Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

The right doesn't get to be the morality police anymore after electing the biggest whore since Ben Franklin.
He paid for services rendered. Billy Boy exposed himself and forced himself on women. He also spent time down on his billionaire buddies fantisex island. Willie Brown sat back and watched his power attract “Kamala Toe” Harris like a fly to fly paper. She was willing to whore her way to SF City Hall.
Dude. Trump did an intro to a porn film, has banged porn stars while one of his multiple wives was pregnant, and his wife did softcore lesbian porn. Nothing comes close to that level of trash.
Kamala Harris does.
She had multiple husbands and banged porn stars, was in porn films like trump? Show the proof
Nope. She’s just a common whore who didn’t have the skill set to make in SF politics. So she fucked the old mayor Willie.
so she fucked an old willie.

doesn't mean she's a whore or she's without skills.
These are not lies

so they're fake news?

So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
Now that the Lame Stream Poopaganda has created 73 + pages of lies, misrepresentations and vulgar comments it's time for truth to put the bullshit aside:

Former S.F. Mayor Willie Brown writes about dating Kamala Harris, appointing her to posts


Kamala's Karma

And this is the short note from Brown which has caused so many lies and lines of text is based on:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

If all of those above, and the rest who have started threads attacking her character, calling her ugly names and accusing her of being a "Ho"* and "sucking his dick" should be ashamed.

Sadly, they have no moral compass and run with lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and bullshit.

Yep, she had an affair with Brown and who cares if she blew him or not? Her platform doesn't match mine so I would probably not vote for her.

What platform do you support? Some detail will be appreciated.

She is for single payer, I’m against single payer. She is for prosecuting parents for their children’s truancy, I think it’s a bad idea, it hurts low income and minorities harder than other parents. Don’t like her immigration policy, there is a legal path for citizenship and we need to follow it. She is purposing tax credits, I am against tax credits, we need higher taxes and lower spending. Just fundamental differences, nothing earthshaking.

Single payer is much like the wall issue, the devil is in the details and no one has yet provided the details of single payer and how long it will be, and how much the wall will cost.

What is her "immigration policy"? Why are you opposed to tax credits (only when they apply to the needy, and not corporations?)?

I agree, we need higher taxes, and those who make the most don't need it for food, shelter and clothing. Thus those who do need tax credits.

We need to simplify the tax code, why play the tax credit game? If you make under a certain amount then you don’t pay taxes, no need to give out credits. As for your childish stereotyping bigotry, I am not for tax credits for corporations, I’m not for corporate welfare, you either make it or you don’t.
...in my case, I am inuring myself to modern women in modern times by watching a lot of porn. I practice not judging women by the clothes they don't wear on porn videos, and try to port it to real life in modern times, whenever I have the presence of mind to do so.
He was still married.
LMAO That's really, truly hilarious. Separated people date. It's normal How about your hero the Drumph fucking porn stars while his wife gives birth? Got any problem at all with that? Dating a separated person when you are single is not immoral, at all. Get it? Hypocrite.

Yeah, it is. You're separated, still married, and not divorced yet.
You are a HYPOCRITE.

How is he a hypocrite. Harris slept with a married man, that is a fact. Harris and Brown had an affair, that is a fact. Not sure how you can call facts hypocritical.

Definition of affair: : a romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration

No Willie was NOT a married man he had been separated from his wife for 10 YEARS. FOX NEWS is lying again, and they're very well noted for their manufactured conspiracies. Wake the fuck up!

Redirect to another post on this thread and you can read all about it. Click this link.
Kamala Harris Slept Her Way to the Top

You're confused TRUMP was married to Melania when he had an affair with Stormy Daniels, and you're not having a shit fit about that, are you?
And he paid off another woman he had an affair with while he was married to Melania. This double standard is not working real well for you anymore.


Now if you want to see some of the doozies that FOX NEWS has shoved down your throats just click these links to redirect to these other threads on this board. (credible, verifiable links & video's included)
I feel sorry for anyone that is still watching FOX NEWS. They are the FAKE news.
Do you still believe FOX NEWS?--in light of the Nunes memo release
FOX NEWS--involved in FEDERAL Law suit over Seth Rich conspiracy story.

He was separated however he was still married to his wife, separated is not divorce. The rest of your post is irrelevant as I don’t watch FOX News nor do I care.
Now that the Lame Stream Poopaganda has created 73 + pages of lies, misrepresentations and vulgar comments it's time for truth to put the bullshit aside:

Former S.F. Mayor Willie Brown writes about dating Kamala Harris, appointing her to posts


Kamala's Karma

And this is the short note from Brown which has caused so many lies and lines of text is based on:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

If all of those above, and the rest who have started threads attacking her character, calling her ugly names and accusing her of being a "Ho"* and "sucking his dick" should be ashamed.

Sadly, they have no moral compass and run with lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and bullshit.

Yep, she had an affair with Brown and who cares if she blew him or not? Her platform doesn't match mine so I would probably not vote for her.

What platform do you support? Some detail will be appreciated.

She is for single payer, I’m against single payer. She is for prosecuting parents for their children’s truancy, I think it’s a bad idea, it hurts low income and minorities harder than other parents. Don’t like her immigration policy, there is a legal path for citizenship and we need to follow it. She is purposing tax credits, I am against tax credits, we need higher taxes and lower spending. Just fundamental differences, nothing earthshaking.

Notice how he was able to articulate why he wouldn't vote for her, having NOTHING to do with who she dated.

Notice how I have said several times I didn’t care if she slept with Brown, I am against her polices. It’s surprising you noticed since most everything else seems to escape you.
Now that the Lame Stream Poopaganda has created 73 + pages of lies, misrepresentations and vulgar comments it's time for truth to put the bullshit aside:

Former S.F. Mayor Willie Brown writes about dating Kamala Harris, appointing her to posts


Kamala's Karma

And this is the short note from Brown which has caused so many lies and lines of text is based on:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

If all of those above, and the rest who have started threads attacking her character, calling her ugly names and accusing her of being a "Ho"* and "sucking his dick" should be ashamed.

Sadly, they have no moral compass and run with lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos and bullshit.

Yep, she had an affair with Brown and who cares if she blew him or not? Her platform doesn't match mine so I would probably not vote for her.

What platform do you support? Some detail will be appreciated.

She is for single payer, I’m against single payer. She is for prosecuting parents for their children’s truancy, I think it’s a bad idea, it hurts low income and minorities harder than other parents. Don’t like her immigration policy, there is a legal path for citizenship and we need to follow it. She is purposing tax credits, I am against tax credits, we need higher taxes and lower spending. Just fundamental differences, nothing earthshaking.

Single payer is much like the wall issue, the devil is in the details and no one has yet provided the details of single payer and how long it will be, and how much the wall will cost.

What is her "immigration policy"? Why are you opposed to tax credits (only when they apply to the needy, and not corporations?)?

I agree, we need higher taxes, and those who make the most don't need it for food, shelter and clothing. Thus those who do need tax credits.

We need to simplify the tax code, why play the tax credit game? If you make under a certain amount then you don’t pay taxes, no need to give out credits. As for your childish stereotyping bigotry, I am not for tax credits for corporations, I’m not for corporate welfare, you either make it or you don’t.

Try to be civil, and I won't thing badly of you. Apparently you've never worked with the working poor. I have, and thankfully I have never needed credits or financial assistance of any kind.

I went to two public universities, and my costs were minimum. Even the required readings were available for in the library use at no cost; my kids paid an average $100 a book, esp. the science and math text books.
He paid for services rendered. Billy Boy exposed himself and forced himself on women. He also spent time down on his billionaire buddies fantisex island. Willie Brown sat back and watched his power attract “Kamala Toe” Harris like a fly to fly paper. She was willing to whore her way to SF City Hall.
Dude. Trump did an intro to a porn film, has banged porn stars while one of his multiple wives was pregnant, and his wife did softcore lesbian porn. Nothing comes close to that level of trash.
Kamala Harris does.
She had multiple husbands and banged porn stars, was in porn films like trump? Show the proof
Nope. She’s just a common whore who didn’t have the skill set to make in SF politics. So she fucked the old mayor Willie.
so she fucked an old willie.

doesn't mean she's a whore or she's without skills.
well we do know which skills willie liked eh? Here comes the peace keeper to try and smooth out someone's thoughts as orangemanbad types. yep, dude, you amaze me on your
These are not lies

so they're fake news?

So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?
so they're fake news?

So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?
...i no longer resort to single syllable words in my arguments with women.

thank Goodness for our modern Information Age.
so they're fake news?

So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?
"she's just a common whore" isn't judging?

i don't give a flying horsefuck what you or he says and if i disagree, i'll say so. you seem to be more than willing to do the same. however i don't then drop down and call you a crybaby.

do what you gotta do and have at it.
so they're fake news?

So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?

LOL, don't you know, facts have alternatives (per Trump&Co.)

Here is the fact:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

People like you echo the character assassination promulgated by sources like Limbaugh and Fox News. Another fact is, both of these sources, and many other's on line, are filled with fake news, or as Kellyanne Conway might say, "alternative facts".

Odd how so many self proclaimed Christians violate this Commandment:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I learned from the Nuns' that this meant do not lie.
So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?
...i no longer resort to single syllable words in my arguments with women.

thank Goodness for our modern Information Age.

Yes, Dear seems to be my best retort
Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?
...i no longer resort to single syllable words in my arguments with women.

thank Goodness for our modern Information Age.

Yes, Dear seems to be my best retort

Smart man ^^^
So you deny Willie Brown statements?

Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?

LOL, don't you know, facts have alternatives (per Trump&Co.)

Here is the fact:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

People like you echo the character assassination promulgated by sources like Limbaugh and Fox News. Another fact is, both of these sources, and many other's on line, are filled with fake news, or as Kellyanne Conway might say, "alternative facts".

Odd how so many self proclaimed Christians violate this Commandment:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I learned from the Nuns' that this meant do not lie.

the Party of Trump cannot even get a majority of women voters in GEORGIA. Kemp actually LOST white college educated women.

Exit Polls Don’t Tell the Full Story. White Women Are Becoming Less Reliably Republican.

The OP was just a talking point the RW came out when Harris made sounds of running. If they actually try this attack, Trump will get his ass handed to him in a general election.
Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?

LOL, don't you know, facts have alternatives (per Trump&Co.)

Here is the fact:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

People like you echo the character assassination promulgated by sources like Limbaugh and Fox News. Another fact is, both of these sources, and many other's on line, are filled with fake news, or as Kellyanne Conway might say, "alternative facts".

Odd how so many self proclaimed Christians violate this Commandment:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I learned from the Nuns' that this meant do not lie.

the Party of Trump cannot even get a majority of women voters in GEORGIA. Kemp actually LOST white college educated women.

Exit Polls Don’t Tell the Full Story. White Women Are Becoming Less Reliably Republican.

The OP was just a talking point the RW came out when Harris made sounds of running. If they actually try this attack, Trump will get his ass handed to him in a general election.
make sure you hold your catch up for the plantation to see!!!! we're all waiting.
Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?
"she's just a common whore" isn't judging?

i don't give a flying horsefuck what you or he says and if i disagree, i'll say so. you seem to be more than willing to do the same. however i don't then drop down and call you a crybaby.

do what you gotta do and have at it.
dude, you are nothing but a judgement guy. Every thread. How you have more class than the biased thinking left, right, whatever. dude. you are a self righteous SOB to the max. you are afraid of commitment.

BTW, the fact is she slept with a married man in return for opportunities. that makes her a whore. No judgement, just fact.

Do you have evidence that she slept with a married man? If not, you're a damn liar.

BTW, extramarital affairs are common, and I suspect many of those who have attacked Sen. Harris as a "whore" have had an extramarital affair.

Hypocrisy is, BTW, one of the deadly sins committed too often by those on the right, and very often by those like you on the extreme right.
Did you see what Brown wrote. Read below and then apologize for being a jerk.

Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A.

So fucking what? Willie Brown is a liar. Kamala fucked him because he gave her a car. Pelosi probably did the same...Look up Burton and Pelosi and Brown. They had a fuck circle. Kamala was new young meat for Willie that's all. She's a whore.

You're disgusting, judgmental and a liar. You have no evidence to prove what you've posted, and no clue about Sen. Harris' life.

Yet you pronounce judgement as if you are the self appointed grand inquisitor.
judgement? how did he judge her? he stated a fact. why do facts offend you bunch of babies?

LOL, don't you know, facts have alternatives (per Trump&Co.)

Here is the fact:

"Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?

"I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my “relationship” with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Most of them, I have not returned.

"Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.

"And I certainly helped with her first race for district attorney in San Francisco. I have also helped the careers of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Gov. Gavin Newsom, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and a host of other politicians.

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I “so much as jaywalked” while she was D.A."

People like you echo the character assassination promulgated by sources like Limbaugh and Fox News. Another fact is, both of these sources, and many other's on line, are filled with fake news, or as Kellyanne Conway might say, "alternative facts".

Odd how so many self proclaimed Christians violate this Commandment:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

I learned from the Nuns' that this meant do not lie.

the Party of Trump cannot even get a majority of women voters in GEORGIA. Kemp actually LOST white college educated women.

Exit Polls Don’t Tell the Full Story. White Women Are Becoming Less Reliably Republican.

The OP was just a talking point the RW came out when Harris made sounds of running. If they actually try this attack, Trump will get his ass handed to him in a general election.
And women will be the reason for the decline of our nation if it continues. It is already becoming much less competitive.

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