Kaepernick and the GI: THIS is how it's DONE, kids.

Colin Kaepernick is a shit eating zoo monkey...

And a really shitty football player... Which half of him makes him a shitty football player the white half or the black half… My money is on the White Half.
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.

Looks like shit......smells like shit......tastes like shit..........whew!......sure glad I didn't step in it.
Whites spray and tan to get dark.
Browns make best food lol
Darker you are the more masculine and bigger penis you have too lol
In other words stop being racist.

What did I say, Sunshine?
He wrote a letter of protest and Kaepernick responded.


Better not watch this. It could make you think that curiosity and honesty are good.

Thank you, Mr. Boyer. I wish we had more like you.

Thanks for posting this Mac, it's nice to see :)
Who cares? Kap is a piece of shit looking for publicity and a not so good football player trying to take care of his retirement. May he rest in hell with the rest of the hollow racebaiters.
He had the balls to reach out and communicate with Mr Boyer, who had the balls to listen and re-consider.

I guess you wouldn't understand.
I understand completely. He’s still a piece of shit. He’s using small trumped up charges to advance his wealth, while pissing on everyone in the U.S. Boyer is one person. Most people find Kaps display disgusting and hollow. And it is. He is a self serving prick that is playing off the emotions of other Racebaiters. Anyone that supports this mouthpiece of stupidity is an idiot. He sacrificed nothing. His career needs a boost and this is his way of profiting. If he were truly that concerned he would dedicate a majority portion of his deal to help the families. Fuck him and what he says.

All about his wealth? He's donated over a million to charities....such a terrible guy.
Colin Kaepernick Not Stopping, Donations Roll Past $1 Million
Boy, he really made a fool of Mr. Boyer, huh?

Doesn't this guy know that it's better to just stand back and point the finger at the other guys?

What a moron! And respectfully communicating with and LISTENING TO someone with whom he disagrees? No way!


What's changed since he started?
Since who started?

The kneeler.
Oh, the guy who took a knee out of respect for Mr. Boyer's words, got it.

The conversation has expanded a bit, but not much. Believe it or not, the Right has decayed to a point at which it can't even bring itself to admit that racism still exists. No shit! True story! So it's been slow treading, for sure.

But this story about the brave and honest Mr. Boyer really warmed my heart and gave me hope that there are still some people out there who understand how important it is to communicate, honestly and humbly. A new hero of mine!

Maybe one day we'll have more of these people and those who are choosing to stand in the way will find another hobby. Here's hoping!

So nothing has changed.

Nothing will either. That's the reality of it...I'm a realist and when someone is one they see things for what they are and in this case it's something that isn't doing anything but creating further division.

What it was designed to do

Change takes time. Just because it's not immediate doesn't mean it's not worthwhile. Civil rights didn't happen overnight.
Actual reality:

USMB "conservatives" can't express appreciation for BBoyer and Kap's effort to handle a controversial issue with class and a spirit of cooperation.

Mac's reality:

Both ends of the political spectrum can't express appreciation for oyer and Kap's effort to handle a controversial issue with class and a spirit of cooperation.

I've known of Boyer's contribution to this matter since he made it. Every progressive I know has nothing but admiration for the way he and Kap came to agreement.

Has anything changed since Boyer discussed it with the Kneeler?

Two people had a kumbaya moment. That's nice.

Now the reality....has anything changed?

Nope and it won't


Why do you think it won't?
Kap is anti-American/anti-lawful/anti-law and order/etc
he is PRO-criminal/criminality
just like BLM
Wrong....he is protesting injustice and racism. It's the president who wants to pardon criminals that kicked his balls at least once in the past and insults war veterans.
Colin Kaepernick is a shit eating zoo monkey...

And a really shitty football player... Which half of him makes him a shitty football player the white half or the black half… My money is on the White Half.
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops

That doesn't make him racist.
Colin Kaepernick is a shit eating zoo monkey...

And a really shitty football player... Which half of him makes him a shitty football player the white half or the black half… My money is on the White Half.
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.

100% bull shit. Most of the racism in this country comes from minorities. Against whites and against other minorities.
We are talking racism that's rooted in government bodies, corporations, conservative areas, etc....

You are wrong. The vast majority of racism comes from the black community and the left. Real actual racism, not the made up definition that you idiots came up with.
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.

100% bull shit. Most of the racism in this country comes from minorities. Against whites and against other minorities.
We are talking racism that's rooted in government bodies, corporations, conservative areas, etc....

You are wrong. The vast majority of racism comes from the black community and the left. Real actual racism, not the made up definition that you idiots came up with.

Has it personally affected you?
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.

100% bull shit. Most of the racism in this country comes from minorities. Against whites and against other minorities.
We are talking racism that's rooted in government bodies, corporations, conservative areas, etc....

You are wrong. The vast majority of racism comes from the black community and the left. Real actual racism, not the made up definition that you idiots came up with.

Has it personally affected you?

I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.

100% bull shit. Most of the racism in this country comes from minorities. Against whites and against other minorities.
We are talking racism that's rooted in government bodies, corporations, conservative areas, etc....

You are wrong. The vast majority of racism comes from the black community and the left. Real actual racism, not the made up definition that you idiots came up with.

Has it personally affected you?


Who cares? Kap is a piece of shit looking for publicity and a not so good football player trying to take care of his retirement. May he rest in hell with the rest of the hollow racebaiters.
He had the balls to reach out and communicate with Mr Boyer, who had the balls to listen and re-consider.

I guess you wouldn't understand.
I understand completely. He’s still a piece of shit. He’s using small trumped up charges to advance his wealth, while pissing on everyone in the U.S. Boyer is one person. Most people find Kaps display disgusting and hollow. And it is. He is a self serving prick that is playing off the emotions of other Racebaiters. Anyone that supports this mouthpiece of stupidity is an idiot. He sacrificed nothing. His career needs a boost and this is his way of profiting. If he were truly that concerned he would dedicate a majority portion of his deal to help the families. Fuck him and what he says.

All about his wealth? He's donated over a million to charities....such a terrible guy.
Colin Kaepernick Not Stopping, Donations Roll Past $1 Million
And, your point is????
Wow! I didn't understand about all the reasons for the kneeling. I thought MISTER Kaepernick was being an asshole and disrespecting the flag by kneeling during the anthem. I didn't realize that MISTER Boyer was concerned enough to publicize his concerns and MISTER Kaepernick contacted MISTER Boyer and everybody got all weepy and decided instead of sitting that it would be OK to kneel and honor dead soldiers and all that shit. I was misled and I am ashamed to think it was resistance to police brutality. Glad I got that out of my system.

Thank you for your attention.

P.S. Anyone know if the two MISTERS swapped spit?
Last edited:
100% bull shit. Most of the racism in this country comes from minorities. Against whites and against other minorities.
We are talking racism that's rooted in government bodies, corporations, conservative areas, etc....

You are wrong. The vast majority of racism comes from the black community and the left. Real actual racism, not the made up definition that you idiots came up with.

Has it personally affected you?



Interpersonal relationships on the job.
Colin Keapernick: A lesson in tribalism.

* son of black man and white woman
* black dad abandons Colin and his mom
* Colin adopted and raised by white family
* white NFL owner make Colin a millionaire
* Colin identifies as black and devotes career to trashing white America
Kap is anti-American/anti-lawful/anti-law and order/etc
he is PRO-criminal/criminality
just like BLM
Wrong....he is protesting injustice and racism. It's the president who wants to pardon criminals that kicked his balls at least once in the past and insults war veterans.
Colin Kaepernick is a shit eating zoo monkey...

And a really shitty football player... Which half of him makes him a shitty football player the white half or the black half… My money is on the White Half.
Dude get over being racist and hating other colors, is just a fucking color.....come out of the 18th century and join the 21st.
Just keep in mind colin. Kaepernic is a millionaire and you are not.
Kap is the racist--he is protesting ONLY for blacks---and this is a big lie as it is
whites get shot for no reason by cops
I'm not black and I'm not white and I see blacks are discriminated against more than whites. It's a known fact. And Kap is mixed rich and he sees the racism as well. There is lot of racism against minorities in this country and Trump emboldened it.
Na, not really
We have no real racism in this country so shut the fuck up
Colin Keapernick: A lesson in tribalism.

* son of black man and white woman
* black dad abandons Colin and his mom
* Colin adopted and raised by white family
* white NFL owner make Colin a millionaire
* Colin identifies as black and devotes career to trashing white America
...And he’s a really shitty football player, and even the shittier person. That’s why he’s unemployed
Kaepernick TOOK A KNEE

And stopped SITTING DOWN

Out of RESPECT for the FALLEN

WATCH the freaking VIDEO and OPEN YOUR MINDS just ONCE
Kaepernick TOOK A KNEE

And stopped SITTING DOWN

Out of RESPECT for the FALLEN

WATCH the freaking VIDEO and OPEN YOUR MINDS just ONCE
Fuck Colin Kaepernick, he’s a fucking waste of oxygen
He wrote a letter of protest and Kaepernick responded.


Better not watch this. It could make you think that curiosity and honesty are good.

Thank you, Mr. Boyer. I wish we had more like you.

Kap is a dipshit. Looking for publicity.

Yet he and Mr. Boyer get along just fine.

Good for them. We need more people like that.

And fewer people like Dave p.

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