Hey you liberal freeloaders: Your "free" EV charging stations are being paid for by everyone else

I'm gonna laugh at you when your crappy Chinese-made Smugmobile burns down your shit.

Not that I'm not laughing at you now, Baldy.

I don’t have an EV.

But I do enjoy listening to you people whine about them.
Keep barking circus barker. EV is the wave of the future.
The complainers of EV.

Do you think any of these old guys will be driving much in the next 10 years? I bet half of them are knocking on deaths door anyway.
...and you're going to power all those free charging stations with wind and solar, right Mr. Wizard?

While at the same time, letting the traditional gas and coal fired electrical generating systems fall into disarray, right?

You're gonna look pretty stupid standing there with your pants down around your ankles and your dick in your hand, wondering when or if the electrical blackout ends so you can charge your Chinese-made Smugmobile.


Please explain how gas and coal will "fall into disarray."
That may well be true, but it's not the Utopia future you envision....it's more like this one....

How will that future come about?
When the Wife was in the Banking business they had free charging for their employees.
They actually had the building built to be as green as possible,not that the owners were green,it was about bringing in the lefty idiots.
Turns out people who lived nearby were using the charging station at night for a free charge.
They had to put timers on the stations to put an end to it.
And what did the freeloading enviro wackos do? They vandalized the charging stations.
What, in this story, is the cause of the problem in this scenario?
You really dont know?
Let me spell it out for you. The cause of the problem was enviro nuts stealing.
Is that clear enough for you?
OK, good.

Thought you were gonna say that it was the EV cars.

The bank learned it's lesson, better secure things going forward.

What's the big deal?
Is that the way you got unhinged. Comical your 5th grade comments. Perfect, my ass. You don’t have any idea how decent people live. You would t know the truth from that proverbial hole in the ground.

Decent people don't support the murder of unborn children, turning men into women, grooming children for pedophilia, and women marrying each other, like you do.

You are in way way a "decent" person. How do you even live with yourself?
Another fool grateful that over it's lifetime, an EV does more environmental damage than an equivalent gasoline powered vehicle...and that doesn't even consider the harm due to EV wrecks and fires etc. (x 10,000)

If only you weren't an extreme imbecile <sigh>
You’re making statements with no facts to back it up. I swear some of you go to extremes to make big old fools out of yourself. Care to explain what you stated, and your reasoning?
Decent people don't support the murder of unborn children, turning men into women, grooming children for pedophilia, and women marrying each other, like you do.

You are in way way a "decent" person. How do you even live with yourself?
I live fine by not making personal or religion decisions for someone else. You have no right to infringe on other peoples decisions, but some how you think you have been give certain rights. Wrong. I see you really hold the Constitution in great esteem.
I live fine by not making personal or religion decisions for someone else. You have no right to infringe on other peoples decisions, but some how you think you have been give certain rights. Wrong. I see you really hold the Constitution in great esteem.

But your personal decisions do affect everyone else. Not only for unborn children, but for everyone else as well. I might be going out on a limb here, but I'm assuming you're both a Democrat and a Biden-supporter, right? If that assumption is correct, let me clue you in on what your personal decision was responsible for:

Gasoline at twice the price it was during 2018, a 9.1% inflation rate which is almost 5 times higher than it was in 2019, a recession, retirement accounts losing $3 trillion dollars over the last year, the price of oil jumping up to $130 per barrel, having to beg Saudi Arabia and Venezuela for oil, sporadic shortages on the store shelves, supply line disruptions, a steadily-increasing trade imbalance with China, an increasing epidemic of violent crime and drugs, 2 million more illegals within the last year, more COVID deaths than in 2020, a dishonorable withdrawal from Afghanistan, a weakened military, Iran's nuclear program now having enough nuclear material to build a bomb, a revitalized Russian oil industry, and a major war in Europe that could even go nuclear.

Maybe you should use a little more forethought before making rash personal decisions based on emotions.
OK, good.

Thought you were gonna say that it was the EV cars.

The bank learned it's lesson, better secure things going forward.

What's the big deal?

Whats the big deal?
Vandalizing is a crime thats the big deal....
And the fact that they did secure the charging stations only to have them vandalized by people who can afford a Tesla.
Talk about low class individuals.
You really dont know?
Let me spell it out for you. The cause of the problem was enviro nuts stealing.
Is that clear enough for you?

Environmentalism is simply the camouflaged attempt to ban private property.

. Marxists , in the guise of 'environmentalists,' confiscate private property under the claim of saving species, or of public safety.

"Take the spotted owl case….One of the people instrumental in shutting down the forests told me that ‘if the spotted owl hadn’t existed, we would have had to invent it.’ The goal was to stop logging….It is totally questionable whether owls were endangered by logging. Was it good for the overall health of the forest? Probably not. Was it good for the spotted owl? It probably didn’t make a difference. Did it hurt the overall economies of the West? Yes.”
Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” p.129.

The Communist Manifesto was a war on private property, and, since Liberalism/Progressivism mirror so very many of Marx’s views and endeavors, the current political elites….read ‘Democrats’…view property in the very same way.

“…there are four great blessings that cannot easily be realized in a society that lacks the secure, decentralized, private ownership: liberty, justice, peace, and prosperity….Leon Trotsky long ago pointed out that where there is no private ownership, individuals can be bent to the will of the state”
Bethell, “The Noblest Triumph,” p.9
Environmentalism is simply the camoflaged attempt to ban private property.

. Marxists , in the guise of 'environmentalists,' confiscate private property under the claim of saving species, or of public safety.

"Take the spotted owl case….One of the people instrumental in shutting down the forests told me that ‘if the spotted owl hadn’t existed, we would have had to invent it.’ The goal was to stop logging….It is totally questionable whether owls were endangered by logging. Was it good for the overall health of the forest? Probably not. Was it good for the spotted owl? It probably didn’t make a difference. Did it hurt the overall economies of the West? Yes.”
Nickson, “Eco-Fascists,” p.129.

The Communist Manifesto was a war on private property, and, since Liberalism/Progressivism mirror so very many of Marx’s views and endeavors, the current political elites….read ‘Democrats’…view property in the very same way.

“…there are four great blessings that cannot easily be realized in a society that lacks the secure, decentralized, private ownership: liberty, justice, peace, and prosperity….Leon Trotsky long ago pointed out that where there is no private ownership, individuals can be bent to the will of the state”
Bethell, “The Noblest Triumph,” p.9

The thing that really jumped out for me is these are wealthy people.
Not only are they driving Teslas they live in a very upscale area.
And it costs more per mile to power your electric vehicle than it does to drive my gasoline-powered car.

How the hell is that even fair, you moochers? This is a map of free electric vehicle charging stations across the US. And everyone else is having to pay, just so you can drive your for the most part, crappy Chinese-made Smugmobile.

So can I have free gasoline and diesel too?

PlugShare - EV Charging Station Map - Find a place to charge

View attachment 672481

"A bill under consideration by North Carolina legislators would prohibit building free electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on public property unless they also provide free gasoline and diesel fuel."

North Carolina bill would place restrictions on EV charging stations - Repairer Driven News
Hey you gas guzzling freeloaders, EVERY year, over $10 billion of taxpayer money gets handed to the petroleum industry. And it does NOT cost more per mile to power an EV than an ICE car.
And it costs more per mile to power your electric vehicle than it does to drive my gasoline-powered car.

How the hell is that even fair, you moochers? This is a map of free electric vehicle charging stations across the US. And everyone else is having to pay, just so you can drive your for the most part, crappy Chinese-made Smugmobile.

So can I have free gasoline and diesel too?

PlugShare - EV Charging Station Map - Find a place to charge

View attachment 672481

"A bill under consideration by North Carolina legislators would prohibit building free electric vehicle (EV) charging stations on public property unless they also provide free gasoline and diesel fuel."

North Carolina bill would place restrictions on EV charging stations - Repairer Driven News
Cry harder. 🤣
Hey you gas guzzling freeloaders, EVERY year, over $10 billion of taxpayer money gets handed to the petroleum industry. And it does NOT cost more per mile to power an EV than an ICE car.

Apparently nobody ever taught you what "tax breaks" are. You think tax breaks are revenue that the government has collected from the taxpayers, and being given to corporations.

In reality, corporate tax breaks are the government just allowing those corporations to keep more of that wealth they themselves created.

The real freeloaders are the EV owners who are causing wear and tear on the roads, while not paying their fare share of upkeep. They don't pay gas taxes like everyone else does, so they should be charged a road tax by the mile.
Keep barking circus barker. EV is the wave of the future.
Not likely unless you have a perpetual motion machine. EVs take more resources to build and operate than they save. Nations are strip mined to get the minerals for the batteries and the copper for the motors and wiring. Something will replace ICE cars, but it hasn’t been invented yet.

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