Kamala Harris Wants Disaster Aid Given Based on 'Equity' (and It's Unconstitutional)


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
As you might expect, Harris is babbling on about “equity” being a factor in disaster aid for the southeast after the latest hurricane.

Race-based relief programs are unconstitutional. But in the alternate reality of the Dems/ racists, “equity”, meaning race-based pandering is all that matters.

Sweet Weepin' Jesus on the Cross.


I guess the (white) mountain people of GA/NC will just have to fend for themselves.
Maybe they will just tote thousands of the blacks to a red state city like they did Houston after Katrinia and forever ruin it.
As you might expect, Harris is babbling on about “equity” being a factor in disaster aid for the southeast after the latest hurricane.

Race-based relief programs are unconstitutional. But in the alternate reality of the Dems/ racists, “equity”, meaning race-based pandering is all that matters.

This is a sign of what is to come should, Gd-forbid, the useful idiots get her in. She will allocate funds based on race (or other identity politics), with blacks first in line for help. The last in line will be whites and Jews.

Her proposed system rewards failure to achieve and punishes success. Such is the key fault to socialism or Marxism.
This is a sign of what is to come should, Gd-forbid, the useful idiots get her in. She will allocate funds based on race (or other identity politics), with blacks first in line for help. The last in line will be whites and Jews.

Her proposed system rewards failure to achieve and punishes success. Such is the key fault to socialism or Marxism.
Most US Jews are white.
That does not make the US Jew (in aggregate) good people if they vote left....Just another bunch of educated leftists.
You won’t get any argument from ME. I am more furious at Harris-voting Jews more than any other group of liberals.

There was an interesting article the other day entitled “Suicidal Jews.” It was all about leftist Jews siding with the people who hate them - black activists, HAMAS-supporters, “civil rights” groups like that Women’s March, etc., etc. - and explained how they are voting for their own elimination (ESPECIALLY if the anti-Israel Party abandons Israel completely).
You won’t get any argument from ME. I am more furious at Harris-voting Jews more than any other group of liberals.

There was an interesting article the other day entitled “Suicidal Jews.” It was all about leftist Jews siding with the people who hate them - black activists, HAMAS-supporters, “civil rights” groups like that Women’s March, etc., etc. - and explained how they are voting for their own elimination (ESPECIALLY if the anti-Israel Party abandons Israel completely).
Yeah, it reminds me of the EU Jews that made lists of their fellow Jews to be toted off to the camps knowing full well what was gonna happen to them.

Of course, most ended-up there themselves and such will be the case of US Jews that treat with the leftists.....They will just get the bullet last.
Yeah, it reminds me of the EU Jews that made lists of their fellow Jews to be toted off to the camps knowing full well what was gonna happen to them.

Of course, most ended-up there themselves and such will be the case of US Jews that treat with the leftists.....They will just get the bullet last.
I think you’re talking about the Kapos. They thought that by siding with the enemy they would be spared, but they learned differently when they too were sent to the gas chambers.

We need Trump to protect Israel and American Jews (they are related) from the rampant antisemitism pervasive in the Democrat Party.
How many idiotic things does Harris have to do before she's overwhelmingly considered an imbecile. I would have thought she had hit that level a long time ago. Can anyone even imagine her holding negotiations between Russia and Ukraine or Israel and Hamas? She's one of the last people I would want speaking for me. MAGA
As you might expect, Harris is babbling on about “equity” being a factor in disaster aid for the southeast after the latest hurricane.

Race-based relief programs are unconstitutional. But in the alternate reality of the Dems/ racists, “equity”, meaning race-based pandering is all that matters.

Won't be any disaster aid. Floriduh's own representatives voted against it just a couple of days ago.
As you might expect, Harris is babbling on about “equity” being a factor in disaster aid for the southeast after the latest hurricane.

Race-based relief programs are unconstitutional. But in the alternate reality of the Dems/ racists, “equity”, meaning race-based pandering is all that matters.

She's right though.....otherwise govt spending would be through the roof!

AS EXAMPLE: You're not going to give everyone $20 k to replace the roof they lost, making it equal for all....

Giving those who already have home owners insurance that covers the new roof don't need the $20 k for the new roof that govt is giving them with our tax dollars.
She's right though.....otherwise govt spending would be through the roof!

AS EXAMPLE: You're not going to give everyone $20 k to replace the roof they lost, making it equal for all....

Giving those who already have home owners insurance that covers the new roof don't need the $20 k for the new roof that govt is giving them with our tax dollars.
Nonsense. You are suggesting only white people have insurance. There is no ”equity” in POC’s getting assistance from natural disasters when assistance is denied whites.
How many idiotic things does Harris have to do before she's overwhelmingly considered an imbecile. I would have thought she had hit that level a long time ago. Can anyone even imagine her holding negotiations between Russia and Ukraine or Israel and Hamas? She's one of the last people I would want speaking for me. MAGA
Just goes to show you how effective the lib media has been into brainwashing idiots into thinking Trump is a threat to democracy.
She's right though.....otherwise govt spending would be through the roof!

AS EXAMPLE: You're not going to give everyone $20 k to replace the roof they lost, making it equal for all....

Giving those who already have home owners insurance that covers the new roof don't need the $20 k for the new roof that govt is giving them with our tax dollars.
So you’re saying the responsible people who bought insurance will insurance will use that, and the irresponsible people who didn’t buy insurance will get other people to pay for theirs?

What’s the incentive of paying thousands of dollars in insurance if you know you can just get other people to cover home damage?

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