Kamala Harris - America's First Female President.

Whats sad is, these idiots think she is better than the senile old fuck. This bitch is dumb as FUCK. And she doesnt have old age as an excuse.
The duopoly. The gift that just keeps giving.
Couldnt get 2% in her own state, but now everyone is for her lolz.
Like trained monkeys.


America is entering the 21st century, where sex or race is not the determining factor anymore.
I guess you're going to ignore bozo Biden's 2000 election pledge that he was only choosing a "Black woman" to be his V.P.
Nothing racist or sexist about that. Right? .... :cuckoo:
Like she did in 2020?


Like Trump lost in 2020?

Don't forget Biden ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic presidential nomination in both 1988 and 2008. Then he won. So what's your point about Kamala 2020? She won didn't she? It wasn't her turn. It is now.

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