Kamala Harris drops an f-bomb

And so Pence was bought in to secure the white vote in 2016. Why can't a woman laugh? And why is there a double standard like this?
Pence was brought in to help secure normal Republican conservative vote, as Don had the radical nut-ball right sewn up.

I have nothing against women laughing, but cackles, like a caricature laugh on a sitcom gives me the creeps in someone moving into a leadership position, and can sound maniacal. Remember when early on in the first few of weeks of the administration, Joe had already announced the border policy change, allowing refugees (and I use the term loosely) to be granted temporary (and again, I use the term loosely) asylum? I never thought she was ready or qualified to be second in line for the presidency. She was being interview (I think on CNN or some other admin friendly media) and was asked about her thoughts regarding the reaction to the administration border move. Without thought, consideration of the administration or her position supposedly being a part or supporting, she let out the cackle heard round the world, actually snorting in her laugh and displaying her natural reaction to the president's difficulties, before catching herself, and trying to give an answer minimizing her evaluation of the blowback facing the president and the administration. The main job of your second in command is to support your actions and decisions before those that observe and might disapprove, not cackle out loud, that you are having a bad day or series of days. In a non-elected position, she would have been fired or moved, but Joe was stuck with the bad decision made to have her (not ready for prime time) job performance. He was undoubtedly pissed, immediately, publically assigning her responsibility over the border, so she would have some skin in the game. But, she was really never over jackshit, as you can delegate authority, but it is impossible to delegate responsibility and everybody knows it, and knew it at the time. Joe would bear total responsibility for unleashing the border crisis, that his own VP laughed about on national television. She was, is, and will remain a dunsel. If you are unfamiliar with the term "dunsel":
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Pence was brought in to help secure normal Republican conservative vote, as Don had the radical nut-ball right sewn up.

I have nothing against women laughing, but cackles, like a caricature laugh on a sitcom gives me the creeps in someone moving into a leadership position, and can sound maniacal. Remember when early on in the first few of weeks of the administration, Joe had already announced the border policy change, allowing refugees (and I use the term loosely) to be granted temporary (and again, I use the term loosely) asylum? I never thought she was ready or qualified to be second in line for the presidency. She was being interview (I think on CNN or some other admin friendly media) and was asked about her thoughts regarding the reaction to the administration border move. Without thought, consideration of the administration or her position supposedly being a part or supporting, she let out the cackle heard round the world, actually snorting in her laugh and displaying her natural reaction to the president's difficulties, before catching herself, and trying to give an answer minimizing her evaluation of the blowback facing the president and the administration. The main job of your second in command is to support your actions and decisions before those that observe and might disapprove, not cackle out loud, that you are having a bad day or series of days. In a non-elected position, she would have been fired or moved, but Joe was stuck with the bad decision made to have her (not ready for prime time) job performance. He was undoubtedly pissed, immediately, publically assigning her responsibility over the border, so she would have some skin in the game. But, she was really never over jackshit, as you can delegate authority, but it is impossible to delegate responsibility and everybody knows it, and knew it at the time. Joe would bear total responsibility for unleashing the border crisis, that his own VP laughed about on national television. She was, is, and will remain a dunsel. If you are unfamiliar with the term "dunsel":
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Describe radical nut job right.
And so Pence was bought in to secure the white vote in 2016. Why can't a woman laugh? And why is there a double standard like this?
Again I expect more decorum from the vice President! She can laugh/cackle and I can make fun of her, no double standard.
Got it you refuse to describe it, or what you think it is.
It was not the topic. You were responding to on sentence out of a paragraph, I used answering IM2 question, related to topic, as he approves of Harris, but disapproves of Pence. Feel free to look back on other posts for your answer or pick up a newspaper not from a right wing source, so you are not stuck in your bubble comfort zone.

I have always disapproved of Harris and said so, here, many times.
Such a classy lady,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not! Seriously your young ladies should look up to her, she will teach them to sleep their way to the top
“We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won’t, and then you need to kick that f‑‑‑ing door down,”
Her career started when she dropped her panties and then dropped to her knees so I am not surprised.
No it wasn't. acts versus commentary and you dumb ass think one comment one time is worse.
Repeated oral physical acts versus one time comment and you feel the comment is worse.
One thing for sure is you will never suffer brain disease nor injury
Such a classy lady,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,not! Seriously your young ladies should look up to her, she will teach them to sleep their way to the top
“We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won’t, and then you need to kick that f‑‑‑ing door down,”

She has a whole lot more class than the orange baboon who has sex with anyone who will spread her legs for him. More than 20 women claimed he sexually assaulted them.

What makes you think she "slept her way to the top"? Given that she was elected Attorney General of California. Or that programs she originated in dealing with defendants in California, have been adopted across the USA. Ms. Harris was a rising start in the Democratic Party BEFORE she graduated college, and had a lot of "first ever" achievements.

Kamala Harris did have a relationship with Willie Brown, who later served as San Francisco’s mayor, between 1994 and 1995 ( here Los Angeles Times first linked the pair in 1994 ( here her career in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office ( here 29 and Brown, speaker of the California State Assembly ( here;), was 60 ( here;

You don't hear stories of her gleefully watching "golden showers" at a Las Vegas strip club. Or paying hush money. Ms. Harris has been slut shamed by the right simply for being a 30 year old woman dating a much older man.
Unlike Trump, she's only been married once, and didn't conspire with anyone to pay "hush money" to cover up the fact that she once dated an older man. Look at the sleaze Trump surrounds himself with.

When a man can be "extorted", as Trump's lawyers have claimed, he lacks the moral character to be President. Which is why I believe that Putin really does have a pee tape.

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Her career started when she dropped her panties and then dropped to her knees so I am not surprised.

No it didn't. She started dating Brown when she was 29 years old. She had been working as an Oakland Deputy District Attorney for 4 years when they began publically dating IN 1994. And it was never a secret.

She subsequently worked as a deputy district attorney (1990–98) in Oakland, earning a reputation for toughness as she prosecuted cases of gang violence, drug trafficking, and sexual abuse. Harris rose through the ranks, becoming district attorney in 2004. In 2010 she was narrowly elected attorney general of California—winning by a margin of less than 1 percent—thus becoming the first female and the first African American to hold the post. After taking office the following year, she demonstrated political independence, rejecting, for example, pressure from the administration of Pres. Barack Obama for her to settle a nationwide lawsuit against mortgage lenders for unfair practices. Instead, she pressed California’s case and in 2012 won a judgment five times higher than that originally offered. Her refusal to defend Proposition 8 (2008), which banned same-sex marriage in the state, helped lead to it being overturned in 2013. Harris’s book, Smart on Crime (2009; cowritten with Joan O’C. Hamilton), was considered a model for dealing with the problem of criminal recidivism.

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No it didn't. She started dating Brown when she was 29 years old. She had been working as an Oakland Deputy District Attorney for 4 years when they began publically dating IN 1994. And it was never a secret.

She is a tramp. period.

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