Kamala Harris Wowed That Electricity Charging EV Has No Sound or Smell

“There’s no sound or fume,” she gaped. “So for all of us who are used to filling our tank, you usually can smell it, or hear it.”
So...how do I know it's actually working?"
Kammy's behavior was driven mainly by two things:
  1. She really is that clueless about the nature of the world around her! She will never actually charge her own car like a commoner, she will pay some foreign flunkie to do it for her.
  2. She was simply expressing her opinion as a career Washington Insider of how they really see us out in the real world and trying not to scare us dimly lit consumers away from those strange, curious things we call "electrons." See electric car? Electric car is good! Good electric car, good. You buy from China and like.
Lesson 2:
Why do diesel trains use electric motors to power the wheels?

Notice how the dumber they are, the more they always want to test or quiz you on things like some child to prove to you how much they don't know?
He is going to educate us on the efficiency of trains.
Please, I’m dying to hear your defense of antiquated propulsion systems.

Conservatives mocked generators charging electric cars, when that technology is already proven to be more efficient than ICE propulsion.

Most EV owners do not charge via generator. Conservatives are always stepping in their own shit.
God save us all.
Remember when Bush 41 was mocked over 30 years ago for not knowing about grocery scanners? Now we have the next in line to the White House not knowing about electricity.

Oh, oh, it’s magic!

Actually, it’s electricity. Which, to Vice President Kamala Harris, might as well be magic – considering she was recently stymied by how an electric car is able to charge up without making a sound or emitting a smell.

In a publicity stunt meant to push the Biden administration’s green "Build Back Better" agenda, which encourages Americans struggling under higher gas prices to run out and buy $50,000electric vehicles, Harris performed the arduous task of plugging a battery-powered car into a charging station…then stood back and marveled at how the energy was able to go from the station to the vehicle.

“There’s no sound or fume,” she gaped. “So for all of us who are used to filling our tank, you usually can smell it, or hear it.”
So...how do I know it's actually working?"

The attendant then explained, as if to a four-year-old, that there’s a little light bar at the top of the charging station that tells you the vehicle is, in fact, charging.
Democrats know their stupid, so they won't mock her.

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