Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln

Harris depends on the historical illiterates that make up her base to not check her story out.
Kamala Harris...... making up shit as she goes along.

I heard what she said. And she was technically correct. Lincoln did say let the People decide. His wish was to wait until AFTER the election. It doesn't matter if Congress was at recess or not. He said it and it went that way just like it's done ever since until now.
President Lincoln sent the nomination to the Senate at the earliest possible time. That was in December because the Senate was out of session until December.

Can you prove me wrong? Or do you just make up history to suit your own narrative. Now it's up to you to prove to me that they were out of session until December. Tag, her it.

Scroll down to 38th Congress. Here is proof that the Senate had adjourned one session on July 4, 1864. The next session did not start until December 5, 1864.

That's one way to make sure a President can't get his pick before an election. But that doesn't stop him from nominating. And Lincoln didn't nominate until AFTER the election regardless. You will counter with, it wouldn't have done him any good. And I will counter with, Lincoln can nominate any time he wishes. Had the Senate wanted it done they would have reconvened early enough to get the job done. Obviously, they agreed with him. The fact remains that the Senate does NOT have to be in session for the President to make the nomination. And there has been many times in history when the nomination didn't happen for as much as a year or more because there were other things to worry about. Or qualified or acceptable candidates weren't found.
There is one thing about politics at play here. Both Republicans and Democrats face this challenge. President Lincoln wanted to keep his coalition together so he would be re-elected.

Well, Duh, There was a Civil War in progress. But the Senate didn't believe it was important enough to get a replacement enough to come back in session AND Lincoln didn't thing it was that important to force the action. And, yes, a President can force the issue if he feels the need and wants to alienate his supporters.
Civil War is over, Sport.

This is 2020, and Trump is getting another Justice on the SC. Deal with it.
I personally feel that people who are going to vote should be engaged enough to look it up themselves. Anyone who's dumb enough to just take politicians at face value has no business voting.

Unfortunately true, C, however the reality is that if you look at the millions spent on advertising, you will readily see the vast majority can't be bothered, are much too wrapped up in their own daily lives and almost find elections a nuisance they don't deal with until election day and go by superficial impressions and feelings. If you don't deliver the facts to them on a silver platter, you are leaving it up to a crap shoot with whoever spends the most on ads wins.

Oh, I know. The nation is filled with oblivious monkeys who think they're doing some great civil service and favor to the country by shambling down to a polling place once every four years and marking a ballot for someone they haven't bothered to know jack shit about. Now they resent even that paltry effort, like we're supposed to be so desperately grateful for their uninformed, thoughtless input that we should fan them with palm fronds and bring in the ballot on a silver platter while congratulating them on what a patriotic sacrifice they're making to improve the world.

I am neither impressed nor amused.
Kamala Harris’s Dishonesty on Abe Lincoln

8 Oct 2020 ~ By Dan McLaughlin

Lincoln, of course, said no such thing. He sent no nominee to the Senate in October 1864 because the Senate was out of session until December. He sent a nominee the day after the session began, and Salmon P. Chase was confirmed the same day. And Lincoln wanted to dangle the nomination before Chase and several other potential candidates because he wanted them to campaign for him. Lincoln’s priority was winning the election, which was necessary to win the war — and he filled the vacancy at the first possible instant.
Kamala Harris is simply inventing history.

Fact: Salmon P. Chase was nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court by Abraham Lincoln on Dec. 6, 1864 and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on the same day.
Her story as usual was Bovine Scat just like everything else that came out of Kamala's mouth tonight.
Like all Pogressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, both China Joe and round heeled Kamala have an utter lack of integrity and remorseless dishonesty.


Kamala said, " You respect the people when they tell you the Truth." Well Kamala you did not tell the truth during the Debate.
I await the Leftists on this board to dispute the above facts....

It’s cool, people have been making up Lincoln quotes since the evening his administration came to it’s abrupt end.
I wonder how the Lincoln ancestors feel about that whoring filth lying about their patriarch.... that's the equivalent of a motel cleaning woman slandering their name.... that's got to be hard to stomach.
I wonder how the Lincoln ancestors feel about that whoring filth lying about their patriarch.... that's the equivalent of a motel cleaning woman slandering their name.... that's got to be hard to stomach.

Nowhere near as poorly as you Party of the Rumpers claiming to be the Party of Lincoln.

Leave it to you to say Republican does not equal Republican.

Fucking idiot.
I wonder how the Lincoln ancestors feel about that whoring filth lying about their patriarch.... that's the equivalent of a motel cleaning woman slandering their name.... that's got to be hard to stomach.

Nowhere near as poorly as you Party of the Rumpers claiming to be the Party of Lincoln.

Leave it to you to say Republican does not equal Republican.

Fucking idiot.

No, I said that the Party of the Rumpsters are NOT Republicans.
I wonder how the Lincoln ancestors feel about that whoring filth lying about their patriarch.... that's the equivalent of a motel cleaning woman slandering their name.... that's got to be hard to stomach.

Nowhere near as poorly as you Party of the Rumpers claiming to be the Party of Lincoln.

Leave it to you to say Republican does not equal Republican.

Fucking idiot.

No, I said that the Party of the Rumpsters are NOT Republicans.
Au contraire! The party of Donald Trump is the epitome of Republicanism.
I wonder how the Lincoln ancestors feel about that whoring filth lying about their patriarch.... that's the equivalent of a motel cleaning woman slandering their name.... that's got to be hard to stomach.

Nowhere near as poorly as you Party of the Rumpers claiming to be the Party of Lincoln.

Leave it to you to say Republican does not equal Republican.

Fucking idiot.

No, I said that the Party of the Rumpsters are NOT Republicans.
Au contraire! The party of Donald Trump is the epitome of Republicanism.

Like Mussolini was the epitome of Democracy.
no lies just truths. Democrats are liars including stinking Harris.
But more likely the "new" SC will just relegislate issues. It could give the dems a new issue for senate races.
Courts don't legislate or re-legislate, you silly doofus, but that is how Dems like to roll.
Oh the gop SC relegislated civil rights you ignorant jerk, but roll with it. It's what happens from both sides. If they can't legislate, they pack the courts with those of their own ideologies. Or in both FDR and Lincolns case, they bluster and eventually get to nominate like minded justices. It's the same happening now.
But more likely the "new" SC will just relegislate issues. It could give the dems a new issue for senate races.
Courts don't legislate or re-legislate, you silly doofus, but that is how Dems like to roll.
Oh the gop SC relegislated civil rights you ignorant jerk, but roll with it. It's what happens from both sides. If they can't legislate, they pack the courts with those of their own ideologies. Or in both FDR and Lincolns case, they bluster and eventually get to nominate like minded justices. It's the same happening now.

Actually, the number of Justices hasn't changed since 1868, so piss off with that "both sides pack the court to get their way" bullshit. We're all aware that you leftists want to try to smokescreen your power grab via illiterate ignorance - ie. "We're too stupid to know what the term really means, so we'll throw tantrums about an interpretation that's complete crap" - and it ain't happening.
But more likely the "new" SC will just relegislate issues. It could give the dems a new issue for senate races.
Courts don't legislate or re-legislate, you silly doofus, but that is how Dems like to roll.
Oh the gop SC relegislated civil rights you ignorant jerk, but roll with it. It's what happens from both sides. If they can't legislate, they pack the courts with those of their own ideologies. Or in both FDR and Lincolns case, they bluster and eventually get to nominate like minded justices. It's the same happening now.
Republicans talk about judicial philosophy regarding SCOTUS justices, while you Dimocrats talk about how you think the justice will rule on specific policies.

so, no, it is not a moral equivalency, you Dimocrats are fucking up our courts with nitwit ideologues instead of good judges and it shows.
But more likely the "new" SC will just relegislate issues. It could give the dems a new issue for senate races.
Courts don't legislate or re-legislate, you silly doofus, but that is how Dems like to roll.
Oh the gop SC relegislated civil rights you ignorant jerk, but roll with it. It's what happens from both sides. If they can't legislate, they pack the courts with those of their own ideologies. Or in both FDR and Lincolns case, they bluster and eventually get to nominate like minded justices. It's the same happening now.
Republicans talk about judicial philosophy regarding SCOTUS justices, while you Dimocrats talk about how you think the justice will rule on specific policies.

so, no, it is not a moral equivalency, you Dimocrats are fucking up our courts with nitwit ideologues instead of good judges and it shows.
Stick your knife up your ass, asshole. I'm no more dem than you are a trump cum sucker …. although......
watch the name calling, cumface
But more likely the "new" SC will just relegislate issues. It could give the dems a new issue for senate races.
Courts don't legislate or re-legislate, you silly doofus, but that is how Dems like to roll.
Oh the gop SC relegislated civil rights you ignorant jerk, but roll with it. It's what happens from both sides. If they can't legislate, they pack the courts with those of their own ideologies. Or in both FDR and Lincolns case, they bluster and eventually get to nominate like minded justices. It's the same happening now.

Actually, the number of Justices hasn't changed since 1868, so piss off with that "both sides pack the court to get their way" bullshit. We're all aware that you leftists want to try to smokescreen your power grab via illiterate ignorance - ie. "We're too stupid to know what the term really means, so we'll throw tantrums about an interpretation that's complete crap" - and it ain't happening.

The rtwingnutjobs seem to think that the "Other Side" will add justices if they get the chance. And the Left isn't bring that up because it's BS. Meanwhile, the Right is trying (and being successful) in packing the Justices with rtwing justices. But the problem with that is, they aren't getting the results that they demand. It seems the mini bootcamp the Justices go through turns them into constitutional judges.

I don't see trying to fix something that isn't broke. So both sides need to stop the scare tactics. The judge that is being considered is quite qualified and Justice Roberts will finish the job just fine.
on CNN's Chris Cuomo show, Cory Booker repeated the Abe lie, dodged the question on packing the courts, although Cuomo kept pressing him to give an answer. he also says he's tired of his party losing all the time

"i'm focused on winning", he bellowed
Stick your knife up your ass, asshole. I'm no more dem than you are a trump cum sucker …. although......
watch the name calling, cumface
I didnt call you 'a name', doofus, I merely called you a Dimocrat because you keep defending their stupidity.

On second thought, I can see the magnitude of the offense.

But since you walk, talk and smell like a Dim, too damn bad, twinkle toes, lol.

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