Kamala Harris has a degree in Economics!?

That interview, besides being revealing as to how clueless she was, was remarkable in her personality switch: when she is prepped by staff, and assured those asking the questions are determined to save her butt, she is forceful, bitchy, and arrogant. But in that interview, she came across as a scared little girl, sitting down for her first job interview, for a position she knows she’s not qualified for.

It’s like she’s two separate people.


The poster insulting your obvious intelligence once meme-d a tombstone to me that said, "Here lies sweet Sue. Someone did the world a favor"

This is because I disagreed on vaccines.

This person--as a reminder to everyone--is a hospital administrator.

The poster insulting your obvious intelligence once meme-d a tombstone to me that said, "Here lies sweet Sue. Someone did the world a favor"

This is because I disagreed on vaccines.

This person--as a reminder to everyone--is a hospital administrator.
Please DM me and tell me who, and where she lives (if you know). I am Jewish and want to avoid that hospital.

Also, just between the two of us, I admit I have some “weak spot’ that if a nasty person attacks, it does hurt me or otherwise impact me. My intelligence is NOT one of them.

The poster insulting your obvious intelligence once meme-d a tombstone to me that said, "Here lies sweet Sue. Someone did the world a favor"

This is because I disagreed on vaccines.

This person--as a reminder to everyone--is a hospital administrator.
P.S. as far as the nasty leftist making a snide remark about the death she wished on you, that is what today’s Left has become: the most hateful, vicious, and bigoted people (against Jews, anyway, as well,as Christians and whites) you’d never want to meet.

I once had a member on a different forum post a message that “Lisa must die.” I complained to a mod there to remove it, and she left it up. She too was a leftist.
P.S. as far as the nasty leftist making a snide remark about the death she wished on you, that is what today’s Left has become: the most hateful, vicious, and bigoted people (against Jews, anyway, as well,as Christians and whites) you’d never want to meet.

I once had a member on a different forum post a message that “Lisa must die.” I complained to a mod there to remove it, and she left it up. She too was a leftist.

Politics is their religion. Problem is, it's a terrible, terrible religion of hate and self-satisfaction. Eventually it rots their souls out
Trump attended Fordham for 2 yers and was allowed into Penn because of his fathers relationship with people at the school. The man has been President but has never been inivited to speak at Wharton. Brown was separated from the woman in the picture when he met Harris. Trump has fathered 5 children from 3 separate women, all of whom he cheated on, and it is rumored that he's fucking Laura Loomer right now while he is married to Melania.

Trump has built nothing. He inherited his daddys business then proceeded to go bankrupt several times. Harris was ELECTED to run the second largest DOJ in America. Twice. As AG of Caifornia, she ran an organizatiin way larger than the Trump family business.
If we are reporting rumors, it is rumored Harris was dropped on her head multiple times as a child.

Do you deny that the Trump business grew tremendously under Trump’s leadership?

Trump filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for some casinos. Trump did not declare personal bankruptcy.

Kamala has no experience running a business. She was a cog in a political machine in California.

Kamala did love to lock up poor people of color. If the state needed cheap labor, they were locked up. If their children didn’t attend failed government schools they were locked up.

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Politics is their religion. Problem is, it's a terrible, terrible religion of hate and self-satisfaction. Eventually it rots their souls out
But isn't that exactly what has happened to the so called Christians who are Trumpers. They replaced their belief in Christ, and following Christ with their belief in Trump, and following Trump??
But isn't that exactly what has happened to the so called Christians who are Trumpers. They replaced their belief in Christ, and following Christ with their belief in Trump, and following Trump??

What on earth are you talking about. Seriously. What.

I do not know anyone who has 'replaced' their belief in Christ with "belief in Trump".

Sometimes it's so obvious you're in Maine, geez
She's been asked about 20 times, just HOW do you plan to "crack down" on price gouging. She tap dances, dodges and tells stories about how she grew up in neighborhoods with nice lawns. WTF??? :dunno:
And idiot, clueless voters (the useful idiots) are continuing to deny that she is totally inept. It’s ridiculous that she was even picked for the VP, and now even beyond words that she has a 50% chance of getting the most powerful job in the world.

She skipped entirely over the primary season, and is now skipping press conferences and interviews (except for this one where she faced a friendly journalist), and is just hoping the useful idiots - along with necessary cheating, such as we saw we the Tuesday night ambush against Trump - will install her in the WH.
But isn't that exactly what has happened to the so called Christians who are Trumpers. They replaced their belief in Christ, and following Christ with their belief in Trump, and following Trump??
No, it is NOT. That is what you libs scream, as a way to insult religious people. They believe in Jesus AND they want the president who will not destroy the country in office.

How are these two in conflict?

I myself believe in Gd, observe Judaism, follow kashrut, and am an active member of my shul, and ALSO will vote for Trump.
Someone filed in for her?

She did fail the first BAR exam she took, and maybe someone else took it for her the second time? Willie Brown wielded a lot of power back then.

Race and gender preferences = the only reason Kamala "passed" anything including the Bar Exam
What on earth are you talking about. Seriously. What.

I do not know anyone who has 'replaced' their belief in Christ with "belief in Trump".

Sometimes it's so obvious you're in Maine, geez
She has it backwards. It is the libs who have replaced belief in Gd with liberalism - their new religion.

I can’t speak for Christians, but observant Jews vote overwhelmingly for Trump. Is that lib above claiming that Orthodox Jews, whose every move is dictated by the laws given to them by Gd, have replaced Him with Trump? Ha.
LMAO so a long list of taxpayer MOOCH jobs with zero accomplishments in the jobs. The left are truly retarded.
Harris has a very, very long list of accomplishments. Here are just a few of them.

Harris created the San Francisco Reentry Division. Over six years, the 200 people graduated from the program had a recidivism rate of less than 10%, compared to the 53% of California's drug offenders who returned to prison within two years of release.

As part of an initiative to reduce the city's homicide rate, Harris led effort to combat truancy for at-risk elementary school youth in San Francisco. In 2008, declaring chronic truancy a matter of public safety and pointing out that the majority of prison inmates and homicide victims are dropouts or habitual truants, she issued citations against parents whose children missed at least 50 days of school, the first time San Francisco prosecuted adults for student truancy. Harris' office prosecuted parents. By April 2009, 1,330 elementary school students were habitual or chronic truants, down 23% from 1,730 in 2008, and from 2,517 in 2007 and 2,856 in 2006.

Harris secured huge dollar pollution settlements. Automaker Volkswagen AG agreed to pay up to $15 billion to settle claims related to cheating emissions standards. Harris brought settlements with Chevron, BP, ARCO, Phillips 66, and ConocoPhillips who failed to properly monitor the hazardous materials leaking from their underground gasoline storage tanks.

Harris forced the California Department of Justice to improved its DNA testing capabilities, clearing California's DNA backlog for the first time. Harris rebuild trust between law enforcement and the public. The California Department of Justice became the nation's first statewide agency to require all police officers to wear body cameras.

Harris charged purveyors of revenge porn sites based in California with felonies, and sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Harris announced the arrest of Backpage CEO Carl Ferrer on felony charges including pimping a minor, alleging that 99% of Backpage's revenue was directly attributable to prostitution-related ads, many of which involved victims of sex trafficking, including children.
And what will happen to people who bought homes they could afford - smaller than they could have afforded before Biden - and they are upside down on their mortgage?

Your calling for a housing collapse is calling the same as calling for another Great Recession. People will lose jobs. The stock market will drop by 30% or 40%. People who bought homes within the last five years will find themselves underwater.

Why are you OK with all those people suffering so that others can suffer? You almost sound like a Democrat!

No, what we need is to re-elect Trump.
Trump is part of the problem.
If we are reporting rumors, it is rumored Harris was dropped on her head multiple times as a child.

Do you deny that the Trump business grew tremendously under Trump’s leadership?

Trump filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy for some casinos. Trump did not declare personal bankruptcy.

Kamala has no experience running a business. She was a cog in a political machine in California.

Kamala did love to lock up poor people of color. If the state needed cheap labor, they were locked up. If their children didn’t attend failed government schools they were locked up.

Total exaggeration on your comment. Did you read the link on truancy....it was already against the law and parents were already gone after. What she promoted and advocated for congress to pass, was a standardization of the law across the state for the process....it still had problems and kinks to work out....which is normal....on new laws or programs!

The case of the mom with the Sickle cell A child, is a tragedy! And something the DA bringing the charges should be reprimanded for doing!
A candidate as unqualified as Harris would never stand a chance if it were not for such an unqualified opponent. The duopoly has really handed you a pretty situation in your totally dualistic political world.

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