Kamala hates America

Addressing crime and other mundane problems is distasteful to Democrats and is beneath them. They think on a grander scale.
Running on racial hate and Orange man hate is literally what they have built the DNC on. Sad.
At least according to one of her Tweets

This is what she Tweeted

“The truth is: There is segregation in America. Xenophobia exists in America. Antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, all exist. Wherever injustice is dealt with, there is activity ahead.”

Not to worry, Twitter did not censor her hate speech towards America.

But can we argue with what she said about the country that elected her and the rest of her racist democrat friends who seem to hate black people so much?

She may be on to something here...........................

“The truth is: There is segregation in America. Xenophobia exists in America. Antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, all exist.

Kamala Harris and her fellow racist, anti-semitic shitbags in the DemoKKKrat party are responsible for much of that. Her party has four Holocaust deniers in Congress. Her party kept a KKK member in the governor's mansion in Virginia for 8 years. Her party funded domestic terrorism in 2020. Her party presided over the worst race relations in American history. Her party elected a man who said he didn't want his kids growing up in a "jungle" full of black people. A man she herself called a racist, who she now works for.

She's scum.
“The truth is: There is segregation in America. Xenophobia exists in America. Antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, all exist.

Kamala Harris and her fellow racist, anti-semitic shitbags in the DemoKKKrat party are responsible for much of that. Her party has four Holocaust deniers in Congress. Her party kept a KKK member in the governor's mansion in Virginia for 8 years. Her party funded domestic terrorism in 2020. Her party presided over the worst race relations in American history. Her party elected a man who said he didn't want his kids growing up in a "jungle" full of black people. A man she herself called a racist, who she now works for.

She's scum.
This is why democrats are trying to destroy America. They would much prefer if China or Putin took over.
Answer the question dingleberry. You think this is systemic and most of American, don't you, just like Kamala. In fact, you think America is far worse than any place in the world.
If I was anything like the horrid person you have manufactured in your mind, I would hate and fear me too.
Everyone knows that in the West all people are treated better than anywhere else in the world. The only people singled out and discriminated against are white men and boys.
yes-----even the POTUS blatantly denigrates whites and cops. Blacks/etc constantly blatantly denigrate whites .
Kamala seems to think it is just America, or else why would she single out America?

And she and her democrat friends would make us believe it is systemic, more so than other countries, making the US worse than the rest of the world. In fact, I bet you believe that as well, don't you.
You people hate America and show it every day.
Everyone knows that in the West all people are treated better than anywhere else in the world. The only people singled out and discriminated against are white men and boys.
It gets worse. Many of the "singleouters' are 'progressive' white women.
American leaders should not be going around the world apologizing for and denigrating US. What good comes from that other than giving other countries and the world collective a hand in using against US. Carter, Obama, Kerry, Harris, and even Clinton to a point fit this persona.

Give me a Reagan, W.Bush, Cheney, or a Trump who will go to the rest of the World and as them to pay their fair share after all we have done.

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