Kaepernick Says He Wants to QB Again, His Actions Say He Doesn't

I have zero respect for him dishonoring our nation which has given him much and zero respect for someone who has "guts" whining about the results of their guts. Piss on him like he pisses on the flag.

Actually, he was kneeling during the National Anthem ... he wasn't peeing on the flag ...

Kneeling is one of the highest forms of showing respect ... only laying prostate with your face in the dirt is higher ... We here in the United States don't have to kneel to nothing, dammit ... we can stand in front of the President and look him straight in the eye ... however, it's not illegal to do so, we're free to kneel before anyone we choose to, and many of us kneel to God on a regular basis ... go ahead and have zero respect for what he did, just remember he dishonored YOU, not the nation ...

Peeing on the American Flag is a protected form of political speech ... how better to honor our great nation than to exercise one of her most basic of all rights ... the right to say what we're doing wrong ... now I do enjoy burning the Oregon State Flag, them double double-crossing bastards, and I appreciate that I can't get arrest for that ... go ahead and disrespect him for whining so loudly, just remember he's just whining louder than you is all ...
I bet you like to listen to yourself talk don't you. It must be fascinating.
I bet you like to listen to yourself talk don't you. It must be fascinating.

I bet you hate being made of fool of ... maybe stop posting foolish things ... we don't condemn people for exercising their rights here in the United States ...
He doesn’t want to play in the XFL because he would be exposed as an average QB in that league, and that would prove his unemployment in the NFL is justified
I bet you like to listen to yourself talk don't you. It must be fascinating.

I bet you hate being made of fool of ... maybe stop posting foolish things ... we don't condemn people for exercising their rights here in the United States ...

But we do condemn them for the content of their speech.

And Kapernicki revealed himself by his actions, to be an anti-American piece of shit.

I fully support his right to say what he wants. But that does not mean I have to support the vile shit he "says".
Kaepernick is making millions off of Nike endorsements without even playing football. It's a nice gig.

That's exactly correct. Mr. Kaepernick really doesn't want to play, but he can't afford to retire. I expect he'll continue on as an unemployed Free Agent in the NFL for 30 more years if he can stay in good enough shape to model athletic wear.
Kaepernick is making millions off of Nike endorsements without even playing football. It's a nice gig.
He learned race pimping from Al Sharpton.

Kaepernick was at the high point of his career

He gave it up to fight for social justice

aw bullshit.

He was going downhill as far as his skills, and thought he could extend his career by adopting an Anti-American, black-power schtick.

Sort of like Sgt. Slaughter did back in 1991 during the 1st gulf war.

If I were advising Kaepernick, I'd tell him the truth. People are tired of his bullshit, and he really needs to do a face turn. If he came back as a "Prodigal Son" type character, the fans would embrace him. It would really be great for his career if he denounced the libs and came back waving the flag and leading the people in the Pledge of Allegiance before games.

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