More proof Americans hate diversity

you're talking to one, and i'm far from alone

when's the last time you saw anyone win a suit against government AA policy 1M2?

I'm taking to you and every white person who has made the claim you made. Don't try making excuses, the law against racial discrimination is plain and so were the guidelines regarding AA. So if anybody told you that yu were passed over because you were white and you didn't document that and file charges, that's your fault. But I doubt if that happened because whites such as yourself tend to blame AA when you can't get what you think you are entitled to.
Don't try making excuses,
I'm telling you the facts IM2

I've spent four decades in construction along with God's biggest misfits getting the job solely due to their ethnicity, which is how any fed project rolls

I'm on multiple jobs now with non english entrants who are sanctioned to stand in line before local citizens, and well greased to do so

bottom line, if you're a white middle aged male in thie country right now, you're the most discriminated entity in this nations history

Because it's disingenuous Mac

Just like all these pseudo racists proliferating the USMB

they could give a sweet sh*t about equality

As you pledge your allegiance to the blob who paid a porn star for sex while married to his third wife you post this?

I do

Trump is a good example of what happens to people who follow corrupt liberal moral standards

Libs mock Christians as Puritans who never enjoy sex and killjoys who dont want anyone else to have fun either

But when you see powerful men and women laid low by practicing lib culture its obvious that hedonism is a lie

Trump’s former life as a liberal is putting him through hell today

And its obvious that God knows whats best for us even if we frequently dont

But as a presidential candidate his previous morals are no worse than the dem competion

And his policies are much better
I do

Trump is a good example of what happens to people who follow corrupt liberal moral standards

Libs mock Christians as Puritans who never enjoy sex and killjoys who dont want anyone else to have fun either

But when you see powerful men and women laid low by practicing lib culture its obvious that hedonism is a lie

Trump’s former life as a liberal is putting him through hell today

And its obvious that God knows whats best for us even if we frequently dont

But as a presidential candidate his previous morals are no worse than the dem competion

And his policies are much better

Its getting deep in here.
My turn.

Here is what the OP says:

He indicates that he would prefer to go back to the 50’s. Do you agree? And do you want to ?

If so, why?

Another question...

The OP says that Americans Hate Diversity.

Do you agree?

Sorry, didn’t see this response.

Do I want to go back to the 50’s? No, because we’ve made many technological and civil advances in the decades since then that have made things better.

I wasn’t alive in the 50’s so I can’t speak from experience, but, from what I understand of that time period, I’ll say this: the 50,s seemed to be a better time, the world has definitely gone down hill since then, as far as society goes. People seemed to be better behaved back then, life was cleaner and simpler, and achieving the American dream seemed to be easier. Was it perfect? Nothing is.

I don’t think Americans hate diversity, as long as that diversity happens organically. It’s when you start trying to engineer diversity that people become less accepting of it.
Realize that you weren't passed over because of that. And you're talking to a man who has been denied jobs he was more than qualified to do for less qualified whites. How do I know this? Because the jobs I applied for were executive positions that when a hire is made the company sends out press releases. And when I read the releases in the paper, the whites who were hired had less education and experience than I did.

Learn how the law worked. If you think you were passed over it was because the people you were dealing with had continued to discriminate against non whites and were caught in violation. And there is NO business, loan company, or bank in America that can tell you that you were passed over for ANYTHING based on race. If that had happened to you, you would have had the right to sue for racial discrimination. So, try telling that one to someone who doesn't know the law.
Allow me to let you benefit from my 35 years in business. A pleasant demeanor aka just being nice will smooth over most problems people encounter in life, because people hire whom they want regardless of the law, and if they like you, you'll get most everything you want. But if you go in with an angry activist attitude, like you're ready to file a lawsuit at the drop of a hat, they won't want to fool with you. Why take that chance? This is human nature, and no law will change that. Intelligent people figure that out.

I once had a tenant applicant whose credit was marginal. Usually, when that happens, I look for other positive things in a person's background to make it work. So I looked at this woman's FB page and saw a lot of angry leftwing activist posts, and so there was no way in hell I was taking a chance on that.
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Another school puts an end to DEI. Maybe going back to the fifties is possible. And libs said it could never happen.

---Amid campus protests nationwide and a push to revise diversity policies at state public universities, the Board of Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Monday to redirect the $2.3 million that funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs toward public safety measures.---


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