Kamala Harris drops an f-bomb

It was not the topic. You were responding to on sentence out of a paragraph, I used answering IM2 question, related to topic, as he approves of Harris, but disapproves of Pence. Feel free to look back on other posts for your answer or pick up a newspaper not from a right wing source, so you are not stuck in your bubble comfort zone.

I have always disapproved of Harris and said so, here, many times.
Then why write it, you said "Don had the radical nut-ball right sewn up." What exactly does that mean?
She has a whole lot more class than the orange baboon who has sex with anyone who will spread her legs for him. More than 20 women claimed he sexually assaulted them.

What makes you think she "slept her way to the top"? Given that she was elected Attorney General of California. Or that programs she originated in dealing with defendants in California, have been adopted across the USA. Ms. Harris was a rising start in the Democratic Party BEFORE she graduated college, and had a lot of "first ever" achievements.

You don't hear stories of her gleefully watching "golden showers" at a Las Vegas strip club. Or paying hush money. Ms. Harris has been slut shamed by the right simply for being a 30 year old woman dating a much older man.
Unlike Trump, she's only been married once, and didn't conspire with anyone to pay "hush money" to cover up the fact that she once dated an older man. Look at the sleaze Trump surrounds himself with.

When a man can be "extorted", as Trump's lawyers have claimed, he lacks the moral character to be President. Which is why I believe that Putin really does have a pee tape.

Such a bunch of nonsense, but I have come to expect that. She did a lot of leg spreading to get where she is it certainly isn't because she is intelligent!
Pence was brought in to help secure normal Republican conservative vote, as Don had the radical nut-ball right sewn up.

I have nothing against women laughing, but cackles, like a caricature laugh on a sitcom gives me the creeps in someone moving into a leadership position, and can sound maniacal. Remember when early on in the first few of weeks of the administration, Joe had already announced the border policy change, allowing refugees (and I use the term loosely) to be granted temporary (and again, I use the term loosely) asylum? I never thought she was ready or qualified to be second in line for the presidency. She was being interview (I think on CNN or some other admin friendly media) and was asked about her thoughts regarding the reaction to the administration border move. Without thought, consideration of the administration or her position supposedly being a part or supporting, she let out the cackle heard round the world, actually snorting in her laugh and displaying her natural reaction to the president's difficulties, before catching herself, and trying to give an answer minimizing her evaluation of the blowback facing the president and the administration. The main job of your second in command is to support your actions and decisions before those that observe and might disapprove, not cackle out loud, that you are having a bad day or series of days. In a non-elected position, she would have been fired or moved, but Joe was stuck with the bad decision made to have her (not ready for prime time) job performance. He was undoubtedly pissed, immediately, publically assigning her responsibility over the border, so she would have some skin in the game. But, she was really never over jackshit, as you can delegate authority, but it is impossible to delegate responsibility and everybody knows it, and knew it at the time. Joe would bear total responsibility for unleashing the border crisis, that his own VP laughed about on national television. She was, is, and will remain a dunsel. If you are unfamiliar with the term "dunsel":
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This is a woman who ran the second largest department of justce in the country, second only to the US DOJ for 2 terms, so she was indeed plenty ready to be seconnd in line. She was more qualified than Pence, and certainly more qualified to be president that Trump was in 2016 and even right now. She s far from a dunsel and do not let the racism of the media you use allow you to underestimate this individual. Do not lie to yourself about her record. Ask Wiliam Barr.
Again I expect more decorum from the vice President! She can laugh/cackle and I can make fun of her, no double standard.
But you support Trump who has uttered all kinds of cuss words. You are full of ----.
Such a bunch of nonsense, but I have come to expect that. She did a lot of leg spreading to get where she is it certainly isn't because she is intelligent!
Actually she was voted into two terms by the people of California. No leg spreading happened for that.
Then why write it, you said "Don had the radical nut-ball right sewn up." What exactly does that mean?
That wasn't the topic but he asked, relating Harris (the subject) to Pence, so I answered 1 sentence, then went in greater depth on Harris. Harris being the subject, is there anything about the subject you want to discuss, or are you intent on creating a thread Derail, Off-Topic sided discussion, (asking only in case some Mod has to come in, to stop it)??
No it didn't. She started dating Brown when she was 29 years old. She had been working as an Oakland Deputy District Attorney for 4 years when they began publically dating IN 1994. And it was never a secret.

The racism and sexism these guys are displaying in this matter is apparent. Harris is a very talented person. And her star was shown long ago. She was being talked about for a long time before se became a senator.
I am certainly not offended by the F-bomb. It would be the height of hypocrisy to pretend, I was.
But, I have despised that cackle, as much a Hillary's, since the first time I heard it, after she was brought in, to secure the black vote.
World and national leaders don't speak this way... what an embarrassment....
This is a woman who ran the second largest department of justce in the country, second only to the US DOJ for 2 terms, so she was indeed plenty ready to be seconnd in line. She was more qualified than Pence, and certainly more qualified to be president that Trump was in 2016 and even right now. She s far from a dunsel and do not let the racism of the media you use allow you to underestimate this individual. Do not lie to yourself about her record. Ask Wiliam Barr.
VP Harris is singularly unimpressive in my opinion, and not due to race. Remember, I vote Obama twice and not sorry about either time. She ain't Obama, by any means and he did not look prepared, either. He was just Running against McCain, riding the sentiment of the Bush crash and all of us the lost our jobs, with the factory shut-downs, dramatic losses of 401K and other investments for retirement, plus he was saddled (for God knows what reason) with the crazy, amateur "Thrilla from Wasilla".

On paper, she was indeed higher qualified than Trump was on his first go at the Executive Branch, though without the charisma and attraction of the nut-ball fringe. I think Biden's campaign influencers picked her as the "token" to garner more solidly the "Black and Minority" vote, though you may think she hung the moon. I don't know.

Her problem is, her judgement and lack of self-control were shown early, even before the election, during the primaries. She made racial bigotry statements against the man that would beat her easily in the primaries, before agreeing to be on the ticket with the man she did not approve of. That does not say much for courage of convictions, judgement or character, simply someone looking for a hand up. To me, she is still not to be trusted with the job. Four years is a long time, and at Joe's age, things can happen. None of us are getting out of this, alive. Still, at this point, I am forced to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket (regretfully) again, to keep the Un-American, anti-constitutionalist, Anti-Rule of Law, supporter of autocrats, strongmen, and Communists alike, out of the White House. So, we still have a democratically elected representative republic, 5 years from now.
She made racial bigotry statements against the man that would beat her easily in the primaries, before agreeing to be on the ticket with the man she did not approve of.

That's one of the very few things she has even been right about. Joe Biden is a lifelong racist, with a documented, 50 year history of making racist statements, writing racist policies, and aligning himself politically and personally with other racists.
World and national leaders don't speak this way... what an embarrassment....
Trump does. I have heard Biden sometimes does on occasion, though not publicly, as I remember. I know Nixon did. Johnson did. Lots of world leaders have. I do not care about her uttering a swear word. Bad as it sounds, I admire Generals like Patten, saying "When I want them to listen, I give it to the loud and dirty, so they'll remember".
VP Harris is singularly unimpressive in my opinion, and not due to race. Remember, I vote Obama twice and not sorry about either time. She ain't Obama, by any means and he did not look prepared, either. He was just Running against McCain, riding the sentiment of the Bush crash and all of us the lost our jobs, with the factory shut-downs, dramatic losses of 401K and other investments for retirement, plus he was saddled (for God knows what reason) with the crazy, amateur "Thrilla from Wasilla".

On paper, she was indeed higher qualified than Trump was on his first go at the Executive Branch, though without the charisma and attraction of the nut-ball fringe. I think Biden's campaign influencers picked her as the "token" to garner more solidly the "Black and Minority" vote, though you may think she hung the moon. I don't know.

Her problem is, her judgement and lack of self-control were shown early, even before the election, during the primaries. She made racial bigotry statements against the man that would beat her easily in the primaries, before agreeing to be on the ticket with the man she did not approve of. That does not say much for courage of convictions, judgement or character, simply someone looking for a hand up. To me, she is still not to be trusted with the job. Four years is a long time, and at Joe's age, things can happen. None of us are getting out of this, alive. Still, at this point, I am forced to vote for the Biden/Harris ticket (regretfully) again, to keep the Un-American, anti-constitutionalist, Anti-Rule of Law, supporter of autocrats, strongmen, and Communists alike, out of the White House. So, we still have a democratically elected representative republic, 5 years from now.
She looked plenty prepared to me. Harris didn't make any racial bigotry statements. She stated that Biden opposed bussing. There was never any indication she didn't approve of Biden. Biden made a crude comment about Obama and Obama put him on the ticket, so whats the difference? I have hired people in my lifetime of work and when you look at resumes, Harris has an impressive record. And when you look at skillsets, her ability as a prosecutor was shown when she destroyed William Barr in that hearing. She is very capable of running this country should Biden drop down.

We have had old presidents before and the fact that Trump is old but no one mentions it, or that the third party canddate is 70, or that Joe Manchin who people wanted to run is 76 didn't seem to bother people. A younger president is not guaranteed to live al 4 years as the next second on life is not guaranteed to anyone. So age is a nanufactured concern that we really need to stop using as an excuse. Because as I get older, I'll be damned if I let people 20-30 years younger than me tell me what I can't do. Joe Biden shows us that we don't have to shrivel up and die just because we are in our 70-80's. And I say good for him for refusing to stop living because our stupid asses tell him he's too old to do something. That shows heart and fight, that alone should make us vote for this man.
Trump does. I have heard Biden sometimes does on occasion, though not publicly, as I remember. I know Nixon did. Johnson did. Lots of world leaders have. I do not care about her uttering a swear word. Bad as it sounds, I admire Generals like Patten, saying "When I want them to listen, I give it to the loud and dirty, so they'll remember".
Patton was a general and if I was in the military with a general that did not cuss, I would be very concerned. Because if there is ANYTHING that should make a man cuss, its war.

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