Kamala Be Smokin Dat Rope


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
So far the Rats have offered up a fake injun, a snowman (woman), Spartacus, and now a doper. With all their other famous beliefs, open-borders, murdering born babies, making cars and airplanes useless, and bankrupting us with the "green dream" what's next?. Would you walk a mile for a Kamala (see what I did there?) or toss her on the scrap pile with the rest of these space-cadets?



Kamala Harris calls for marijuana legalization: 'I think it gives a lot of people joy'
Gasp! She smoked weed ! Oh the horror !!!!

Lol. Good for her . We have to many nerds in politics.
Gasp! She smoked weed ! Oh the horror !!!!

Lol. Good for her . We have to many nerds in politics.

You're a nerd Timmy and I don't think we want our president stoned when she's dealing with the ragheads, or Kim Jung Dung, or Putin or.....Beto.....especially Beto.
BTW, Willy Brown threw her under the bus last week saying she couldn't beat Trump and neither could any of the others.....we knew that, but thanks Willy.

Wow. Thats her forst non radical position.
I didnt think she had any rational positions.
Wow. Thats her forst non radical position.
I didnt think she had any rational positions.

Driving 20mph on a freeway while explaining that Bob Dylan is Jesus returned ain't exactly rational...that's why they call it "dope".
I do not condone getting high and operating motor vehicles.

Once dropped a hit of acid and drove a car full of other trippers from Detroit to the Mackinaw Bridge....don't remember a mile of it but they all said I did very well and even used my blinkers when I changed lanes. :lol:
I do not condone getting high and operating motor vehicles.

Once dropped a hit of acid and drove a car full of other trippers from Detroit to the Mackinaw Bridge....don't remember a mile of it but they all said I did very well and even used my blinkers when I changed lanes. :lol:
I think we now understand why your posts are what they are
I say damn, we'll never find a candidate whom you fucking clowns approve of huh?

Are you comparing tobacco wh pot?

The only purpose of Tabacco is to get addicted and smoke more .

Pot mellos you out and I’d not addictive.

I believe Timmy's post shows it's best not to toke and type.....:lol:
Gasp! She smoked weed ! Oh the horror !!!!

Lol. Good for her . We have to many nerds in politics.

You're a nerd Timmy and I don't think we want our president stoned when she's dealing with the ragheads, or Kim Jung Dung, or Putin or.....Beto.....especially Beto.

Whatever, geek.

Have you ever tried pot, Poindexter?
I do not condone getting high and operating motor vehicles.

Once dropped a hit of acid and drove a car full of other trippers from Detroit to the Mackinaw Bridge....don't remember a mile of it but they all said I did very well and even used my blinkers when I changed lanes. :lol:

Dock Ellis threw a no-hitter trippin balls......

Doc was a fuckin hoot....all the A's were in those days....their owner Charley Finley thought baseballs should be optic green like tennis balls....wonder if Doc could have thrown a no-no with green baseballs?
Good. The federal prohibition on marijuana is statist bullshit to begin with.

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