More proof Americans hate diversity

Why would they protest? Why won't blacks and Democrats make the same demand about the lack of diversity in the leagues like they demanded that workplace and higher learning institutions make room for DEI when skills and qualifications are the hiring decision or acceptance? Whether Musk came from the US or not is irrelevant.

DEI is about discriminating against those who work and study to get where they are today. If leftists told us that blacks and Hispanics can be just as good as whites and Asians in making silicon wafers, then why the need for DEI?
Given the FACT that whites haven't worked or studied any more than anyone else but get jobs because they are white, perhas they need to quit making this argument.
Limbaugh was exactly right. McNabb was never great. The defense, which was comprised mostly of blacks, was great.

It's just like nobody would say white Trent Dilfer was a great quarterback because his team won the Super Bowl. Everybody knows he was a place holder, while the defense was the real key for the Ravens in 2000.
Limbaugh was way off in talking about McNabb. McNabb was one of the est QB's in the league when he played. Sports teams compete for positions. The best man or woman by performance wins.
Natural diversity, people deciding to hang out or live next to whoever they want, yes.

Government and employer forced diversity, bullshit leading to mistrust, animosity, and resentment. Imagine how a highly qualified individual feel when reporting to an unqualified individual at work.
Sacrifice Has No Merit; It Is Nothing but Brown-nosing

The talented should be rewarded while they are developing their talents. Being highly paid for their grades will attract the best and motivate them to study.

We must not only stop DEI; we should go the opposite way. These debates are designed by the talent-exploiters to ignore real solutions. Instead of putting the car in reverse, we should turn around and head away from where we started or else we are merely idling in place.
“We need more unity and togetherness, more dialogue, more diversity of thought.”

And just what would that be????

Those Who Swallow Their Pride Will Choke Their Talent

Reward the mentally talented the same way we reward the athletically talented, from childhood on. Instead, the only thing smart kids get is insults and ingratitude. So they become useless escapist nerds, bitter and self-hating, like the Unabomber even before he became a Green terrorist.
Given the FACT that whites haven't worked or studied any more than anyone else but get jobs because they are white, perhas they need to quit making this argument.

Well, there may be some truth to what you are saying. DEI is designed to reduce whites in jobs and education however, DEI is doing more damages to minorities than whites. Also, it's a talent draining. Why would a well qualified worker continue employment with the company that knocked this worker off the pedestal?
A half Asan [sic] half white person is representative of diversity. So you need to shut up opposing they very way you were created.

Oh, so now you get to tell people how to think because of the "authority" of your color of skin? :fu:
Accordingto who? Whites who believe they are e ntitled to everything?
Apparently no one since the article doesn’t say that.

This has been a fun thread. Almost as much fun as the thread where the MAGA type decried that sit-com characters were causing him to be an INCEL.
Those Who Swallow Their Pride Will Choke Their Talent

Reward the mentally talented the same way we reward the athletically talented, from childhood on. Instead, the only thing smart kids get is insults and ingratitude. So they become useless escapist nerds, bitter and self-hating, like the Unabomber even before he became a Green terrorist.
A meritocracy would be appreciated , thx Sage.....~S~
Apparently no one since the article doesn’t say that.

This has been a fun thread. Almost as much fun as the thread where the MAGA type decried that sit-com characters were causing him to be an INCEL.
These MAGA types are something. I don't know what to call it without gettimg disciplined so...
These MAGA types are something. I don't know what to call it without gettimg disciplined so...
I’ve almost gotten to the point to where I just chuckle (when I bother to read the post at all).
A meritocracy would be appreciated , thx Sage.....~S~
We have never had a meritocracy and until the damage has been fixed from the white preference system we currently have, we cannot have a meritocracy. If we implemented a meritocracy right now, the inequality created by the white racial preference systenm would remain and it never would be fixed.
I’ve almost gotten to the point to where I just chuckle (when I bother to read the post at all).
I try to laugh, but sometimes the sheer ignorance combined with arrogance just pisses me off.
Realize you're talking to someone passed over for work and loans due to my lily white a** not being dark enough to qualify IM2

Realize that you weren't passed over because of that. And you're talking to a man who has been denied jobs he was more than qualified to do for less qualified whites. How do I know this? Because the jobs I applied for were executive positions that when a hire is made the company sends out press releases. And when I read the releases in the paper, the whites who were hired had less education and experience than I did.

Learn how the law worked. If you think you were passed over it was because the people you were dealing with had continued to discriminate against non whites and were caught in violation. And there is NO business, loan company, or bank in America that can tell you that you were passed over for ANYTHING based on race. If that had happened to you, you would have had the right to sue for racial discrimination. So, try telling that one to someone who doesn't know the law.
And there is NO business, loan company, or bank in America that can tell you that you were passed over for ANYTHING based on race
you're talking to one, and i'm far from alone

. If that had happened to you, you would have had the right to sue for racial discrimination.
when's the last time you saw anyone win a suit against government AA policy 1M2?


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