over 50% of the complaints filed by civilians for excessive force. The officer who shot McDonald (16 times when he was lying on the ground) had 20 complaints for abusing the public in his file, including one incident where he dislocated someone's shoulder during a traffic stop and the city had to pay out half a million dollars.

Most cops actually are pretty good guys. And then you have that 1% who are bullies with badges and guns.

Sadly, the 99% feel a need to protect the 1% rather than ridding their ranks of them.
MBrown ATTACKED the cop--sorry--you have NO argument there

yeah, I do have an argument there. At the point he was fatally shot, he was running away, 100 feet away from the cop, and according to most witnesses, had his hands up.

It really didn't matter if he got into a fight with the cop minutes before that... at the time of the shooting, he wasn't an immediate threat.
....they maybe could've done something different with Tamir
..but after Columbine, police are taught to attack the shooter immediatley--and rightly so
...that's not the cops fault!!!!!!!!! but the parents and Tamir's

Um, no, it was the fault of Cleveland for hiring an emotionally unstable officer who had been fired from another police department for crying on a firing range and had to be disarmed by the range officer.

--one..a whole big ONE....and it's not even murder...just like I said, there is not a major , chronic problem of police shooting blacks

AND---they were not shot for being black!!

Uh, guy even a few cases are Chronic.

Here's the thing. Cops in the US shoot 900 people a year.

Cops in the UK shoot maybe 2 a year.

Cops in Japan almost never shoot suspects, and it's considered a bit of a scandal if they even take their guns out of their holsters.

So why was he in Benghazi to start with? Oh, yeah, the CIA was running covert operations there the locals were upset about.

Ask that Obama asshole and that shithead Crooked Hillary. They are the ones that sent him there and they are the ones that didn't give them support and they are the ones that lied to the American people and the families of the victims.
No veteran is fighting for that idiots right to take a knee.

Many of us veterans actually understand the Constitution that we are fighting for.

Yeah, he can protest, but the NFL can fire his stupid ass too.

Not exactly. The NFL has a union agreement with the players. If the NFL has blacklisted him, that's a violation of the agreement they have with the player's union.

And as a veteran, I'm 100% behind him taking a knee to protest racism and police brutality.

No one is saying that they get blacklisted. They can be fired and it isn't against the Constitution to do so. I'd be OK with them doing so if it was a real problem and if they actually meant it.
You are wrong. The vast majority of racism comes from the black community and the left. Real actual racism, not the made up definition that you idiots came up with.

Has it personally affected you?



Interpersonal relationships on the job.
In what way? Was it racist or preference of people to congregate with their own?

Well, if I go by the current definition of racism, one that the left has completely made up, then it's racism. I don't care who they congregate with.
Ask that Obama asshole and that shithead Crooked Hillary. They are the ones that sent him there and they are the ones that didn't give them support and they are the ones that lied to the American people and the families of the victims.

somehow, I doubt the CIA was really telling Hillary everything they were doing over there... but beyond that...

Riot was over a video... just like they said.

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