Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

dude, enjoy your belligerent discussions all you want. I will merely continue to point it out to you.
you do that.

and i won't bother to say STOP JUDGING ME.

I don't deal. I will continue my posts as I see fit.
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
dude, you can't stop.
says the person replying to my inability to stop. :)

(fyi - this is called trolling at this point and i'm done. have a good life)
You two need to get a room!
You sound like two drunks arguing over what the colour orange looks like.
it was getting pretty bad wasn't it? :)
So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?

LOL, don't you know, facts have alternatives (per Trump&Co.)

Here is the fact:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

People like you echo the character assassination promulgated by sources like Limbaugh and Fox News. Another fact is, both of these sources, and many other's on line, are filled with fake news, or as Kellyanne Conway might say, "alternative facts".

Odd how so many self proclaimed Christians violate this Commandment:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I learned from the Nuns' that this meant do not lie.
thanks for proving my position.
you do that.

and i won't bother to say STOP JUDGING ME.

I don't deal. I will continue my posts as I see fit.
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team
i never said i wave pom poms or play on a "team".

that's you and stuff.
I don't deal. I will continue my posts as I see fit.
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team
i never said i wave pom poms or play on a "team".

that's you and stuff.
You never said it Ice but actions and words prove it
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team
i never said i wave pom poms or play on a "team".

that's you and stuff.
You never said it Ice but actions and words prove it
and you've already proven you see things in a "my team vs your team" scenario, as you just expected me to act. i never have, hopefully never will. i may disagree with people, even in extreme ways at times. but it's not personal and i don't take it that way. if someone *is* trying to make it personal, i laugh and move on.

not my fault so much seems out of reach if your "us vs them" views.
you do that.

and i won't bother to say STOP JUDGING ME.

I don't deal. I will continue my posts as I see fit.
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
I don't deal. I will continue my posts as I see fit.
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team
i never said i wave pom poms or play on a "team".

that's you and stuff.
You never said it Ice but actions and words prove it
and you've already proven you see things in a "my team vs your team" scenario, as you just expected me to act. i never have, hopefully never will. i may disagree with people, even in extreme ways at times. but it's not personal and i don't take it that way. if someone *is* trying to make it personal, i laugh and move on.

not my fault so much seems out of reach if your "us vs them" views.
I do agree ,,with me it is an us vs them thing and any enemy of this pos in our WH who thinks he's smarter than everyone is my friend
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
I'm all for adequate protection from illegals I'm against taxing the wealthy 50% or more or wealth taxes Don't want illegals getting health care in our country ,am all for getting countries like China to pay their fare share etc etc What does that make me ?/ I still could never vote for an ah like trump
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team
i never said i wave pom poms or play on a "team".

that's you and stuff.
You never said it Ice but actions and words prove it
and you've already proven you see things in a "my team vs your team" scenario, as you just expected me to act. i never have, hopefully never will. i may disagree with people, even in extreme ways at times. but it's not personal and i don't take it that way. if someone *is* trying to make it personal, i laugh and move on.

not my fault so much seems out of reach if your "us vs them" views.
I do agree ,,with me it is an us vs them thing and any enemy of this pos in our WH who thinks he's smarter than everyone is my friend
which means you'll turn a blind eye to the faults of YOUR team while screaming at the top of your lungs the other team must die.

stone for example. if lying to the feds is a punishable crime (and it is) then we've got a whole lot on the left who need this axe to fall on them. to say NOT US NOT US and demand one side lives by a set of rules you flaunt?

well dude, that's how you get trump as president.
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
How can you be on the side of this moron?
Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran and claims of foreign policy success - CNNPolitics
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
I'm all for adequate protection from illegals I'm against taxing the wealthy 50% or more or wealth taxes Don't want illegals getting health care in our country ,am all for getting countries like China to pay their fare share etc etc What does that make me ?/ I still could never vote for an ah like trump
so even if you agree with a lot of what he wants to do, you'll fight him, and that means also yourself, just because you hate him.

no wonder your ass is on ignore 99% of the time.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
How can you be on the side of this moron?
Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran and claims of foreign policy success - CNNPolitics
how can you use CNN and think ANYONE will take you seriously?

when a headline is written to make you feel a certain way about someone, you're being manipulated.

also - since you're on a TEAM i don't expect you to be unbiased, fair, or even think about something first. you're the epitome of someone being given bullet points of hate to use and you do. let 'em fly. but since you've said it's "us vs them" then please NEVER expect me to take what you say as how you feel cause you do what your side tells you to do.
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
I'm all for adequate protection from illegals I'm against taxing the wealthy 50% or more or wealth taxes Don't want illegals getting health care in our country ,am all for getting countries like China to pay their fare share etc etc What does that make me ?/ I still could never vote for an ah like trump
so even if you agree with a lot of what he wants to do, you'll fight him, and that means also yourself, just because you hate him.

no wonder your ass is on ignore 99% of the time.
You are one stupid guy I won't fight him on the items I agree with him on BUT I could never vote for him because I think as a president he is an undesirable as a president and as a human being
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
I'm all for adequate protection from illegals I'm against taxing the wealthy 50% or more or wealth taxes Don't want illegals getting health care in our country ,am all for getting countries like China to pay their fare share etc etc What does that make me ?/ I still could never vote for an ah like trump
so even if you agree with a lot of what he wants to do, you'll fight him, and that means also yourself, just because you hate him.

no wonder your ass is on ignore 99% of the time.
You are one stupid guy I won't fight him on the items I agree with him on BUT I could never vote for him because I think as a president he is an undesirable as a president and as a human being
you do what your team dictates, and i'm stupid. :)

peace out, edward.
Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
I'm all for adequate protection from illegals I'm against taxing the wealthy 50% or more or wealth taxes Don't want illegals getting health care in our country ,am all for getting countries like China to pay their fare share etc etc What does that make me ?/ I still could never vote for an ah like trump
so even if you agree with a lot of what he wants to do, you'll fight him, and that means also yourself, just because you hate him.

no wonder your ass is on ignore 99% of the time.
You are one stupid guy I won't fight him on the items I agree with him on BUT I could never vote for him because I think as a president he is an undesirable as a president and as a human being
you do what your team dictates, and i'm stupid. :)

peace out, edward.
To make a value judgement of the leader of our country ,the most powerful in the world is doing thinking what my team dictates?.....sorry you feel that way Have a warm day
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
How can you be on the side of this moron?
Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran and claims of foreign policy success - CNNPolitics
how can you use CNN and think ANYONE will take you seriously?

when a headline is written to make you feel a certain way about someone, you're being manipulated.

also - since you're on a TEAM i don't expect you to be unbiased, fair, or even think about something first. you're the epitome of someone being given bullet points of hate to use and you do. let 'em fly. but since you've said it's "us vs them" then please NEVER expect me to take what you say as how you feel cause you do what your side tells you to do.
eddy's party over country as usual.
as will i. but you may want to work on comprehension cause i flat out said post however you want and i won't sit over here and judge you. your reply? I'LL POST HOW I WANT!!!

of which i already said - you do that. i was referencing how i would respond to you, not telling you what to do.
I love fks like you just can't help yourself. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
at this point you don't even know what you're saying or why. just get belligerent and scream at me.

have fun.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
I'm a member of team USA.
ice you're both on the same team

Same team? That is the problem right there. We are all individuals and we all come to conclusions by past experiences and influences. I am fiscally conservative, but I am not a Republican. I am more liberal on social issues, but I am not a Democrat. To box one into to one of two philosophies is, to me silly.
testify man. testify.

this whole "divide into teams" is what got us into the mess we're in. the fact edward just flat out says he's on a "team" validates my thoughts that he seldom believes much of what he says, but "the team" dictates he does.
How can you be on the side of this moron?
Trump chastises intel chiefs after they contradict him on Iran and claims of foreign policy success - CNNPolitics
how can you use CNN and think ANYONE will take you seriously?

when a headline is written to make you feel a certain way about someone, you're being manipulated.

also - since you're on a TEAM i don't expect you to be unbiased, fair, or even think about something first. you're the epitome of someone being given bullet points of hate to use and you do. let 'em fly. but since you've said it's "us vs them" then please NEVER expect me to take what you say as how you feel cause you do what your side tells you to do.
eddy's party over country as usual.
NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaa just seems to me my party cares more about the country than yours does

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