Kaepernick and the GI: THIS is how it's DONE, kids.

Colin Keapernick: A lesson in tribalism.

* son of black man and white woman
* black dad abandons Colin and his mom
* Colin adopted and raised by white family
* white NFL owner make Colin a millionaire
* Colin identifies as black and devotes career to trashing white America

And that makes you racist....thanks for introducing yourself.
btw it's his hard work and talent that made him a millionaire and you are not.
Fuck Colin Kaepernick, he’s a fucking waste of oxygen
What about Mr. Boyer, the man who got Kaepernick to open his mind a bit?

Wait, let me guess: You don't know, you don't care, it's nothing, who cares, it's fake news.

It's just nice to know that there are still people who have the balls to listen and reason.
No veteran is fighting for that idiots right to take a knee.

Many of us veterans actually understand the Constitution that we are fighting for.

Yeah, he can protest, but the NFL can fire his stupid ass too.

Not exactly. The NFL has a union agreement with the players. If the NFL has blacklisted him, that's a violation of the agreement they have with the player's union.

And as a veteran, I'm 100% behind him taking a knee to protest racism and police brutality.
Colin Kaepernick is a shit eating zoo monkey...

And a really shitty football player... Which half of him makes him a shitty football player the white half or the black half… My money is on the White Half.
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.
stop now
he is protesting police ''''MURDERS''' !!!!!!!!!!! bullshit
also--police brutality against minorities
how come he doesn't care about whites???because he's racist
there is not a major problem of police brutality against minorities
he is protesting for lies/myths/bullshit
I wonder why millions agree with him...it must be a myth.

Millions disagree with him also
What's changed since he started?
Since who started?

The kneeler.
Oh, the guy who took a knee out of respect for Mr. Boyer's words, got it.

The conversation has expanded a bit, but not much. Believe it or not, the Right has decayed to a point at which it can't even bring itself to admit that racism still exists. No shit! True story! So it's been slow treading, for sure.

But this story about the brave and honest Mr. Boyer really warmed my heart and gave me hope that there are still some people out there who understand how important it is to communicate, honestly and humbly. A new hero of mine!

Maybe one day we'll have more of these people and those who are choosing to stand in the way will find another hobby. Here's hoping!

So nothing has changed.

Nothing will either. That's the reality of it...I'm a realist and when someone is one they see things for what they are and in this case it's something that isn't doing anything but creating further division.

What it was designed to do

Change takes time. Just because it's not immediate doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. Civil rights didn't happen overnight.

Wrong spokesperson....Kaeperdick is a schmuck. Nobody with an ounce of sense takes that asshole serious
Colin Kaepernick is a shit eating zoo monkey...

And a really shitty football player... Which half of him makes him a shitty football player the white half or the black half… My money is on the White Half.
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.
stop now
he is protesting police ''''MURDERS''' !!!!!!!!!!! bullshit
also--police brutality against minorities
how come he doesn't care about whites???because he's racist
there is not a major problem of police brutality against minorities
he is protesting for lies/myths/bullshit
I wonder why millions agree with him...it must be a myth.
very ridiculous and so what???!!
---millions agreed with hitler/Mussolini/Pol Pot/etc --they agreed that Jews should be murdered/etc
....what does that have to do with Kap protesting FOR criminals/lies??
........no one has proven there is a major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks or brutality against blacks
when you do that, let me know
until then, you have no argument
Colin Keapernick: A lesson in tribalism.

* son of black man and white woman
* black dad abandons Colin and his mom
* Colin adopted and raised by white family
* white NFL owner make Colin a millionaire
* Colin identifies as black and devotes career to trashing white America

And that makes you racist....thanks for introducing yourself.
btw it's his hard work and talent that made him a millionaire and you are not.

You think that calling me a racist gives you some kind of power over me?

No snowflake, it only explains that you have no valid argument and that when facing facts you act like a typical leftist: "When nothing else works, draw a race card."
........no one has proven there is a major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks or brutality against blacks
when you do that, let me know
until then, you have no argument

People shot to death by U.S. police 2017-2018, by race | Statistic

Yeah, we have a problem... sorry.
you have a problem reading/understanding
1. the vast majority of blacks shot were armed and dangerous
doesn't matter how many are killed if they are armed and dangerous
that stat is irrelevant
police have every right to self defense as you and I

2. blacks commit crimes--violent crimes at much higher rates
cops are doing a good job at NOT shooting
He wrote a letter of protest and Kaepernick responded.


Better not watch this. It could make you think that curiosity and honesty are good.

Thank you, Mr. Boyer. I wish we had more like you.

Kap is a dipshit. Looking for publicity.

Yet he and Mr. Boyer get along just fine.

Good for them. We need more people like that.

And fewer people like Dave p.

Thank you. As long as you don’t like me, my life is complete.
........no one has proven there is a major, chronic problem of police shooting blacks or brutality against blacks
when you do that, let me know
until then, you have no argument
Actually internal investigations have found problems in some police departments.
Fuck Colin Kaepernick, he’s a fucking waste of oxygen
What about Mr. Boyer, the man who got Kaepernick to open his mind a bit?

Wait, let me guess: You don't know, you don't care, it's nothing, who cares, it's fake news.

It's just nice to know that there are still people who have the balls to listen and reason.
They fully trashed Mr. Boyer in another thread, basically implying he wasn’t much of a soldier for opening his mind like that.
Colin Keapernick: A lesson in tribalism.

* son of black man and white woman
* black dad abandons Colin and his mom
* Colin adopted and raised by white family
* white NFL owner make Colin a millionaire
* Colin identifies as black and devotes career to trashing white America

And that makes you racist....thanks for introducing yourself.
btw it's his hard work and talent that made him a millionaire and you are not.

You think that calling me a racist gives you some kind of power over me?

No snowflake, it only explains that you have no valid argument and that when facing facts you act like a typical leftist: "When nothing else works, draw a race card."

Or trash a black athlete who uses his constitutional rights to take a stand, demean his family, his hard work and his principles by telling him he ought to be grateful to the white world for everything he has and regardless of his skin color he shouldn’t identify as black. It is just a different kind of race card you guys draw isn’t it?
We are talking racism that's rooted in government bodies, corporations, conservative areas, etc....

You are wrong. The vast majority of racism comes from the black community and the left. Real actual racism, not the made up definition that you idiots came up with.

Has it personally affected you?



Interpersonal relationships on the job.
In what way? Was it racist or preference of people to congregate with their own?
Colin Keapernick: A lesson in tribalism.

* son of black man and white woman
* black dad abandons Colin and his mom
* Colin adopted and raised by white family
* white NFL owner make Colin a millionaire
* Colin identifies as black and devotes career to trashing white America
...And he’s a really shitty football player, and even the shittier person. That’s why he’s unemployed
Why is he a shitty person? Seems clean cut, generous and principled.
hahhahahahhahaha--you are so naive
the don't want to talk/discuss
they HATE facts
Obviously you didn't watch the video.

Or, maybe you did, and it just didn't get through.

What's changed since he started his antics?

Answer: Nothing and he can kneel until doomsday and nothing will.

The reality of this farce that all it is doing is creating further division.

What has changed? More people have died in Chicago being murdered by Blacks while Kapernick and other Liberal millionaires do nothing.

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