Kaepernick and the GI: THIS is how it's DONE, kids.

What has changed? More people have died in Chicago being murdered by Blacks while Kapernick and other Liberal millionaires do nothing.
What should they be doing?

Well, we know that Black millionaire assholes knelling to protest the rare police shooting of Black thugs is not doing anything to stop the massive Black on Black crime in this country, don't we?

I read the other day that the filthy cowardly sonofabitch is worth $17 million dollars. Some of that could go a long way towards a campaign in Chicago or other big city Democrat control shitholes to stop street violence, couldn't it?

He's donated over a million dollars: Here is a list of every organization to which Colin Kaepernick donated money

What have you done?

One million out of $17??? That is pretty damn cheesy considering he suppose to have strong convictions on shit like that. I usually contribute more than 1/17th of my income to charity each year.

I also donated my time to the defense of the country. He just dishonors this country.

Good for you.

Doesn't diminish what Kaepernik is doing. I think it's pretty decent, and it's only a start.

If I have to explain to you why Kaepernik is as piece of shit then you are not educable.

However, he has the right to be a piece of shit.

I also have the right to boycott the NFL and Nike and will do so.

It seems to me that Nike has got an inertial sales boost from the stupid Moon Bats behaving badly but it won't last and they will soon regret the decision.

We know that the despicable NFL ratings are down substantially over last year's. Nike's sales will follow in due time.

No doubt Nike included a right wing drama queen meltdown in its marketing and sales projections.

Y'know, folks aren't really REQUIRED to completely lose their shit over every last possible freaking thing. It's possible to just let it go. Live and let live.

I swear, maybe the FDA should start limiting the allowed amount of caffeine in our diets. We've got too many people walking around like open emotional wounds.
Dick's Sporting Goods claimed they had a spike in sales after their assault rifle ban.....next quarter, sales were down and they were crying the blues.

Expect the same with Nike.
What should they be doing?

Well, we know that Black millionaire assholes knelling to protest the rare police shooting of Black thugs is not doing anything to stop the massive Black on Black crime in this country, don't we?

I read the other day that the filthy cowardly sonofabitch is worth $17 million dollars. Some of that could go a long way towards a campaign in Chicago or other big city Democrat control shitholes to stop street violence, couldn't it?

He's donated over a million dollars: Here is a list of every organization to which Colin Kaepernick donated money

What have you done?

One million out of $17??? That is pretty damn cheesy considering he suppose to have strong convictions on shit like that. I usually contribute more than 1/17th of my income to charity each year.

I also donated my time to the defense of the country. He just dishonors this country.

Good for you.

Doesn't diminish what Kaepernik is doing. I think it's pretty decent, and it's only a start.

If I have to explain to you why Kaepernik is as piece of shit then you are not educable.

However, he has the right to be a piece of shit.

I also have the right to boycott the NFL and Nike and will do so.

It seems to me that Nike has got an inertial sales boost from the stupid Moon Bats behaving badly but it won't last and they will soon regret the decision.

We know that the despicable NFL ratings are down substantially over last year's. Nike's sales will follow in due time.


Attacking the spirit of the Bill of Rights 1st Amendment does not make you a patriot; of course members of the set of 21st century conservatives are declasse and faux Americans, thus I repeated myself.

Kap and Nike deserve credit for standing up to the despot in the White House and trumpanzees like you. I suspect you'' replace you'll Nike stuff with the Trump family products made in the Third World, and lie to yourself and friend how you are a patriotic citizen.
Only a fool would look up to Kaepernick... How does that saying go? one born every second...
Well, we know that Black millionaire assholes knelling to protest the rare police shooting of Black thugs is not doing anything to stop the massive Black on Black crime in this country, don't we?

I read the other day that the filthy cowardly sonofabitch is worth $17 million dollars. Some of that could go a long way towards a campaign in Chicago or other big city Democrat control shitholes to stop street violence, couldn't it?

He's donated over a million dollars: Here is a list of every organization to which Colin Kaepernick donated money

What have you done?

One million out of $17??? That is pretty damn cheesy considering he suppose to have strong convictions on shit like that. I usually contribute more than 1/17th of my income to charity each year.

I also donated my time to the defense of the country. He just dishonors this country.

Good for you.

Doesn't diminish what Kaepernik is doing. I think it's pretty decent, and it's only a start.

If I have to explain to you why Kaepernik is as piece of shit then you are not educable.

However, he has the right to be a piece of shit.

I also have the right to boycott the NFL and Nike and will do so.

It seems to me that Nike has got an inertial sales boost from the stupid Moon Bats behaving badly but it won't last and they will soon regret the decision.

We know that the despicable NFL ratings are down substantially over last year's. Nike's sales will follow in due time.


Attacking the spirit of the Bill of Rights 1st Amendment does not make you a patriot; of course members of the set of 21st century conservatives are declasse and faux Americans, thus I repeated myself.

Kap and Nike deserve credit for standing up to the despot in the White House and trumpanzees like you. I suspect you'' replace you'll Nike stuff with the Trump family products made in the Third World, and lie to yourself and friend how you are a patriotic citizen.
What Colin Kaepernick is doing it has nothing to do with patriotism, it has everything to do with selfishness
He wrote a letter of protest and Kaepernick responded.


Better not watch this. It could make you think that curiosity and honesty are good.

Thank you, Mr. Boyer. I wish we had more like you.

Who is this Mister Boyer? The man in the video is a soldier, and a Staff Sergeant in the U. S. ARMY.

What do you think of the story?

Never mind, just kidding. I know.

I think there is a seriously misguided Staff Sergeant in the Army who made a choice not to advance any further in his career.
He wrote a letter of protest and Kaepernick responded.


Better not watch this. It could make you think that curiosity and honesty are good.

Thank you, Mr. Boyer. I wish we had more like you.

Who is this Mister Boyer? The man in the video is a soldier, and a Staff Sergeant in the U. S. ARMY.

I think he's a green beret and a veteran.

OK, and your point is? There is no "Mister Boyer" in this discussion.
It could be that Nike is smarter than we give them credit for. We are inclined to think that they are simply typical Libtard asshole limousine Liberals.

Their sales will skyrocket for awhile with all these stupid Moon Bats running out to buy the hate America products.

It will be a tax on Liberal stupidity and Nike will reap the profits.

Good way to tap into the money making potential of these idiots suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Nike making capitalistic profits off the backs of stupid socialist American hating Moon Bats. Brilliant on the part of Nike.
you have a problem reading/understanding
1. the vast majority of blacks shot were armed and dangerous
doesn't matter how many are killed if they are armed and dangerous
that stat is irrelevant

LaQuan McDonald- Not dangerous
Freddy Gray - not dangerous
Tamir Rice - not Dangerous
Mike Brown - not dangerous

This girl.. yup she was a real threat.


Want to try again?

On second though, for the love of God, please don't.
Well, we know that Black millionaire assholes knelling to protest the rare police shooting of Black thugs is not doing anything to stop the massive Black on Black crime in this country, don't we?

Well, um, actually it will.

When black folks are reasonably sure that if they call the cops, some racist thug with a badge and a gun isn't going to pee themselves and shoot their kid by mistake, they might call the cops on the bad actors a lot more often.

I read the other day that the filthy cowardly sonofabitch is worth $17 million dollars. Some of that could go a long way towards a campaign in Chicago or other big city Democrat control shitholes to stop street violence, couldn't it?

And he's been very generous with that money.

But here's the thing. We spend close to 90 billion a year on law enforcement, and we have the highest crime rates in the industrialized world. Not to mention the highest incarceration rate in the world.
you have a problem reading/understanding
1. the vast majority of blacks shot were armed and dangerous
doesn't matter how many are killed if they are armed and dangerous
that stat is irrelevant

LaQuan McDonald- Not dangerous
Freddy Gray - not dangerous
Tamir Rice - not Dangerous
Mike Brown - not dangerous

This girl.. yup she was a real threat.

View attachment 215586

Want to try again?

On second though, for the love of God, please don't.

Freddy Gray - was carrying a concealed weapon.
Mike Brown - had just stolen from a store and roughed up the owner then attacks the police officer in his car.

Why do libs lie about everything?
I swear, maybe the FDA should start limiting the allowed amount of caffeine in our diets. We've got too many people walking around like open emotional wounds.

Yes, Stormy, you are such a model of not being a Drama Queen.

"Oh, my God, a Freshman Orientation is going to be the end of racial harmony... Doom, I tell you Dooooooommmm!"
Freddy Gray - was carrying a concealed weapon.

At the time he died, he had been disarmed. Also, it was a legal pocket knife.

Mike Brown - had just stolen from a store and roughed up the owner then attacks the police officer in his car

At the time he was shot, he was 100 feet away from the officer. The incident at the store (where the store employees traded product for pot, but the police edited that part out for some reason.) had happened minutes before.

So hey, new rule, we can shoot the darkies if they ever did something bad at some point.
you have a problem reading/understanding
1. the vast majority of blacks shot were armed and dangerous
doesn't matter how many are killed if they are armed and dangerous
that stat is irrelevant

LaQuan McDonald- Not dangerous
Freddy Gray - not dangerous
Tamir Rice - not Dangerous
Mike Brown - not dangerous

This girl.. yup she was a real threat.

View attachment 215586

Want to try again?

On second though, for the love of God, please don't.
Tamir waving what looks like a pistol in public--YES--a threat
FGray NOT murdered/shot--NOT murdered--
--cops ruled INNOCENT
1. you were not there
...you do not have undeniable evidence to say it was not self defense
..in a civilized/American/etc society, innocent until proven guilty
2. he had a felony conviction before
3. most thieves get in and out quick/cover their faces
--MB takes his time/doesn't care who sees him steal--CRAZY/warped/etc
this shows he doesn't care about law/authority/capable and will do crazy/insane crap
--he'll do WHATEVER he wants--especially disobeying the law/attacking people
4. attacks the clerk
5. walks down the middle of the street--even when the cop is there!
6. disobeys common sense and lawful order to get out of middle of street
7. ATTACKS the cop!!!!
yes--VERY dangerous

8. the shooting was ruled justified--justified--self defense
at best--best--MB and Tamir are very questionable!!!
this does NOT show police brutality/shootings for no reason
you have a problem reading/understanding
1. the vast majority of blacks shot were armed and dangerous
doesn't matter how many are killed if they are armed and dangerous
that stat is irrelevant

LaQuan McDonald- Not dangerous
Freddy Gray - not dangerous
Tamir Rice - not Dangerous
Mike Brown - not dangerous

This girl.. yup she was a real threat.

View attachment 215586

Want to try again?

On second though, for the love of God, please don't.
McDonald--not a threat?? with a knife???
jackasses not complying with a knife are IMMEDIATELY a threat/dangerous
you live in TV world/hate whites/cops world/fairy tale world
He wrote a letter of protest and Kaepernick responded.


Better not watch this. It could make you think that curiosity and honesty are good.

Thank you, Mr. Boyer. I wish we had more like you.

That one soldier. Personally I don't give a shit how Kaepernick chooses to protest against make believe oppression its his right but the people who care about his actions have the right to voice their displeasure.
the cops are not Dr Phil/a priest
they are there to protect law abiding citizens from jackasses
these are dynamic-fast moving situations
not a doctor's couch
you hypocrites--you would let someone beat the shit out you /stab you???!!!!!!!!!!
you have a problem reading/understanding
1. the vast majority of blacks shot were armed and dangerous
doesn't matter how many are killed if they are armed and dangerous
that stat is irrelevant

LaQuan McDonald- Not dangerous
Freddy Gray - not dangerous
Tamir Rice - not Dangerous
Mike Brown - not dangerous

This girl.. yup she was a real threat.

View attachment 215586

Want to try again?

On second though, for the love of God, please don't.
also--you state --maybe--2 instances that are questionable--NOT murder
just 2--
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.
stop now
he is protesting police ''''MURDERS''' !!!!!!!!!!! bullshit
also--police brutality against minorities
how come he doesn't care about whites???because he's racist
there is not a major problem of police brutality against minorities
he is protesting for lies/myths/bullshit
I wonder why millions agree with him...it must be a myth.

Millions disagree with him also
Who cares he has the right to kneel and protest its protected by theconstitution. Anthems are lane in sports events anyway.

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