Kamala Was Made ‘Rural Broadband Czar’ Overseeing $42bn Program That Has Yet to Connect Anyone to Internet.


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
These are long term projects not quick fixes

Connecting rural homes to the internet is a lot more difficult than running a wire to the nearest Telephone Pole
Quick question

What have Republicans done for our nations infrastructure other than vote against funding?
I have to laugh at Republicans who almost universally voted against the infrastructure bill who then complain…..

<sob> What is taking so long?
That's nothing --

$7.5 Billion in Government Cash Only Built 8 E.V. Chargers in 2.5 Years​

While the private sector builds hundreds of public chargers, the government spends billions of dollars for just a handful of charging stations.​

And lettuce not even get started on the Space program that Musk can do for BILLIONS less than the goobermint. Plus the fact that Boeing's Starliner is still stuck, broke-down, in space. I think Elon is sending a rescu rocket, though. Not sure. This is from memory

dimocraps are thieving scum. That's from memory, too
Bitch at the broadband companies and ask them to install it in rural low density areas.

I bet they tell you to go fly a kite.
Bitch at the broadband companies and ask them to install it in rural low density areas.

I bet they tell you to go fly a kite.
That is the key
Private companies will not install rural infrastructure

Biden must first build an internet infrastructure backbone before homes can start connecting to it
The Broadband Credit is GONE! There is no more credit. It started at $50 and went to $30 and the Gov'mint ran out of money. How about they stop sending money to Ukraine and FUND the Federal Connectivity Broadband Credit?
The Broadband Credit is GONE! There is no more credit. It started at $50 and went to $30 and the Gov'mint ran out of money. How about they stop sending money to Ukraine and FUND the Federal Connectivity Broadband Credit?
dimocrap scum would still steal the money. You could cut off ALL aid to Ukraine and they'd find a way to steal our money.

It's what they do.

Republicans aren't above stealing money, too. But they're not as bad as dimocrap scum. NOTHING, and nobody is as bad as dimocrap scum. At anything. Everything they touch turns to shit.

At least with thieving Republicans you get something for your money.
Even with a subsidy the telecom's don't see a big enough profit.
That is why the Nanny State has to step in and provide internet for rural America

Just like they did for electricity, phone and paved roads

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