Kaepernicks statement


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
In my opinion this is what he is saying.
I sure thought those brave men fought for his right to speak his mind.
I sure thought those brave men fought for his right to speak his mind.
Those brave men never knew him, nor could they envision what liberals have turned the United States into. They had no idea that people would disrespect their country and place murderers above police. No, this scum bag is crapping on every veteran that there ever was.
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I sure thought those brave men fought for his right to speak his mind.
Those brave men never knew him, nor could they envision what liberals have turned the United States into. They had no idea that people would disrespect their country and place murderers above police. No, this scum bag is crapping on every veteran that there ever was.

Have liberals been in control of the country since WWII? How is it they are solely responsible for what the US is now?

For that matter, are you saying that the US is a bad country now? Isn't that its own form of disrespect? :eusa_think:
It’s funny how people forget that it was a member of the military that asked him to kneel instead of sit because kneeling isn’t disrespectful to flag or military.

So, it seems as though you’re all just mad because a black man exercised his constitutional right to peacefully protest.
It’s funny how people forget that it was a member of the military that asked him to kneel instead of sit because kneeling isn’t disrespectful to flag or military.

So, it seems as though you’re all just mad because a black man exercised his constitutional right to peacefully protest.
No one forgot anything. There are traitors in the military as well as elsewhere. Your whining is nothing more than you agreeing with craping on veterans.
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he is saying FK the police/America
and he backs the criminals
there is NOT a problem with the police
the problem is the CRIMINALS
what an obvious jackass
and the picture is so abhorrent!!! look at that snout/bill/horn/schnoz/etc
that definitely makes people to turn away
He is an anti-American piece of shit, and any real Americans should hold him in completely contempt.

He's protesting the killing of unarmed black men by the state.

There's nothing unpatriotic about that
He is an anti-American piece of shit, and any real Americans should hold him in completely contempt.

He's protesting the killing of unarmed black men by the state.

There's nothing unpatriotic about that
In all but a handful of those shooting the black men are behaving like animals and refuse to cooperate with police. They asked for it.
He has every right to speak his mind..........and we have every right to speak our minds...........And should companies endorse something we disagree with............well...............you asked for it...........enjoy the drop in sales..............
He is an anti-American piece of shit, and any real Americans should hold him in completely contempt.

He's protesting the killing of unarmed black men by the state.

There's nothing unpatriotic about that
In all but a handful of those shooting the black men are behaving like animals and refuse to cooperate with police. They asked for it.
A. A handful is way too many

B. "Acting like an animal" is pretty subjective and NOT a capital offense.

Maybe Kap has a point and cops need better training or different jobs
If these companies would just sell there stuff and leave politics out of it.............Everyone would just go on with life not giving a damn about your political beliefs.........because you don't go on TV saying I'm for this and that in politics................

When they come forward............they become a target..........as a marketing strategy.........they are very stupid.......

In regards to the NFL...........that is a business...........and it's a job..............shut the fuck up and play football.

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