Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

There can easily be a montage of her corruption. While you have a montage of Trump's long list of accomplishments. Let's remember this commercial lady tried to sabotage Kavanaugh based on lies.

So. Trump had sexual relations with a porn star while his wife was giving birth to Baron. Why do you find a relationship, more noteworthy than a man having extramarital sexual relations with a porn start or a playboy bunny, and paying them off to be silent?

Explain that hypocrisy, and be honest if you can.

What office did Trump hold, and who did he promote due to their affair?

Nice try, your point is way off the topic. A better and honest question is, why is a women singled out for an extramarital affair and not a man?

What man has benefited politically from such an act?

Start listing, bub.

Not many, Trump is the exception, but by the few and not the many.

What was his political benefit?
So. Trump had sexual relations with a porn star while his wife was giving birth to Baron. Why do you find a relationship, more noteworthy than a man having extramarital sexual relations with a porn start or a playboy bunny, and paying them off to be silent?

Explain that hypocrisy, and be honest if you can.

What office did Trump hold, and who did he promote due to their affair?

Nice try, your point is way off the topic. A better and honest question is, why is a women singled out for an extramarital affair and not a man?

What man has benefited politically from such an act?

Start listing, bub.

Not many, Trump is the exception, but by the few and not the many.

What was his political benefit?

Commissars of the FSA (Free Shit Army) like Kamala are the leading cause of impotence.
I hear the Democraps plan on running alot of them for 2020.

The alternative is a bloated white mofo with tiny hands who is not up to the job.

Amazing that the best Prez we've had in decades would have those attributes.
Go figure.....

Sure, tiny hands and a low approval rating.

Let's see how tiny hands don does the second half of his one term.

Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
2020 is a long way away. When the Democrats nominate their socialist idiot...Trump will have no worries.

What office did Trump hold, and who did he promote due to their affair?

Nice try, your point is way off the topic. A better and honest question is, why is a women singled out for an extramarital affair and not a man?

What man has benefited politically from such an act?

Start listing, bub.

Not many, Trump is the exception, but by the few and not the many.

What was his political benefit?

When did Jesus say the murder of babies was ok? Perhaps you shouldn’t cast any stones infanticide supporter.
Well, the 1st half has been simply bigly amazing.

Sure, but bare in mind polling shows 57% of people won’t vote for him in 2020.

So just 43% currently to work with. He needs another guvmit shutdown that he is proud of.

Well, that and a breathe mint
no path to the white house in 2016 so excuse me If I just piss on that one.

Sure, just believe all is fine. Tiny hands Don was not known in 2016, but his baggage is now viewable for all.
you think I'm worried? about this skank? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: dude, you all are swimming in fear. I can see it on you when I can't see you.

Yeah, I bet you thought republics would hold the House in 2018 too.
Gain it right back again. Just have to work around corrupt California political machine.
Seriously Trumpbots, given Trump's history do you really think this women hating attack is the way to go. LOL

And I'm not voting for Harris ... well, it it's her or Trump, than I will.
You are right about the attacks. And i have typed some. However, this is the mantra of Progressive Socialists. And for some reason do not like it when they are on the receiving end. About making it in politics. There is a difference between having sex and using sex to gain political power. Many women in Hollywood are now somehow disgusted with the sex demanded from them to make it into movies and TV. But they did it anyway. There are millions of people in this nation who could be actors/actresses. Same with politics. Somehow we get the same tried and true ways of lack of integrity in many of them.

Trump has sex outside of marriage--possibly including his daughter.
Your a Muslim and you take it up the ass by another dude.

His screen avatar is a rainbow flag and the symbol of Islam. How stupid are you.

Trump has sex outside of marriage--possibly including his daughter.
Your a Muslim and you take it up the ass by another dude.

His screen avatar is a rainbow flag and the symbol of Islam. How stupid are you.

And mine is the President of Asia as a grey blob. And yours is a wimp. Your point would be what?
Willie Brown must have been attracted to her because of her “Kamala Toe.” :21:
This Willie Brown - Kamal thang cracks me up.

A few years' ago, mr. boe and I were sitting at the bar at Jardinere before going to the SF Symphony. Willie was sitting a few seats down from us, desperately hitting on the young women near him. It was quite amusing to see them all recoil in horror.

It must suck for him to no longer have powerful positions to use as bait for young women.

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