Kamala just said "price-gauging"

It is only realistic to acknowledge that the two reigning parties impose their choices on the electorate. Trump and Harris both are forced upon us, with no alternative genuinely possible given the limp potential for Americans to rebel. The dictatorship of binary politics called "two party" subverts the Constitution and any idea of "original intent".
Got it. You don't like the way our constitution set up our election system. Perhaps you can convince your representatives to change that. Let me know how that works out for you.
No. I really like Harris, but I gotta admit disgust with your orange Jesus is the main thing that determines my vote. There are millions of us.
Wow, it's a good thing we don't have any of those around, they sound scary.
Wow, it's a good thing we don't have any of those around, they sound scary.
I'm sure you don't see many inside your MAGA, Proud Boys bubble. You should venture out into the real world occasionally.
I'm sure you don't see many inside your MAGA, Proud Boys bubble. You should venture out into the real world occasionally.
Oh, I have, and no one anywhere has ever been able to produce photographic evidence of an "orange Jesus". Some intrepid and odd-looking cretins claim to have seen one, but just like Bigfoot, can never prove it. They don't even have orange footprints to show. Now, I've seen some that claim "orange Jesus" likes oranges because they put oranges outside by the outhouse and in the morning they're gone. Quite odd how these myths get started and gain strength.

And who are these "Proud Boys"? Never seen any of them around these parts. Heard tell there may have been a sighting or two up yonder in the big city, but nobody takes those accounts serious.
Hating half the country over a voting preference is stupid. Focus on the flaws of the politicians not the voters.
Well, how many heard about this?

If Trump had said "price gauging" instead of 'price gouging' you know the MSM would have been all over it.

And we would have had at least three threads started about it by now, at least one saying he's demented.


Maybe that what happened in Feb 22? Instead of offering Ukraine to join NATO, she meant to say Playdoh?
Got it. You don't like the way our constitution set up our election system. Perhaps you can convince your representatives to change that. Let me know how that works out for you.
Again, you are responding to other than what the post said.
Food shortages?
Civil Wars for food?
Districts fighting for food like the Hunger Games?


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