The Big Lie about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

Smart folks are wondering why business is not applying themselves to tackle supply chain problems instead of focusing on nihilistic identity politics.

Shitshows continue while real problems are ignored!!
The supply chain situation is improving.

Every company has a marketing department.
Sometime their product presentation can be seen as identify politics, so be it. Its the free market.
DEI has great value when it's natural, organic, inspired.

It does not when it is imposed, coerced, required, artificial.

Like most things in life. That's human nature, no?

Sadly, since we are such a binary society now, all we understand is force.
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I'm sure that's what other MAGAs told you, but it really doesn't work that way

Bye, Bye, So Long
Curiously, if you rearrange the letters ‘YUCK FOURSELF,’ you come up with ‘FUCK YOURSELF,’ and that's precisely what ought to happen to the whole notion of your silly OP..
I'd love to see you fucktards try to fight a "diverse" war.



The Big Lie about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)​

9 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jeff Davidson

When my daughter was in high school, she sang in the school chorus, a group that included 80 students. After one town-wide performance, a woman wrote to both the school newsletter and the local newspaper, complaining that the chorus was “not sufficiently diverse.”
Diversity: Only Blacks Matter
In a written reply, my daughter took exception to this view. She conveyed that students of Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Malaysian ancestry, along with students of European ancestry, including Italian, Hungarian, Austrian, French, and Spanish, were among the chorus members.
Oh yeah, the chorus also had 12 African-Americans students and two Hispanic-American students, and a few students of mixed ancestry. Flash forward 16 years: diversity to the Left is now fully embraced as a euphemism for “black,” and the term as used today, has little relation to the original meaning of the word.
If you’re white, the Left has decided that you are an impediment to diversity.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the Left’s latest preferred pronoun... oops... I mean, the acronym, as a governmental policy, is a disaster virtually ensuring unfairness in hiring, suspicion about those who have been newly favored, and pockets of incompetence in performance. And do government programs ever die? Or do they keep expanding forever?
What about DEI as a corporate policy? Well, that’s up to shareholders, board members, and management of individual companies who, unfortunately, are pounded by wokesters around the clock.
Bye, Bye, So Long
Curiously, if you rearrange the letters ‘DEI,’ you come up with ‘DIE,’ and that's precisely what ought to happen to the whole notion of diversity, equity, and inclusion as some kind of exalted government formula for improving society.

All you need to know about DEI and other woke acronyms that direct corporations- they are hunting licenses. They authorize HR to fire or humiliate conservatives. There are zero conservatives running these departments.
There should be no sympathy here for manipulative members of a race trying to get an advantage over the rest of American society. I think most folks are tired of the whining but have been cowed into silence by the media and Democrat politicians.
A black professor recently said there are 40 million blacks living in the US, they make up the most prosperous black nation in the world. Where would they go to have it any better?
His response is based on fact! Facts and logic are whiteness personified! Math is racist! Logic is racist! Objective truth is racist!
This is sarcasm as above, but the DEI absolutists claim the above with a straight face.
They demand we parrot their lies.
We need to round up blacks and force them at gunpoint to be in choirs in order to have diversity.

The Big Lie about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)​

9 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jeff Davidson

When my daughter was in high school, she sang in the school chorus, a group that included 80 students. After one town-wide performance, a woman wrote to both the school newsletter and the local newspaper, complaining that the chorus was “not sufficiently diverse.”
Diversity: Only Blacks Matter
In a written reply, my daughter took exception to this view. She conveyed that students of Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Malaysian ancestry, along with students of European ancestry, including Italian, Hungarian, Austrian, French, and Spanish, were among the chorus members.
Oh yeah, the chorus also had 12 African-Americans students and two Hispanic-American students, and a few students of mixed ancestry. Flash forward 16 years: diversity to the Left is now fully embraced as a euphemism for “black,” and the term as used today, has little relation to the original meaning of the word.
If you’re white, the Left has decided that you are an impediment to diversity.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the Left’s latest preferred pronoun... oops... I mean, the acronym, as a governmental policy, is a disaster virtually ensuring unfairness in hiring, suspicion about those who have been newly favored, and pockets of incompetence in performance. And do government programs ever die? Or do they keep expanding forever?
What about DEI as a corporate policy? Well, that’s up to shareholders, board members, and management of individual companies who, unfortunately, are pounded by wokesters around the clock.
Bye, Bye, So Long
Curiously, if you rearrange the letters ‘DEI,’ you come up with ‘DIE,’ and that's precisely what ought to happen to the whole notion of diversity, equity, and inclusion as some kind of exalted government formula for improving society.

All you need to know about DEI and other woke acronyms that direct corporations- they are hunting licenses. They authorize HR to fire or humiliate conservatives. There are zero conservatives running these departments.
There should be no sympathy here for manipulative members of a race trying to get an advantage over the rest of American society. I think most folks are tired of the whining but have been cowed into silence by the media and Democrat politicians.
A black professor recently said there are 40 million blacks living in the US, they make up the most prosperous black nation in the world. Where would they go to have it any better?
His response is based on fact! Facts and logic are whiteness personified! Math is racist! Logic is racist! Objective truth is racist!
This is sarcasm as above, but the DEI absolutists claim the above with a straight face.
They demand we parrot their lies.
Oh pity the poor White man.
Having to compete for jobs that were once his because his daddy worked there.
Having to attend school with academically superior students once excluded for less competent White students
Having to live in neighborhoods with a few "CANS" because those "CANS" could afford to be "blockbusters."

Oh Lordy, Lordy
Please pity the poor White man.

The Big Lie about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)​

9 Apr 2023 ~~ By Jeff Davidson

When my daughter was in high school, she sang in the school chorus, a group that included 80 students. After one town-wide performance, a woman wrote to both the school newsletter and the local newspaper, complaining that the chorus was “not sufficiently diverse.”
Diversity: Only Blacks Matter
In a written reply, my daughter took exception to this view. She conveyed that students of Greek, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Malaysian ancestry, along with students of European ancestry, including Italian, Hungarian, Austrian, French, and Spanish, were among the chorus members.
Oh yeah, the chorus also had 12 African-Americans students and two Hispanic-American students, and a few students of mixed ancestry. Flash forward 16 years: diversity to the Left is now fully embraced as a euphemism for “black,” and the term as used today, has little relation to the original meaning of the word.
If you’re white, the Left has decided that you are an impediment to diversity.
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), the Left’s latest preferred pronoun... oops... I mean, the acronym, as a governmental policy, is a disaster virtually ensuring unfairness in hiring, suspicion about those who have been newly favored, and pockets of incompetence in performance. And do government programs ever die? Or do they keep expanding forever?
What about DEI as a corporate policy? Well, that’s up to shareholders, board members, and management of individual companies who, unfortunately, are pounded by wokesters around the clock.
Bye, Bye, So Long
Curiously, if you rearrange the letters ‘DEI,’ you come up with ‘DIE,’ and that's precisely what ought to happen to the whole notion of diversity, equity, and inclusion as some kind of exalted government formula for improving society.

All you need to know about DEI and other woke acronyms that direct corporations- they are hunting licenses. They authorize HR to fire or humiliate conservatives. There are zero conservatives running these departments.
There should be no sympathy here for manipulative members of a race trying to get an advantage over the rest of American society. I think most folks are tired of the whining but have been cowed into silence by the media and Democrat politicians.
A black professor recently said there are 40 million blacks living in the US, they make up the most prosperous black nation in the world. Where would they go to have it any better?
His response is based on fact! Facts and logic are whiteness personified! Math is racist! Logic is racist! Objective truth is racist!
This is sarcasm as above, but the DEI absolutists claim the above with a straight face.
They demand we parrot their lies.

If nothing else diversity, equity, inclusion and so on makes our country weaker across the board. From minimum wage employees to government officials.

It does so because it eliminates the "I want the best person for the job" and replaces it with "I want the best skin color, I want the best gender" and when you do you don't get the best person in a job and you don't get the best person in a college program and in the end America overall is weakened.

Diversity also by extension is racist/sexist. if you include someone based on their gender or race that means you're excluding someone else based on theirs.

If they want true equality then everyone would have to get by in life based purely on their intelligence, experience, ambition, skills etc. To be equal means they would strongly against bringing up a person or persons gender, skin color, sexuality except as a descriptor.
If nothing else diversity, equity, inclusion and so on makes our country weaker across the board. From minimum wage employees to government officials.

It does so because it eliminates the "I want the best person for the job" and replaces it with "I want the best skin color, I want the best gender" and when you do you don't get the best person in a job and you don't get the best person in a college program and in the end America overall is weakened.

Diversity also by extension is racist/sexist. if you include someone based on their gender or race that means you're excluding someone else based on theirs.

If they want true equality then everyone would have to get by in life based purely on their intelligence, experience, ambition, skills etc. To be equal means they would strongly against bringing up a person or persons gender, skin color, sexuality except as a descriptor.

Also this will cause an increase in workplace violence!!
Oh pity the poor White man.
Having to compete for jobs that were once his because his daddy worked there.
Having to attend school with academically superior students once excluded for less competent White students
Having to live in neighborhoods with a few "CANS" because those "CANS" could afford to be "blockbusters."

Oh Lordy, Lordy
Please pity the poor White man.
Hard to compete when corporate HR is filling their quotas for Equity, Diversity and Affirmative Action.


Hard to compete when corporate HR is filling their quotas for Equity, Diversity and Affirmative Action.



What you mean to say is that it's hard to compete when the game isn't rigged.


Pity the poor white man.
What you mean to say is that it's hard to compete when the game isn't rigged.


Pity the poor white man.

The D and the I of DEI is non-problematic.
It's only when the E is added that opens up bags of worms.
Equity means merit gets discriminated against in the pursuit of racialized quota filling.
And no one benefits from this while discounting the best and brightest!!

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